Kent Hovind Since Sept 2013

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Re: Kent Hovind Since Sept 2013

Post by Famspear »

Samphire wrote:Maury,

The recent focus has concentrated on the structuring matter so I've lost track of what the sentencing was on the withholding issues detailed in the first 12 charges. I cannot now find any record of the sentencing....
From the Judgment in Hovind's case, in January of 2007, this appears to be the gist:

On counts 1 through 12 (willful failure to collect, account for or pay federal withholding taxes, etc., under 26 USC 7202), the sentence was 60 months for each count, all to run concurrently.

On counts 13 through 56 (structuring under 31 USC 5324(a)(3) and various other statutes), the sentence was 60 months for each count, all to run concurrently with counts 1 through 12.

On count 57 (another structuring count), the sentence was 60 months, to run consecutively to counts 1 through 56.

On count 58 (obstruction of justice, endeavoring to obstruct and impede, etc., under 26 USC 7212(a)), the sentence was 36 months, to run concurrently with counts 1 through 56.

So, in summary, a 120 month sentence: 60 months + 60 months. Essentially, the prison term for counts 1 through 56 and for count 58 run concurrently with each other. Unfortunately for Mr. Hovind, the 60 month prison term for count 57 does not start to run until after the 60 months are deemed to have expired for counts 1 through 56 (and for count 58). So, he ended up with a 120 month sentence.

However, under the rules, my understanding is that the prisoner can get out of the prison after serving 85% of his sentence. So, if the prison is a good little boy, a 120 month sentence might turn out to result in 102 months of actual incarceration.

I don't know off the top of my head what date Kent Hovind is deemed to have begun serving his time, but the Federal Bureau of Prisons currently projects his release date as being August 10, 2015. Of course, that could change if he is convicted on the new charges.
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Re: Kent Hovind Since Sept 2013

Post by Paths of the Sea »

Paths of the Sea wrote:
A Thanksgiving interview with Kent Hovind with his sympathizers at God's Property Radio: ... 7_14-08_00
They start talking about me around 25:00.

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Re: Kent Hovind Since Sept 2013

Post by Paths of the Sea »

Samphire wrote:

I cannot now find any record of the sentencing and the legal documents on 2Peter3 seem to be restricted to those served by Kent rather than giving the overall picture.

Can you help?
Possibly so. I have lots of stuff and do recall the sentencing report being among my files somewhere.

In summary:

Counts 1-56 : 5 years
Count 57 : 5 years
Count 58 : 3 years (concurrent)

Send me a private email and which documents you might specifically be interested in and I will try to send you the document if I can find it.

I think I have your email address somewhere but cannot remember how it might be filed.

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Re: Kent Hovind Since Sept 2013

Post by Paths of the Sea »

Another vindication for my preference that negotiations regarding such productions as the Hovind - Reilly Interview be conducted publicly!


From: Sam Swanson
Date: Friday, November 28, 2014
Link: ... 7_14-08_00

(W)ith this whole Peter Reilly debate thing or,
or, talk that we were going to issue for you and
him, Peter has backed off, but it sounds like he
has got somebody, in quotations, a friend to
talk to you instead of himself.

So he (Peter J. Reilly) can't step up.


From: Peter J. Reilly
Date: Friday, November 28, 2014
Time: About 3:30 PM MT
Link: ... nref=story

They (Dan & Sam of "God's Property Radio)
were the ones who backed off.


From: Robert Baty
Date: Friday, November 28, 2014
Time: About 3:55 PM MT

Some may remember what Dan & Sam of God's Property Radio actually posted regarding their challenge to Peter: ... 0_03-08_00

(excerpts from text introducing the broadcast)

God’s Property Radio is also issuing a counter-challenge
to Peter J. Reilly of Forbes to talk to Hovind himself and
give Kent a chance to talk to him man to man.

GPR will either come record the conversation or have
someone else come meet Mr. Reilly with recording gear
to record the discussion and then upload it on the spot
un-edited to be fair.

In fact we will even put money in an account so Peter J.
Reilly does not have to pay for the Call and will attache
his phone number to the account so that he does not
have any excuses not to talk to Hovind himself.

Surely someone who has the guts to slam someone in
Articles Daily has the guts to let Kent explain himself to

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Re: Kent Hovind Since Sept 2013

Post by Samphire »


Thanks for the info. That's all I wanted to know.

