Robert Arthur Menard FOTL (Freeman on the Lam)

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Re: Robert Menard

Post by slowlyslowly »

I got banned as Steven 1 for being a superfreeman

I even had Menard arguing with me that my freeman status was less valid than his because he distributed flyers :roll:
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Re: Robert Menard

Post by Burnaby49 »

I finally have an answer to the question that numerous readers have asked. What happened at Menard's February 9th court hearing?

Nothing happened at the February 9th court hearing because Rob did not show up. Sorry, one thing happened, the court issued a bench warrant for Rob's arrest so now he's officially a fugitive on the run! Additionally he's facing four separate charges of personating a peace officer as a result of three different incidents, not just the single traffic stop we already know about! There are also a batch of previously undisclosed court appearances where he seemed to be pulling Freeman antics.

I know what you're thinking. My accusations that Menard had been arrested and charged for personating a peace officer were totally undocumented and you are skeptical about my new dramatic revelations. You suspect that Burnaby49 is just a pathetic lonely old man sitting in front of an antiquated computer making up more wild lies about our valiant Freeman in a desperate narcissistic cry for attention. Just sad. Entirely true as a general comment but not in this specific instance; I finally have the Toronto court documents! It took over a month to pry them out of the grip of the Toronto court bureaucracy's cold dead hands but now we have them; ... 20file.pdf

I'll try and explain what it all means but, as I've said innumerable times I'm not a lawyer and court documents (as opposed to court decisions) can be a mystery to me. These are particularly obscure because Ontario does things differently than here British Columbia. So I had a lawyer friend who is familiar with general court procedures look the documents over and give his best shot explaining what happened. So I take no credit for the analysis below; what follows is based on his interpretation of the documents. Note that the blank pages are the backs of one-sided documents.

First, this is definitely our Robert-Arthur: Menard, Freeman Extraordinaire, C3PO #1, Director of the World Freeman Society, and President and Interim CEO/Chairman of the Board for the Association of Canadian Consumer Purchasers! He is identified as having a date of birth of November 28, 1963, which matches the date of birth on his British Columbia court documents and which appears in his books.

He is facing two sets of charges, Information 14-35004270 (page 1) and Information 14-35003747 (page 7). These detail four separate occasions on which Menard falsely claimed to be a peace officer:

Information 14-35004270:

Robert Arthur MENARD between the 3rd day of June in the year 2014 and the 3rd day of June in the year 2014 at the City of Toronto in the Toronto Region did falsely represent himself to be a peace officer, contrary to Section 130, subsection (1), clause (a) of the Criminal Code of Canada.

Robert Arthur MENARD between the 8th day of June in the year 2014 and the 8th day of June in the year 2014 at the City of Toronto in the Toronto Region did falsely represent himself to be a peace officer, contrary to Section 130, subsection (1 ), clause {a) of the Criminal Code of Canada.

Information 14-35003747

Robert Arthur MENARD on or about the 22nd day of July in the year 2014 at the City of Toronto in the Toronto Region did falsely represent himself to be a peace officer, contrary to Section 130, subsection (1), clause (a) of the Criminal Code of Canada.

Robert Arthur MENARD on or about the 22nd day of July in the year 2014 at. the City of Toronto in the Toronto Region did falsely represent himself to be a peace officer, contrary to Section 130, subsection (1), clause (a) of the Criminal Code of Canada.

So that's June 3, 8, and July 22. It appears that on two separate occasions on July 22 Menard illegally claimed to be a peace officer.

Now the first interesting point - the information number for the July 22 charges is smaller than the information number for the two June charges. Both informations have a "Locked Down Date", which I suspect indicates when the information was formally filed. Information 14-35003747 has a Locked Down Date of Aug. 18, 2014, but Information 14-35004270 has a Locked Down Date of Sept 23, 2014. I think this means that Menard was not immediately charged following his videotaped encounter with police, the "Psycho-Bully Toronto Cop Goes "Off The Charts Ballistic"" video;


which is dated June 4, 2014. My bet is the video actually dates to June 3, count 1 of Information 14-35004270. So what appears to have happened is that Menard did not get immediately arrested on June 3, 2014, but instead had another encounter with Police on July 22, 2014, which led to the first set of charges laid against him, Information 14-35003747. Police then reviewed their prior interactions with Menard and decided to lay additional charges in relation to his June 3, 2014 videotaped encounter with the "Psycho-Bully", and another hitherto unknown event on June 8, 2014. The court record also supports this, as we will see.

