Robert Arthur Menard FOTL (Freeman on the Lam)

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Re: Robert Menard

Post by arayder »

LordEd wrote:In the facebook off I see there is a tax evasion confession. 'belinda' took some menard advice and doesn't have to pay taxes or repay student loans.
Over the years Menard has aped just about every detax/sovcit/fmotl theory ever voiced on the internet.

He says none of what he says is to be taken as legal advice, but that hasn't stopped untold numbers of gullibles from acting on what he says.

The sad part is that every time one of them runs afoul of the law Menard throws them under the bus and tells everybody the poor fool didn't do his due diligence.
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Re: Robert Menard

Post by Burnaby49 »

LordEd wrote:In the facebook off I see there is a tax evasion confession. 'belinda' took some menard advice and doesn't have to pay taxes or repay student loans.
As an ex tax guy I didn't read that as being evasion but just refusing to pay tax already assessed. That isn't evasion, just bad debt. Evasion is the Poriskyites, where you actually hide income or fake expenses.

From the scraps of information I took it to mean that she just stopped paying on her student loans and assessed taxes and the amounts weren't worth the trouble of pursuing. That's all it takes to proclaim victory in the Freeman world, a ruined credit rating but a minor debt not paid. Keep in mind the Chief had his credit rating screwed over a $600 or so debt he refused to pay.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Robert Menard

Post by Hyrion »

Burnaby49 wrote:
Menard wrote:You may not use it for [snip] your business, profession or calling.
Menard wrote:The money members pay is used [snip] (for) a low interest loan program for those who wish to purchase land, start a business or pursue a calling, or set up their professional offices.
Nice guy to have as your banker:
  • If you bank with me, you can not use the money you deposit directly for your business, you must take out a low interest loan from me for that purpose instead.
Just my humble interpretation.
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Re: Robert Menard

Post by LordEd »

I yield to your terminology corrections.
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Re: Robert Menard

Post by arayder »

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Re: Robert Menard

Post by Burnaby49 »

Wild speculation on about Burnaby49's sources!

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Rob Menard arrested. Rob posted this online last year which shows him and a driver being stopped by the police: Rob has not mentioned is that he showed the police officer his Mickey Mouse CP30 badge and claimed to be a peace officer. He was arrested for impersonating a police officer. CP30 is Rob's make-believe police force which, as far as I can tell, consists of only one member: Rob Menard.More here on C3PO: ... Incredibly Rob is supposed to have produced regular identification when arrested and signed the release papers in the conventional way. He is currently on bail.He is due to appear in court on February 9th in Toronto. Last edited by felixk; 07-02-2015 at 07:17 PM.
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so how did you find out about this?
__________________political atheist
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a-huh. i just want to know how someone would know about this without scanning court websites for days on end. it hasn't been in the papers or fess up felix. who tipped you off? for that matter, why would someone tip you off? if none of rob's fans knew, and no one across this whole country seemed to know about it, how would you, some guy who just entertains himself on DI, like the rest of would you have just come across this? is you hobby endlessly perusing court websites? man, talk about boring.... __________________political atheist
reverendjim Senior Member Join Date: May 2011Posts: 5,721

