David Wynn Miller

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David Wynn Miller

Post by littleFred »

David Wynn Miller aka aka Plenipotentiary JUDGE :David-Wynn: Miller has been mentioned a few times on Quatloos, such as "Full Colon Miller" strikes again in 2007 about one of his followers. But he doesn't seem to have a thread of his own, and I think he deserves one.

After all, this guy invented his own language and from 2010 to 2012 intitiated about a hundred court actions in Hawaii, California, and other states with claims written in that language, despite the difficulty everyone else has of understanding it.

Most of the actions are in concert with one or two other plaintiffs, often with the same surname, against a bank of mortgage company. I speculate that they claim a mortgage is fraudulent, the homeowners don't need to pay it back yet can keep the home. I have to speculate because these judgements don't tell us what the plaintiffs wanted.

As an example, in the case of David Wynn-Miller et al v. Argent Mortgage Company, LLC, et al. in Hawaii in 2012, Judge Leslie E. Kobayashi said:
Plaintiffs’ Complaint is completely nonsensical and has no apparent relationship to any claim for judicial relief. It does not contain any coherent or complete sentences, let alone identify any specific claims that Plaintiffs are advancing or factual allegations they are making. Indeed, the Court cannot make out a single allegation from the Complaint. The Complaint is essentially comprised of a random collection of unintelligible words, symbols, and initials laid out in no apparent order. This incoherent text cannot be said to provide Defendants fair notice of the wrongs they have allegedly committed.

Accordingly, the Court HEREBY DISMISSES this action for failure to comply with Rule 8. Further, the dismissal is WITH PREJUDICE because the Court FINDS, based on the content of the Complaint as well as Plaintiff David-Wynn Miller’s numerous other filings in this district court, that he has filed this action in bad faith and that granting leave to amend would be futile.
(I omit the citations.)

In the case of Kualaau et al v. Full Spectrum Lending Inc., Chief Judge Susan Oki Mollway said:
This Complaint is only one of many filed by David-Wynn Miller in this court (as well as many other federal courts). Like his other filings, the Complaint consists of a collection of disjointed words, symbols, letters, and phrases and is completely unintelligible. As a result, those of Miller’s other complaints that have been the subject of court rulings have been dismissed for failure to comply with Rule 8 of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure 8 and/or Rule 12(b)(6). [Citations omitted.]

The Complaint in this action must be dismissed for the same reasons-–it is unintelligible and frivolous on its face. Indeed this court has just filed an Order Directing David Wynn Miller To Show Cause Why He Should Not Be Required To Obtain Leave of Court Before Filing Any New Action.
In a footnote, the judge observes:
The Complaint refers to David-Wynn Miller as a federal judge, although he is not a judge of any United States tribunal. Miller is cautioned not to make false representations.
In that case, there was a filing fee of $350. Around 100 cases would be $35,000. Doubtless Mr (not Judge) Miller is a generous soul who gives away his time to help hard-working house-owners against the evil mortgage companies. I don't suppose he offers a "no win no fee" guarantee. I wonder if, perhaps, homeowners make any donations to Mr Miller in return for his services. Donations equivalent to the court fees wouldn't be a bad living. He boasts on his video that he wins court cases, including in the US supreme court.

He has also failed in Australia.

On his website, David describes his invented language. Sadly, he does so (eg Overview-syntax) using his invented language, so it's not a lot of help to newbies like me. His videos such as QUANTUM LANGUAGE OF LAW by JUDGE :David-Wynn: Miller are easier as he talks in a more conventional English. He parses sentences into parts of speech: verb, noun, adverb and so on. He gives syntax rules for how parts of speech may be put together to form valid sentences. An invalid sentence is an illusion, a lie. His syntax rules are different to everyone else's, naturally. Statutes, regulations and the Lord's Prayer don't follow his rules so are invalid.

Sample rules: to be valid, a sentence must start with "FOR". The only valid verbs are "IS" and "ARE", and gerunds. Adverbs and adjectives are not allowed. (The reason for this is that "adjective" and "adverb" both start with a vowel and two consonants, so they both mean "no contract", which makes the sentence untrue.)

When trying to understand these rules, the real difficulty is that David's definitions of verb, noun, adverb are different to everyone else's. As an example, he parses [video 50m 0s] "The United States of America". Most of us would parse this as "article, adjective, plural noun, preposition, proper noun", combining to form a noun-phrase. David agrees, but moves on: "the" and "of" are separated so both become adverbs. The adverb modifies the adjective, the adjective modifies the pronoun [what pronoun?], the pronoun is connected by the adverb which then modifies the dangling participle verb "America". A pronoun is apparently any word that stands alone.

The video goes on to explain exactly how to write lawsuits. For some reason, he doesn't mention his many failures I mention above, nor that he has been declared a vexatious litigant.

