"Chief Rock Sino General" - Freeman guru-to-be?

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Re: "Chief Rock Sino General" - Freeman guru-to-be?

Post by Burnaby49 »

I also had a chance meeting at the court registry. After rage-girl left a middle age couple wanted a look at the husband's father's probate file. Once they had it they kept badgering the clerk with what were essentially legal questions. What is this document about? What does it mean? Where did it come from? Who put it in the file? They were totally clueless about legal documents. His answer was the same to all questions "I'm a clerk, I just get files and make photocopies, I can't discuss the contents of the file." They were getting annoyed at the lack of legal help provided by a guy who's job was finding files in a storage room. So in the end he got a supervisor, a different one that the last. Compared to my divorcee these two hardly qualified as background noise so I was barely listening but when the supervisor started talking to them I recognized her voice. I looked up to see a niece I'd last seen maybe three years ago. I had no idea she worked here. So we caught up on events.

I might have come on an unusual day but the clerks were certainly getting a lot of hassles given that all they did was get files and make photocopies.
Last edited by Burnaby49 on Thu Jan 22, 2015 7:14 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: "Chief Rock Sino General" - Freeman guru-to-be?

Post by LightinDarkness »

Thanks for the detailed report Burnaby, these things are literally popcorn eating reading for me. What I love most about the Chief is that he could have actually escaped the entire ordeal if he had not deployed freeman magic.

But in typical freeman style here, we have this as a "win" because for some reason the case was dropped, even though ALL EVIDENCE suggests it had nothing to do with freeman magic and EVERYTHING to do with some procedural error. Which, by the way - if the courts are all as evil and corrupt as people like Chief say, how is it that they dropped the case over a procedural error? Wouldn't evil and corrupt courts just ignore that?
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Re: "Chief Rock Sino General" - Freeman guru-to-be?

Post by The Observer »

LightinDarkness wrote:What I love most about the Chief is that he could have actually escaped the entire ordeal if he had not deployed freeman magic.
I get the feeling that these situations that freemen, sovruns and tax protesters put themselves through at such expense is indicative that they believe these are rites of passage or some warped expression of existentialism for them. Rather than seeing their efforts as a complete waste of time and money, and more often than not, a loss of their freedom, they instead embrace these escapades as validation of their beliefs, regardless of the results.
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Re: "Chief Rock Sino General" - Freeman guru-to-be?

Post by rogfulton »

The Observer wrote:
LightinDarkness wrote:What I love most about the Chief is that he could have actually escaped the entire ordeal if he had not deployed freeman magic.
I get the feeling that these situations that freemen, sovruns and tax protesters put themselves through at such expense is indicative that they believe these are rites of passage or some warped expression of existentialism for them. Rather than seeing their efforts as a complete waste of time and money, and more often than not, a loss of their freedom, they instead embrace these escapades as validation of their beliefs, regardless of the results.
They seem to embrace the ideas that will most negatively impact their future, similar to that segment of society that sees jail time and/or facial tattoos as positives.
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Re: "Chief Rock Sino General" - Freeman guru-to-be?

Post by arayder »

Posters have often commented on the practical reality that practicing freemen are less free to travel, gain employment or do business than the average person.

To many freemen the average speeding ticket turns into a day in court and maybe a night in jail. Employment outside the cash economy from anybody who asks for a SIN isn't going to happen. Likewise and personal and businesses bank accounts aren't possible in freeman world.

We are all familiar with the stories of freemen losing their jobs, homes, wives and families because they can't navigate the modern world.

It's one thing to embrace freemanism and advocate an anarcho-libertarian world. But, living a life that isn't much more than an extended weed dulled adolescence isn't freedom.
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Re: "Chief Rock Sino General" - Freeman guru-to-be?

Post by The Observer »

arayder wrote:...because they [freemen] can't navigate the modern world.
Can't or won't? I think it is the latter. "Can't" suggests that they suffer from some cognitive deficiency and thus provides some excuse for their behavior. "Won't" seems to be a better fit, given that they commit positive acts (hiding assets, avoiding direct questions, researching statutues and misquoting citations from court cases, etc) showing that they are aware that they are facing the legal ax and will commit intellectual dishonesty.

That is not to say that no freeman suffers from a congnitive deficiency, but it would appear that most are following the freeman philosophy only as an attempt to enrich themselves by thumbing their nose at the law. The few that have a real problem with understanding the nonsense are also going to show a generaly inability to function in other areas of their life.
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Re: "Chief Rock Sino General" - Freeman guru-to-be?