yeah, yeah, felix...we dont care about that. i want to know this:Quote:Originally Posted by reverendjim a-huh. i just want to know how someone would know about this without scanning court websites for days on end. it hasn't been in the papers or fess up felix. who tipped you off? for that matter, why would someone tip you off? if none of rob's fans knew, and no one across this whole country seemed to know about it, how would you, some guy who just entertains himself on DI, like the rest of would you have just come across this? is you hobby endlessly perusing court websites? man, talk about boring....
c'mon man, i did a google search on menard and this whole situation and really the thing that came up on top is this thread. nothing in the news, zippo, nada etc etc etc. so fess up. how does nobody retired felix living way the fuck across the pond in jolly ol' england know about this? thats far more interesting than robby going to court and standing on his head or something...dont you think? __________________
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felixk;1062399267 wrote: It is an old sexual injury which is the result of taking precautions.QUOTE]Aaaah !!...... So,you did your leg,when you jumped out the bedroom window,when the 'boyfriend' caught you 'at it' ,eh !?? Hahaaaaa !Anyway...back on topic.....Since you claim to know all this info about what's happening with Menard and you're so fond of demanding about you provide us with some proof of what you're alluding to ?? Links etc etc ??
lesactive Senior Member Join Date: Aug 2008
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Quote:Originally Posted by felixk Nothing quite so dramatic.It is an old sexual injury which is the result of taking precautions.I tied one foot to the bed post.
you're doing it wrong, if msbpunk were still here you could ask her how it's done safely.I have to join in to ask how you get this info on Rob. I see the name on the docket but not the charges you state he's up against. Does "A" stand for Arthur? There are other Rob Menards in Canada. There's no mention of it at WFS nor is there anything on his Facebook page. What's your source, man? __________________felix- I have staff that do that for me.-k
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Quote:Originally Posted by lesactive What's your source, man?
Quatloos.It's here, the 15th post down...view...3019&start=340 __________________
Then burnaby49 wrote:

Go to:

Court - Ontario Court of Justice
Municipality - Toronto
Case Type - Criminal
Court Location - 1911 Eglinton Av E

And we have two appearances by Robert A. Menard:

MENARD, ROBERT 4813998143500374700 R. v MENARD, ROBERT A. 10:00 AM 407 TO BE SPOKEN TO MENARD, ROBERT 4813998143500427000 R. v MENARD, ROBERT A. 10:00 AM 407 TO BE SPOKEN TO
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Yep, Burnaby is the source.He is excellent at digging this stuff up. There isn't much that gets past him. Last edited by felixk; 09-02-2015 at 10:24 AM.
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lol, quite a quatloos that is... __________________political atheist
Ok, maybe it's time I addressed the sources of the information I post on Quatloos. So here is what I'm willing to tell. It's none of David Icke's followers damn business! My information is accurate and I almost always provide backup documentation to support it. That's all that should be considered relevant; where and how I find these things is my concern. I'm retired with plenty of time, maybe my empty shell of a life is so pathetically devoid of meaning that my hobby actually is endlessly perusing court websites. Just because reverendjim considers that boring doesn't mean I share his opinion.

More to the point on what I post, at least from my perspective, is the accuracy of what I report. Lesactive said;
I have to join in to ask how you get this info on Rob. I see the name on the docket but not the charges you state he's up against. Does "A" stand for Arthur? There are other Rob Menards in Canada. There's no mention of it at WFS nor is there anything on his Facebook page.
Well vague comments like that don't cut it to show that I'm wrong. I'd agree that there are probably other Robert A. Menards floating around Canada but I don't see the Freedom Pickle denying that he's the Robert A. Menard who just had a court hearing today in Toronto. Nothing on his Face Book page saying that he's facing criminal charges? True enough. My credibility is crumbling!

The correct link to where I discuss Menard's charges is here;


The fact that Menard somehow neglected to tell the world that he is on Double Secret Probation doesn't mean that the information isn't out there if you look for it.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Robert Menard

Post by Burnaby49 »

The Federal Crown has responded to Menard in Montreal Docket T-43-15! Four documents filed on Feb. 4th;

#2 - Notice of Motion contained within a Motion Record on behalf of Defendant in writing to be dealt with in the Montréal local office for an Order striking the Statement of Claim filed on 04-FEB-2015 Draft Order\\Judgment received.

