Paul John Hansen Gets Federal Indictment

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Paths of the Sea
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Re: Paul John Hansen Gets Federal Indictment

Post by Paths of the Sea »

notorial dissent wrote:

I guess what I'm also trying to get at is why they had to haul him all the way to FL when he was in NH when he committed the actual crime, or do they count it as having to be at the place filed?

Here's my simple analysis about that.

Earlier we got some indication that there might be more going on when a document concerning Hovind apparently mistakenly referred to a grand jury proceeding.

Hovind was sent from New Hampshire to Florida to answer to the Judge's own motion to prosecute Hovind on criminal contempt for filing those liens contrary to her court order.

Now it appears that grand jury was investigating a conspiracy related to that, and finally got around to indicting Hovind and Hansen (6 counts) of conspiracy, mail fraud, and contempt. Hansen refused to appear before the Pensacola grand jury.

So, the Judge's motion was dismissed in favor of the more aggressive grand jury indictment prosecution.

So, they issued a warrant for Hansen and arrested him in Nebraska (Hovind already being in custody and reportedly appearing before the Judge on the indictment today). They had a couple of hearings in Nebraska and decided to keep him in custody and send him to Florida to face the indictment.

Maybe later today we will know what happened with Hovind's meeting with the Judge today.

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Re: Paul John Hansen Gets Federal Indictment

Post by notorial dissent »

OK, I see where I was confused then, I thought Hansen was already in custody before this all started. Now it makes sense.
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Re: Paul John Hansen Gets Federal Indictment

Post by Paths of the Sea »

Paul John Hansen Letter Filed 11/12/2014
Forwarded to Pensacola Federal District Court

(Transcribed from Hansen's handwritten document)

United States District Court
Nebraska State
Case #8:14 mj 277

Habeas Corpus, with Judicial Notice

I request, as a man, with birth right on America land,
state proves the following:


I was arrested on land that is a possession or
territory of the United States.


Verified evidence is in the record to support the
warrant pursuant to the 4th amendment of the
Constitution of the United States.


That verified evidence is in the record to support the
indictment case #3:14 cr 91-002 / mcr, U.S. District
Court, Northwest District of Florida, Pensacola Division.


I request the name of the man exercising authority
to hold me in jail.

Judicial Notice - 4th Amendment and
Article I, Section 8 of the Constitution of the United States

I wish, I require, that the Court in lacking subject matter
jurisdiction, or personal jurisdiction, release me now, upon
the State failure to prove the above.

NOTICE: This is the 4th mailing, on 11/09/2014, with no
response from the Court, mailed to:

U.S. District Court, NE
111 South 18 Plaza
Omaha, NE 68102

Witnessed the mailing were:

signed: Steven Korbel
signed: Michael Cooley

signed: Paul Hansen (in jail) 11/09/2014

notorial dissent
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Re: Paul John Hansen Gets Federal Indictment

Post by notorial dissent »

I'm not sure I've ever seen a "Habeas Corpus, with Judicial Notice" before, Looks right at home with all the rest of the nonsense he's filed.

This just continues to intertwine and get more confusing. I keep thinking they've both been arraigned on the new criminal charges, and now I'm not sure.

If this is any indication, the silliness ought to start to fly about the tile they get around to the trial.
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Re: Paul John Hansen Gets Federal Indictment

Post by Paths of the Sea »

notorial dissent wrote:

I keep thinking they've both been arraigned on the
new criminal charges, and now I'm not sure.

Kent was and pled not guilty.

I think they may be waiting to get Hansen to Florida and have his plea entered there as far as his arraignment.

The cases have been consolidated for trial and the current trial date is January 5, 2015.

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Re: Paul John Hansen Gets Federal Indictment

Post by notorial dissent »

OK, makes sense. Hansen was picked up in NE for failure to appear on that subpoena, so he was lawfully in custody on that, and it has all since been superseded so they'll do the arraignment on it when he get to FL, Makes better sense now, and they can deny his petition then and get it all out of the way at once.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: Paul John Hansen Gets Federal Indictment

Post by Paths of the Sea »

Kent Hovind's man, Ernie Land, posted, approvingly, the following link on his personal FaceBook page: ... 64604.html

That might help explain what Hansen had in mind with his recent habeas corpus thing posted earlier. It might even be a warning as to what we might see coming from the tag-team of Hansen/Hovind as the January trial date approaches.