Post by Arthur Rubin »

The Observer wrote:
arayder wrote:...because they [freemen] can't navigate the modern world.
Can't or won't? I think it is the latter. "Can't" suggests that they suffer from some cognitive deficiency and thus provides some excuse for their behavior.
It's not impossible, although I don't think "freeman-on-the-land syndrome" has made the DSM.
Last edited by Arthur Rubin on Fri Jan 23, 2015 5:29 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: copyedit to note that I don't think "Freeman-on-the-land" disorder has made the DSM
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Re: "Chief Rock Sino General" - Freeman guru-to-be?

Post by notorial dissent »

I'm not sure but what there isn't a component of can't, as in clinically identifiable issue, involved in all this, but my feeling it is a very small percentage, and that most of it is simply and truly won't.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: "Chief Rock Sino General" - Freeman guru-to-be?

Post by Burnaby49 »

Hot off the press is a new Canadian case where some knucklehead, with the excellent Freeman name of Bradley Reckless, seems to have tried the same "Get Out Of Debt Free" scam as the Chief and got cut off at the knees.

Bank of Montreal v Reckless, 2015 ONCA 62 (Jan. 30, 2015)
http://www.canlii.org/en/on/onca/doc/20 ... nca62.html

All Bradley wanted to do was walk away from a $44,178 debt by giving the bank some pocket change and unilaterally contracting his way out of the rest. Don't we all? This was an appeal at the Court of Appeal for Ontario from an unreported lower court decision. It says, in it's entirety;
[1] The appellant, Bradley Reckless, appeals from the judgment of Murray J. dated April 24, 2014, which granted summary judgment in favour of the respondent the Bank of Montreal in the amount of $44,178.26 and which dismissed the appellant’s counterclaim, in which he had sought damages of $261,472 against the Bank.

[2] In his brief oral reasons, the motion judge found that the Bank was entitled to repayment of the credit card debt owed to it by the appellant. The motion judge also found that the appellant had not raised any issue requiring a trial in respect of the issues of estoppel or accord and satisfaction asserted by the appellant against the Bank by way of defence and by way of counterclaim.

[3] Ample evidence supported those findings made by the motion judge. The Bank filed evidence which established the debt owed by the appellant on his credit card. The documents entitled “Accord and Satisfaction” sent by the appellant to the Bank and the Bank’s subsequent acceptance of payment made by the appellant did not have the legal effect of altering what he owed to the Bank.

[4] The motion judge was correct in concluding that the appellant could not attempt to dictate unilaterally to the Bank the terms and conditions upon which he would repay his credit card debt.

[5] As for the procedural concerns raised by the appellant, he was not entitled to cross-examine the deponent of the Bank’s affidavit at the motion in the absence of a notice of examination.

[6] Further, Murray J. had the materials before him, including the parties’ legal positions, and from the transcript filed the motion judge had clearly considered the appellant’s materials and the points he was asserting.

[7] For those reasons, the appeal is dismissed.

[8] Costs are fixed in the amount of $6,000, inclusive of disbursements and HST, payable by the appellant to the Bank.
So what else can we find out about Bradley? Actually a fair amount;

He registered a domain named "biofeedbacktoronto.com"


but there's nothing in it. The mailing address related to that domain links to an apartment tower with bedbug issues;

(http://www.bedbugregistry.com/location/ ... ield%20Ave)

It actually seems like a nice enough place on Google Street View and, from what little I know of Toronto, seems well located.

He's also a musician. He ran a very short-lived 'blog' in 2008 titled "Fuck My Life"


which reveals, amongst other things, his professional troubles, his band's troubles, that he is a good tire roller, and that his girlfriend bit him in the face. We've all got problems Brad.

After that he tried to run a rave outfit, "Purity Productions", which apparently didn't work out very well.

(http://torontojungle.com/forum/archive/ ... 62232.html).

There are scraps of information about it here;

https://www.facebook.com/pages/Purity-P ... k=timeline
http://www.thebeatranch.com/interviews_cynex.html - this one mentions "Brad" is behind the operation
http://www.purerave.com/events/19535/reviews - Brad freaked out the cops!

He's also a photographer for a publication called "Absolute Underground" magazine:

But, strangely, he doesn't seem to have a Face Book page. There is nothing else about him on CanLII.

So Chief, be sure to bring this case up in your next seminar about the law of contract.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".

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Re: "Chief Rock Sino General" - Freeman guru-to-be?

Post by Burnaby49 »

The Chief is fighting back against the Notaries by reliving his old war stories. He's just posted an article on his Face Book that he wrote on November 30, 2013 lambasting the notarys for their evil racist attitude against him.

https://chiefrockmusic.wordpress.com/20 ... extortion/

November 30th, not coincidentally, was the day after the Notaries got their court order prohibiting the Chief from pretending to be a notary.