#3 - Written Representations contained within a Motion Record on behalf of Defendant concerning Motion in writing Doc. No. 2 filed on 04-FEB-2015
unnumbered - Draft Order contained in Motion Record concerning Motion Doc. No. 2 received on 04-FEB-2015

#4 - Motion Record containing the following original document(s): 2 3 Number of copies received: 3 on behalf of Defendant filed on 04-FEB-2015

#5 - Affidavit de signification de Dominique Gosselin assermenté le 04-FEV-2015 de la part de la partie défenderesse attestant la signification doc.4 à la partie demanderesse par la poste le 04-FEV-2015 déposé le 04-FEV-2015

#4 is just a duplication of #2 and #3 combined. Maybe I'll wander down to the Federal Court some time this week and see if I can get copies. ... no=T-43-15
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Robert Menard

Post by Arthur Rubin »

Burnaby49 wrote:A bit of Menardian ancient history that I apparently forgot to post. The court documents regarding his conviction for trying to skip out on paying a transit fare


There was one major and obvious flaw in the system from the start. Transit fare payment relied on the honour system.
It's not uncommon. The rail transit system in Los Angeles works the same way, except for subways. For Metro Rail, you're supposed to tap your "TAP card" on a sensor before entering the boarding area of the station, but only the subway has actual turnstiles. (Los Angeles County) sheriffs and Metro police check, from time to time, either on entering or leaving the boarding area. (The cards for individual fares are electronic, so they record where they've been tapped.) Fines are "up to $300", according to signs at the stations. Metrolink, the commuter rail system, doesn't even have turnstiles. Transit police sometimes check for tickets on the train. Fines are "up to $1500", according to signs at the stations and on the trains. Amtrak, which shares some routes with Metrolink, allows you to buy tickets on the train with a 30% surcharge; or, if you have a computer, you can buy an electronic ticket for the next day's train, and they'll accept it.

As far as I know, we don't have any notorious "free riders". (Freeman on the rails?)
Arthur Rubin, unemployed tax preparer and aerospace engineer
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Re: Robert Menard

Post by JamesVincent »

The Light Rail in Baltimore, MD is the same way. Every station has a ticket machine. You buy your ticket (which gives change in gold dollar coins), and get on board. No turnstiles, no employees at the station whatsoever, and free parking. Transit police do random checks to see if people are actually holding tickets. Out of the hundreds of trips I made on the light rail I think I got checked one time. Incidentally, the completion of the light rail system caused a dramatic increase in suburban crime. You see the trains run right through downtown Baltimore, right smack in the middle of crackville. Crackheads would catch the train, take themselves out to Glen Burnie where there was a shopping center right across the street from the station, and shoplift to their hearts content. They were several armed robberies also attributed to this migration. Then they would cross the street, board a train, and be back in Baltimore. With good timing they would be on the train before the police even arrived on the scene.

edit: For any of you familiar with Baltimore, past or present, one of the stations on the light rail is Cherry Hill. For those of you unfamiliar with Baltimore let me put it this way. When I worked for the Baltimore Sun we had to drive through Cherry Hill every night around 2am. One night me and another guy were sitting in our trucks at the red light at Harbor Hospital when someone tried to rob my friend. 50' from a police station. Literally. Fortunately all of us carried and by the time the robber got Eric's door open he was looking down the barrel of a 9mm, which defused the situation real quick. That area has more drug dealers and hookers then it has regular citizens, was always getting flagged down by one or the other. At some point or another every single one us had had someone try to rob us. I ran the guy over that tried to rob me (note to would be car jackers, don't run in front of a 1-ton cargo van screaming, give me your car! It doesn't turn out well.)
Last edited by JamesVincent on Wed Feb 11, 2015 3:27 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Robert Menard

Post by Burnaby49 »

JamesVincent wrote:Incidentally, the completion of the light rail system caused a dramatic increase in suburban crime. You see the trains run right through downtown Baltimore, right smack in the middle of crackville. Crackheads would catch the train, take themselves out to Glen Burnie where there was a shopping center right across the street from the station, and shoplift to their hearts content. They were several armed robberies also attributed to this migration. Then they would cross the street, board a train, and be back in Baltimore. With good timing they would be on the train before the police even arrived on the scene.
Exactly what happened with Skytrain. Crime around the Skytrain stations increased dramatically once the trains were up and running. Hop off, mug somebody, shoplift, and hop bakc on. They don't even need good timing since the trains are only 2 to 3 minutes apart. Beats hanging around waiting for the bus.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Robert Menard

Post by JamesVincent »

