Another Source of Unintended Comedy Is Gone

Dr. Caligari
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Another Source of Unintended Comedy Is Gone

Post by Dr. Caligari »

Pete Hendrickson has closed the Lost Horizons forum: ... f=2&t=3226
Prevaricating Pete wrote:However, in recent years the forum has become infected with trolls, silver-bullet fantasies and delusions about supposed missing pieces or hitherto unremarked "deep magic". It is now much more a means by which folks are diverted off the path of confident and productive activism and into useless, sidelining and often actively harmful cognitive bramble-patches instead, as well as a place to which some folks very unwisely resort for answers to questions in lieu of the more demanding but hugely more fruitful study of what is presented in CtC itself or on
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Re: Another Source of Unintended Comedy Is Gone

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

In other words, the worshipful hordes have abandoned His Immenseness, and Petey can't bask in the glow of fawning acolytes any longer. While marching boldly onward, holding high the sword of Righteous Tax Protestor, he looked behind himself only to see, not brigades of followers, but only a few remaining stragglers.
Last edited by Pottapaug1938 on Tue Mar 17, 2015 7:22 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Another Source of Unintended Comedy Is Gone

Post by grixit »

If Pete Hendrickson told you to jump off a bridge-- oh wait, he did, and you asked if it would be ok to just climb down. He is so disappointed in you. Ignore that he's half drowned and part of his head is smashed in-- he's winning!
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Re: Another Source of Unintended Comedy Is Gone

Post by Hyrion »

Prevaricating Pete wrote:hugely more fruitful study of what is presented in CtC itself
Well.... he's at least provided a hearty laugh in the closing....

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Re: Another Source of Unintended Comedy Is Gone

Post by The Observer »

The tragic side of this closure is concerning what effect this news will have on Famspear. I have some concern that this will send him into a tailspin of deep depression, since this will remove a major source for his observation of the Positively Prevaricating Posturing Peacock known as Pete Hendrickson. I think we should start planning on developing some intervention teams to help out and prevent Fammy from launching into a self-destructive binge cycle of limericks and alliteration.
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Re: Another Source of Unintended Comedy Is Gone

Post by Famspear »

The Observer wrote:The tragic side of this closure is concerning what effect this news will have on Famspear. I have some concern that this will send him into a tailspin of deep depression, since this will remove a major source for his observation of the Positively Prevaricating Posturing Peacock known as Pete Hendrickson. I think we should start planning on developing some intervention teams to help out and prevent Fammy from launching into a self-destructive binge cycle of limericks and alliteration.


...the end of an Error.....

Oops, I mean......

......................................the end of an Era......

:violin: :violin: :violin: :violin: :violin: :violin: :violin: :violin: :violin:


............This is massive. This is huge. This is on a level with Nixon's "last press conference" in 1962, as in: "you don't have Nixon to kick around any more"........

:cry: :cry:

Excuse me, I gotta go see my therapist now......

:cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:

.............Oh, wait, I don't have a therapist......

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Re: Another Source of Unintended Comedy Is Gone

Post by Cpt Banjo »

What, no limerick?
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Re: Another Source of Unintended Comedy Is Gone

Post by LPC »

Dr. Caligari wrote:Pete Hendrickson has closed the Lost Horizons forum:
And it appears that, rather than lock the forum and prevent new posts and new topics, he has (again) deleted everything.

He annoyed a lot of people the last time he did that, because they thought that there was useful information in past posts. Hendrickson obviously disagreed.

And now he's done it again, driving home the point that, as far as he is concerned, nothing that anyone writes (other than him) has any value whatsoever. So LH is now all PH, all the time, and nothing else. You can read what he writes in his "newsletters," and you can comment on what he writes, and maybe he'll even allow it to be published if you agree with him and are properly deferential, but everyone else can go to hell.
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Re: Another Source of Unintended Comedy Is Gone

Post by Famspear »

His Bombastic, Bile-Belching, Bloviating Blowhardiness wrote:I'm sorry to say so, but in some important respects this forum has become counter-productive over the course of the last few years. On balance, I believe it now does more harm than good.
Um, Petey, the forum was always counter-productive. And it has always done more harm than good.
My purpose in setting up the forum and maintaining it for what has been about ten years now was to give CtC-educated Americans a means of sharing inspiration, ideas and activist energy with each other by virtue of which they could more vigorously and effectively help spread CtC's liberating information.
But the effect has been to provide endless hours of entertainment for me and my friends.

See, there's a positive side!