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Re: Paul John Hansen Gets Federal Indictment

Post by Paths of the Sea »

There is an interview with Paul John Hansen going around. It was recorded last summer, before all the recent excitement. The subject is "burden of proof". ... 0_31-07_00

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Re: Paul John Hansen Gets Federal Indictment

Post by Paths of the Sea »

Looks like it comes right out of the Hovind/Hansen playbook!

(1) Hansen's Petition

Excerpts transcribed by Robert Baty





Case No.: 8:14CV397

AT Federal District Court, Nebraska
111-South 18th Plaza
Omaha, Nebraska 68102

I, a man, Paul John Hansen,


Evan T Carpenter, a man,

Nature - I, a man, require "court of record".

Cause - Trespass, taking my property without authority.

Wrongdoer believe that U.S. District Court, Pensacola Divison, case..., indictment warrant has force and efect of law against I, prosecutor, and at the location of the arrest.

Wrongdoer believes I, prosecutor, is a United States person.

Wrongdoer believes said warrant is supported by verified claims evidenced in a court with jurisdiction over I, prosecutor, and upon the land where wrongdoer arrested me.

I require that wrongdoer verify all claims, beliefs, to act against me by said warrant. at arrest location, or return me.

I prosecute by right.

Paul John Hansen

I wish, I require, the Clerk of this court to:


5. The action is as "court of record", prosecuted as a right as I am a man of birth right where I was arrested, all without cost.


8. I require this action for my freedom from jail, for I am being held without law.

9. I require this action to proceed NOW.


(2) Order of the Court





Case No.: 8:14CV397



The above-captioned matter was provisionally filed on December 2, 2014.

However, due to certain technical defects, the Complaint cannot be further processed.

To assure further consideration of the Complaint, Plaintiff must correct the defect listed below.


Plaintiff has failed to include the $400.00 filing and administrative fees.

Plaintiff has the choice of either tendering the $400.00 fees to the Clerk of the Court or submitting a request to proceed in forma pauperis and an affidavit of poverty in support thereof.

If Plaintiff chooses to do the latter, the enclosed pauper’s forms should be completed and returned to this court.



Plaintiff is directed to correct the above-listed
technical defect in the Complaint within 30 days
of the date of this Memorandum and Order.


Failure to comply as directed will result in
dismissal of this case for want of prosecution.

DATED this 5th day of December, 2014.

s/ Joseph F. Bataillon
Senior United States District Judge

Footnote #1:

If Plaintiff is granted leave to proceed in forma
pauperis (“IFP”) in this matter, he will be allowed
to pay the court’s $350 filing fee in installments.

Paths of the Sea
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Re: Paul John Hansen Gets Federal Indictment

Post by Paths of the Sea »

Hansen finally showed up in Florida, appeared before da judge, was appointed a public defender, and his trial was set for February 9, 2015.

In related action, the Government asked the court to continue Hovind's trial to February 9, 2015 in order that the two can be tried together.

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Re: Paul John Hansen Gets Federal Indictment

Post by Paths of the Sea »

Paul John Hansen Files 10 Motions

Transcribed by Maury Enthusiast
From Hansen handwritten motions



Filed December 30, 2014

To the U.S. Dist. Court, N. Dist, FL, Pensacola

File For Record
Case No. 3:14 91/mcr


Re: I request public defender, Kotz, file for a detention/release hearing.

A. Ankle monitor OK.
B. House I can stay at is 120 Oleander, Pensacola, FL.

Note: I wish to challenge venue for acts are not evidenced as occurring on USA owned lands.

I also need to know if you are presently my public defender or standby counsel?

Paul John Hansen



Filed December 30, 2014

To the U.S. Dist. Court, N. Dist, FL, Pensacola

File For Record
Case No. 3:14 91/mcr


Re: Request upon public defender, Klotz.

I need a bill of particulars for:

1. On page 5 of 12(17), how do they claim I mailed? From where? What exact federal zone location did the mailing pass over do they claim? Do they claim I had knowledge that my action was intentional to cause the mailing to pass over a federal zone?

2. On page 7 of 12 (3), what do they claim specifically as associated with the "lis pendens" or/and "affidavit of obligation" I did, and where was I when I did their claimed acts? Also on line 8 as to "and other", who are the peoples names and addresses referenced as others.

3. On page 8 of 12 they claim I "sent" or "delivered" or "moved" lis pendens documents. What document they claimed? From where? To where? And what federal zones do they claim the mailing passed over? Do they claim I had intent to pass the mailings over federal lands?

4. As to count four(4) what portion of 18-1341 and 1342 do they claim I violated?

5. As to count five(5) what portion of 18-401(3) do they claim I violated? What do they claim that exactly I did was a violation of written law.