Burnaby49 wrote: Exactly what happened with Skytrain. Crime around the Skytrain stations increased dramatically once the trains were up and running. Hop off, mug somebody, shoplift, and hop bakc on. They don't even need good timing since the trains are only 2 to 3 minutes apart. Beats hanging around waiting for the bus.
The light rail runs every 15 minutes during the day and 30 minutes at night, up to 10pm. Unless there's a sporting event which it then runs up to an hour after the event ends. So it was up to timing to get into one and be off before the Po-Po showed up. Plus the numerous robbings, beatings and rapes at some of the stations, including the one I talked about, Cherry Hill. Another strike was, originally, the light rail was supposed to run from Baltimore to Annapolis on the old B&A right of way. Well, they put it through to 8th Ave. in Glen Burnie but made the rest of the right of way into a bike trail. So people could ride up to Cromwell, the last station, and walk across the road and get on the bike trail and further their criminal activities by walking to some of the more affluent neighborhoods, down towards Severna Park and Arnold.
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Re: Robert Menard

Post by arayder »

This makes me think of the broken windows criminological theory: that preventing small crimes creates an atmosphere of lawfulness and works to prevent more serious crimes.

The incidents and environments described above are sort of the theory in reverse. Some people get by with violating a public transit fare system and a few of them parley the wild into robbery and rape.

In a way Menard is proof that the broken windows theory isn't 100% effective. Our subject is a former failed turnstile jumper who has graduated into an unsuccessful con artist.
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Re: Robert Menard

Post by Burnaby49 »

Now we're having an indirect conversation with From reverendjim;
MENARD, ROBERT 4813998143500374700 R. v MENARD, ROBERT A. 10:00 AM 407 TO BE SPOKEN TO
MENARD, ROBERT 4813998143500427000 R. v MENARD, ROBERT A. 10:00 AM 407 TO BE SPOKEN TO

to be spoken to? no whack on the fingers?

so its the 10th...what happened?
and lesactive;
I'm sure burnaby is working on a response to that question. Apparently, judging from the last page of the epic Menard thread on quatloos, this forum is one of his go to sites.

Funny though, no mention of the case from Rob.
So to respond the above;

"To Be Spoken To" is just court legalese for, as I said, a housekeeping session where the court and the parties work through numerous legal/procedural issues involving defendants on their way to an eventual trial. Just things like requests for adjournments of scheduled trials, assigning trial or hearing dates, complaints about the Crown not providing relevant requested disclosure, things like that. Nothing that actually addresses the charges. In one session I attended an issue was deciding whether Vancouver or Burnaby got first crack at a miscreant. Scheduling and housekeeping.

Individual issues are kept short, the court goes through a large number of defendants in a single hearing. In one I attended the sheriff told me if there were too many defendants and lawyers for the size of the courtroom I'd have to leave because spectators are secondary. I'm guessing that Menard was there to arrange a court date for his trial. However Toronto is 2,500 miles east of where I'm sitting typing this and I have no contacts there. There are no Quatloos posters from eastern Canada. So I have no more actual knowledge of what happened at the Scarborough district Ontario Court of Justice on the 9th than lesactive or reverendjim. Had Menard shown a little consideration and flashed his 3CPO badge at the police here you would have had a Burnaby49 court report on the whole thing.

As far as being one of my "go to" sites, sorry no. I barely knew you existed before Arayder posted about you. I'd certainly never been on the site. So I took a look, found I was being discussed, and responded. I have very little web presence. I post only on Quatloos, I don't post on any other site as Burnaby49 or under any other name.

Felixk said, in response to a reverendjim comment;
Originally Posted by reverendjim
i get a kick out of arayer "the deniers squirm". i wonder who is calling deniers and what makes him think there is any squirming going on? how does ribbing felix about being a system buttlicker constitute being in denial about menard? lol, what an ass munch. i guess he hasn't figured out my position on menard yet thats quite predictable. he must of been at the head of the line when bush was saying your either with us or the terrorists. lol. we miss you A, ya'll come back now, ya hear?

