Dean Clifford - A Tale of Two Gurus

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Re: Dean Clifford - A Tale of Two Gurus

Post by littleFred »

Back in the day, I watched a few Dean videos. It seemed to me that he was above all else a Dean-supremacist. He displayed utter contempt not only for those who opposed him, but even for anyone who dared to ask any questions. His own utterances and opinions were the only valid ones, the only ones worth anything. He always seemed angry, on those videos, in those days. Mostly angry at government and utilities, but also at stupid people for allowing all the bad stuff to happen.

After a year in jail, I don't suppose his attitude has moderated. Dean is always right and everyone else is wrong.

If SovCits are white (or other colour) supremacists, that doesn't seem a primary characteristic. I'd say it arises from a massive over-confidence that they are supreme (eg Karl Lenz, "Create your own court, create your own law"). Clearly, any court that ignores the guru's clear explanation of the LAW is not merely passively mistaken but actively corrupt.

Assertions of corruption are defence mechanisms. The guru can still be correct in the face of overwhelming evidence.

Edit: I must learn to spell the man's name correctly: Karl Lentz, with a "T".
Last edited by littleFred on Tue Nov 25, 2014 8:56 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Dean Clifford - A Tale of Two Gurus

Post by notorial dissent »

When you hate that much, and that hard, and that irrationally, it isn't much of a stretch to go from things to people. When your manifest failures are all someone elses fault it is easy to become that kind of a hater. Dean has always, it seems, taken the easy road.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: Dean Clifford - A Tale of Two Gurus

Post by Hyrion »

notorial dissent wrote:Dean has always, it seems, taken the easy road.
Too bad more people didn't realize that "easy road" consists of a factor that has a material impact on the end result. The factor is that to take that "easy road" one must:
  • refuse to take responsibility for ones choices
Sadly, that "easy road" has the reality of being very, very hard on the individual. Much harder then if s/he had taken responsibility for their choices and selected a different path that they could accept the consequences of.

An illusion that leads - in philosophical effect - to one destroying oneself.
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Re: Dean Clifford - A Tale of Two Gurus

Post by erwalkerca »

Arthur Rubin wrote:Can't say I think much of the size of the images. I had to magnify to about 200% to read them.
If you click on one of them, it expands to a size that is quite easy to read. To close just click on the white "[X] in the upper right corner. No need to use the "zoom in" function of your browser. You can do that for each email image.
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Re: Dean Clifford - A Tale of Two Gurus

Post by Fussygus »

notorial dissent wrote:When you hate that much, and that hard, and that irrationally, it isn't much of a stretch to go from things to people. When your manifest failures are all someone elses fault it is easy to become that kind of a hater.
This statement hits the nail on the head about what keeps people from making sound decisions. This attitude of revenge is highly publicized in out society through media which gives answers without any concern for thoughtful analysis. One is bombarded with things that may or may not be skewed or based on a specific purpose. We are trained monkeys that don't stop long enough to see what is presented and properly consider whether it is BS or not. Or should I say WE ourselves submit more to what is presented than are really trained per sa.

Dean is just a function of a society bent on being right. A society that glorifies the unique and extreme. He is simply doing what he has learned to do through the years. He like, many of us, "flips the bird" to anyone who cuts us off in traffic as a reaction without giving any thought about the circumstances (A**hole is the immediate thought). We don't consider that maybe they didn't see us? Maybe they were swerving to avoid a cat or dog we didn't see? Maybe it was and old lady and she just sneezed?

We don't take the time to consider things before we react, we want the answer without doing the work of thinking about what the answer should be. We want to "google" the answer and have a propensity to accept the one that most imitates what we had for a preconceived thought. The one that confirms the answer that works for us.

Dean has invested his life in what he believes and it appears no amount of logic will convince him that he was wrong. The prospect of being wrong and having to face all those people that believed in him is too painful to his ego. Dean doesn't want to give proper thought to whether his answer is right, because doing so is too difficult and he like many are too lazy.

