"Ceylon" the UK's top Goodfer nothing

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Re: "Ceylon" the UK's top Goodfer nothing

Post by PeanutGallery »

I'm not so sure I agree that they are a crazy waste of time and money. At least not when I consider the issue from the perspective of Mickey Summers or that of any other abuse victim, I would say that they have a right certainly to have their allegations taken seriously and investigated. If that were to happen, it might have a benefit to society as a whole, certainly it would provide Mickey with a better way of venting his frustrations with the system and this quite obviously would go some way to preventing his public demonstrations (although this is not to say that the public should not be informed of his allegations, they should and it is firmly in the public interest) and this would allow Mickey to keep his dignity.

We cannot say that there is no chance of a prosecution following an allegation of a historic offence, certainly people have been convicted for crimes long thought to be consigned to history. Equally an investigation might reveal how failures happened or provide insight into ensuring that this abuse does not happen again and to my mind that is more than sufficient to warrant an investigation.

Finally Mickey has a right to justice and our society would do itself no credit if we were to deny him that right because we denied him it before.
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Re: "Ceylon" the UK's top Goodfer nothing

Post by Normal Wisdom »

It is a very difficult situation and to be flippant (not really appropriate I know) as far as Ceylon goes "even a broken watch is right twice a day". I would have said that allegations of a cover up in the current Nottingham councils was almost certainly nonsense until I read the recent reports about Rotherham Council. Who knows. there may have been similar activity in Nottingham although I feel that any brush with the truth that Ceylon encounters is entirely coincidental. His antipathy towards any and all authority is his prime driver and I don't think he cares who he uses to achieve his own ends.

He has posted a deeply disturbing video today concerning "satanic" child abuse at Hampstead schools etc. It is disturbing not least for the almost rabid way that his followers accept everything said at face value as if there are no other almost equally disturbing explanations. I have my own thoughts about the nature of the abuse that the children in the video have undoubtably suffered and I have decided not to post a direct link here.

In summary it features two young children describing in horrific detail a litany of sexual abuse, satanic rituals etc involving their father, teachers and other parents and involving 20 of their school friends. I think the videos have been produced by their mothers new "boyfriend" but she has taken a lead in reporting these allegations and others to police. I could not help noticing that in a related Facebook page she accuses both her most recent former husband of being the ringleader but also accuses her previous husband of involvement. The police have investigated and say that the children withdrew their claims and have now been taken into care (obviously to Ceylon and his followers this is part of the conspiracy). The video and Facebook page names the schools and individuals involved and gives their addresses and phone numbers etc.

I am sure others can find it at the SriLankerC Youtube site if they wish but I'd be surprised if it is not removed fairly quickly.
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Re: "Ceylon" the UK's top Goodfer nothing

Post by PeanutGallery »

In regard to a cover up, sometimes it may not so much be a person actively attempting to conceal facts as it is simple incompetence on the part of the officials who should be investigating this. Of course from the outside it's not always possible to tell if the rejection of a complaint is because of a cover up or because the staff member couldn't get to grips with the issues at stake.

As for Ceylons most recent video, this may well find him guilty of a charge of contempt of court as it is very against the law to report the names and identities of any minors who are involved in sexual abuse trials (If you recall the case a couple of years back of the teacher who absconded to France with an underage pupil, it led to a strange situation wherein her name had been reported while she was missing but after she was returned she could not be identified due to the criminal case against him). Of course if a contempt of court charge fails, this behaviour is certainly enough to incite the harassment of individuals on the basis of what appear to be very suspicious claims.
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Re: "Ceylon" the UK's top Goodfer nothing

Post by Normal Wisdom »

The Facebook page belongs to Araya Soma, supposedly a friend of the children's mother but clearly also prone to the usual pro-marijuana, chemtrail, anti-vacination, everybody's a paedophile nuttery. The specific allegations appear to have been taken down on Facebook but Ceylon's video is still there and they can also be found on a website called Before It's News.

A 12 day fact finding hearing is due to start in the family court at The Royal Court of Justice on 16th February but it seems there was also some kind of hearing on Tuesday. The Before It's News website publishes an interesting e-mail exchange between the Senior Solicitor for Harrow Council and Sabine McNeill who has previously popped up in relation to the cases involving Mr Ebert etc. Ms McNeill authors a website called Victims Unite.