What authority does David claim for his assertion that his language rules are correct, and conventional language is wrong? No authority, as far as I can see. He tells us that a botched operation left him dead for half an hour, and he then didn't sleep for eight years. Perhaps his brain has rewired itself.
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Re: David Wynn Miller

Post by Jeffrey »

Miller is notable for allegedly influencing Jared Loughner and probably being among the more financially successful Gurus:

http://www.smh.com.au/world/messiahlike ... 19r9v.html
Falamaki is reported to have paid Miller $5000... his Brisbane course next month, which costs $1800 for six days
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Re: David Wynn Miller

Post by fortinbras »

Although Miller seems to be raking in serious money, he has (at least until recently) been a very cheap bastard, having had several small short-lived websites over the years which were apparently free webpages of websites maintained for business by some of his adherents/clients. As these people became disenchanted with Miller, or his machinations caused them to lose the business sustaining the website, he was forced to bounce around to some other charitable webpage allowed by another client.
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Re: David Wynn Miller

Post by littleFred »

I should have mentioned above but forgot: I've searched around, but can find no evidence beyond his own word that Miller has ever won a single case. Of the 117 cases on Justia (mostly but not all about our man), I've read about 30. Those all failed. They get a bit boring after a while; there are only so many ways a judge can say, "This is gibberish".

One of the earlier cases, in 2007, concerned a wrongful death. I don't have access to PACER so can't see any details.
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Re: David Wynn Miller

Post by notorial dissent »

I don't think there is any way he could possibly win or have won any cases he was involved in since his stuff is pure, useless gibberish. As far as I am aware, neither he, nor any of his adherents have ever won anything, even by default.

All I can figure is that his groupies are loonier than he is as they keep tossing money at him and then keep right on losing at every step.
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Re: David Wynn Miller

Post by wserra »

littleFred wrote:One of the earlier cases, in 2007, concerned a wrongful death. I don't have access to PACER so can't see any details.
It's pretty much the same crash-and-burn as all of the other D-W:M cases. The complaint is incomprehensible gibberish. Judge Hughes doesn't even wait for the inevitable motions before dismissing the complaint with prejudice, calling it "wholly irrational" and "irremediably wrong". As an aside, I personally disagree with this characterization. It seems to me that a Miller complaint is a perfect opportunity to use Wolfgang Pauli's famous dictum, "That is not only not right, it is not even wrong".

Anyway, not to be deterred by a mere dismissal with prejudice, Miller files another complaint that looks a lot like the first. Judge Hughes promptly dismisses it. Miller keeps filing shit. Finally, Judge Hughes issues a blanket order: whatever Miller files, everyone can just ignore. The Fifth Circuit refuses to get involved.

Finally, years after the case is closed - in fact, less than a year ago - Miller's "client" asks for his $350 filing fee back, since "we never had our day in court". Clearly thinking that they had all the time in court their "case" deserved, Judge Hughes tells him to forget it.

But no sanctions. Victory!
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Re: David Wynn Miller

Post by littleFred »

Many thanks. I note that one of the plaintiffs is "Dorthy" in the complaints, but "Dorothy" (with an extra "o") in all the orders. Perhaps this would be grounds to have the case reopened? Tee hee.

I am now slightly familiar with Miller's invented language. It seems the only fact asserted in the complaint (para 90) is that Carl (the deceased) and Dorthy were husband and wife. That's all. Nothing else. Nothing about how he died, or what the hospital, doctors, judges or the guy who broke his hip might have done about it.

Miller shows deep ignorance of a fairly obvious fact: a complaint needs to say what you are complaining about. He repeats this error for years, with the same result. And the suckers I mean clients I mean co-plaintiff and seminar audiences pay out good money for this.
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Re: David Wynn Miller

Post by Famspear »

I wish someone involved in the so-called "reality" shows on television would read this, because I have an idea for a "reality" show (umm.... using the word "reality" fairly loosely):

Get David Wynn Miller, DMVP, and Mitch Modeleski (aka Paul Andrew Mitchell) together and lock em' all in a room with no computers or TVs or radios or smart phones or ipads or other electronic devices -- so that these three noodle heads would have nothing to do at all except interact with each other. I'd like to see that.

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Re: David Wynn Miller

Post by The Observer »

Famspear wrote:I'd like to see that.
You would like to see the universe end? You do realize there is an inherent danger in packing so much critical mass in a small space?
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Re: David Wynn Miller

Post by Famspear »

The Observer wrote:
Famspear wrote:I'd like to see that.
You would like to see the universe end? You do realize there is an inherent danger in packing so much critical mass in a small space?
If you think that congregating THAT trio in one place would have dire consequences for the cosmos, consider this:

....a communion of the BLOWHARDY!

