Robert Arthur Menard FOTL (Freeman on the Lam)

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Re: Robert Menard

Post by Burnaby49 »

And yet more criticism from reverendjim over at The man is being positively hurtful. First he castigated us for not focusing all of our efforts on the only issue of any importance in Canada today, Rocco Galati's doomed lawsuit against the Bank of Canada;
its entertainment felix. i think that answers all your points. why would burnaby want to invite me to their little sewing circle? i have about as much respect for one side of the debate as i do for the other...i would think that is obvious.

why do i say "you guys"? you may as well be one guy talking to himself over there. its like some kind of wierd back patting exercise. theres no real discussion. just a lot of agreeing. and obsession, lol. sounds familiar doesn't it? reminds me of the way the freeman society forum was before everyone left it. just a big agreement session. about different things, but the same in essence. i have yet to see a real solution to anything presented on quatloos. just a quick perusal of their forum and i see no mention of the committee on monetary and economic reform. i wonder why?
The Committee on Monetary and Economic Reform (COMER) seems to be a reverendjim obsession. I'll get to it in a minute. Reverendjim realized, after making the above posting, that Quatloos, no matter how ineptly, did indeed have a discussion on COMER. A sad, shabby, ignorant thing.
i was wrong. quatloos does have a thread mentioning committee on monetary and economic reform. and the ignorance was astounding...

maybe they should contact the offices of rocco galati and have it explained to them. they seem to be stuck on old beliefs concerning money and debt. which means all their talk concerning taxation is moot. they also make quite an effort to make any talk of the subject look like conspiracy theory. i have no idea why hellyers belief in aliens has anything to do with it. after all jimmy carter claims to have seen a ufo. so what? no, i see a forum with an agenda. it smells. like a tight little bunch who want keep things just as they are. their talk of the decisions in the case concerning comer are very misleading.

edit: one has to wonder why this particular case has never made the news. go to cbc and look for galati's name and you find a list of constitutional challeges as long as your arm. but no lawsuit agaist the BoC and the federal government. not a peep. very telling. you will find it on no other major news outlet either. very very telling.
Reverendjim must be referring to this discussion;


And the comment about astounding ignorance is probably related to my posting!


And I'd thought I was doing the COMER acolytes a big favour! There have been deep dark conspiracy theories about the government of Canada suppressing a court decision that vindicated COMER and handed them a clear win. Information on this was apparently quashed by the evil forces of Prime Minister Harper and his minions.

Obviously a case of such immense national import must have been deep-sixed beyond the abilities of even experienced Google detectives like reverendjim to find so I spent 30 seconds of my busy day and found it for them. Those cunning bastards in the federal government had hidden it in clear sight, in the decisions section of the Federal Court of Canada, the court that heard the case.

However, if you read my posting on the case you'll note that I did not profess to have any knowledge of the issues beyond what is reported in the decision itself. I was responding to a question by LordEd to do with the meaning of this decision; ... fca20.html

LordEd had asked;
I found this on canlii:

Can somebody with more legal experience confirm my interpretation? The way I read this is that the court dismissed the claim/amended claim, but overturned the 'no leave to amend' allowing them to try again.
A bit of background. COMER had filed a lawsuit in Federal Court against the Bank of Canada. I won't go into details. I believe that, essentially, they want the BOC to return to the original intentions of the federal government when they created the BOC back in the great depression. The lawsuit was reviewed by a Prothonotary, basically an individual whose purpose is to cull the totally hopeless filings out from the more worthy ones to lower the workload of the Federal Court judges. This is probably the level that Menard's doomed Statement of Claim will get tossed. The Protonotary granted the Crown's motion to strike COMER's claim in its entirety without leave to amend. In August 2013 COMER brought a motion to the Federal Court under Rule 51(1) appealing the Prothonotary's decision. In April 2014 the Federal court reversed the Prothonotary's decision and allowed COMER the opportunity to amend it's Statement of Claim into something intelligible to the normal person. This is the decision that conspiracy theorists and COMER supporters claim was hit by a news and publication blackout to keep the world from finding that COMER has won.