Dear Ms McNeill
The evidence considered by the judge at Tuesday’s hearing is referred to in the preamble to the order which states:
“AND UPON considering a quantity of written material comprising copies of internet articles and links to recorded material apparently posted by the mother, Ella Draper, and Sabine McNeill”.
I would suggest that you consider your position very carefully and seek appropriate legal advice.

From: Sabine K McNeill
Sent: 12 February 2015 14:28
Subject: RE: Order of 10.2.2015 ZC14C00315

Dear Ms Hargreaves
Thank you for your email!
I deny all allegations and challenge you to provide proof and evidence. Otherwise, I shall sue you for defamation.
Yours sincerely,
Sabine K McNeill
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Re: "Ceylon" the UK's top Goodfer nothing

Post by Hercule Parrot »

Normal Wisdom wrote:In summary it features two young children describing in horrific detail a litany of sexual abuse, satanic rituals etc involving their father, teachers and other parents and involving 20 of their school friends. I think the videos have been produced by their mothers new "boyfriend" but she has taken a lead in reporting these allegations and others to police. I could not help noticing that in a related Facebook page she accuses both her most recent former husband of being the ringleader but also accuses her previous husband of involvement. The police have investigated and say that the children withdrew their claims and have now been taken into care (obviously to Ceylon and his followers this is part of the conspiracy). The video and Facebook page names the schools and individuals involved and gives their addresses and phone numbers etc.
Well, they have a right certainly to have all of their allegations taken seriously and investigated... :whistle:
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Re: "Ceylon" the UK's top Goodfer nothing

Post by PeanutGallery »

Given that the police were involved and did investigate this, it would seem that they did take it seriously. I would also suggest that the removal of the children by social services from the parents who seem to have coerced the children into making claims (which it should be noted they recanted) shows that the care services are also taking this seriously, in that they are questioning the care being provided to the children by the mother and questioning if this is appropriate.

I would say that if the parents or any other adult has in fact coaxed the children into making false accusations they should, in my opinion, be prosecuted both for the waste of police time and resources but also for conspiring to pervert the course of justice. I would argue that this needs to happen because quite often vulnerable victims of abuse will be unwilling to speak up for fear that they won't be believed due to a stigma that is in no small way attributable to those who make false allegations.
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Re: "Ceylon" the UK's top Goodfer nothing

Post by grixit »

We went through this sort of thing in the US in the 80s. There was a nationwide outbreak of allegations of "satanic ritual abuse". One of the most notorious was the McMartin case, in which false allegations destroyed the career, reputations, and even the business property of an innocent family. And probably did considerable harm to the children who were put up and/or led into reciting the horrific details. Lots of two bit radio preachers got into the act and a new industry was formed of self proclaimed "recovered memory" specialists. It was a perfect example of a real witch hunt. And some of the fallout is still causing problems with attempts to investigate current allegations.

I hope british authorities can take a lesson from this.
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Re: "Ceylon" the UK's top Goodfer nothing

Post by notorial dissent »

In the one case you are referring to though, there was hardly an investigation, at least in the legal sense of one. The DA was looking to make a name, and made plain that he wanted evidence of the crime and no excuses. The actual investigation came up with nothing that even remotely matched the claims of the "victims", no hidden underground secret rooms, no missing sacrificed children, no blood, NADA. The only "evidence" they had were the clinically manufactured memories of the child "victims" that were basically produced to order by the person running the interviews pretty much to the specifications of the prosecutor. Fortunately competent honest members of the psychiatric community were called in who tore the verbal evidence apart piece by piece and then explained how the false memory evidence was ilicited and that such practice was more than just a little frowned upon with in the community. Needless to say the prosecution collapsed totally and the people who had been the subject of the witch hunt were finally and completely exonerated only long after their lives and business had been destroyed.

What I am saying in a round about way, is that if Mickey wants to make the complaint then it is something the authorities need to look in to, particularly in light of current events, but it needs to be done carefully and honestly, again something that seems to be a current UK problem. The problem is that at this remove there may not be any evidence to support his claims. I can understand his frustrations and problems, but there may not be anything that can be done at this late date.
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Re: "Ceylon" the UK's top Goodfer nothing

Post by Normal Wisdom »

Normal Wisdom wrote:... The Before It's News website publishes an interesting e-mail exchange between the Senior Solicitor for Harrow Council and Sabine McNeill who has previously popped up in relation to the cases involving Mr Ebert etc. Ms McNeill authors a website called Victims Unite.