It is easy to be angry (asshole cut me off) as opposed to trusting (they must not have seen me) but there are far less happy angry people compared trusting.

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Re: Dean Clifford - A Tale of Two Gurus

Post by Jeffrey »

Reminds me of a few articles that were profiling Western ISIS recruits:
“Some personality types are more prone to radical ideologies,” said Arie Kruglanski, a psychology professor at the University of Maryland. He co-authored a study in January analyzing the phenomenon. “Radical ideology promises glory and significance, therefore, people who are more motivated toward glory and significance are more prone to accept those ideologies.” ... on-n233601
Revolutionary movements also offer visions of justice that are larger and deeper than some dirty court system. And the struggle in establishing them holds out prizes that are extremely rare for men of the West: glory, martyrdom, and heroism. Revolution beats a life of traffic tickets, creditors, bosses, and — if you're especially lucky — angst about real-estate.
[/quote] ... y-boredom/
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Re: Dean Clifford - A Tale of Two Gurus

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

Dean Clifford, ISIS recruits and their ilk are simply powerless little schmucks with strong feelings of inferiority. They are tired of working at the car wash, trolling for clients at the court houses, dealing with petty tyrant bosses, dealing with their moral hangups, repressions and inhibitions and so on; and thus when a Great and Noble Cause presents itself, offering Glorious Martyrdom as a reward, they feel as if they have nothing to lose.
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Re: Dean Clifford - A Tale of Two Gurus

Post by Jeffrey »

Finally something posted to the QB court records after a month of no updates.

December 4th mentions correspondence between Dean and the Prosecutor being added to the documents filed.

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Re: Dean Clifford - A Tale of Two Gurus

Post by Hanslune »

Simply not good enough. Don't they know my entire life is now based on watching DC's downward spiral?

Can't they sell advertising and make this a mini series?
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Re: Dean Clifford - A Tale of Two Gurus

Post by Burnaby49 »

Hanslune wrote:Simply not good enough. Don't they know my entire life is now based on watching DC's downward spiral?

Can't they sell advertising and make this a mini series?
Well if you are obsessed with his death spiral here is some more raw meat for you; ... html?thx=y

His trial for threatening the police is either in progress or about to begin! Hard to tell unless I can get a full copy of the story. Not his main trial of course but more like a good opening act at a concert. Gets the crowd in the mood.
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Re: Dean Clifford - A Tale of Two Gurus

Post by grixit »

The collapse of Guns N Roses started at an event where they opened for the Rolling Stones.
As you may recall, that was a ride which ended with Axl effectively disowning his former band when they were inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, surely a satisfying experience for all death spiral afficionados.

So take heart, this particular "opening act" just might become an epic.
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Re: Dean Clifford - A Tale of Two Gurus

Post by bmxninja357 »

Burnaby49 wrote:His trial for threatening the police is either in progress or about to begin! Hard to tell unless I can get a full copy of the story. Not his main trial of course but more like a good opening act at a concert. Gets the crowd in the mood.
Accused threatened police: Crown
By: Ian Hitchen
Tuesday, Dec. 9, 2014

The trial of a man accused of threatening a sheriff and police may hinge on whether the man who appeared in the prisoner’s box was, in fact, the man whose voice is heard in recordings.

Witnesses testified that the comments were recorded and placed on the website of Dean Christopher David Clifford.

"I think it’s quite clear how the intent by Mr. Clifford is that these are to be taken seriously, and that they are meant to be threats," Crown attorney Deidre Badcock told Brandon provincial court on Monday.

Clifford, 39, is accused of threatening bodily harm against a Brandon sheriff, and with threatening death to police officers in general.

A judge previously entered not guilty pleas on his behalf, and his trial was held on Monday.

As those pleas were previously entered, the judge described Clifford as an Organized Pseudolegal Commercial Argument (OPCA) litigant.