The Crown appealed this to the Federal Court of Appeal and lost. They gave a short decision saying they had to give deference to the Federal Court judge because his decision was not unreasonable.
[4] This Court may only interfere with the decision of the Judge if it was arrived at on a wrong basis or was plainly wrong: see Z.I. Pompey Industrie v. ECU-Line N.V., at para 18 [2003] 1 S.C.R. 450, 2003 SCC 27 (CanLII). This standard of review requires us to afford deference to the Judge’s decision.

[5] Notwithstanding the able arguments of counsel, we have not been persuaded that the Judge made any error that would warrant our intervention in either the appeal or the cross-appeal. Accordingly, the appeal and the cross-appeal will be dismissed without costs. The Appellants are granted 60 days from the date hereafter to make amendments to the Amended Statement of Claim.
Although the FCA showed its distaste for the whole issue by choosing not to allow costs against the Crown. ... fca20.html

My posting was just an answer to LordEd's question. It did include comments that that COMER's lawsuit was almost certainly scandalous, vexatious, and an abuse of process but that COMERS Statement of Claim was such an incomprehensible mess that there was no way to really tell for sure. This may be the astounding ignorance that reverendjim was referring too. Unfortunately for COMER and Galati I didn't say that, the Federal Court of Canada did.

[99] In my view, this appeal cannot succeed in its entirety. However, given my finding that the allegations of breach of statute and constitutional obligations may be justiciable depending upon whether the Plaintiffs can establish a reasonable cause of action through appropriate amendments, the Plaintiffs should have leave to amend.

[100] In view of my reasons, the following paragraphs of the Claim must be struck in their entirety:
a. Paragraph 1(a)(viii);
b. Paragraph 1(b);
c. Paragraph 41;
d. Paragraph 47;
e. Paragraph 48;
f. Paragraph 49.

[101] If these paragraphs are struck, it is then my view that, in accordance with Rule 221, the entire Claim discloses no reasonable cause of action, is scandalous and vexatious, and is an abuse of the process of the Court. However, there is a possibility that these problems could be remedied by appropriate amendments. For this reason, then, the Claim should be struck in its entirety with leave to amend.
My personal comment, based on this was;
So the Federal Court essentially said that COMER's lawsuit is almost certainly scandalous and vexatious, and an abuse of process but the Statement of Claim is such a mess that there is no way to really tell for sure. So all the court did was give COMER another chance to try and submit a Statement of Claim that makes a modicum of sense so the court can toss it out based on the lack of merit in the arguments rather than incomprehension. The Federal Court of Appeal gave deference to the Federal Court judgement and dismissed the Crown's appeal to dump the whole mess. That will happen when COMER submits a new Statement of Claim that the court concludes;

1 - Is still unintelligible and the court tells them they've had a fair chance so get lost. or;

2 - The court can understand it and rules, on it's merits, that it is vexatious and an abuse of process.

Either way the case is past life support and is waiting for last rites.

While COMER seems to take this as an actual major victory against the evil empire it is just a procedural step that does not in any way support the basis of their lawsuit. Right off the top I can see an obvious reason why at least one part of the original Statement of Claim is fatally flawed;
[9] The causes of action claimed are chiefly concerned with three subsections of the Bank Act:
18. The Bank may

(i) make loans or advances for periods not exceeding six months to the Government of Canada or the government of a province on taking security in readily marketable securities issued or guaranteed by Canada or any province;

(j) make loans to the Government of Canada or the government of any province, but such loans outstanding at any one time shall not, in the case of the Government of Canada, exceed one-third of the estimated revenue of the Government of Canada for its fiscal year, and shall not, in the case of a provincial government, exceed one-fourth of that government’s estimated revenue for its fiscal year, and such loans shall be repaid before the end of the first quarter after the end of the fiscal year of the government that has contracted the loan;