I've listened to the current interview and hasn't Kent got it in for you? "A legend in his own mind". But, then, aren't we all?
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Re: Kent Hovind Since Sept 2013

Post by Samphire »

Hi, Robert,

I don't do Facebook.
Robert Baty wrote something and they sent
- it to me...50 some people had read his blog...
- He's an IRS blogger...Exactly what is an IRS
- blogger, what...certificate...what allows me
- to be an IRS blogger...and if only 50 people
- are following it anyway, it's probably not
- worth it to answer him, but I gave an answer
- to his questions and I think he felt kind of
- embarassed and stupid and he should have
- because his comments were embarrassing
- and stupid, but if he has something intelligent
- to say then I'll be glad to answer.
Then answer Robert’s proposition, Kent.
Kent Hovind:

- Answer a fool according to his folly.
Robert, I’m confused. Is it you or Kent who is in prison for 10 years?

- Well, this is the only way Robert Baty is ever
- going to get anybody to listen to him on any
- topic I suspect.
Kent, it’s a shame you didn’t contact Robert for free competent tax advice 15 years ago rather than go through the pantomime of seeking expensive faux advice from that bunch of crooks whose nonsensical tax protestor views you had already come to know of through Richard Mooneyhan. The only reason you sought their ridiculous advice in writing was to show to the court that you had acted in good faith and were genuinely confused over your tax obligations. But the court was not fooled by such artificiality.
If you take out $9,900.00 that is not evading or avoiding.
- Now, if you do it twice in one day with the purpose of
- avoiding or evading the reporting requirement, that might
- be against the law.
- But I never did that. Our transactions were 12 days apart.
That’s not what the trial judge or the appeal court said. Jo took out $7,500 twice a day on a number of occasions either side of the 2.00 pm bank reporting cut-off time and there were also further occasions when she took out cash more than once a week which totalled over $10,000. Kent, the facts and the jury say you evaded and not avoided bank reporting requirements.

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Re: Kent Hovind Since Sept 2013

Post by Samphire »

In 1996 a judge in the Bankruptcy Court accuses Kent of having lied, lying and intending to continue lying:
In the face of all of the foregoing, the debtor apparently maintains that as a minister of God everything he owns belongs to God and he is not subject to paying taxes to the United States on the money he receives for doing God's work. While in his correspondence to the IRS he denies being a tax protester, the evidence overwhelmingly establishes otherwise.

At the hearing on this motion, debtor's counsel represented to the court that the debtor was now ready to do everything which was required of him to comply with the Bankruptcy Code and the Internal Revenue Code including the filing of tax returns and payment to the trustee in accordance with the plan filed immediately prior to the hearing.

However, the debtor himself never took the stand during the hearing to testify to that nor has he ever filed any amended schedules and statement of affairs to reflect his true financial status. Given this debtor's history and the documentary evidence presented, I cannot find that this debtor has any intention of complying with the Bankruptcy Code nor with the Internal Revenue Code.

Ten years later Judge Casey Rogers and the Appeal Court get the law wrong (according to Kent):
The Hovinds argue that each of the structuring counts fails to state an offense
because each count fails to allege that the Hovinds structured an amount that
exceeded $10,000 and, without this allegation, the indictments were defective. The
Hovinds contend that the language used in the financial reporting statute did not
suggest that structuring could involve a cash transaction of less than $10,000.

These arguments ignore the plain language of the statute and our interpretation of
it. A person is prohibited from “structur[ing] . . . any transaction” to “evad[e] the
reporting requirements[,]” 31 U.S.C. § 5324(a)(3), of domestic financial institutions. Those reporting requirements are activated upon the “payment, receipt, or transfer of United States coins or currency[,]” 31 U.S.C. § 5313(a), “of more than $10,000.” 31 C.F.R. § 103.22(b).

In other words, section 5324(a)(3) forbids a person from transacting in amounts less than $10,000 to avoid detection by and reporting of the transactions by a financial institution. United States v. Phipps, 81 F.3d 1056, 1060–61 (11th Cir. 1996).