...................a confluence of catastrophe!

............The aggregation of the most underwhelming Bloviating Blowhards in the tax protester-tax denier-sovereign citizen community! I'm talking about a meeting of:

L.B. (sovereign dork) Bork
Edward L. ("we are fed up with the Zionist Illuminati") Brown
Dave (he only assists nontaxpayers) Champion
Peter E. (Blowhard) Hendrickson (the Fabulous Felon)
Larken (Barkin' Larken, "you're not the boss of me") Rose
Marc (I just have to split before the jury will sit) Stevens

Imagine all these Klueless Kuh-daddle-hoppers in one room together, with nothing to do but strut around like a bunch of roosters, each trying to out-do the others, exuding phony self-importance.....

Imagine the huge rrrrrrrrrrrrippp in the fabric of space-time that would ensue!

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Re: David Wynn Miller

Post by notorial dissent »

I certainly think that Rod "clueless" Class, George Gordon, Michael Badnarik, and Alfred Adask would be good candidates for this brain trust as well. There's one more that may come to me later.
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Re: David Wynn Miller

Post by littleFred »

SovCits can be so funny ...

GOOFers are discussing whether the formula for court success is "i am a man Bali Maan" or "i am Bali a man".

Mareo responds:
boy this is so dumb :roll:
True, very true. But then he drops a howler:
a vowel next to a consonant creates a negative state of meaning,,,Judge David Wynn Miller
No, Mareo, no. If you are going to quote woo, please quote it correctly. Miller says a vowel followed by two consonants makes a negative.

According to Mareo's adaptation of Miller's junk, "i am a man" really means "i no no man", so "they are stating clearly and precisely that they are not a man or not a woman."

After this junked version of junk, Mareo asserts:
Quantum, parse, syntax, grammar cannot be beaten by anyone ... you need to study quantum language ala David Wynn Miller else you are putting your head on the chopping block to easily.
Apart from the minor detail that Miller has certainly had his head chopped off about a hundred times, and never once (as far as I can see) has he won.

I see a strange pattern of behaviour. If you want to win at court, follow gurus like Miller who consistently lose at court. If you want to stop paying your mortgage and keep your property, follow gurus like Taylor and Waugh and O'Deira who stopped paying their mortgage and lost their properties.
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Re: David Wynn Miller

Post by grixit »

Come, mister Bali Maan
Use that quantum grammar
Bailiff come and you're out of your home!
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Re: David Wynn Miller

Post by wserra »

Is "Banana Boat" now the official Quatloosian anthem?

Seems apt.
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Re: David Wynn Miller

Post by Gregg »

wserra wrote:Is "Banana Boat" now the official Quatloosian anthem?

Seems apt.
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Re: David Wynn Miller

Post by Hyrion »

littleFred wrote:According to Mareo's adaptation of Miller's junk, "i am a man" really means "i no no man"
Man... no wonder OPCAs are so confused.... I think you even erred.

am = pairing
an = pairing

So you really have:
  • i no n ono
But... really.... being negative isn't limited to no and how do we treat those values where the n and o are separate.... or are combined with other representations.... so it really must be able to convert n and o into binary equivalents. So I suggest:
  • i - . .-
Which really translates to:
  • i tea
So when he says "I am a man" he's really saying "I'm thirsty"
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Re: David Wynn Miller

Post by Gregg »

I am the eggman goo goo ka choo
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Re: David Wynn Miller

Post by LPC »

wserra wrote:Is "Banana Boat" now the official Quatloosian anthem?

Seems apt.
References to "Banana Boat" make me think of Harry Belafonte.

Which makes me think of a Lenny Bruce schtick about an agent so clueless he told Harry Belafonte to button up his shirt.

So if Banana Boat is the official anthem, I'm going to be telling people to button up their shirts. (Or button up something.)

(And if anyone reading this doesn't understand why telling Harry Belafonte to button up his shirt is funny, don't worry about it. I'm old, and it's an old person's version of a Justin Bieber joke.)
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Re: David Wynn Miller

Post by Chados »

What about that dude from NLA? Shouldn't he be part of that great meeting?
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Re: David Wynn Miller

Post by YiamCross »

I just found this guy from a post in the Crawfords (UK sov cit scams) and I really wish I hadn't.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?t=254&v=hby0uzYYyQA For the lessons of the courts.

I gave up trying to understand what he was talking about after 30 seconds or so, it's beyond me how anyone can listen for longer than that let alone give this rubbish any credence. Even if he wasn't talking gibberish, the haircut alone should be enough to warn any sane person off.

How do these people get others to give them money? It's scary. Such a professional presentation, the way his sheets of paper are nailed to a chunk of raw chipboard.