I know how to revolutionize our income tax system.

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Re: I know how to revolutionize our income tax system.

Post by Famspear »

Jameson3171 wrote:The lower courts are not case law, only decisions made by the Supreme Courts are. The lower courts won't allow this to be heard! Why not just put an end to it legally rather then calling it frivolous when it is clearly not frivolous. Have you ever heard of corruption?
Wrong. The decisions of lower courts are indeed case law.

And, no, almost all tax cases are decided by the lower courts. The arguments you are making are typical of those raised AND HEARD AND DECIDED by the lower courts.

Again, you are hung up on the term "direct tax."

It matters not whether a given income tax is or has ever been considered a "direct tax." The Pollock decision was overruled by the Sixteenth Amendment.

And no, the courts are not corrupt. That's another old tax protester argument.

PS: Your ability to understand Jensen is no better than your ability to read court opinions.
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Re: I know how to revolutionize our income tax system.

Post by LPC »

Jameson3171 wrote:And the 16th amendment allows businesses to get taxed not individuals.
That's not what it says.
Dan Evans
Foreman of the Unified Citizens' Grand Jury for Pennsylvania
(And author of the Tax Protester FAQ: evans-legal.com/dan/tpfaq.html)
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Re: I know how to revolutionize our income tax system.

Post by LPC »

Jameson3171 wrote:You show me one Supreme Court decision that allowed the 16th amendment to Levy a direct tax on income.
Dan Evans
Foreman of the Unified Citizens' Grand Jury for Pennsylvania
(And author of the Tax Protester FAQ: evans-legal.com/dan/tpfaq.html)
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Re: I know how to revolutionize our income tax system.

Post by LPC »

Jameson3171 wrote:By the terms of the Constitution, the power of Congress to levy taxes is subject to but one exception and two qualifications. Articles exported from any State may not be taxed at all. Direct taxes must be levied by the rule of apportionment and indirect taxes by the rule of uniformity. The Court has emphasized the sweeping character of this power by saying from time to time that it ''reaches every subject,'' 469 that it is ''exhaustive'' 470 or that it ''embraces every conceivable power of taxation.'' 471 Despite these generalizations, the power has been at times substantially curtailed by judicial decision with respect to the subject matter of taxation, the manner in which taxes are imposed, and the objects for which they may be levied. http://constitution.findlaw.com/article ... ion26.html

That is pretty much simple language!
Yes, and that simple language supports the conclusion that the federal income tax is constitutional.

Jameson3171 has been shooting himself in the foot so often, all he's got left are bloody stumps.
Dan Evans
Foreman of the Unified Citizens' Grand Jury for Pennsylvania
(And author of the Tax Protester FAQ: evans-legal.com/dan/tpfaq.html)
"Nothing is more terrible than ignorance in action." Johann Wolfgang von Goethe.
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Re: I know how to revolutionize our income tax system.

Post by Famspear »

You are missing the point! Not trying to prove that I am not liable for the US federal income tax.
No, I am not missing the point. And yes, you are trying to prove that you are not liable for the US federal income tax.
I am pointing out clearly that the income tax cannot be a direct tax within the provisions of the 16th amendment.
You are wrong.

Again, it matters not whether the income tax -- or any particular kind of income tax -- is a "direct tax within the provisions of the 16th amendment." If it's an income tax, it's covered by the Amendment, and under the Amendment it's not required to be apportioned.
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Re: I know how to revolutionize our income tax system.

Post by Famspear »

Text of the Sixteenth Amendment:
The Congress shall have power to lay and collect taxes on incomes, from whatever source derived, without apportionment among the several States, and without regard to any census or enumeration.
--Ratified Feb. 3, 1913 (declared ratified Feb. 25, 1913).

This is what many tax protesters argue the amendment means:

"The Congress shall have power to lay and collect taxes on incomes, from whatever source derived, without apportionment among the several States, and without regard to any census or enumeration, except for income taxes that are direct taxes."

Unfortunately, that's not what the Amendment says, and that's not what it means.

Here are my main points:

1. The question of whether a particular income tax is direct or indirect is legally irrelevant to the question of whether the Congress has the power, under the U.S. Constitution as amended by the Sixteenth Amendment, to impose that tax. Congress has the power to impose any income tax, regardless of whether that tax is deemed direct or indirect.

2. The question of whether a particular income tax is direct or indirect is also legally irrelevant to the issue of whether that tax must be apportioned. After the Sixteenth Amendment, no income tax of any kind whatsoever, whether direct or indirect, is required to be apportioned.