It was also meant to help the community help each member keep on the path of understanding what are sometimes complex concepts.....
The concepts were always complex, and always full of Error. recent years the forum has become infected with trolls, silver-bullet fantasies and delusions about supposed missing pieces or hitherto unremarked "deep magic"....
You're distinguishing, of course, between those fantasies and delusions and the fantasies and delusions that you yourself have promoted over the years about the nature of the U.S. federal income tax.
It is now much more a means by which folks are diverted off the path of confident and productive activism and into useless, sidelining and often actively harmful cognitive bramble-patches......
Ah, but what fond memories we at Quatloos have -- the warm memories of watching you and your clueless acolytes thrashing about in those bramble-patches!
The forum has also placed a demand on my time and attention which I cannot in good conscience divert from more important and productive activities...
You mean, for example, the crash courses in how to manage the house, now that Delusional Doreen is expected to spend some time in federal prison?
.....In practical terms, the hierarchy of best use of my time has resulted in much-needed management and supervision of the forum being neglected......
Pete, I'm not sure what should be considered worse: your neglect of the management and supervision of the forum, or your former active participation in said same.

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Re: Another Source of Unintended Comedy Is Gone

Post by Famspear »

Cpt Banjo wrote:What, no limerick?

Petey’s forum collapsed -- with a Zap!
All those years of complete, utter crap!
Yes, we should have supposed
We would see it all closed
By the Blowhard-in-Chief, Señor Sap!

All that nonsense was hard to sustain.
So, it’s gone; it’s been flushed down the drain.
All those lives shot to hell!
All that’s left is the smell
Of the wreckage in Hendrickson’s brain.
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Re: Another Source of Unintended Comedy Is Gone

Post by Burnaby49 »

That's just so damn moving. A eulogy worthy of the demise of Hendrickson's life's work.
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Re: Another Source of Unintended Comedy Is Gone

Post by . »

Aw, c'mon, can't a convicted federal tax felon get a break from this crowd?

He, in the totally witless course of a mere two sentences refers to:

"silver-bullet fantasies and delusions,"

"deep magic,"

"actively harmful cognitive bramble-patches," and

"a place to which some folks very unwisely resort for answers."

He's summed his thinking and his idiotic site up succinctly while attempting to viciously trash his "competition." It's not easy to do that in two sentences.
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Re: Another Source of Unintended Comedy Is Gone

Post by AndyK »

As is often appropriate; enter Monty Python (Slightly modified):

And when he heard the noise of the fray
Brave Sir Petey ran away ( clip, clop, clip, clop)
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Re: Another Source of Unintended Comedy Is Gone

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

David Merrill harshly criticizes Petey for his CtC fantasies on his page. Petey should have used "remedy" instead, it seems....
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Re: Another Source of Unintended Comedy Is Gone

Post by Gregg »

Over/Under on him missing his adoring masses (and the income it at one time brought him) is 6 months. Back by Christmas odds, 3:1
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Re: Another Source of Unintended Comedy Is Gone

Post by notorial dissent »

I definitely agree on the missing adoration and wanting it back, but has Prattlin' Pete actually been making on money off the inmates the last year or so, since I would have thought they were pretty well tapped out by now and I can't even imagine that he's making enough off them to pay the hosting bills, which makes me wonder how he is keeping things together.
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Re: Another Source of Unintended Comedy Is Gone

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

Maybe Petey will be reduced to hustling copies of CtC at flea markets....
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Re: Another Source of Unintended Comedy Is Gone

Post by notorial dissent »

What I'm wondering is what the poor inmates are going to do, no longer having a place to compare their unending string of victories Pyrrhic defeats and battle scarsfrivpens. They'll have no place left to congregate and waste wha t is left of their otherwise useless and pointless lives, oh the tragedy of it all.
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Re: Another Source of Unintended Comedy Is Gone

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

Maybe one of Petey's acolytes (I'm thinking of "ronin" -- masterless Samurai) will take up the balsawood cudgel with a new site, and see if they can continue the hustle effort.
"We've been attacked by the intelligent, educated segment of the culture." -- Pastor Ray Mummert, Dover, PA, during an attempt to introduce creationism -- er, "intelligent design", into the Dover Public Schools
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Re: Another Source of Unintended Comedy Is Gone

Post by notorial dissent »

But...but...but that would require initiative and competence and not being stone broke from all the frivpens they've been racking up, and I forgot literate, which pretty well thins the lot of them out. The only one who even came close was Harvey, and all he really wanted to hear was the sound of his own voices.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.