(m) open accounts in a central bank in any other country or in the Bank for International Settlements, accept deposits from central banks in other countries, the Bank for International Settlements, the International Monetary Fund, the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development and any other official international financial organization, act as agent or mandatory, or depository or correspondent for any of those banks or organizations, and pay interest on any of those deposits;
[10] COMER claims that the Bank and other Crown actors have failed to comply with the requirements of subsections 18(i) and (j), which they interpret as requiring the Bank and the Minister of Finance to make interest-free loans for the purpose of municipal, provincial and federal “human capital expenditures”.[4] The only individual case of a rejected loan appears to be the August 18, 2004, decision of the Minister of Finance to refuse a loan to the Town of Lakeshore, Ontario.[5]
Note that the wording is that bank may do what is in (i), (j) and (m), not shall do what is in the section. When "shall" is used in Canadian statures it is a requirement to do something but when "may" is usd the actions are discretionary so the bank is under no legal requirement under the Bank Act to do anything in those subsections. So if this mess makes it to court that part is doomed to failure because whether the Bank of Canada should allow these loans is not law but policy (the reason for the "may", is to allow the Bank flexibility in implimenting policy) and the court will not rule on that.
However this is just a reframing of the Federal court comment. If our monetary expert reverendjim is hoping for a happy outcome of this lawsuit he'd better be prepared for heartbreak and tears. The case is hopeless.

Reverendjim said;
edit: one has to wonder why this particular case has never made the news. go to cbc and look for galati's name and you find a list of constitutional challeges as long as your arm. but no lawsuit agaist the BoC and the federal government. not a peep. very telling. you will find it on no other major news outlet either. very very telling.
I'll make a wild guess why it never made the news; it is a crank lawsuit that the media has cocluded isn't newsworthy. Nobody cares. You can find, as reverendjim said, a long list of constitutional challenges by Galati but very few winning ones. This one just isn't worth the effort of the press or media to promote. It may make the news when COMER finally loses but at the moment all that has happened is a batch of dry procedural reviews on the admissability of the Statement of Claim. Hardly a barnburner.

LordEd took a shot at explaining COMER's position and I'll let it serve as an explanation of what they are about. As reverendjim aptly said I focus on fluff like Menard and just can't be bothered to address the important issues facing us.


Galati is a legal Gadfly with an animus against the federal government. An ex Department of Justice lawyer who files lawsuits against the government. Type his name in You Tube and you'll have a week's entertainment listening to him go on and on. Given him credit, he did lead a successful charge to stop a Supreme Court of Canada appointment although I believe the Supreme Court, which decided the case, found against Judge Nadon's appointment for reasons other than those advanced by Galati;
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Robert Menard

Post by Jeffrey »

reverendjim wrote:i have yet to see a real solution to anything presented on quatloos.
Burnaby wrote:Menard is aware of Nolan, he had it brought to his attention at JREF back in 2011 when he was babbling on about the entirely legal C3PO force he was going to create
See, you can't claim this forum doesn't provide solutions when we had explained to Menard clearly and in plain in English why his peace officer scheme would not work and provided the case law to back it up. So if Menard had listened to the "solution" we provided him 4 years ago, the people in Nanaimo would not have been jailed, Menard would not have been arrested last year and he would have avoided this current costly lawsuit that is destined to fail.

So I'm sorry but you cannot claim Quatloos/JREF does not provide solutions.

Unless you want solutions to the rest of Menard's woes, in which case a good start would be to apply to Tim Horton's for a job so he can earn an honest living instead of scamming people online.
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Re: Robert Menard

Post by Burnaby49 »

Jeffrey wrote:
reverendjim wrote:i have yet to see a real solution to anything presented on quatloos.
Burnaby wrote:Menard is aware of Nolan, he had it brought to his attention at JREF back in 2011 when he was babbling on about the entirely legal C3PO force he was going to create
See, you can't claim this forum doesn't provide solutions when we had explained to Menard clearly and in plain in English why his peace officer scheme would not work and provided the case law to back it up. So if Menard had listened to the "solution" we provided him 4 years ago, the people in Nanaimo would not have been jailed, Menard would not have been arrested last year and he would have avoided this current costly lawsuit that is destined to fail.