3. Under the Constitution as amended, the only important legal relevancy to the question of whether a particular income tax is Constitutionally valid (aside from rules such as the one prohibiting taxes on exports, or rules that revenue measures must originate in the House, etc.) is probably whether that income tax is imposed with what the law refers to as ''geographical uniformity''. That is, an income tax cannot be imposed on, say, just the incomes of people who happen to reside in New York and Montana.

--from a commentary at another web site, on 18 March 2007.

From the United States Tax Court:
Thus, since the ratification of the Sixteenth Amendment it is immaterial, with respect to income taxes, whether the tax is a direct or an indirect tax.
---from Johnson v. Commissioner, 37 T.C.M. (CCH) 189, T.C. Memo 1978-32 (1978).

And, from the United States Tax Court in another case:
Thus, since the ratification of the Sixteenth Amendment it is immaterial, with respect to income taxes, whether the tax is a direct or an indirect tax.
---from Sortillon v. Commissioner, 38 T.C.M. (CCH) 1097, T.C. Memo 1979-281, CCH Dec. 36,194(M), Docket No. 2108-79 (July 26, 1979).

From the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Tenth Circuit:
Dickstein's argument that the sixteenth amendment does not authorize a direct, non-apportioned tax on United States citizens similarly is devoid of any arguable basis in law. Indeed, the Ninth Circuit recently noted the patent absurdity and frivolity of such a proposition. In re Becraft, 885 F.2d 547, 548 (9th Cir.1989). For seventy-five years, the Supreme Court has recognized that the sixteenth amendment authorizes a direct nonapportioned tax upon United States citizens throughout the nation, not just in federal enclaves, see Brushaber v. Union Pac. R.R., 240 U.S. 1, 12-19, 36 S.Ct. 236, 239-42, 60 L.Ed. 493 (1916); efforts to argue otherwise have been sanctioned as frivolous, see, e.g., Becraft, 885 F.2d at 549 (Fed.R.App.P. 38 sanctions for raising frivolous sixteenth amendment argument in petition for rehearing); Lovell v. United States, 755 F.2d 517, 519-20 (7th Cir.1984) (Fed.R.App.P. 38 sanctions imposed on pro se litigants raising frivolous sixteenth amendment contentions).
--from United States v. Collins, 920 F.2d 619 (10th Cir. 1990) (bolding added).

And, from the decision in yet another case before the United States Tax Court:
Since the ratification of the Sixteenth Amendment, it is immaterial with respect to income taxes, whether the tax is a direct or indirect tax. The whole purpose of the Sixteenth Amendment was to relieve all income taxes when imposed from [the requirement of] apportionment and from [the requirement of] a consideration of the source whence the income was derived.
---from Abrams v. Commissioner, 82 T.C. 403, CCH Dec. 41,031 (1984).

From the U.S. Tax Court:
At the trial, Mr. Wikoff [the taxpayer] also raised the issue of the constitutionality of the Federal income tax. He argues that as a graduated direct tax on income, the Federal income tax statute was not within the intended scope of the 16th Amendment to the Constitution. According to him, the framers of the 16th Amendment envisioned an indirect excise tax on corporations, such as that contained in the Tariff Act of 1909. Since the petitioner is an "individual sovereign citizen" and the Federal income tax is a direct, progressive tax, he claims not to be subject to such tax.

It has long been settled that the Federal income tax is within the scope of the 16th Amendment and is constitutional. See, e.g., Brushaber v. Union Pac. R.R. Co. [1 USTC ¶ 4], 240 U.S. 1 (1916); Stanton v. Baltic Mining Co. [1 USTC ¶ 8], 240 U.S. 103 (1916); Cupp v. Commissioner [Dec. 33,459], 65 T.C. 68 (1975), affd. without published opinion 559 F. 2d 1207 (3d Cir. 1977). The whole purpose of the 16th Amendment, as stated by the Supreme Court in Brushaber v. Union Pac. R.R. Co., supra at 18, was to relieve all income taxes when imposed from apportionment from a consideration of the source whence the income was derived. Thus, since the ratification of the 16th Amendment, it is immaterial, with respect to Federal income taxes, whether the tax is a direct or an indirect tax. Mr. Wikoff relied on the Supreme Court's decision in Pollock v. Farmers' Loan & Trust Co., 157 U.S. 429 (1895), but the effect of that decision has been nullified by the enactment of the 16th Amendment. Brushaber v. Union Pac. R.R. Co., supra.
--from Wikoff v. Commissioner, 37 T.C.M. (CCH) 1539, T.C. Memo. 1978-372 (1978) (bolding added) (footnote omitted).