That interpretation is also consistent with the intent of Congress for the structuring provision to “operate[] ‘without regard for whether an individual transaction is, itself, reportable . . . .’” Id. at 1061 (quoting S. Rep. No. 433, 99th Cong., 2d Sess. 22 (1986)). Because a cash transaction does not have to equal or exceed $10,000 to constitute a structuring offense, the district court did not err by denying the Hovinds’ motion to dismiss.
A year ago on Quatloos I accused a born-again Kent of having started out lying from at least the age of 18:
Tim only made it to about #178 when he found "the right one" but I was at #299 and going strong.
So, in a school of some 1,000 girls aged between 11 and 18 (average age of 14.5 years and a great many of them from already church-going christian families) Kent managed to date nearly 1/3rd of them all within (according to a previous rendition of the same story) eighteen months which reduces to 17 girls a month or a new one every couple of days. That's very, very weird - unless he is counting all those girls who told him to get lost.
where we would see who could date the most girls and use our dating life to bring them to church....
which implies he would take up to 3 girls to church a week on the same date. Wow! - as Eric would say. Was this a Mormon church?
Perhaps Dan and Sam should start to read Quatloos before they continue to risk their radio show's credibility.
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Re: Kent Hovind Since Sept 2013

Post by wserra »

Samphire wrote:Perhaps Dan and Sam should start to read Quatloos before they continue to risk their radio show's credibility.
The subjects they list as covered by their 15-follower podcast "radio show":
False Flag Attacks, The Monetary System, Corporate Personhood, Political Conspiracies, Occult Symbolism, Nanotechnology, Trans-Humanism, UFO’s, Geo Engineering, Vaccines, Genetically Modified Organisms, De-Population, Zionism, Creationism, Homeschooling, Freemasonry, Ancient Pyramids, Babylonian Mystery Religions, The New Age Movement, The Nephilim, Demon Possession or Fascist Oligopolies
What credibility was that again?
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Re: Kent Hovind Since Sept 2013

Post by Paths of the Sea »

Samphire wrote:
Then answer Robert’s proposition, Kent.
In light of Dan's & Sam's and Ernie's recent challenges and Kent's continuing evasions, I thought it only appropriate that I note my outstanding challenge!


Proposition for Discussion

Withdrawing less than $10,000 in a single transaction
with the intent to evade bank reporting requirements
is a violation of the law and regulations and was at
the time of the Hovind withdrawals in question and
was the legal standard used to convict Kent Hovind
of “structuring”.

Robert Baty - Affirm
Latest Date Affirmed - Friday, November 28, 2014

Kent Hovind - Deny
Latest Date Denied - Thursday, November 27, 2014


Let Kent's supporters seek high and low and find themselves a champion to come out to me for an open, honest, reasoned and reasonable discussion of the above proposition and the "structuring" issue which forms an important part of the Hovind cases.

Let Kent even agree to come out to me if you can.

Upon the finding of a champion to represent Kent's denial or Kent's agreement to come out to me, we can begin the negotiations as to how to produce the proposed discussion so as to maximize its usefulness in the context of Kent's "evolving" legal problems.

Robert Baty

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Re: Kent Hovind Since Sept 2013

Post by notorial dissent »

I have to concur with WES on the credibility issue, there isn't one, they have none.

Kent is as they say all sizzle and no steak, talks a very great deal, much too much to my taste, and never says anything.

Kent will never really speak about this to anyone, if only on the legal issues he could face, but since he has invested his ego in a contrarion point he will not change that in any event, at least not until it benefits him somehow.

And, when all else is said and done it comes back down to the basic fact, that at any given point and time Kent is a lying liar. If that is accepted as a base point then there is no point in going further.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: Kent Hovind Since Sept 2013

Post by Samphire »

I have to concur with WES on the credibility issue, there isn't one, they have none.
Having now seen that list I have to agree that there are one or two items on it which suggest that Dan and Sam may have been home-schooled, the remainder of them perhaps signalling that the two chums haven't been schooled at all.
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Re: Wanna buy a house? (It only gets worse)

Post by Paths of the Sea »

They may lose on the merits, like they all do, but they win, win, win when it comes to causing a waste of government resources.

I haven't tried to keep up with what the Browns might be up to while in custody, but Kent Hovind continues to rally his troops to waste as many government resources as possible; including, but not limited to, filing multiple FOIA requests and flooding elected officials with requests to investigate the Hovind case.

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Re: Kent Hovind Since Sept 2013

Post by Paths of the Sea »

I just noticed that Ernie Land, yesterday, posted the following message to one of Peter's blog articles:

http://activepassivitiesandothermoronic ... ovind.html

From: Ernie Land
Date: Friday, November 28, 2014
Time: 12:46 PM

I, Ernie land, would be willing to produce a program,
as long as excerpts of what I say can be reviewed
before the release.

I do not wants bits and pieces to be said to make
for a incorrect view on what I say.