So I'm sorry but you cannot claim Quatloos/JREF does not provide solutions.

Unless you want solutions to the rest of Menard's woes, in which case a good start would be to apply to Tim Horton's for a job so he can earn an honest living instead of scamming people online.
I don't see my Quatloosian role as providing "solutions". Solutions are a slippery slope from totally useless feel-good comments such as "let's change the laws and make (terrorism, murder, prejudice, income taxes, anything I don't like) illegal" to demented rancid hate-filled internet rants. Solutions are the comfort zone of people like reverendjim, a way to legitimize personal opinions to appear as if they are actually of some value and to crap on anyone who doesn't share them. I have no wish to go there, it just turns into flame wars, the only purpose of which is sating the bloodlust of the participants. Everyone, from mass murdering Islamic terrorists to my wonderful 80 year old widowed next-door neighbour has "solutions" to all the world's problems but I'm an old guy who spent 35 years as an income tax auditor fighting people over their opinions and I've lost faith in the pipe dream that offering "solutions" over the internet has any value whatever. Check my past posts, see if I've ever offered any solutions about resolving anything. If I have it is only because I posted at 4:30 in the morning drunk. The fact that I'm posting this at 4:30 AM is entirely coincidental.

I don't deal in "solutions", I try to promote awareness. Unlike the legions of the claimed Freeman supporters who babble endlessly on the internet I actually make the effort to go to court and sit through extremely boring court hearings to try and accurately report how Freeman bullshit fails in the only venue that counts. I've said over and over that I want an alternate conflicting narrative on what happens in the courtroom but showing up seems to be beyond the efforts that Freeman supporters are willing to make.

Posting worthless personal opinions on the internet takes only moments but what I do takes time. I give a lot of thought to my postings and I support them by referencing verifiable factual documents to allow readers to form their own opinions on the issue I discuss. Reverendjim is more comfortable with content-free thoughtless ramblings that verify their authenticity by avoiding the constipated establishment obsessions with spellcheck and comprehensible grammar. I want people to review both sides of issues and decide where they stand based on the quality of the information presented to them. When I give opinions, like the comments I've made about Menard, I back them up with facts to support what I'm saying. Reverendjim lives in a happy bubble where everybody but him is wrong and he doesn't have to think too much about his beliefs because he just does not consider anything that potentially conflicts with them. He's happy with "solutions" because you don't have to defend them with logic or facts. Belief is enough. Sadly I don't have that inner certainty so I'm driven to document what I say. Reverendjim must lead a very contented life.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Robert Menard

Post by notorial dissent »

A point for Reverendjim, as I think what he is saying is that Quatloos in particular, and obviously JREF, is that for some varieties of foolishness, i.e. anything Bobby puts his frail little hand to is doomed to failure from the start. There are some, in fact many, things, that the only solution for them/to them, is not to do them in the first place, but then that implies some actual thought and knowledge being applied beforehand, something that obviously NEVER happens when Bobby is at the wheel so to speak, and with a great many of the FOTL types as well it appears. So sorry Reverendjim, but there is no magic answer fairy for fixing dumbass moves.
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Re: Robert Menard

Post by arayder »

Burnaby49 wrote:Incidentally there has been a good deal of interest in the Menard files. Menard's Federal Court Statement of Claim has been downloaded from Media Fire (not just viewed) 115 times, and the leaked log from Menard's ACCP group has been downloaded 177 times. There have been over 3,000 view of this discussion since I posted information about Menard's charges on January 23rd.

About the only thing missing is an indignant denial from Menard castigating me for being a damn liar for promoting falsehoods against an innocent man. You know, like Menard did about Russ Weninger.
It's pretty clear that Bobby's oft repeated claim that he had previously been recognized as a peace officer was a lie.