Thus, the U.S. Tax Court has stated, in at least four different decisions (Johnson, Sortillon, Abrams, and Wikoff), that with respect to the Federal income tax, it does not matter whether the tax is deemed to be a direct tax or an indirect tax.

Tax lawyer Alan O. Dixler has written:
Each year some misguided souls refuse to pay their federal income tax liability on the theory that the 16th Amendment was never properly ratified, or on the theory that the 16th Amendment lacks an enabling clause. Not surprisingly, neither the IRS nor the courts have exhibited much patience for that sort of thing. If, strictly for the purposes of this discussion, the 16th Amendment could be disregarded, the taxpayers making those frivolous claims would still be subject to the income tax. In the first place, income from personal services is taxable without apportionment in the absence of the 16th Amendment. Pollock specifically endorsed Springer's holding that such income could be taxed without apportionment. The second Pollock decision invalidated the entire 1894 income tax act, including its tax on personal services income, due to inseverability; but, unlike the 1894 act, the current code contains a severability provision. Also, given the teaching of Graves [Graves v. New York ex rel. O'Keefe, 306 U.S. 466 (1939)] -- that the theory that taxing income from a particular source is, in effect, taxing the source itself is untenable -- the holding in Pollock that taxing income from property is the same thing as taxing the property as such cannot be viewed as good law.
--Alan O. Dixler, "Direct Taxes Under the Constitution: A Review of the Precedents," Report to the Committee on Legal History of the Bar Association of the City of New York, Nov. 20, 2006, as republished in Tax History Project, Tax Analysts, Falls Church, Virginia (italics in original; footnotes omitted).

The United States Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit has indicated that after the ratification of the Sixteenth Amendment in 1913, whether an income tax is a capitation or other direct tax or not, the apportionment restriction (the rule that capitations or other direct taxes must be apportioned) simply does not apply if the tax in question is an income tax:
The power to tax is conferred on Congress by article I, section 8, clause 1 of the Constitution, but other sections of the Constitution impose certain restrictions upon the manner in which the taxing power of the Federal Government may be exercised. In addition to the general limitations placed upon that power by the due process clause of the Fifth Amendment, Congress is specifically prohibited from laying any tax on the export of goods; whatever indirect taxes it may enact shall be uniform throughout the United States and it may impose a capitation or direct tax only if apportioned among the states according to population. This last restriction, the only one pertinent to the present case [the federal income tax under the Internal Revenue Code], has been limited in scope by the Sixteenth Amendment which permits taxes on incomes, from whatever source derived without regard to the apportionment requirement.
---Simmons v. United States, 308 F.2d 160, 165-66, 62-2 U.S. Tax Cas. (CCH) ¶9713 (4th Cir. 1962).
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Re: I know how to revolutionize our income tax system.

Post by wserra »

Jameson3171 wrote:I have already stopped the Commonwealth of Massachusetts Department of revenue and the IRS from wage garnishment Levy's by appealing the Levy notices with those cases.

I don't believe you, you see.
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Re: I know how to revolutionize our income tax system.

Post by The Observer »

wserra wrote:
Jameson3171 wrote:I have already stopped the Commonwealth of Massachusetts Department of revenue and the IRS from wage garnishment Levy's by appealing the Levy notices with those cases.

I don't believe you, you see.
I think it is only to fair to point out to Jameson that by his claim of having not to pay tax by appealing IRS and state levies that he has triggered the "put-up-or-shut-up" rule.

Jameson, this thread is now in the Quatloosian version of Missouri: you gotta show us. It is not enough to simply claim here that you have been victorious with your magical formula. You have to provide proof of such a victory. And proof basically comes down to you providing what can be described by your two favorite words: physical evidence.

That means you need to provide documents, letters, forms, printed letter rulings or citations from the tax agencies that show they agreed with your arguments and abated the taxes they assessed against you. So transcripts from the tax agencies showing the abatement of the taxes will be needed as well.

If you keep claiming that you have won without providing the necessary proof, or providing something that does not meet that standard of proof, you will lose your posting privileges here. You cannot simply come to this site and declare that the sky is green and not provide proof. Arguing about what a court ruling stated or didn't state is one thing; it is quite another thing to be making stupendous claims that you cannot prove.