Clifford wasn’t present in the courtroom when the judge described him as such — the judge had him removed from court after a verbal exchange. He didn’t have an chance to challenge or confirm that description, and it’s not something that was proven at trial.

In general, OPCA has been used to refer to "vexatious" litigants, most notably in reference to a 2012 Alberta "Freeman on the land" case.

While links posted on Clifford’s website lead to other online content that describes him as a "Freeman," his wife says that Clifford doesn’t claim to be a Freeman of the Land. She described that term as a label imposed on people by others.

In an interview posted on his website, Clifford says he’s part of a law movement, and speaks in favour of common law or natural law. His website includes video from a number of seminars.

He states that natural law is simple and absolute, so individuals can defend their own rights that pre-existed before government.

Clifford wasn’t represented by a lawyer at his trial. He didn’t call any of his own witnesses, question Crown witnesses or make a closing argument.

"I, a man, Dean, do not believe that I have done anything wrong," Clifford said.

He’s accused of placing calls to his brother from the Brandon jail in which he threatened a sheriff and police officers in general.

He was being held at the jail while pending on charges from another Manitoba jurisdiction.

A police officer testified that recordings of the calls were placed on Clifford’s website.

Those two calls were also recorded by the jail and played in court.

In the first phone call made on May 27, a man whose voice was identified in court as Clifford’s by a Brandon jail staff member describes his displeasure with a Brandon sheriff.

He says he’s upset because, during one of his Winnipeg court appearances, a Brandon sheriff poked his wife and told her to get up when she wouldn’t stand for the judge, as is custom. He describes the poking as assault:

"That f----r’s going down … If I ever see him on the street he’s f-----g, he’s toast. I’ll gladly come back for an assault charge for that one … Put that on the record on this this (sic) phone recording, f-----g her majesty."

And in a second phone call placed on June 28, which Badcock argued to be a threat to police:

"If you’re going to f-----g beat me, and throw me in jail and steal from me, then f-----g man-up and just say right to my face: I don’t give a f--k about your rights, I’m going to steal everything you f-----g own and throw you in jail whether it’s illegal or not … Because at least if I know you’re a lawless, f-----g piece of s--t, then next time I’ll blow your f-----g head off."

However, while the Brandon jail staff member who’d listened to hundreds of his calls identified the recorded voice as Clifford’s, Judge Jean McBride questioned whether the Crown had made its case.

"What evidence is before me that the individual that has been referred to today as Dean Clifford on those tape recordings is actually the individual here in court?" McBride asked.

Badcock acknowledged that she didn’t ask witnesses to point to the accused in the prisoner’s box, but she said a testifying police officer had gestured toward Clifford as he described his arrest.

McBride reserved her decision and the case has been adjourned to Jan. 30.
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Re: Dean Clifford - A Tale of Two Gurus

Post by ArthurWankspittle »

While links posted on Clifford’s website lead to other online content that describes him as a "Freeman," his wife says that Clifford doesn’t claim to be a Freeman of the Land. She described that term as a label imposed on people by others.
That's a bit like it's not a good idea to call "Mad Tony" mad to his face, but ask most people about Tony and they'll say he's mad.
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Re: Dean Clifford - A Tale of Two Gurus

Post by Jeffrey »

Anyone else curious if our publicizing of the threats on Quatloos lead to charges being filed?
The trial of a man accused of threatening a sheriff and police may hinge on whether the man who appeared in the prisoner’s box was, in fact, the man whose voice is heard in recordings.
Absolutely ridiculous. As if there's any possibility that anyone other than Dean made those calls.
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Re: Dean Clifford - A Tale of Two Gurus

Post by arayder »

So it seems Dean mouthed off in court again and was once more removed.

I swear Dean's one of the most self-destructive persons I've ever seen.

As an aside it should be noted that as of this afternoon the Dean PR effort at his website and Facebook page was acting as if the trial never happened!
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Re: Dean Clifford - A Tale of Two Gurus

Post by notorial dissent »

Denial seems to be a big part of the FOTL lifestyle and reality.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: Dean Clifford - A Tale of Two Gurus

Post by Fmotlgroupie »

Thanks very much Ninj for posting the article.