Since then Menard has appeared in court ten times at the Ontario Court of Justice (1911 Eglinton Avenue East, Toronto). Or I should say, Menard SHOULD have appeared in court ten times, because he had a nasty habit of either not showing up at all or just sending his strawman in his place.

On an appearance-by-appearance basis this is what I think happened for both the 14-35004270 and 14-35003747 files. In most instances the appearance docket entries for both informations are the same.

September 21, 2014
This appearance is only for Information 14-35003747, which makes sense since the 14-35004270 information had not yet been finalized. There is a difficult to read notation which includes the text "$2000", which I suspect is the terms of bail release. If so, that means Menard was in custody at the time. Menard is represented by Saggi M, which is probably lawyer Mandeep Singh Saggi of Brampton Ontario:
Saggi Law Firm
607-2250 Bovaird Drive East
Brampton, Ontario, T6R 0W3

The matter was adjourned to Oct. 16, 2014.

October 16, 2014
Menard appeared without Saggi and was represented by Duty Counsel ("D/C"). The matter was adjourned to Nov. 7, 2014

November 7, 2014
Menard appeared and was represented by Duty Counsel. The matter was adjourned to Dec. 3, 2014, notation "APC"

December 3, 2014
Menard did not show, and an arrest warrant was issued. No involvement by Duty Counsel. The matter was adjourned to Dec. 4, 2014, notation "APC" on the 14-35003547 docket, notation "TBST" on the 14-35004270 docket.

December 4, 2014
Menard appeared and was represented by Duty Counsel. The matter was adjourned to Dec. 11, 2014 with the notation "TBST". The columns that document arrest warrants and appearances include a notation that appears to read "R.SC."

A puzzle here - it's a little strange that on December 03 the matter was adjourned to the next day because Menard was not there. A bench warrant was issued, but the next day Menard appeared. Now, it's possible the Ontario police somehow tracked Menard down, but how did the hearing Justice of the Peace know Menard would be there the next day and therefore adjourn the matter to this specific date? I think that Menard was there on December 03 and engaged in Freeman Antics in court, likely claiming he was representing his Strawman, and Robert-Arthur: Menard was not here. So the Justice of the Peace in response ordered an arrest warrant for Menard (who had said he was not there) and then Menard (the Flesh and Blood Man) got tossed into a box with bars for the night. The next day Menard was returned to court, and suddenly now agreed he was there! He probably was then released on his own recognizance with a promise to appear and stop acting like an idiot. Oh sorry, a Freeman-on-the-Land Guru.

December 11, 2014
Menard appeared and was represented by Duty Counsel. The matter was adjourned to January 8, 2015 for Menard to retain counsel (see 14-35003547), notation "ACP".

January 8, 2015
Menard did not show, and an arrest warrant was issued. The matter was adjourned to Jan. 9, 2015, notation "TBST"

So once more, somehow, the Justice of the Peace knows that Menard will be present the following day for the next hearing. Explanation? He's pulled the strawman crap yet again. I bet Menard once more said the Flesh and Blood Man Menard was not there, and it was only his Person who is subject to these allegations! Result? Arrest warrant for Menard, Menard is put in remand overnight to reappear the following day to see if he still is not here.

January 9, 2015
Menard did not show, and an arrest warrant was issued. The matter is adjourned to Jan. 12, 2015, notation "TBST". Jan. 9, 2015 is a Friday. Jan. 12, 2015 is a Monday. Again, how did the Justice of the Peace know Menard would be there on Monday? Because in all likelihood Menard had once more tried Freeman Antics on Jan. 9 to miracle himself out of detention. It didn't work, and he got to spend the weekend in remand.

