I'm not so sure it's ignorance (although that does seem to be a commodity of which Hannah is in short supply) as just a way of saying "I don't want to pay tax" and trying to justify it by sounding socially responsible and making it noble when it really boils down to "I don't want to pay tax".
If Hannah was serious about protesting the "illegal" wars, why isn't she taking this protest to the Ministry of Defence, or Downing street, or the Houses of Parliament, or Her Majesty's Revenue and Customs, or Buckingham Palace, or anywhere that would seem to be a bit more responsible (and able to do something about) the war she is protesting.
However I think Hannah is just jumping on another bandwagon about not paying Taxes because she read about it on the internet. She's just a sheep following the Freeman herd.
Having said this I must question why, if Hannah is serious about:
- Not paying tax because of war
- Promissory notes made by Hannah to be as good as cash.
Why she sent a Promissory note, which she believes to be valid, to the council to pay for the tax that is funding the war that she doesn't want to pay the taxes towards. Either Hannah doesn't give a fig about the war and is willingly giving up her imaginary money or Hannah knows that the promissory note won't work and is therefore sticking to her guns by not paying the tax. That or of course we could apply Occam's razor to the situation which would seem to suggest that the actual answer is she's really really really dumb.