If it bothers you so much why don't you register at Q and tell arayder what you think of him?
I second the invitation! While I am not going to participate at there is nothing stopping posters there from participating here. If you want to give Arayder or me a piece of your mind sign up and do it.

Although, from this comment by reverendjim, it appears we're not worth the bother;
Originally Posted by felixk Well, it bothered you enough to take the effort to write this:
and you call that bothered? i call it entertained. or do you think i have some emotional or other investment in what happens to guru's? lol, you guys really are something else. i never bothered with quatloos but since you pointed them out, well, its really quite something to see a few people like that so concerned with something that really amounts to nothing. why all the interest felix? whats with you guys and the whole soveriegn thing? especially the business of following one con artist around and going to such great, what if you people put that much effort into exposing corrupt politicians and corporations? you wouldn't dream of that though, would you? lol. my my....
Puts me in my place!
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Robert Menard

Post by Jeffrey »

why all the interest felix? whats with you guys and the whole soveriegn thing? especially the business of following one con artist around and going to such great, what if you people put that much effort into exposing corrupt politicians and corporations?
Two part question, two part answer.

Menard being one of the primary figures involved in inventing the Freeman movement is responsible for quite a lot of people being incarcerated or suffering financial losses as a result of following his advice. Dean Clifford probably the best example of how damaging acting on a Guru's advice can be, his use of Menardian concepts has resulted in him losing $75,000 in vehicles to police seizures (his numbers, not mine, therefore possibly exagerated), has spent significant amounts of time in jail, and is in substantial amounts of debt for assorted Freeman-related activities like trying to not pay utility bills etc. So, the damage Menard has caused is not trivial.

As to exposing corrupt politicians and corporations, we do that on other sections of the forum or offline.
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Re: Robert Menard

Post by arayder »

If the brave free speech folks over at Ickies wanted to have an honest discussion about freemmanism they should have done something about their sycophant forum which, over the years, has banned just about everyone with the exception of the few helpless butt kissers left there.

Hell's bells, these sorry ole boys didn't even know that Bobby Menard, the J. Edgar Hoover of freemen C3POs, had been arrested and then lied about it. . .seven loooooooong months ago!

Talk about clueless!

Of course, these boys are free to register and post here. . I doubt any one of 'em will grow a set (8-->) and do so.

So, as it is what's really happening with Menard, Clifford, Santos and the rest of the dysfunctional freeman gurus will be chronicled here, not with the "Ickies".

Welcome to irrelevance Ickiesboys. .. you've already been there for years.
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Re: Robert Menard

Post by Burnaby49 »

On January 27th I noted how Menard had, for a year, included a prominent entry on his Face Book page defaming a man who had no connection to Menard whatever because Menard, believing himself to be an investigative genius, had falsely concluded the guy was a poster called D'Rok who Menard claimed had conducted libelous actions against him.


Well Menard has quietly removed his accusations from his Face Book Page without bothering to make an aplogy of any kind for his reckless defamatory statements. I suppose he's too busy being managing executive of his magic Freeman debit card scheme to linger over his past actions.

Google just put out a new Street View set of the greater Vancouver area and Burnaby49 is it twice! What more could a man with Menard's legendary detecting skills need to nail me?
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Robert Menard

Post by wserra »

Burnaby49 wrote:As far as being one of my "go to" sites, sorry no. I barely knew you existed
Well, that is the point of being a shapeshifter, isn't it?
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Re: Robert Menard

Post by arayder »

Burnaby49 wrote:. . . I suppose [Menard's] too busy being managing executive of his magic Freeman debit card scheme to linger over his past actions.
He'll pretend to be busy. Luckily for Menard there has already been a minor dustup in the ACCP's implementation which he can later make a big deal out of and use as partial justification for the project not getting off the ground.

In the past Menard used the death of his father as an excuse for shelving the ACCP. One suspects the duties involved in running the Menardarosa were massive and fell upon Bobby (the male heir), rather than his older sisters.

As with the rest of Menard's failed projects we can be be sure that after a few more memberships and monthly dues come in there will another management crisis, or maybe a counter strike by the evil powers that be which will cause the project to be put on hold.