Dear Ms McNeill
The evidence considered by the judge at Tuesday’s hearing is referred to in the preamble to the order which states:
“AND UPON considering a quantity of written material comprising copies of internet articles and links to recorded material apparently posted by the mother, Ella Draper, and Sabine McNeill”.
I would suggest that you consider your position very carefully and seek appropriate legal advice.

From: Sabine K McNeill
Sent: 12 February 2015 14:28
Subject: RE: Order of 10.2.2015 ZC14C00315

Dear Ms Hargreaves
Thank you for your email!
I deny all allegations and challenge you to provide proof and evidence. Otherwise, I shall sue you for defamation.
Yours sincerely,
Sabine K McNeill
Despite her bullish reply in the above correspondence, it appears that Ms McNeill has blinked first and fled the country ...

https://www.change.org/p/the-rt-hon-the ... /u/9637316
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Re: "Ceylon" the UK's top Goodfer nothing

Post by Hercule Parrot »

grixit wrote:I hope british authorities can take a lesson from this.
Oh, we certainly did. We went out and copied you, play for play.

Cleveland, Orkney, Rochdale, Broxtowe - the same half-baked evangelical pursuit of fantasised satanists. The same manipulative, distorted investigation methods. The same self-designated 'experts' paid to train and consult.

And of course the appalling Shieldfield case, where a supposed expert panel twisted the truth out of all recognition - http://bfms.org.uk/files/4213/2042/1525 ... dgment.pdf
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Re: "Ceylon" the UK's top Goodfer nothing

Post by Normal Wisdom »

Normal Wisdom wrote:
Normal Wisdom wrote:... The Before It's News website publishes an interesting e-mail exchange between the Senior Solicitor for Harrow Council and Sabine McNeill who has previously popped up in relation to the cases involving Mr Ebert etc. Ms McNeill authors a website called Victims Unite.

Dear Ms McNeill
The evidence considered by the judge at Tuesday’s hearing is referred to in the preamble to the order which states:
“AND UPON considering a quantity of written material comprising copies of internet articles and links to recorded material apparently posted by the mother, Ella Draper, and Sabine McNeill”.
I would suggest that you consider your position very carefully and seek appropriate legal advice.

From: Sabine K McNeill
Sent: 12 February 2015 14:28
Subject: RE: Order of 10.2.2015 ZC14C00315

Dear Ms Hargreaves
Thank you for your email!
I deny all allegations and challenge you to provide proof and evidence. Otherwise, I shall sue you for defamation.
Yours sincerely,
Sabine K McNeill
Despite her bullish reply in the above correspondence, it appears that Ms McNeill has blinked first and fled the country ...

https://www.change.org/p/the-rt-hon-the ... /u/9637316
I have been following developments in this case. Thankfully most copies of the videos featuring the children have been taken down as have many of the details of their allegations. A fact finding hearing under the auspices of the family court at the Royal Court of Justice commenced on 16th February. Sabine McNeill has tried to keep the pot boiling with a succession of updates to her petition (link above) which now has just over 10,000 signatures. Ms McNeill is an interesting character - someone my father would have described as "just a bloody troublemaker - an inveterate collector of lost causes but having managed to establish some links with a few MPs etc with a (probably undeserved) veneer of respectability and authority

Anyway, back to the plot ... it seems that someone close to the mother has released a lot of confidential documents, some of which have been published on line. This apparently came to light when the police advised the local authority that they had received some of these documents. As a result, the local authority considered legal action against the mother and Sabine McNeill (who fled to Germany and according to her is apparently facing arrest and up to 5 years in prison if she returns).

One of the documents (which can still be found on line) is the summary of the police investigation in which they decided that there was insufficient evidence of a crime which could be pursued. This includes visiting the school to look for the "secret rooms"), that the children appear to have been coached by the mothers new boyfriend and have since withdrawn their allegations. The boyfriend has previous convictions (although it's not clear how relevant these are). The feeling seems to be that the mother has some kind of mental illness. Overall the decision was that since the coaching and filming took place in Morocco which is outside the jurisdiction of the Metropolitan Police that there is no mileage in seeking to pursue those involved and that the children should be spared the trauma of further questioning.
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Re: "Ceylon" the UK's top Goodfer nothing

Post by Normal Wisdom »

Flying Daggers wrote:https://www.youtube.com/watch?x-yt-ts=1 ... l=85114404

See if you can count the number of times ceylon says that he will arrest the police officer (especially within the first 60 seconds) but doesn't :whistle:

I feel for this guy, despite ceylon/srilankac's bravado and claims that he would arrest the Police Officer, this guy still lost his boat and ceylon didn't arrest the Police Officer, despite the number of times that he said he would.

ieman2 says in this thread

http://getoutofdebtfree.org/forum/viewt ... M4eSy4jCzU

"Excellent work by Ceylon"

Excellent work ? It is said in that video that the boat was worth £30,000 and nothing Ceylon said or did changed anything - Very peculiar definition of excellent work ieman2 has there
There's a new video on the SriLankerC site which rather insensitively, given who is involved, Ceylon has titled "The Tide Has Turned"

Fresh from his "victory" in not preventing the bailiffs removing his boat, Leigh Ravenscroft returns to harangue a group of people representing energy company E-On who arrive at a house to fit a "pre-payment meter". This usually occurs when the bills have not been paid.

You have to hand it to Leigh, he runs the whole gamut of reasons why the meter should not be fitted; appealing to their better nature, xenophobic ranting, phoney-baloney nonsense about the validity of the warrant, some vague assertion that it is "big brother" coming to get us all and throwing in veiled threats about the "face recognition software" that he has which will allow him to find out the names of those involved.

And for some reason (perhaps total bewilderment) the police withdraw and the energy company reps end up going for a coffee with him. I agree he is entertaining, in a short person syndrome, "chip on the shoulder" type of a way but I wouldn't want to spend any more time in his company than I had to.

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Re: "Ceylon" the UK's top Goodfer nothing

Post by wanglepin »

The idiots over on GOODF are being asked to donate to a "newly completed mini dictionary" put out by Karl Lentz
Conman Mark Haining is helping "Bali Mann"? promote it.
he calls it "an idiots guide". I wonder does his dictionary have the definition for the word idiot in it? He tells us he's
not trying to make a profit on this I am just trying to get it out to people
8:20 pt 1 "can you speak a bit about the victories you’ve had asks the fawning Mark Haining
The reply was nonchalant to say the least he simply put his “victories” failings down to “stalemate” based on his logic that
A lot of the times is I used to get a stalemate or a no response, or we are not going to write to you again. Now that’s impossible hand on heart to say that I won, and I always used to tell everybody the only way you can , what I would sensibly say [you have won] is that after 3-6 months if nobody still writes to you then clearly you have won
He then goes on to blame those that did follow his instructions and lost for not "doing it correct and for not telling the court that they
"were a man with authority and rights"
Part 1 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PQkZdhbjXPE
Part 2 is more twaddle and more sycophantic fawning by Mark Haining Ceylon. His goal along with Roger Hayes, is to hold common law courts in a court building and call them "Courts of Man".
Part 2 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gxL4RAs3RKA

At least one person sees the down side;
Ceylon I have to say your decision to endorse Bali and his latest snake oil wares, on this forum shows a profound lack of respect to the members who were "done over" the last time he was given a plug here. Over a year later the man says sorry to the people who sent him money and had no reply, just in time for his dictionary launch.
http://www.getoutofdebtfree.org/forum/v ... Pa_VDSsV8E

My own conclusion is that this guy is a predatory conman who will steal your last pair of socks in wintertime.
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Re: "Ceylon" the UK's top Goodfer nothing

Post by Normal Wisdom »

I suppose it's a moot point whether an organisation deciding "you know what, it's just not worth the effort to deal with these nutters" is a victory or not. Practically speaking it might be but it's no vindication of their theories.

I see Mark Haining mentions the famous eviction at Cromlech as a victory too. It's one of my favourite videos because he gets a bit roughed up so I've watched it a few times. As far as I can see the eviction was successfully carried out and Mark's subsequent attempts to have various individuals prosecuted all came to naught. Some meandering nonsense about British Gas not fitting a pre-payment meter in a nearby building seems a somewhat pyrrhic victory.
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Re: "Ceylon" the UK's top Goodfer nothing

Post by grixit »

wanglepin wrote: Part 1 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PQkZdhbjXPE
Part 2 is more twaddle and more sycophantic fawning by Mark Haining Ceylon. His goal along with Roger Hayes, is to hold common law courts in a court building and call them "Courts of Man".
Part 2 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gxL4RAs3RKA

This is just crying out for a 60's sitcom scene involving old fashioned sex stereotypes.