I suspect Bobby will go for the old "I'm not through fighting with continued filings" ploy. As long as he gets a few likes at his Facebook page and the courts spell his name right, and a few gullibles send in donations Mr. "Look at Me" will be happy.
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Re: Robert Menard

Post by arayder »

notorial dissent wrote:A point for Reverendjim, as I think what he is saying is that Quatloos in particular, and obviously JREF, is that for some varieties of foolishness, i.e. anything Bobby puts his frail little hand to is doomed to failure from the start. There are some, in fact many, things, that the only solution for them/to them, is not to do them in the first place, but then that implies some actual thought and knowledge being applied beforehand, something that obviously NEVER happens when Bobby is at the wheel so to speak, and with a great many of the FOTL types as well it appears. So sorry Reverendjim, but there is no magic answer fairy for fixing dumbass moves.
I am struck by the number of times freemen struggle to change the subject when something about their movement comes into question.

When the reverend opines that freeman debunkers don't rail along with him against his off the subject corruption du jour he's in effect aping Menard's "at least the C3POs aren't the Ferguson police" argument.
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Re: Robert Menard

Post by LordEd »

The reason that case is getting no media is because the court has dismissed their case but the appeal says they can try again.

"Director" Menard is a freeman public figure and is of interest because of that. Otherwise he is not of significant note as he did not generally practice what he sold.

Edit: for clarity "that case" being the COMER case (which is off-topic to this thread other than the ike comments in their Menard thread). Menard's case (the one he brought, not the one he is charged with) is also likely to be dismissed, but isn't quite at that stage yet.
Last edited by LordEd on Fri Feb 13, 2015 5:31 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Robert Menard

Post by notorial dissent »

Might also be because it is a non-starter, a non-event, by a non-entity named Bobby. It amounts to nothing, it is going no where, and no one cares!!!!
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: Robert Menard

Post by arayder »

We all know about the countless times freemen/sovs have made legal arguments and acted upon legal advice that was proven falicious years ago. Sometimes individual freemen/sovs make the same argument twice and are mystified that the court didn't buy it the second time.

We shouldn't be surprised if Menard's failed attempt to get the C3POs officially recognized ends up being like one of the movement's old, failed legal machinations that freemen simply do not realize had no basis in reality.
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Re: Robert Menard

Post by arayder »

Burnaby49 wrote:. . . Reverendjim lives in a happy bubble where everybody but him is wrong and he doesn't have to think too much about his beliefs because he just does not consider anything that potentially conflicts with them. He's happy with "solutions" because you don't have to defend them with logic or facts. Belief is enough. Sadly I don't have that inner certainty so I'm driven to document what I say. Reverendjim must lead a very contented life.
The funny thing is Reverendjim starts his participation in the "Rob Menard Arrested" Icke's thread by questioning the source of the information and then feigns indifference by inferring everbody in freemandia knew about Menard's arrest last year, but just didn't care.

I suspect there is a germ of truth in the reverend's rant. There can't be much doubt a few freemen in Toronto knew about Bobby's June 2014 arrest since one of his freeman-lite friends was at the scene. After Bobby posted his YouTube misrepresentation of the facts one has to figure word spread though the T.O. freeman community that Fezboy was blowing smoke.

A couple of calls or emails back to freemen in Vancouver would have confirmed that being less than truthful is Bobby's MO.

So, looking for the credibility he could have saved by telling the truth (Bobby knew he'd been lying about successfully flashing his C3PO badge) and protesting his arrest Bobby tried to gen up the dead ACCP, pretended to start several C3PO detachments and filed some papers with the courts.

Reverendjim is right in that, except for a few Facebook friends and some gullibles who saw the ACCP as a meal ticket freemandia seems not to have cared.
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Re: Robert Menard

Post by arayder »

Now the rev says, that although he's a regular at at least two freeman forums, he just doesn't/didn't care that director of the World Freeman Society got arrested and then lied about it.

It seems throwing one another under the bus is a frequent activity in freemandia.

Menard throws anybody who gets busted using his methods under the bus and when the director of WFS runs into trouble even the freeman hangers on give him a good kick while he's down.

With friends like the that, who needs enemas?