Yes, I do believe in the ultimate conspiracy that is
guided by Satan and all kinds of societies are being
used for that purpose.

If anyone chooses to look into facts on the theories
being exposed by Kent and if they will spend proper
time to do their true due diligence they will come to
the same conclusions Kent exposes in his debates.

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Re: Kent Hovind Since Sept 2013

Post by Paths of the Sea »

Next installment of Hovind "media" blitz; just broadcast: ...

Starts right in with Kent Hovind talkin' about what is going on, what he hopes for, and a bunch of alleged new stuff to get him off the hook.

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Re: Kent Hovind Since Sept 2013

Post by grixit »

Hmm, it also says that Hovind recently changed one of his doctrinal beliefs. He used to be pre-trib, now he's post-trib. Watch it, Kent, people will think you've been evolving!
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10 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
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Re: Kent Hovind Since Sept 2013

Post by notorial dissent »

Or looking for a new grift.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: Kent Hovind Since Sept 2013

Post by Samphire »

From a man who hasn't been able to sort out his own affairs after 8 years and 3 weeks in prison, at 0:8:15:
Put me before Congress I could solve a whole lot of America’s problems in about 10 minutes.
Then, at 0:8:45 he goes on to discuss his case:
My charges - there were 3 charges in my case. One was not withholding taxes from employees. Well, we don’t have any employees.
Then, at 1:23:0:
I don’t know how You Tube works. I’ve never seen You Tube. I’ve been locked up 8 years but I guess you just go to You Tube and type in my name …….That’s a scary thought
A very scary thought for Kent if he goes to:

where he can hear himself boast at 7:15 as to the size of his commercial organisation compared to other creationist businesses:
We have employees, I don’t know whether you want to measure it that way, 38, I don’t know.
The video was made in September 2003, 3 years before his trial.

But back to the current interview. At 1:47:0 Kent prays:
Lord, provide the right people to give legal advice.

What sort of God provides Ernie Land, Gea Ambrosia, Alex Mathews and Paul Hansen as legal advisers when America, which has more lawyers than any other nation on earth, is capable of supplying many thousands of competent lawyers each of whom is able to advise Kent in the proper interpretation of the tax laws?

Somewhere in the middle of all the junk Kent also expresses a sincere wish to stone disobedient children.
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Re: Kent Hovind Since Sept 2013

Post by notorial dissent »

Ah, yes, Kent Hovind, all round wonderful human being.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: Kent Hovind Since Sept 2013

Post by Samphire »

From my previous post:
is capable of supplying many thousands of competent lawyers each of whom is able to advise Kent in the proper interpretation of the tax laws
The irony being that towards the end of his interview Kent mentions that he won't buy an impecunious fellow inmate coffee unless the person first performs some small service in exchange such as learning a text or two from the bible, quoting "a labourer is worthy of his hire" etc. And yet Kent won't help himself by doing the small work of obtaining proper, qualified legal advice.

As my fundamentalist but pragmatic mother used to say of visiting evangelists: "They tell me that God will provide. But why does He always do it by putting His hand in my pocket?".
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Re: Kent Hovind Since Sept 2013

Post by Paths of the Sea »

Samphire wrote:
And yet Kent won't help himself by doing the small
work of obtaining proper, qualified legal advice.
I would like to see the trial go forward in January and for Kent to take the stand.

However, it seems like he is posturing to withdraw that commitment.

He keeps harping on "jury nullification", but he may not be up to trusting in that to help him beat the rap.

Besides his public defender, there are most assuredly qualified criminal defense attorneys in Pensacola who would gladly take the case. After all, they all say that everyone is entitled to a vigorous defense and that is what criminal defense attorneys are paid to do.

Activists attorneys amongst the religious community don't appear to want to risk their public image over trying to defend Hovind as if he had "a cause" worthy of their interest.

Alas, as so often before, Kent is not looking for qualified counsel but sovereign citizen approved counsel. And those counsel may not be up to it because they would still be putting themselves at considerable risk for sanctions if they did what Hovind wanted them to do.

And so the show goes on!

Hovind is setting himself up for an insanity defense.
The prosecution is enjoying the interviews as Hovind hangs himself.

And it appears Paul John Hansen who is reported to be in transit to Florida may have simply disappeared; perhaps he'll be arraigned this week in Pensacola and the judge will tell Paul what he thinks about his habeous corpus challenge to jurisdiction.

Maury Enthusiast!