The one and only Kent Hovind and related thread

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The one and only Kent Hovind and related thread

Post by Gregg »

Unlike some others I have become interested in Kent Hovind and his cast of idiots, mostly because of my interest in a certain museum near my home south of Cincinnati in Kentucky.

I will brave scorn and invite updates on the current trial here, but going along with some other criticism, not every bowel movement needs to be covered, just the highlights.

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Re: The one and only Kent Hovind and related thread

Post by Dr. Caligari »

The old thread got locked before I had the chance to get my two quatloos in, but I think Hovind is a legitimate subject for discussion here, either on the tax protestor or the sovereign citizen subforums. I am interested in following his upcoming trial. If anyone isn't, they don't have to read the thread.
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Re: The one and only Kent Hovind and related thread

Post by jcolvin2 »

Trial postponed to March 2, 2015 over Hovind's objection:

01/28/2015 66 Minute Entry for proceedings held before CHIEF JUDGE M CASEY RODGERS:Status Conference as to KENT E HOVIND, PAUL JOHN HANSEN held on 1/28/2015. Court grants Gvt's motion to continue trial (doc. # 59 ). New trial date is March 2, 2015. Order to follow. (Court Reporter Donna Boland.) (sps) (Entered: 01/28/2015)
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Re: The one and only Kent Hovind and related thread

Post by notorial dissent »

I have to agree with Gregg on this one.

I think Dr Dino is a legitimate of review and ridicule. He certainly isn't in the least intelligent, creative, or even really overly entertaining, but he is when it comes right down to it he is the penultimate tax protester, right down to the built in hypocrisy of his position(s) since he vacillates wildly from TP to sovrun and back again with lightning like speed, all the while lying with his every breath. He is providing us with real time examples and working views of the various (failed)theories and the ongoing abuse of the legal system that is part and parcel with his campaign. So at that point he warrants study and observation, and since he spends the majority of his time trying to muddy and confuse the record, good, clear information needs to be kept on him where with others it isn't a necessity.
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Re: The one and only Kent Hovind and related thread

Post by Famspear »

notorial dissent wrote:....He certainly isn't in the least intelligent, creative, or even really overly entertaining, but he is when it comes right down to it he is the penultimate tax protester....
But wait, "penultimate" means "next to last." If he is the "penultimate" tax protester, who is the "ultimate" tax protester?

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Re: The one and only Kent Hovind and related thread

Post by notorial dissent »

I think last is a fitting place for him, as to ultimate, I think that one is still open.
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Re: The one and only Kent Hovind and related thread

Post by Burnaby49 »

Famspear wrote:
notorial dissent wrote:....He certainly isn't in the least intelligent, creative, or even really overly entertaining, but he is when it comes right down to it he is the penultimate tax protester....
But wait, "penultimate" means "next to last." If he is the "penultimate" tax protester, who is the "ultimate" tax protester?

Russ Porisky, who else?

Sorry to have to rub your nose in this but we Canadians have taken over the battle of destroying the income tax system from your tired defeated American losers. The Poriskyites are still in court valiantly fighting to prove that Russ is right.
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Re: The one and only Kent Hovind and related thread

Post by wserra »

Just to be clear: I agree that Hovind is a legitimate subject for Q. It wasn't the subject to which Obs or I objected. It was an 800-post thread that amounted to a daily anti-Hovind diary. PotS is free to keep posting, on Hovind if that be his wish. Just please keep it to (as Gregg put it) the highlights.
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Re: The one and only Kent Hovind and related thread

Post by The Observer »

In addition, neither Wes or I prompted the set of complaints that came in; those were spontaneous and obviously were a groundswell of opinion that regulars were getting fed up with the minutiae of posts up to that point. Yes, as long as Hovind is pursuing sovrun and tax protester nonsense, he is an legitimate target. What we don't need are irrelevant daily posts about what his followers' grandmothers' best friends' twice-removed cousins' barbers are saying about Ken and the like. If that can't be controlled here, this thread will go the way of the other thread.
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Re: The one and only Kent Hovind and related thread

Post by Samphire »

The Big O said:
.... his followers' grandmothers' best friends' twice-removed cousins' barbers are saying about Ken and the like.
Well, you're the one who mentioned them first. As I understand the position both barbers believe that Kent won't be needing a trim for some months.
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Re: The one and only Kent Hovind and related thread

Post by Jeffrey »

Could someone post a sitrep of when the next court dates are for Hovind and the other guy?

And I agree with the above posts, Hovind wasn't going to trial for several months so the thread would have been inundated by the time that rolled around.
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Re: The one and only Kent Hovind and related thread

Post by darling »

In a shocking development, someone with a history of failing to appear in court was not successful in getting bail:

Paul John Hansen Detention ORDER

Filed February 3, 2015



v. Case No. 3:14cr91/MCR




In accordance with the Bail Reform Act, 18 U.S.C. §3142(f), a detention hearing was held in this matter on February 2, 2015.