The folks over at WFS ought to wonder when the boot in going to be put to them.
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Re: Robert Menard

Post by notorial dissent »

I'm not sure if "freemen simply do not realize" is so much the case as "freemen are simply oblivious to reality" is a better statement. The feeling/impression I continue to get is of a tribe of the clueless and ignorant. It would seem, that most, if not all of them, want nothing more than for someone else to do their thinking/research/learning for them and that as long as the end result does not require them to actually do anything then they are satisfied as they are ever likely to be. Regrettably they do not seem to be short of any number of people telling them what they should be doing, almost always for large amounts of money, that they absolutely refuse to do any cognitive effort towards the sensibility of what they are being told.

I will say that I find it hard to credit Reverendjim's statement that "everybody knew about it and just didn't care". From what I have seen, FOTL are the biggest gossips and carriers of tales on the planet, and if the great and powerful Menard had gotten busted, it would have been all over the community, if only in the denialist form. These people never met a secret they could keep.

The other explanation, is that the FOTL are so spaced out, on whatever the the mental desiccant of the day is, that they are just plain totally oblivious to what is going on around them. In either case, it does not speak highly or kindly of their culture.

Basically, I'm calling hooey on Reverendjim, he got caught with his ignorance showing and that was the only face saving response he could come up with. He doesn't exhibit much in the way of originality or purposeful thought so that is no great surprise. He didn't come right out and lie like Bobby would have, he just claimed indifference and that everyone knew. Not quite a lie.

The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: Robert Menard

Post by arayder »

I don't know which is worse: not knowing about Menard's painfully obvious attempts to fleece gullible freemen wannabes, or knowing about it and not doing anything about it.

In one thread our reverend has claimed both. . .or is it either? The next ploy might be to change the subject. Our boy loves to talk about banking, so maybe that will be the bright, shiny object he wants us to look at.
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Re: Robert Menard

Post by notorial dissent »

I suspect it will be to move on to other topics less embarrassing to him in the hopes no one will notice.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: Robert Menard

Post by grixit »

arayder wrote:
It seems throwing one another under the bus is a frequent activity in freemandia.

Menard throws anybody who gets busted using his methods under the bus and when the director of WFS runs into trouble even the freeman hangers on give him a good kick while he's down.

With friends like the that, who needs enemas?
They all need enemas. To unclog their brains.
Three cheers for the Lesser Evil!

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Re: Robert Menard

Post by arayder »

notorial dissent wrote:I suspect it will be to move on to other topics less embarrassing to him in the hopes no one will notice.

I guess "other topics less embarrassing" would mean a new thread over at Ickes. Before I got banded over there varying off the topic of a thread in the slightest got me warnings and suspensions.

Derailing the "Menard got arrested" thread by insisting on talking about some other topic would be an insult to the mods over at Ickes.
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Re: Robert Menard

Post by Burnaby49 »

First some Menard items then my last COMER posting on this discussion. Honest!

Jeffery said;
I'd like to take a stab at this.

You gotta remember the context is the Nanaimo arrrests. All of them got sentenced to one day in jail plus probation if I recall. So (feel free to correct me), this is perfect for Menard. He gets to use this for fund raising, gets him Freeman street cred and all he has to do is spend a day or two in jail.

I suspect Menard went out and got himself intentionally stopped by traffic since Menard had to be aware that following Dean Clifford's 2013 arrest he got an huge influx of paying customers. There are a few things that point in that direction, Menard wasn't driving the car, he had the camera ready to act out for a YouTube video to use in fundraising efforts, the post-stop crying and in particular pretending to talk to a 911 operator during the stop.
I disagree. Since Menard has not, in any way that I can find, tried to use the arrest and charges as material to either raise funds or embellish his legend I can't see that this was his intention. He posted his carefully edited video then went silent. I'm guessing because charges were filed against him after his original bluster about his Toronto triumph and his video posting so he decided he'd better shut up. Had he revealed that he'd been charged and tried to take on the role of be the great Freeman fighter battling for 3CPO status on his follower's behalf's it would have revealed that his whole accounting of the stop and his video version of it were a lie. Also I suspect that while he is free to tell the world he is out on bail after being charged if he so choses (which he has been very careful not to do) any more Freeman rants about his big traffic-stop victory would violate his bail terms and he'd be back in detention. He'd probably face the same consequences if he denied the criminal charges after I revealed them even though I provided no documentation whatever to support my accusations. So he can confirm but not deny. Don't worry Rob, I'm working on getting that documentation but the Toronto court registry is being difficult. Just a matter of time.