January 12, 2015
Mr. Saggi the BAR member returns! But now things get a little strange. The notations indicate that:

Menard failed to appear.
A bench warrant for his arrest was issued.
"Discretion" is checked off
The last column is hard to read on pages 3 and 9, but on pages 2 and 8 it reads "Certificate of Default". Both the Jan. 9 and Jan. 12, 2015 entries have "EX" entered in that.

The matter is adjourned to Feb. 9, 201 with the notation "ION TBST".

So what happened at this hearing? Menard's lawyer Saggi was present, but Menard wasn't? But how then did the Justice of the Peace know to set Menard's next hearing to Monday after the Friday 'non-appearance?' My guess - and it's just that - is that Menard over the Jan. 9-12 weekend called Saggi begging to get out of remand, Saggi appeared on Monday, got Menard out of the box, but then Menard took off before the matter was squared away. Saggi did his best and suggested that Menard misunderstood what was going on, and that the matter should be adjourned for a couple weeks which would allow Saggi to contact Menard and make sure Menard knew to show up on Feb. 9, 2015. An arrest warrant was still issued, since Menard had not shown.

February 9, 2015
Menard did not show. No future hearing date was set. A bench warrant for Menard's arrest was issued. There is a notation "BW at 4:19 pm". I suspect that means a Bench Warrant (BW) was issued at 4:19 pm. That means that the court called for Menard to come forward over and over through the day, and at the end of the day issued the arrest warrant for his non-appearance.

Note, this is the first time that we see a Menard doesn't show, AND there isn't another hearing date immediately scheduled. I think this is the first true did not show, where both Menard and his Strawman did not attend court.

And that's where we are now! Menard is a fugitive from the law, and on the run! He probably has tried now on at least three occasions to miracle himself out of custody using his Freeman-on-the-Land Magical Guru Powers, and in each case it did not work. Ultimately on Jan. 12, 2015 he decided to use a BAR member and that got him loose. Lesson learned? First Law of Menardian Gurudom - Never Ever Go To Court. He's fallen off that wagon big time.

So what else is of interest in these files? I am not sure what page 10 indicates, but page 4 appears to be a recognizance that Menard would reappear on Oct. 16, 2014, which he apparently did.

Pages 6 and 12 appear to be Crown disclosure, and these are records that link the informations and the scheduled court appearance dates. One interesting item here is that Menard has a driver's licence number. M24956581631128. (Last six numbers of his birthdate.) But ... but ... JOINDER!?! How could it be that Menard has a driver's licence number? His Notice of Understanding, Intent, and Claim of Right miracled that away years ago. He hasn't been LYING to us, has he?

Oh, and Menard was living at 12 Pete Street, Port Perry, Ontario. I checked it out on Street View. Looks like a nice spot. Right on the shore of Lake Scugog but convenient to Toronto.

So, in summary we know:
1) on three separate dates Menard claimed to be a peace officer and that has led to four charges on that basis
2) the charges are outstanding
3) Menard is currently a fugitive and very probably in breach of his bail conditions
4) Menard now also potentially faces a Criminal Code, s. 145(2) charge for his failure to appear on Feb. 9, 2015.

Add the current ACCP scam to this and Rob might just manage to join Dean Clifford in a long duration period of free room and board. This also explains why Menard is in Quebec. He is probably aware that it is unlikely that the Ontario authorities will issue an out-of-province arrest warrant for charges of this kind. In other words, he's trying to pull an Antonacci/Pirelli maneuver - get far enough away, physically, that he may escape government authority.

This might also explain why he's trying to run his ACCP scam right now. He's pulling a desperate Mary Croft maneuver and trying one last cash grab from what's left of his followers before his whole sham Freeman world falls apart. Sorry Rob, events have overtaken you.

Meanwhile Rob fiddles as Rome burns;
Robert Menard
Yesterday at 4:40am ·

I'm going to start a mime union.
They need a voice.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Robert Menard

Post by Jeffrey »

Burnaby dropping bombs

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Re: Robert Menard

Post by littleFred »

Oh, gosh. So on 3 June he pretends to be a police officer. He gets away with this, so posts a boastful video and repeats the performance on 8 June. Again there is no problem, so a third performance on 22 July. This third time, the police are getting bored with him, and he gets done.