Part I - Findings of Fact

B. Non-Rebuttable Presumption Cases

This is not a rebuttable presumption case; however, the case is eligible for a detention hearing under 18 U.S.C. § 3142(f)(2); and

There is a serious risk that the defendant will not appear.

Part II - Written Statement of Reasons for Detention

I find that the information submitted at the hearing establishes by a preponderance of the evidence that no condition or combination of conditions will reasonably assure the appearance of the defendant as required.

My reasons are:

The exhibits introduced by the government, both singly and in combination, demonstrate the defendant firmly disavows that this court has authority or jurisdiction over him.

The defendant has repeatedly contested the court’s jurisdiction and indicated he has not consented to appear before it. The defendant has accused the court of violating the law and has in a bizarre fashion repeatedly requested evidence of how federal jurisdiction was created over him.

The defendant is charged with crimes that involve dishonesty and failure to comply with orders of the court. In count six of the current indictment, the defendant is charged with failing to comply with a subpoena and appear before the grand jury empaneled in this district.

In monitored telephone conversations, the defendant admitted to failing to appear.

The defendant’s answers at proceedings before this court also bring his forthrightness into question. At his arraignment, the defendant indicated under oath that he had no source of income other than what he received from the sale of materials over the internet.

The defendant also indicated that he had no assets or property that could be turned into cash.

At the detention hearing, however, the defendant suggested he has a stream of income from rental properties that could be used to obtain a residence in Florida if he were to be released.

Accordingly, he either lied or misspoke when he said, under oath, he had no reliable source of income, nor assets.

He now claims, under oath, to have both, in the form of rental real estate.

The defendant has never resided in, and has no family in, Florida. Other than his connection to the co-defendant in this case, defendant has no ties at all to this area.

The defendant has failed to appear for court on at least twelve prior occasions, some of which involved proceedings for relatively minor traffic violations.

The government offered evidence the defendant received notice of these proceedings. The fact the defendant refused to appear in court for even minor offenses indicates how adamant he is that courts have no authority over him.

The defendant stated his co-defendant Kent Hovind or Hovind’s family could provide the defendant with a place to stay in Pensacola if he is released.

The defendant, however, has not personally spoken to members of Hovind’s family and the property Hovind has suggested the defendant can reside in is subject to forfeiture proceedings.

The defendant has never been to this property.

To the extent not stated in this order, I incorporate the findings I made on the record at the conclusion of the detention hearing.

Part III - Directions Regarding Detention

The defendant is committed to the custody of the Attorney General or his designated representative for confinement in a corrections facility separate, to the extent practicable, from persons awaiting for serving sentences or being held in custody pending appeal.

The defendant shall be afforded a reasonable opportunity for private consultation with defense counsel.

On order of a court of the United States or on request of any attorney for the government, the person in charge of the corrections facility shall deliver the defendant to the United States marshal for the purpose of an appearance in connection with a court proceeding.

Dated: February 3, 2015.

/s/ Charles J. Kahn, Jr.
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Re: The one and only Kent Hovind and related thread

Post by notorial dissent »

Well, gee, that didn't go so well for Hansen, issues of honesty......Imagine that....
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Re: The one and only Kent Hovind and related thread

Post by Samphire »

I wonder if Jo had something forthright to contribute when Hansen suggested to the judge that he could stay in one of Kent/God's properties?
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Re: The one and only Kent Hovind and related thread

Post by Paths of the Sea »

darling wrote:
In a shocking development, someone with a history of
failing to appear in court was not successful in getting bail:

(snip, snip)
Kinda funny how that snipped part looks a lot like a posting I saw somewhere else!

Not so sincerely,
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Re: The one and only Kent Hovind and related thread

Post by RoadScholar »

How come these Patriotic Good Christians are so often deadbeats, thieves, scofflaws, rotten parents, and hypocrites? What's up with that?
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Re: The one and only Kent Hovind and related thread

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

To paraphrase the old saying: patriotism is often the last refuge of the scoundrel.
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Re: The one and only Kent Hovind and related thread

Post by AndyK »


This is not a forum wherein one can randomly lash out.

If you have something SPECIFIC to say, than do so.

Otherwise, just read the posts.
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Re: The one and only Kent Hovind and related thread

Post by grixit »

darling wrote:

On order of a court of the United States or on request of any attorney for the government, the person in charge of the corrections facility shall deliver the defendant to the United States marshal for the purpose of an appearance in connection with a court proceeding.
I have this image of Hansen being `delivered' Hannibal style.
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Re: The one and only Kent Hovind and related thread

Post by notorial dissent »

Grix, you either need to get out more, get a new hobby, one that doesn't include hand grenades, or we need to restrict whatever you're eating, drinking, ingesting before bedtime. Not sure which.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.