If Jeffery is right and that was his plan he obviously lost control of the narrative after being charged and is now trying to keep everything under wraps. Since it will all come out eventually when he faces an actual trial perhaps he's just trying to buy time to pull off his Freeman debit card scheme. However I'm guessing that after all the publicity that one is heading for the dumpster too. Sorry Rob.

Arayder said;
The funny thing is Reverendjim starts his participation in the "Rob Menard Arrested" Icke's thread by questioning the source of the information and then feigns indifference by inferring everbody in freemandia knew about Menard's arrest last year, but just didn't care.

I suspect there is a germ of truth in the reverend's rant. There can't be much doubt a few freemen in Toronto knew about Bobby's June 2014 arrest since one of his freeman-lite friends was at the scene. After Bobby posted his YouTube misrepresentation of the facts one has to figure word spread though the T.O. freeman community that Fezboy was blowing smoke.

A couple of calls or emails back to freemen in Vancouver would have confirmed that being less than truthful is Bobby's MO.
I doubt that his is the case either. If I recall correctly the driver of the car wasn't arrested, only Menard. So the driver would have no knowledge of what happened after the arrest except what Menard told him. Menard could have easily come back after release and told the driver the police had a few questions but let him go after he convinced them that he was a legitimate peace officer. Menard made a video after the incident criticizing the driver for driving recklessly, not something I'd think he'd do if he was relying on the driver to keep any secrets about the stop.

I've detected nothing amongst any Freeman chatter that I've been following to indicate that anyone had a clue about the charges until I revealed them.

Now on to COMER. Reverendjim is having a real hissy-fit about Quatloos, Arayder and, I assume, me for our comments about COMER and Rocco Galati. He's saying things like;
like i said, your kind are dirt.

it seems that your talk about me is lacking any substance. keep going. its fun. especially what comes out of the mouth of Cletus the slack jawed yokel. you do know that in society in general, you are in a minority, dont you? lol. its just a matter of time til the majority knows how crooked your kind are. then we will see a properly functioning democracy. that will be fun, dont you think?
How did he know that my real name is Cletus Beauregard Stonewall Yokel? Did he somehow find that Street View picture of me I was talking about earlier?


Maybe I've underrated him! Naaaaah.

Anyhow Felixk berated reverendjim for babbling on and on about COMER in a discussion thread which has Menard's arrest as it's nominal topic and told him if he wants to continue on about it to come over here and participate in the COMER/Galati discussion that Arayder just started;
Originally Posted by reverendjim lol. complain to management mr auditor.
Don't be silly.

arayder has started a thread especially for you.


Go and fill your boots.
Good advice. This discussion is also supposedly about Menard and I've wasted too much space and the readers' patience on it indulging in the personal pleasure of baiting reverendjim. If I have anything more to say on the topic I'll say it in these two discussions;

Last edited by Burnaby49 on Sun Feb 15, 2015 1:15 am, edited 1 time in total.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Robert Menard

Post by Burnaby49 »

This just in from K1W1 over at;
Except the sovereign movement is not a scam -- and the same with the sovereign-type de-tax schemes -- which apparently is a point that has completely got past burnaby49, arseraider and the other half-witted clowns who frequent that particular thread at Quatloos. If it was a scam, the great Justice Rooke would be throwing OPCA “gurus” into an earthly prison instead of furrowing his brow in frustration and laughably condemning them to an ancient Roman poet’s version of hell. Ha! Talk about a Comedy alright!
Perhaps K1Wi hasn't been paying attention. If he checks out my postings on the Porisky tax evaders, helpfully indexed here,


He'll find that not only are proponents of "sovereign-type de-tax schemes" going to jail they are doing so in significant numbers. As for Gurus not going to jail, where is Dean Clifford at the moment? What happened to the Nanaimo Three? David Kevin Lindsay? Glenn Fearn? And I suspect Menard's turn is coming.