It's the way of the fez.
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Re: Robert Menard

Post by Burnaby49 »

The Crown's response to Menard's Statement of Claim is linked below. A real surprise! Instead of bowing down to the natural justice of Menard's demands and the unassailable legal logic of Menard's arguments the Crown said (in polite legalese) that Statement of Claim is a reeking pile of bovine excrement filed by an idiot. At least how that's how I interpret the Crown's Motion to Strike. Menard's acolytes might see some genius in his approach that I'm missing. If so they can berate me here on Quatloos.

The Crown wants the whole thing thrown out without leave to amend and costs from Menard for wasting their time by making them respond to monumental stupidity.

Motion to Strike ... Strike.pdf

Affidavit ... idavit.pdf

The Crown stated;
9. The Defendant submits that while the Plaintiff seems to have a broad perception of who can be encompassed by the expression "other person employed for the preservation and maintenance of the public peace" it clearly appears from a reading of section 2 in its entirety that the legislator's intention was to grant peace officer status only to those individuals who derive such status from federal or provincial legislation.

10. The Supreme Court of Canada analyzed the definition of peace officer in Section 2 of the Criminal Code in its 1987 decision of R. v. Nolan and stated that:
On the level of principle, it is important to remember that the definition of "peace officer" in s. 2 of the Criminal Code is not designed to create a police force. It simply provides that certain persons who derive their authority from other sources will be treated as "peace officers" as well, enabling them to enforce the Criminal Code within the scope of their pre�existing authority, and to benefit from certain protections granted only to "peace officers".

I would therefore conclude that the definition of "peace officer" in s. 2 of the Criminal Code serves only to grant additional powers to enforce the criminal law to persons who must otherwise operate within the limits of their statutory or common law sources of authority.

11. The Plaintiff has not submitted any evidence that he is a member of any legislatively recognized law enforcement agency.

12. The Defendant submits that the Plaintiff therefore does not fall under the scope of the definition of "peace officer" within the Criminal Code as he fails to demonstrate in his Statement of Claim that he derives any kind of pre-existing authority granted by federal or provincial regulation.

13. In his Statement of Claim, it seems that the Plaintiff is trying to be recognized as a peace officer in order to create his own police force that would effectively not be subject to any legislative control.

Note - this statement is entirely wrong. Menard is not trying to create a "police force", he has constantly stated that he is trying to create a "peace force". Just ignore my comment in a prior post where I said exactly the same thing. Just dramatic license on my part. Menard doesn't want to go out willy-nilly arresting judges and juries or whomever disagrees with him, he wants to help us all peacefully. Just a big-hearted patriotic Canadian.

14. Moreover it is plain and obvious that his statement of claim discloses no reasonable cause of action;

Pick, pick, pick. Just because, as the Crown says, Menard has not submitted any facts supporting his argument and his claim has no basis in law there is no reason for the Crown to get on its high horse about all this. I'm sure if this went to court Menard would dazzle them all with his oral arguments.

So what does the Crown want? Check out page 10 which has a very succinct draft order for the judge to sign striking the Statement of Claim without leave to amend and allowing costs to the Crown.

The Crown cites R. v, Nolan, 1987, 1 S.C.R. 1212, 58 CR as it's only supporting caselaw. However if you are going with only one case the Supreme Court of Canada is a damn good place to pick one. You can read Nolan here; ... lii66.html