People's Judge: Order in the court! Our first case today is--

Bailiff: Hey! Stay back, Ma'am, court is in session!

Woman: Can it, Fred, i'm here to talk to my husband!

Bailiff: I'm warning you! *cough* *cough* *choke* *thud*

Woman: *sigh* Holding the pepper spray backwards again, Fred?

Bailiff: *groan*

Woman: Henry! You said you were going to mow the lawn today-- do it! You can play with your friends later.

People's Judge: I'm not playing-- this is Man Court! C'mon, Honey, i'll mow the lawn first thing tomorrow, honest!

Woman: Don't you `Honey' me! It's always tomorrow with you and i'm not having it! Come home and mow the lawn before it needs a machete!

People's Judge: Order! Order! *bang* *bang*

Woman: Hey, is that my meat tenderizer?

People's Judge: I'm just borrowing it, Honey. They locked up all the gavels!

Woman: Really. And i suppose you're wearing Junior's graduation gown because none of my dresses would fit.

People's Judge: It's my judicial robe.

Woman: Good, you can dispense justice to the lawn.

People's Judge: Ow, my ear!

[Theme Music plays]
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Re: "Ceylon" the UK's top Goodfer nothing

Post by wanglepin »

Normal Wisdom wrote:I see Mark Haining mentions the famous eviction at Cromlech as a victory too. It's one of my favourite videos because he gets a bit roughed up
Do you have a link for that, Normal?
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Re: "Ceylon" the UK's top Goodfer nothing

Post by rogfulton »

grixit wrote:
wanglepin wrote: Part 1 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PQkZdhbjXPE
Part 2 is more twaddle and more sycophantic fawning by Mark Haining Ceylon. His goal along with Roger Hayes, is to hold common law courts in a court building and call them "Courts of Man".
Part 2 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gxL4RAs3RKA

This is just crying out for a 60's sitcom scene involving old fashioned sex stereotypes.

People's Judge: Order in the court! Our first case today is--

Bailiff: Hey! Stay back, Ma'am, court is in session!

Woman: Can it, Fred, i'm here to talk to my husband!

Bailiff: I'm warning you! *cough* *cough* *choke* *thud*

Woman: *sigh* Holding the pepper spray backwards again, Fred?

Bailiff: *groan*

Woman: Henry! You said you were going to mow the lawn today-- do it! You can play with your friends later.

People's Judge: I'm not playing-- this is Man Court! C'mon, Honey, i'll mow the lawn first thing tomorrow, honest!

Woman: Don't you `Honey' me! It's always tomorrow with you and i'm not having it! Come home and mow the lawn before it needs a machete!

People's Judge: Order! Order! *bang* *bang*

Woman: Hey, is that my meat tenderizer?

People's Judge: I'm just borrowing it, Honey. They locked up all the gavels!

Woman: Really. And i suppose you're wearing Junior's graduation gown because none of my dresses would fit.

People's Judge: It's my judicial robe.

Woman: Good, you can dispense justice to the lawn.

People's Judge: Ow, my ear!

[Theme Music plays]
You may have just won the Internet. :haha: :haha: :haha:
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Re: "Ceylon" the UK's top Goodfer nothing

Post by littleFred »

wanglepin wrote:Do you have a link for that, Normal?
I'm not normal (if you see what I mean) but possibly:
ceylon cromlech 18 3 13
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Re: "Ceylon" the UK's top Goodfer nothing

Post by Normal Wisdom »

wanglepin wrote:
Normal Wisdom wrote:I see Mark Haining mentions the famous eviction at Cromlech as a victory too. It's one of my favourite videos because he gets a bit roughed up
Do you have a link for that, Normal?
The guy in the blue shirt is a locksmith and he certainly oversteps the mark but I can't help enjoying watching Ceylon getting roughed up (not enough IMO) and the Ruth Jones lookalike yelling "assault" every two minutes.

This was one of the "victories" that Haining talked about in the Bali Maan video

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Re: "Ceylon" the UK's top Goodfer nothing

Post by wanglepin »

Normal Wisdom wrote:This was one of the "victories" that Haining talked about in the Bali Maan video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XvEXjs_oJd0&spfreload=10
:haha: :haha: :haha:.
That’s hilarious and it has to be the first time I have ever seen nob head Mark Ceylon Haining without those shades on his thinning head.What kind of a key was that the locksmith used?
I believe the guy known as Bali Mann is actually Balraj Maan.