I agree that believing in the sovereign philosophy, whatever that is, is not illegal. However acting on it in opposition to Canada's laws is. The reason that most of the sovereigns who lose in court don't go to jail is that they are engaged in civil, not criminal actions. Charles Holmes, Chief Rock Sino General, Bernie Yankson, Aileen Rogozinsky, et al all lost but didn't end up in jail because they had done nothing criminal to warrrant it. But they still lost. The Chief may end up in jail yet, we'll see about that one.

The half-witted clown known here as Burnaby"arseraider"49
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Robert Menard

Post by arayder »

Burnaby49 wrote:
Arayder said;
The funny thing is Reverendjim starts his participation in the "Rob Menard Arrested" Icke's thread by questioning the source of the information and then feigns indifference by inferring everbody in freemandia knew about Menard's arrest last year, but just didn't care.

I suspect there is a germ of truth in the reverend's rant. There can't be much doubt a few freemen in Toronto knew about Bobby's June 2014 arrest since one of his freeman-lite friends was at the scene. After Bobby posted his YouTube misrepresentation of the facts one has to figure word spread though the T.O. freeman community that Fezboy was blowing smoke.

A couple of calls or emails back to freemen in Vancouver would have confirmed that being less than truthful is Bobby's MO.
I doubt that his is the case either. If I recall correctly the driver of the car wasn't arrested, only Menard. So the driver would have no knowledge of what happened after the arrest except what Menard told him. Menard could have easily come back after release and told the driver the police had a few questions but let him go after he convinced them that he was a legitimate peace officer. Menard made a video after the incident criticizing the driver for driving recklessly, not something I'd think he'd do if he was relying on the driver to keep any secrets about the stop.

I've detected nothing amongst any Freeman chatter that I've been following to indicate that anyone had a clue about the charges until I revealed them.
You know how arrests work in Canada better than I do, Burnaby. What I was talking about is that Menard publicly passed off what happened after he shut off the camera as he and the driver just getting tickets at the scene and being sent on their way.

If the cops hauled Menard off or detained him the driver would know that the tickets-issued-at-the-scene story was BS.

But you are right Menard could have come back after his arrest/detention and told the story that he wowed the cops with his brilliance. Bobby's a story a minute. How he hoped to explain away subsequently bumming multiple rides to court are another matter.

It's all pretty much pointless conjecture now since Menard's lie is now known, even in the freeman subculture.

All that's left now is for freemandia's excusers to bather on about how being a freeman is voluntary, how nobody can silence freeman free speech, how nobody can stop them from throwing their money at gurus and how Clifford isn't really in jail and how Menard isn't really on the hook big time for an impersonating a police officer.

Buy some popcorn, folks. The show's not over yet.
notorial dissent
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Re: Robert Menard

Post by notorial dissent »

And they say Canadians don't have a sense of humor. You sly subtle old dog you!!!!

K1W1 only reads the news that says that the sovrun/detaxer types are winning and that the gurus are leaders of truth right and all things Canadian.

You rightly point out that most of the denizens to date are largely guilty of civil not criminal infractions, mostly because they really aren't up to the big time, although Bobby is working at it, and may eventually, even in his general ineptitude, accomplish that little feat.

On a side note, thinking back on the "arrest incident", I have a little theory I'd like to propose. I think that Bobby, in his usual style, was sponging a ride off of one of his acolytes or wannabe followers who had problems of his own and shouldn't have been out driving and got out and got caught. I think Bobby in a fit of blind stupid panic Bobby decided to flash his magic pretend badge at the police, who really weren't in the least interested in a nondescript street person type passenger, and got his sorry ass arrested for impersonating, about which he has been pretending didn't happen ever since.

FWIW, I think Chiefy is probably the next contender for a term in gaol as well, and quite frankly it couldn't happen to a more deserving person.

Incidentally, if you are a "half-witted clown" I just wish we had a whole lot more of you.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.