We simply won't stand for it.
"I could be dead wrong on this" - Irwin Schiff

"Do you realize I may even be delusional with respect to my income tax beliefs? " - Irwin Schiff
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Re: I know how to revolutionize our income tax system.

Post by Jeffrey »

The issue here is that Jameson is as the "I appealed the levies" stage of the tax protester cycle.


edit: aw dang how can I make the picture smaller so it fits.
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Re: I know how to revolutionize our income tax system.

Post by Hyrion »

Jeffrey wrote:edit: aw dang how can I make the picture smaller so it fits.
Well... people can right-click and select "view image" - that works too...
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Re: I know how to revolutionize our income tax system.

Post by Famspear »

Jeffrey wrote:The issue here is that Jameson is as the "I appealed the levies" stage of the tax protester cycle.


edit: aw dang how can I make the picture smaller so it fits.
There is nothing like a picture to bring all these complex concepts into focus.....

Jameson3171 wrote:I have already stopped the Commonwealth of Massachusetts Department of revenue and the IRS from wage garnishment Levy's by appealing the Levy notices with those cases.
Citing those cases in your appeal in and of itself would not, and in your case did not, cause the Commonwealth of Massachusetts or the IRS to stop garnishing or levying anything.

Those cases do not mean what you claim to think they mean, and nobody at the IRS or the Commonwealth would have been fooled.
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Re: I know how to revolutionize our income tax system.

Post by AndyK »

The Observer wrote:
Jameson3171 wrote:I have already stopped the Commonwealth of Massachusetts Department of revenue and the IRS from wage garnishment Levy's by appealing the Levy notices with those cases.
I think it is only to fair to point out to Jameson that by his claim of having not to pay tax by appealing IRS and state levies that he has triggered the "put-up-or-shut-up" rule.

Jameson, this thread is now in the Quatloosian version of Missouri: you gotta show us. It is not enough to simply claim here that you have been victorious with your magical formula. You have to provide proof of such a victory. And proof basically comes down to you providing what can be described by your two favorite words: physical evidence.

That means you need to provide documents, letters, forms, printed letter rulings or citations from the tax agencies that show they agreed with your arguments and abated the taxes they assessed against you. So transcripts from the tax agencies showing the abatement of the taxes will be needed as well.

You are now officially on notice. Anything you post beyond this point which does not contain information specific enough to substantiate your claim is subject to moderation.

That means, put up or you will be shut up -- as in having non-responsive posts edited ot deleted.

Remember: "Exceptional claims require exceptional proof."

So, to phrase it as you might be able to understand: Provide verifiable EVIDENCE specific to your case (redacting personal information is permitted). Redacting court case numbers is NOT permitted since that defeats the verifiable requirement.
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Re: I know how to revolutionize our income tax system.

Post by The Observer »

Hyrion wrote:Yea... but he's yet to actually identify the case. So I strongly suspect it's something recent and he's really only dealing with the first layer of IRS collection and the appeal is likely with the IRS - not yet with an actual Court. If correct, that means the next step will be for the IRS to initiate the actual Court processes - if they haven't done so already and it's proceeding through the stages.
That is only partially correct. If Jameson truly appealed an IRS levy, it would be as a result of him pursuing a Collection Due Process hearing (or an equivalency hearing if he was late in filing his appeal) and would be heard in Appeals. But if Appeals rules against Jameson, it is up to him to initiate any court action on the denial of his appeal, not the IRS. And if he was late with his appeal filing, he does not have the right to pursue the appeal into court.
"I could be dead wrong on this" - Irwin Schiff

"Do you realize I may even be delusional with respect to my income tax beliefs? " - Irwin Schiff
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Re: I know how to revolutionize our income tax system.

Post by Jameson3171 »

Famspear wrote:No, you don't know how to "revolutionize our income tax system." And you're not going to do it with the cases you cited.

We've seen all this before. You haven't discovered anything.

Neither you nor anyone else will ever use any of the cases you cited to "prove" that you aren't liable for U.S. Federal income tax.
Do you realize this is just in theory? It would take an enormous amount of people to put pressure on our government to come clean with the tax system today. It is we the people right? America is supposed to have a self governing system, correct!
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Re: I know how to revolutionize our income tax system.

Post by Famspear »

Jameson3171 wrote:
Famspear wrote:No, you don't know how to "revolutionize our income tax system." And you're not going to do it with the cases you cited.

We've seen all this before. You haven't discovered anything.