I note that the Chief spells honourable without the U. Is that just a spelling error on his part or is cribbing a lot of this stuff from American sources?

His primary target is our own Quatloos poster Ron Usher, Chief counsel for the Society of Notaries Public of British Columbia. He even mocks Ron's hobby!
Makes me laugh hard because now that Ron Usher has gone into court today, he truly believes Sino General is holding himself out as a notary, like really ? There are seals and documents with the name Sino General Notary Public? What the F is wrong with RON and the notary bunch? has he lost to much hair or has be been plucking away to much on his ukulele;

I knew Ron inflicted the uke on helpless audiences but I didn't know he was so sunk in iniquity that he sang Beatles songs while doing it.

He even provides a photo of Ron laughing maniacally on the courthouse steps as he contemplates further persecution of the chief;


Actually he gets pretty obsessive about Ron being the source of all his problems. Chief, some advice going forward to your next trial date when your contempt hearing will be held. You are losing focus by personalizing this too much. Ron Usher, as evil as he might be, is not the petitioner in this action. The Society of Notaries Public of British Columbia is the petitioner and Ron only acts for them. Doing your best to defame and discredit Ron just deflects you efforts from the real threat you face, the society.

But it's not just Ron Usher that has earned the Chief's ire, it is also our old friend Meads v Meads;
Meads vs Meads appears to be the leading case law that judges and lawyers are now using to attempt to deflect the approach being used or viewed by so called Freeman and/or OPCA litigants. From all the cases i sat in on, this Meads vs Meads is the case that gets thrown in the ring every time, either by the judge/master or the lawyer. Its like super famous now for the law society, its the go to case, they can now label litigants vexatious, even in the face of it all, its the lawyer and courts vexatious approach to each case. There is no more impartial judge/master no more. The moment your considered anything having to do with OPCA or Freeman, its a slam dunk no matter what you do or say, pre-judged and you being allowed to speak is merely for entertainment purposes only now.
In any case those fools at the society went after the wrong man;
I guess this guy went in and got this order, here it is for everyone to see and read. If you look very carefully they keep applying this to Sino General the PERSON not to Hajistahenhway. If in fact i make a request to the Office of the Registrar General’s in Ontario to have the birth record of Sino Cameron General shut off or removed from all records, like a light switch, it can be turned off as stated by them in this interview.

However the Chief is kind enough to note our efforts on his behalf!
If in fact all those documents are in fact nonsensical as 99% of lawyers would put it, why the F are you wasting all this time, money and effort RON, please tell me, im really curious to know. If in fact those documents do not have the force or legal effect why all the trouble brother ? Why all the searching around for Sino General, why all the posting on a website called Quatloos

I'll leave you to read the rest. All old stuff to me. I hope he has something better for the hearing, nothing I've read here is going to take him very far.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".

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Re: "Chief Rock Sino General" - Freeman guru-to-be?

Post by bmxninja357 »

I note that the Chief spells honourable without the U

like mine, his spell check doesn't speak canadian.

whoever said laughter is the best medicine never had gonorrhea....
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Re: "Chief Rock Sino General" - Freeman guru-to-be?

Post by Burnaby49 »

The Chief's contempt hearing had been scheduled for January 28th. However after the fuss he made about bringing in the troops and making a big protest out of it by using it as a symbol of society's mistreatment of natives it was rescheduled to February 27th, 10AM. The CBC has indicated they might be there so it may turn into a real show. Hope I get in!
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".

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Re: "Chief Rock Sino General" - Freeman guru-to-be?

Post by wserra »

If you do, bring a sign that says, "Justice for the Mississauga!"
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Re: "Chief Rock Sino General" - Freeman guru-to-be?

Post by Burnaby49 »

The Chief is primed and ready for his date with destiny! From his recent Face Book posting;

Sino General
1 hr · Vancouver ·

Completed an examination today with Notary Society in regards to their injunction against my person I use. They requested again I stop notarizing documents for people who need it. The society lawyer keeps wishing to join the names Hajistahenhway and the Person Sino General into one along with Chief Rock. They also use my posts on fb for their affidavit and evidence...I have a feeling they don't honor treaties or even know the terms. So sad their so ignorant.


The contempt hearing would be adjourned from January 28, 2015 to February 27, 2015 at 10:00am at the Vancouver Law Courts (800 Smithe Street, Vancouver, BC)
Dino Alec - That cray, of course they're ignorant

Powersthatbe - Allofus big

Winifred Kativa - Ugh

Thokotahkwa Doxtator - Kk bro tyme ta school dem hardheads

Sino General - They don't think a few members of our nation's can give an appointment to one of our own to be a notary. Or to be a judge or to be an officer ... their belief is we are to do as they command... under threat of course of being shot to death for resisting or jail for those who cooperate and agree to follow British law.