So he's taken to court but "I'm not really here", in and out of clink, until he really isn't there, and now he's a wanted man.

All this is "allegedly", because of course he is innocent until proven guilty.

Perhaps now he'll "do a Santos", and make wacky videos from the middle of nowhere.
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Re: Robert Menard

Post by arayder »

littleFred wrote:Oh, gosh. So on 3 June he pretends to be a police officer. He gets away with this, so posts a boastful video and repeats the performance on 8 June. Again there is no problem, so a third performance on 22 July. This third time, the police are getting bored with him, and he gets done.

So he's taken to court but "I'm not really here", in and out of clink, until he really isn't there, and now he's a wanted man.

All this is "allegedly", because of course he is innocent until proven guilty.

Perhaps now he'll "do a Santos", and make wacky videos from the middle of nowhere.
Great job Burnaby49!!!!

And all the while Menard is running his ACCP scam! Any freeman stupid enough to give Menard $250 and access to his bank account should wake up and realize that the CEO of ACCP a hair way from a jail cell!

Dope Clock II
It has been 52 days since Robert Menard announced the revival of the Association of Canadian Consumer Purchasers. So far there is no documentation of a successful purchase using Menard's system
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Re: Robert Menard

Post by notorial dissent »

My, my, and my, and well!!!!

Very nice recitation and deciphering/ment of the obscure courtese, and I'll grant you, quite obscure. Very enjoyable.

So this establishes that Bobby is a lying liar, has been busted numerous times, and that his C3PO schtick doesn't work, contrary to his claims, any more than his FOTL schtick seems ti with the courts. His doing a decamp seems to be the only reason he isn't currently in gaol at the moment. Oh. My. :snicker:
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Re: Robert Menard

Post by arayder »

notorial dissent wrote:My, my, and my, and well!!!!. . .So this establishes that Bobby is a lying liar, has been busted numerous times, and that his C3PO schtick doesn't work, contrary to his claims, any more than his FOTL schtick seems ti with the courts. His doing a decamp seems to be the only reason he isn't currently in gaol at the moment. Oh. My. :snicker:
Prior to Burnaby's post Bobby was just the mouthy fat arse camping on the couch. Now the girl friend has a really good reason to tell the freeman dupe du jour that Robby is just going to have to leave:

"The children are not going to be awaken to the sound of the RCMP beating on the door! So if you don't get rid of that tub of lard downstairs, I will!"
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Re: Robert Menard

Post by littleFred »

Above, where I said "he pretends to be a police officer", I mean peace officer, of course.

And what is the profession of the two informants? Peace Officers, of course!
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Re: Robert Menard

Post by Hanslune »

Perhaps we should raise a bounty for Menard's capture. I would think C$ 3.25 should about do it.
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Re: Robert Menard

Post by Hyrion »

Burnaby49 wrote:birth of November 28, 1963
1963 - that makes Bobby, as of Nov 28 2015, 52 years old.

Being so close to retirement, I'd think he'd want to be focused on settling down. Get life in order so one can have a nice relaxing retirement period of life.

Instead, with the charges building up, one might think having the tax payer cover all his basic needs without having to do anything is Bobby's retirement plan.
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Re: Robert Menard

Post by slowlyslowly »

"Driving Licence"

Thats the best yet. :D
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Re: Robert Menard

Post by notorial dissent »

Hanslune wrote:Perhaps we should raise a bounty for Menard's capture. I would think C$ 3.25 should about do it.
Aren't you kind of over inflating his net value, even as comedy material? :snicker:
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: Robert Menard

Post by arayder »

Hyrion wrote:
Burnaby49 wrote:birth of November 28, 1963
1963 - that makes Bobby, as of Nov 28 2015, 52 years old.

Being so close to retirement, I'd think he'd want to be focused on settling down. Get life in order so one can have a nice relaxing retirement period of life.

Instead, with the charges building up, one might think having the tax payer cover all his basic needs without having to do anything is Bobby's retirement plan.
This should be a teachable moment for freemen, freemen-lites and freemen wannabes.