Neither you nor anyone else will ever use any of the cases you cited to "prove" that you aren't liable for U.S. Federal income tax.
Do you realize this is just in theory? It would take an enormous amount of people to put pressure on our government to come clean with the tax system today. It is we the people right? America is supposed to have a self governing system, correct!
You do realize that you are spouting nonsense?

This has nothing to do with the government "coming clean" with the tax system today. This has to do with the delusional beliefs that a small minority of people have about our tax system.

You obviously have been reading some of the literature that is passed around by these people. You obviously believe a lot of the nonsense.

And just as obviously, you do not understand how to analyze legal materials such as the text of the Brushaber case and the work of Jensen.

We the People set up the current tax system. Under this system, there is no constitutional impediment to the imposition of the federal income tax prescribed in the Internal Revenue Code.

EDIT: From the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Eighth Circuit:
It is not disputed that Taxpayers failed to report as income wages received during the 1976 and 1977 taxable years. [ . . .] Taxpayers' argument that compensation for labor is not constitutionally subject to the federal income tax is without merit. There is no constitutional impediment to levying an income tax on compensation for a taxpayer's labors.
--Funk v. Commissioner, 687 F.2d 264 (8th Cir. 1982) (per curiam) (large font added).
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Re: I know how to revolutionize our income tax system.

Post by Jameson3171 »

The Observer wrote:
Hyrion wrote:Yea... but he's yet to actually identify the case. So I strongly suspect it's something recent and he's really only dealing with the first layer of IRS collection and the appeal is likely with the IRS - not yet with an actual Court. If correct, that means the next step will be for the IRS to initiate the actual Court processes - if they haven't done so already and it's proceeding through the stages.
That is only partially correct. If Jameson truly appealed an IRS levy, it would be as a result of him pursuing a Collection Due Process hearing (or an equivalency hearing if he was late in filing his appeal) and would be heard in Appeals. But if Appeals rules against Jameson, it is up to him to initiate any court action on the denial of his appeal, not the IRS. And if he was late with his appeal filing, he does not have the right to pursue the appeal into court.
You are correct. The IRS cannot refute my appeal. And I am honestly telling you the truth. There is no evidence that supports that the 16th amendment authorizes are direct tax on incomes. Income is not even defined in the Internal Revenue Code. All the Supreme Court rulings on the 16th amendment clearly state that income cannot be taxed directly.

The 16th Amendment did not authorize direct taxation without apportionment. The Court actually states in the Brushaber decision that the belief that the 16th Amendment authorizes a direct non-apportioned income tax is an erroneous assumption that is the cause of all the confusion.
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Re: I know how to revolutionize our income tax system.

Post by Jameson3171 »

Famspear wrote:
Jameson3171 wrote:
Famspear wrote:No, you don't know how to "revolutionize our income tax system." And you're not going to do it with the cases you cited.

We've seen all this before. You haven't discovered anything.

Neither you nor anyone else will ever use any of the cases you cited to "prove" that you aren't liable for U.S. Federal income tax.
Do you realize this is just in theory? It would take an enormous amount of people to put pressure on our government to come clean with the tax system today. It is we the people right? America is supposed to have a self governing system, correct!
You do realize that you are spouting nonsense?

This has nothing to do with the government "coming clean" with the tax system today. This has to do with the delusional beliefs that a small minority of people have about our tax system.

You obviously have been reading some of the literature that is passed around by these people. You obviously believe a lot of the nonsense.

And just as obviously, you do not understand how to analyze legal materials such as the text of the Brushaber case and the work of Jensen.

We the People set up the current tax system. Under this system, there is no constitutional impediment to the imposition of the federal income tax prescribed in the Internal Revenue Code.

EDIT: From the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Eighth Circuit:
It is not disputed that Taxpayers failed to report as income wages received during the 1976 and 1977 taxable years. [ . . .] Taxpayers' argument that compensation for labor is not constitutionally subject to the federal income tax is without merit. There is no constitutional impediment to levying an income tax on compensation for a taxpayer's labors.
--Funk v. Commissioner, 687 F.2d 264 (8th Cir. 1982) (per curiam) (large font added).
Wow! Watch this then tell me what is nonsense! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OCPLOGftFuw
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Re: I know how to revolutionize our income tax system.

Post by Jameson3171 »

AndyK wrote:
The Observer wrote:
Jameson3171 wrote:I have already stopped the Commonwealth of Massachusetts Department of revenue and the IRS from wage garnishment Levy's by appealing the Levy notices with those cases.
I think it is only to fair to point out to Jameson that by his claim of having not to pay tax by appealing IRS and state levies that he has triggered the "put-up-or-shut-up" rule.