6. As to count six(6) what does the plaintiff claim that made Hansen subject to the U.S. court? What do they claim Hansen did, sign or say to be subject to a U.S. court that is foreign to Hansen?

7. Is plaintiff claiming that Hansen used a return address that was not correct, or misleading?

8. Is the plaintiff claiming that Hansen's return addresses is land of the United States, or land that is not owned by the United States?

Paul John Hansen



Filed December 30, 2014

To the U.S. Dist. Court, N. Dist, FL, Pensacola

File For Record
Case No. 3:14 91/mcr


Re: I require public defender Klotz to:

1. Challenge if verified evidence, if sworn in the record orally, of claims or territorial jurisdiction, and of the acts charged, as before the Grand Jury.

2. Investigate if verified (sworn) evidence is required to indict Hansen, as a man with birth right, on American soil, and challenge so in this court case.

3. If evidence is in the record sufficient to invoke the court's subject matter jurisdiction, to provide Hansen of what oral evidence was present before the Grand Jury to get the indictment.

Paul John Hansen



Filed December 30, 2014

To the U.S. Dist. Court, N. Dist, FL, Pensacola

File For Record
Case No. 3:14 91/mcr


Re: Discovery/Admissions/Interrogatories

1. I require public defender Klotz to call for discovery of all documents USA intends to offer as evidence.

2. I require them to be in paper form.

3. All witness names, addresses and what they will testify to.

4. What USA intends to rely upon that each written law charged has force and effect on land not owned by the USA.

5. Require that they yellow highlight areas of their documents "dumped" that they intend to notice specifically to the jury.

6. Who gave oral testimony to the Grand Jury.

7. I want the Grand Jury transcript.

Do I have access/right to what was presented before the Grand Jury?

I, not a US person, a man of birth right on American soil, land no of the US.

What the US relies upon that a subpoina needs no stated written law upon its face to give notice of force and effect, or if ignored by Hansen what the punishment may be.

I called for the "nature" of the charges and the court did not require the USA to state it on the record at the arraignment. US Constitution states that I have a right to nature and cause of the accusation against me.

8. Name, address of every man that made any claim associated with Grand Jury and indictment.

Paul John Hansen



Filed December 30, 2014

To the U.S. Dist. Court, N. Dist, FL, Pensacola

File For Record
Case No. 3:14 91/mcr


Re: Request

1. I request that public defender Kotz get, or cause to be delivered to me the/a exact copy of the "statutes at large" that is the true, legislative written law, for Title 18 is a revised code of the "statutes at large".

2. I require the true passed bill/law to know the full laws found in this case indictment, for the United States Code may not be an accurate revision in the United States Code.

Paul John Hansen



Filed December 30, 2014

To the U.S. Dist. Court, N. Dist, FL, Pensacola

File For Record
Case No. 3:14 91/mcr



1. I request public defender Klotz file the following:

A. File to arrest the warrant, for lack of territorial jurisdiction at the location of the arrest.

B. No 4th Amendment, as of the Constitution of the United States, oath or affirmation is found in the record to support the warrant.

Paul John Hansen



Filed December 30, 2014

To the U.S. Dist. Court, N. Dist, FL, Pensacola

File For Record
Case No. 3:14 91/mcr



1. I require public defender Klotz, to file a personal jurisdiction challenge, to have plaintiff to evidence what Hansen did (action), said or signed, for to give this court personal jurisdiction over Hansen.

Paul John Hansen



Filed December 30, 2014

To the U.S. Dist. Court, N. Dist, FL, Pensacola

File For Record
Case No. 3:14 91/mcr



1. I require public defender Klotz, to file a territorial jurisdiction challenge upon plaintiff, to challenge them to evidence the following:

A. That each individual count...individual claimed acts, plaintiff alleges Hansen did occurred on land that is of the United States, as compliant to article 1, section 8, of the Constitution of the United States, as with exclusive legislative authority limitation upon U.S. land only.

Paul John Hansen



Filed December 30, 2014

To the U.S. Dist. Court, N. Dist, FL, Pensacola

File For Record
Case No. 3:14 91/mcr


Re: Wish to prosecute by right

I wish to prosecute of "court of record" action against all men that claim that my acts occurred on land of the United States as associated with said case no. 3:14 91/mcr.

I wish to use the court room available close by Pensacola, FL ... a court room not on US land, land owned by "The United States of America".

I need a court clerk address to file with.