At 52 menard is in what should be his prime earning and doing years. Instead he isn't one bit smarter, better educated or more skilled than he was when he started down the freeman rabbit hole over 12 years ago. He still thinks the law is whatever he needs it to be. . .that a life of hard work is for fools with SINs. . .and that money is for him to con out of other people's pockets.

Wannabe freemen who want to be like Bobby need to take a long hard look at what years of tilting windmills while the world moves on can do for them. It's time to grow up, boys. Build your skills, work hard and put your family and friends needs before yours
slowlyslowly wrote:"Driving Licence"

Thats the best yet. :D
We know Bobby has used his SIN to get his father's insurance money. We have long suspected that he has a driver's license, but just pretends to have given it up to curry favor in the freeman subculture. One has to figure that Bobby accesses the taxpayer funded Canadian health care system as needed.

He's a piece of work.

Dope Clock II
It has been 53 days since Robert Menard announced the revival of the Association of Canadian Consumer Purchasers. So far there is no documentation of a successful purchase using Menard's system.
Last edited by arayder on Fri Mar 13, 2015 6:17 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Robert Menard

Post by notorial dissent »

Being a confirmed and serial liar seems to go hand in hand with being a confirmed hypocrite, of which we have ample proof Bobby is.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: Robert Menard

Post by Jeffrey »

Just to save me some trouble, where's the license bit in the document?
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Re: Robert Menard

Post by rumpelstilzchen »

So Bobby Boy did not dazzle the court with his legal prowess?
The Great Fezzed One shat his pants and ran away?
Comedy gold. :haha:
BHF wrote:
It shows your mentality to think someone would make the effort to post something on the internet that was untrue.
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Re: Robert Menard

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

rumpelstilzchen wrote:So Bobby Boy did not dazzle the court with his legal prowess?
The Great Fezzed One shat his pants and ran away?
Comedy gold. :haha:
He's like the boxer who talks about his certain upcoming championship until he actually gets into the ring, where he is promptly and repeatedly decked by the champ. He then declares victory because he wasn't permanently knocked out.
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Re: Robert Menard

Post by arayder »

Jeffrey wrote:Just to save me some trouble, where's the license bit in the document?

On the left side of page 5 it lists Bobby's driver's license number. Burnaby would know better than me, but in all fairness it is possible this is Bobby's long ago issued number and he didn't have the license on him upon arrest.

On the other hand, Bobby is said to have coughed up proper ID upon his arrest, like a good like plantation slave.
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Re: Robert Menard

Post by Fmotlgroupie »

arayder wrote:
Jeffrey wrote:Just to save me some trouble, where's the license bit in the document?

On the left side of page 5 it lists Bobby's driver's license number. Burnaby would know better than me, but in all fairness it is possible this is Bobby's long ago issued number and he didn't have the license on him upon arrest.

On the other hand, Bobby is said to have coughed up proper ID upon his arrest, like a good like plantation slave.
I don't know about Ontario, but many provinces automatically generate a Driver's Licence file (and number) for people without a (local) licence who are issued a ticket, so that that person can be tracked within the system (in BC for example you can be prohibited from driving for getting enough "no driver's licence" tickets).
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Re: Robert Menard

Post by Burnaby49 »

arayder wrote:
Jeffrey wrote:Just to save me some trouble, where's the license bit in the document?

On the left side of page 5 it lists Bobby's driver's license number. Burnaby would know better than me, but in all fairness it is possible this is Bobby's long ago issued number and he didn't have the license on him upon arrest.

On the other hand, Bobby is said to have coughed up proper ID upon his arrest, like a good like plantation slave.
I assumed that the license was at least part of the ID he showed them on arrest but I could be wrong about that. If he no longer had a valid license I can't see them listing the number. I just compared Menard's driver's license number to mine and he does not hold a British Columbia license. His has fourteen numbers, the last six being his birth date. I have my license in front of me and it is only seven numbers, none of which have date of birth information. No need, the date of birth is printed right on the license. I'm guessing that it is an Ontario license otherwise they would probably have noted province of issue. Since he has been in B.C. for quite a while it may well be an old license he has kept valid.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".