Harry Wombat - I hope you're recording it. smile emoticon
It would be great to learn from.

Sino General - Well let's hope some of the public do. This shall be interesting ...

Sino General - The society lawyers and courts are my biggest fan of my fb posts.

Harry Wombat - I'm rooting for you Chief.
If anyone can "wake them up", you can!! smile emoticon

Sino General - Lawyers think natives are complete idiots ...we don't know our treaties are still valid ...they wish to challenge the 2row wampum belt and silver covenant chain and all of our agreements. I hope to see a few people to witness it and write about it
Well don't worry Chief, I'll be there for you to witness it and write about it. However you might think about getting somebody else to provide an alternative narrative. What about our intrepid internet reporter Gregor Fpic Jahn?

The response seems a lot more subdued than it was for the first posting the Chief made about the contempt hearing. Maybe his followers realize that the time is approaching where they are expected to actually get off their butts and show up rather than just rooting for the home team with Facebook encouragement.
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Re: "Chief Rock Sino General" - Freeman guru-to-be?

Post by LordEd »

Question about notaries: if somebody got something notarized in the states or other country, would that document have any legal meaning here?
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Re: "Chief Rock Sino General" - Freeman guru-to-be?

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

Here is the Massachusetts rule:

Chapter 233: Section 73. Foreign oaths and affidavits

Section 73. All oaths and affidavits administered or taken by a notary public, duly commissioned and qualified by authority of any other state or government, within the jurisdiction for which he is commissioned, and certified under his official seal, shall be as effectual in this commonwealth as if administered or taken and certified by a justice of the peace therein.

For foreign notarizations, an "apostille" (so beloved of sovruns who believe that it confers powers much greater than it actually does) would be used to certify the authenticity of the signature on the document; the capacity under which the person signing the has acted; and the authenticity of any stamp or seal affixed to the document; and it is attached to the official document, as an annex, or is stamped upon it. The Hague Convention of 1961 prescribes the form which the apostille must take.
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Re: "Chief Rock Sino General" - Freeman guru-to-be?

Post by LordEd »


http://www.canadainternational.gc.ca/it ... ote]Canada is not a member of the 1961 Hague Convention Abolishing the Requirement for Legalisation for Foreign Public Documents. This convention replaced legalization, in member states, as the default procedure with a system of apostille. Its mechanisms are not applicable to Canada.[/quote]

http://www.international.gc.ca/departme ... x?lang=eng
Documents originating in a foreign country
Documents that originate in a foreign country must be signed and sealed by an official of that country’s embassy, high commission or consulate accredited to Canada. Please ensure that the signatory’s name is printed in the Latin (western) alphabet.
So if we took chief at his word as a notary for his nation, his documents are useless unless they are authenticated by his nation's embassy, high commission, or consulate. Digging back, he claims to be part of the "Haisla Nation (?)... Does his nation have one of those?


I don't see those there.

Does his nation have one of those? Google didn't find one for any nation within Canada.

So now if we take the "two row wampum" at chief's word as "Neither of us will make compulsory laws or interfere in the internal affairs of the other". So by notarizing documents for use in our courts, he is interfering in our internal affairs.

What are the penalties for chief violating the treaty?

Edit: I think i'm wrong about the chief claiming the Haisla nation. I think that was just a case he notarized.
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Re: "Chief Rock Sino General" - Freeman guru-to-be?

Post by Burnaby49 »


Sino General3 hrs · Vancouver ·
.News Agencies are contacting me now about the Supreme Court case this Friday at 930 am. So looks like I will get coverage.
— feeling amused.
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36 people like this..View 3 more comments..RemoveDru Klotz What is the court case regarding?2 hrs · Like
..RemoveSino General If u go on my page there is 2 posts on it. Basicly courts vs treaties1 hr · Like · 3
..RemoveFran Doxtador Go getem buddy...1 hr · Like · 1
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Hope I'll be able to get in.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".

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Re: "Chief Rock Sino General" - Freeman guru-to-be?

Post by notorial dissent »

I'm fairly sure that the one this ISN'T going to be entertaining for is Chiefy. I don't know if he is in denial or just that stupid, but this can't and won't end well. I do hope you can get in, as I am looking forward to an actual report as to what happened, not another of his flights of fantasy.
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Re: "Chief Rock Sino General" - Freeman guru-to-be?

Post by grixit »

Burnaby49 wrote:
Hope I'll be able to get in.

Don't be silly-- you're the Helen Thomas of sov events!
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