The issue at trial was whether military police, clearly acting under statutory authority to act as peace officers on base could also do so off base where the suspect was a civilian.
1. THE CHIEF JUSTICE The sole issue raised in this appeal is whether a military police officer is a "peace officer" within the meaning of s. 2 of the Criminal Code, R.S.C. 1970, c. C�34, as amended, when he or she is purporting to exercise authority over a civilian who is not subject to the Code of Service Discipline. Although the point is a narrow one, it is important to define the scope of authority of the military police with clarity so as to avoid a confusing overlapping of jurisdiction with the civil police.
The accused, a civilian, was seen driving out of a military base at an excessive speed and was followed by two military policemen and detained on a public highway. After observing the accused's staggering, his glassy eyes, and the strong smell of alcohol on his breath, the military police brought the accused to a police station and asked him to provide a breath sample. The accused refused. He was then charged with refusing to comply with a breathalyzer demand contrary to s. 235(2) of the Criminal Code. At trial, the accused was acquitted. The judge found that the military police officer was not a peace officer as defined in s. 2(f) of the Criminal Code and that, therefore, he was not authorized to issue a breathalyzer demand to a civilian. The Crown's appeal by way of a stated case was allowed. The Court of Appeal held that any person appointed under s. 134 of the National Defence Act is a "peace officer" for all purposes of the Criminal Code. This appeal is to determine whether a military police officer is a "peace officer" within the meaning of s. 2(f) of the Criminal Code when he is purporting to exercise authority over a civilian who is not subject to the Code of Service Discipline.
The full section of the Nolan decision quoted by the Crown reads;
18. The weight of authority points, therefore, to the conclusion that s. 2(f)(i) does not extend the authority of military police to act as "peace officers" throughout a province and in relation to all residents of a province, duplicating the role and function of the civil police. Of course, the mere preponderance of authority is not sufficient in itself to justify a particular conclusion before this Court, unless that authority is grounded in reason and fairness. In the present case, however, authority, common sense and principle all lead to the same conclusion.

19. On the level of principle, it is important to remember that the definition of "peace officer" in s. 2 of the Criminal Code is not designed to create a police force. It simply provides that certain persons who derive their authority from other sources will be treated as "peace officers" as well, enabling them to enforce the Criminal Code within the scope of their pre�existing authority, and to benefit from certain protections granted only to "peace officers". Any broader reading of s. 2 could lead to considerable constitutional difficulties. Section 92(14) of the Constitution Act, 1867 provides that the administration of justice falls within provincial legislative competence. See Di Iorio v. Warden of the Montreal Jail, 1976 CanLII 1 (SCC), [1978] 1 S.C.R. 152, and Attorney General of Quebec and Keable v. Attorney General of Canada, 1978 CanLII 23 (SCC), [1979] 1 S.C.R. 218. Although the ability of the federal Parliament to create a national police force has never been challenged and any such exercise of authority is presumptively valid, to treat s. 2 of the Criminal Code as a broad grant of authority to thousands of persons to act as "peace officers" in any circumstances could well prompt a constitutional challenge. In the context of division of powers, legislation should be interpreted, when possible, so that it is not ultra vires. The assessment of legislation under the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms is, of course, subject to different considerations. See Manitoba (Attorney General) v. Metropolitan Stores Ltd., 1987 CanLII 79 (SCC), [1987] 1 S.C.R. 110.