Let me join the chorus that the Crown has a very strong case:
-Dean would have had to use his PIN to make the phone call
-it was posted on Dean's website as coming from Fean
-the content of the phone calls is pretty specific to Dean (his girlfriend etc)
-witnesses ID the voice as Dean's
-the judge can compare the voice and manner of the phone calls to Dean in court (I'd guess they're rather similar).

Can Dean's brilliant legal skills save him? Of course not, what a silly question for me to ask
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Re: Dean Clifford - A Tale of Two Gurus

Post by arayder »

The court is faced with an individual who has alternately physically attacked, cussed or threatened very authority figure he has encountered since February 2013.

One has to wonder if the tolerant Canadian court system has collectively realized that they are dealing with a true case of mental illness. . .an individual for whom a straightfoward several years in the pokey without any sort of treatment amounts to an injustice.
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Re: Dean Clifford - A Tale of Two Gurus

Post by notorial dissent »

I have to agree with your assessment, but the question is will Dean, and the answer to that is, I think not. I think Dean, and his brother need serious help, but the question of whether they would cooperate, and whether it would actually help is a big one.

One has to wonder at what produced such a level of rage and hate in an individual who to all reports didn't have a bad growing up.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: Dean Clifford - A Tale of Two Gurus

Post by Fussygus »

notorial dissent wrote:
One has to wonder at what produced such a level of rage and hate in an individual who to all reports didn't have a bad growing up.
This is a very good question, essentially where did it all begin? Was it due to nature or nurture? My thought is that such egocentric behaviour would be hard to associate solely to someones genetic make-up, that there has to be something in the nurturing that brought about such an attitude.

In one sense the volatile attitude seems conducive to "little man syndrome" (no offense to little men, I just can't think of PC term), wherein there is an overcompensation of ones knowledge and/or ability due to insecurity.

Everyone has insecurities, but the question that each of us has to decide is "what do I do about them?". Do I ignore them, or make efforts to overcome them? How many skinny supermodels were born that way versus how many became that way by facing their body issue insecurities? How many people with Harley Davidson's/sports cars have them more for status than actual joy to desire having them? Would they own them if no one could see them ride/drive them?

Insecurity can be a deadly disease or a driving force depending on how one uses it. When a kid tries out for the basketball team and gets cut, do they take that as the end or the beginning? ( I believe Michael Jordan was cut in his first year of highschool, and look how it affected him.)

Dean is like any business owner, and/or person who has faced a situation of failure. Find me one in 100 business owners that have gone out of business who ENTIRELY accept that THEY were the reason for the failure? Dean is no different than anyone else when faced with the prospect of failure. It doesn't feel good and he want's to blame, the coach, the weather, the cheating other player, etc for his failure to be selected.

In this case Dean has chosen to blame the establishment of society for his wohbegotten situation.....and then he found something. He found a source for redemption saying that he was right, that it wasn't his fault. From that he pursued his thoughts to further validate his position, which lead to a feeling of power, a feeling he was smart.....a feeling of success. He tasted the water from the fountain of youth per sa. He became a new man, young and successful in his own mind. How does that not make you feel young? Who wouldn't want to keep drinking from the fountain?

Facing your own fallibility makes you wise, but being wise is synonymous with being old. Dean doesn't want to be old and is ignorantly holding on to the fountain in the hopes it will yet again redeem him.

I feel sorry for him, just as I do for a feeble old lady who vigorously holds on to a belief they are capable to live on their own, even though to the rest of us she is clearly not able. That she needs the care an old age home will give her. She needs to grow up just the same as Dean does, they are old, better to admit it and move forward with a dignified plan, rather than be dragged into an institution. Which will as such endeavor to help them realize that being ignorant to the fact your old, will not change the fact that you are.

Last edited by Fussygus on Thu Dec 11, 2014 6:56 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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