Jameson, this thread is now in the Quatloosian version of Missouri: you gotta show us. It is not enough to simply claim here that you have been victorious with your magical formula. You have to provide proof of such a victory. And proof basically comes down to you providing what can be described by your two favorite words: physical evidence.

That means you need to provide documents, letters, forms, printed letter rulings or citations from the tax agencies that show they agreed with your arguments and abated the taxes they assessed against you. So transcripts from the tax agencies showing the abatement of the taxes will be needed as well.

You are now officially on notice. Anything you post beyond this point which does not contain information specific enough to substantiate your claim is subject to moderation.

That means, put up or you will be shut up -- as in having non-responsive posts edited ot deleted.

Remember: "Exceptional claims require exceptional proof."

So, to phrase it as you might be able to understand: Provide verifiable EVIDENCE specific to your case (redacting personal information is permitted). Redacting court case numbers is NOT permitted since that defeats the verifiable requirement.
O my God do you realize this is just a theory? Wow! I am still waiting on the decision from Massachusetts Department of revenue about my appeal. My hearing request application for abatement of personal income tax on the tax years 2004, 2006, 2008 and 2010. I have had my Interview over the phone on Thursday, December 18, 2014 at 11 AM. The appeals officer Joanna Troy did not refute my arguments.
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Re: I know how to revolutionize our income tax system.

Post by Famspear »

Dear Jamey: The link you provided is to THE AARON RUSSO FILM!

Are you serious? Were you not aware that America: Freedom to Fascism is UTTER NONSENSE?

This film has been covered over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over again.

It's a gigantic load of crap.

You weren't aware of the fake quotes in the film?

You weren't aware that the "experts" he presented in the film were nutballs like Irwin Schiff?

Are you really this clueless?

Yes, you are.

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Re: I know how to revolutionize our income tax system.

Post by Famspear »

This is hilarious. Jamey wants us to watch America: Freedom to Fascism again? After all these years?

From the Wikipedia article on this piece of crap:
The New York Times article of July 31, 2006 states that when Russo asked IRS spokesman Anthony Burke for the law requiring payment of income taxes on wages and was provided a link to various documents including title 26 of the United States Code (the Internal Revenue Code), filmmaker Russo denied that title 26 was the law, contending that it consisted only of IRS "regulations" and had not been enacted by Congress. The article reports that in an interview in late July 2006, Russo claimed he was confident on this point. In the United States, statutes are enacted by Congress, and regulations are promulgated by the executive branch of government to implement the statutes. Statutes are found in the United States Code and regulations are found in the Code of Federal Regulations. The Treasury regulations to which Russo may have been referring are found at title 26 ("Internal Revenue") of the Code of Federal Regulations, not title 26 of the United States Code. [Footnote:] The Internal Revenue Code is a set of statutes enacted by the U.S. Congress, not a set of administrative regulations. According to the United States Statutes at Large (published by the United States Government Printing Office) the Internal Revenue Code of 1954, the predecessor to the current 1986 code, was enacted by the Eighty-Third Congress of the United States with the phrase "Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled" and was "approved" (signed into law) at 9:45 A.M., Eastern Daylight Time, on August 16, 1954, and published as volume 68A of the United States Statutes at Large. Section 1(a)(1) of the enactment states: "The provisions of this Act set forth under the heading 'Internal Revenue Title' may be cited as the 'Internal Revenue Code of 1954'. Section 1(d) of the enactment is entitled "Enactment of Internal Revenue Title Into Law", and the text of the Code follows, beginning with the statutory Table of Contents. The enactment ends with the approval (enactment) notation on page 929. The '54 Code was also separately codified as title 26 of the United States Code and, according to CCH, Inc., a publisher of legal materials, all amendments to the 1954 Code (including the Tax Reform Act of 1986 which changed the name of the '54 Code to "Internal Revenue Code of 1986") have been made in the form of Acts of Congress.......
Aaron Russo unfortunately, fell apart at the end of his life. He had massive federal tax problems (over $2 million in federal and California tax liens), and he made the garbage that is America: Freedom to Fascism in response to his personal problems.

Russo is a guy who claimed to be making a documentary, and yet couldn't tell the difference between the Internal Revenue Code (a set of statutes enacted by Congress) and the Treasury regulations in the Code of Federal Regulations.

He was totally incompetent on the subject of taxes.

Good job, Jamey.

"My greatest fear is that the audience will beat me to the punch line." -- David Mamet