20. I would therefore conclude that the definition of "peace officer" in s. 2 of the Criminal Code serves only to grant additional powers to enforce the criminal law to persons who must otherwise operate within the limits of their statutory or common law sources of authority.
Unfortunately for Menard the Supremes weren't happy about anybody and his uncle having the self-appointed right to arrest people;
23. Finally, it must be stressed that a reading of s. 2(f)(i) that recognizes no limitation on the power of military police to act as "peace officers" would have the effect of broadening considerably the power of the military police to arrest without warrant. That power is granted by s. 134 of the National Defence Act. In R. v. Dean (1965), 47 C.R. 311, at p. 319 (Ont. C.A.), Laskin J.A. warned that "the Courts ought not to adopt a construction to enlarge the power to arrest without warrant unless the construction is plainly demanded by the words used in the relevant statute". I would endorse that view without reservation. As emphasized by Le Dain J. in R. v. Therens, 1985 CanLII 29 (SCC), [1985] 1 S.C.R. 613, at p. 644, when a citizen is confronted with police authority, there is always a strong element of "psychological compulsion" in any police demand. Although this "compulsion" may be useful in the maintenance of a peaceful society, the citizen should not be subject to the demands of a confusing array of authority figures. One of the hallmarks of our free and democratic society is the relatively low level of interference by officers of the state in the daily lives of the Canadian people. The exigencies of crime prevention and detection do not require an interpretation of s. 2(f)(i) of the Criminal Code that would permit military police officers to exercise the powers of a "peace officer" in relation to all Canadians and throughout the country. I would therefore read s. 2(f)(i) as according to persons appointed for the purposes of s. 134 of the National Defence Act the additional powers of peace officers under the Criminal Code, but only in relation to men and women subject to the Code of Service Discipline.
The Supremes dismissed Nolan's appeal on the facts of the case since the military police had asked Nolan to stop while he was still on base. The Supremes decided that the MP's were peace officers while on base. While Nolan drove off base and was apprehended outside of the base area his detention and arrest was valid because "there was such a clear nexus between the offence committed on the base and the detention off the base that I am convinced that the military police retained their status and authority as peace officers."
31. In summary, the authority vested in the military police by virtue of s. 28(1) of the Trespass Regulations was sufficient to fulfil the requirements of s. 22.01(2) of the Queen's Regulations: the military police officer was performing "lawful duties" flowing from a "specific order or established military custom or practice". To perform those duties of enforcing the criminal law against civilians on a military base, it was necessary, furthermore, to have the powers of a peace officer. I have already emphasized that the detection of inebriated drivers clearly falls within a number of the enumerated "matters" in s. 22.01(2). I would conclude, therefore, that the arresting officer was a peace officer within the meaning of s. 2(f)(ii) of the Criminal Code when read with s. 22.01(2) of the Queen's Regulations and s. 28(1) of the Trespass Regulations. Being a "peace officer", the military police officer in the instant case was entitled to invoke the statutory authorization of s. 235(1) of the Criminal Code and to issue a breathalyzer demand. I expressly leave aside the question what authority is vested in military personnel for the purposes of Part XI of the National Defence Act which relates to extraordinary use of the military in aid of the civil power. That question clearly is not raised on the facts of the case at bar.

32. One issue must yet be resolved. Although the offence took place on a defence establishment, the actual detention of the accused occurred on a public highway after the military police had followed Mr. Nolan out of the gates of the base. The question arises whether the military police retained their status and authority as peace officers once they left C.F.B. Shearwater. On the particular facts of the instant case, I have no difficulty in concluding that they did. The accused was seen committing a traffic offence on the base. The officers only saw the accused as he was speeding out of the gates of the base and, in order to enforce the law, the military police officers had to follow Mr. Nolan off the base. There is absolutely no evidence that the accused attempted to evade the military police, so the circumstances do not really raise the issue of "hot pursuit". Given the instantaneous police warning to the accused to stop his vehicle and the detention immediately outside the gates of the base, there was such a clear nexus between the offence committed on the base and the detention off the base that I am convinced that the military police retained their status and authority as peace officers.
So no comfort for Menard there.

Menard is aware of Nolan, he had it brought to his attention at JREF back in 2011 when he was babbling on about the entirely legal C3PO force he was going to create, but for some reason he neglected to cite it in his Statement of Claim. Probably just slipped his mind because he's preoccupied with all the high level executive work he's doing to help his fellow Canadians by making his free money debit card dream into a reality. The man just can't stop giving.

When Menard filed the Statement of Claim he posted a gleeful self-satisfied shot of him triumphantly holding it on his Face Book page. Think he will do the same with the Crown's response? Or that he will tell them about this when it all goes down in flames? Don't worry if he doesn't, you'll read it here.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Robert Menard

Post by Burnaby49 »

Incidentally there has been a good deal of interest in the Menard files. Menard's Federal Court Statement of Claim has been downloaded from Media Fire (not just viewed) 115 times, and the leaked log from Menard's ACCP group has been downloaded 177 times. There have been over 3,000 view of this discussion since I posted information about Menard's charges on January 23rd.

About the only thing missing is an indignant denial from Menard castigating me for being a damn liar for promoting falsehoods against an innocent man. You know, like Menard did about Russ Weninger.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".