I wish to do this before case no. 3:14 91/mcr goes to trial.

I wish to do this NOW!

Paul John Hansen



Filed December 30, 2014

To the U.S. Dist. Court, N. Dist, FL, Pensacola

File For Record
Case No. 3:14 91/mcr


Re: Subject Matter Jurisdiction Challenge

I require that the USA bring forth evidence supported by testimony that the written law declared operational with each individual charge/count/act with force and effect upon:

1. I, a man, of birth right.
2. At the location of the activity charged.
3. And that it governs the said activity.

Paul John Hansen

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Re: Paul John Hansen Gets Federal Indictment

Post by Gregg »

Sounds to me like he's lost, he sure needs someone to tell him where US land is.
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Re: Paul John Hansen Gets Federal Indictment

Post by notorial dissent »

Sounds like he got s a bad case of the sovcit stupids to me. I really do feel sorry for his poor PD as it is not going to be a happy relationship. I would suspect that the judge will deny most of it or if he really does have a PD make him file through him.
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Re: Paul John Hansen Gets Federal Indictment

Post by ArthurWankspittle »

I am reminded of THX1138. Public funds for your defence have been exhausted after motion #1.
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Re: Paul John Hansen Gets Federal Indictment

Post by wserra »

The Court held a Faretta hearing on December 11, and ruled that Hansen was able to represent himself. The following day, the Court entered an order appointing him stand-by counsel. He can't have it both ways - if he is pro se, which was his desire, he makes his own motions. Were I the poor CJA attorney appointed as stand-by, I would write to the Court to ask for clarification of my role.
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Re: Paul John Hansen Gets Federal Indictment

Post by Hyrion »

Paths of the Sea wrote: Quoting the filing:

1. I request public defender Klotz file the following:

B. No 4th Amendment, as of the Constitution of the United States, oath or affirmation is found in the record to support the warrant.
I think that has to be one of my favorite things about the OPCA litigant crowd:

A claim that they are not subject to the Laws of Society, yet can rely on the very foundation said Laws are built on. Put another way, they wish to benefit from the protections of said Laws without having to comply with the responsibilities of said Laws.

I sure wish they'd choose one:
  • 1: They are part of Society and benefit from both the Constitutional rights and Laws built on those rights as well as having a responsibility to uphold said Laws such as by not committing murder
  • 2: They are not part of Society and are not subject to the Constitution and Laws of Society nor can they benefit from the protection of said Constitution and Laws.
Of course, if they choose 2, they're quite free to move outside the physical areas that are under the Jurisdiction of said Societies they do not wish to be part of.
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Re: Paul John Hansen Gets Federal Indictment

Post by The Observer »

Hyrion wrote:I sure wish they'd choose one...
If it were up to me, I would say they had already made their choice when they started screaming that the law did not apply to them. At that point, once the judge confirms that is what they are claiming, he or she would have the power to declare the TP an outlaw and no longer available to claim rights or protection under the law. Then issue a deportation order to Somalia and airdrop them there.
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Re: Paul John Hansen Gets Federal Indictment

Post by Famspear »

The Observer wrote:
Hyrion wrote:I sure wish they'd choose one...
If it were up to me, I would say they had already made their choice when they started screaming that the law did not apply to them. At that point, once the judge confirms that is what they are claiming, he or she would have the power to declare the TP an outlaw and no longer available to claim rights or protection under the law. Then issue a deportation order to Somalia and airdrop them there.

Would that be with -- or without -- parachutes?

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Re: Paul John Hansen Gets Federal Indictment

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

Famspear wrote:
The Observer wrote:
Hyrion wrote:I sure wish they'd choose one...
If it were up to me, I would say they had already made their choice when they started screaming that the law did not apply to them. At that point, once the judge confirms that is what they are claiming, he or she would have the power to declare the TP an outlaw and no longer available to claim rights or protection under the law. Then issue a deportation order to Somalia and airdrop them there.

Would that be with -- or without -- parachutes?

Make the TPers show the court where, in the Magna Carta or the common law, they are entitled to any.
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Re: Paul John Hansen Gets Federal Indictment

Post by The Observer »

Famspear wrote:Would that be with -- or without -- parachutes?
You are implying that I have no sense of compassion towards TPs. But I do. I would provide raw materials to the TP on the plane and let him know that he will be allowed to make his own parachute - and that he should do so forthwith before we arrive over the drop spot. Whether he has any skill or knowledge of parachute making is not my problem...but I suppose we could provide an copy of "The Idiot's Guide to Parachuting."
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