Ed and Elaine Brown Supporter's Looney Rant

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Agent Observer

Ed and Elaine Brown Supporter's Looney Rant

Post by Agent Observer »

I'm sure a number of folks here are familiar with Karczewski. He's allegedly an Ed and Elaine Brown supporter, but he seems to be so full of himself, he forgets to mention that most of the time. The posting below was from Makethestand.com. His writings are a hoot to read. He also typifies the nutbag mindset that, because 99.9% of the country view these people as freaks, they must be "sheeple," asleep, mind controlled slaves, controlled by satan, //insert neurotic rationalization here//. And they wonder why normal people look at the "tax honesty movement" as a collection of social outcasts and mental cases.

Ron Paul is not the Savior to Rescue America's "Girlie Men": The Sissified Population.

One looks at the state of affairs in America today and wonders how that could happen to the "Home of the Brave and Land of the Free."

That's an easy one -- SATANIC MIND CONDITIONING.

Condition the Girls to be men when they grow up and conditioned the boys to be silly verbal, "girly men" twits, full of doubt, rationalization, masked, hypocritical behavior, and voila, you've got the "HOME OF THE COWARD AND LAND OF THE SLAVE."

A man, a real man, one who stands erect with backbone and integrity, TOWERS over the masses of hunched over, grovelling, bowing and scraping peons who have already compromised their integrity over the slightest of advantages offered them along the way. It's all cumulative and occurs over a lifetime, so it is never noticed by those who love their secure chains of slavery. All they know is that they have lost their manhood. They are confused, emotional, unstable, "frozen in time," needy, co-dependent children.

It is only contrasted when a real man comes upon the scene, and the enormous rift between a SOVEREIGN and a SLAVE cannot be avoided.

Why do slaves dream of being Sovereigns, yet HATE a Sovereign when the slaves come in contact with one?

Ask the Jews of Jesus' time, when their collective outside manipulative worship of an idol caused them to kill the "Living, Breathing, Flesh-and-Blood, Sentient, Natural Man, Son of God, A Christ, the subject of their Satanically inculcated Illusory IDOL.

Ask the millions of Blind Believers in the past 2000 years who worship a idea without ever having understood the source of that Idea and are willing to sacrifice their own lives in martyrdom for such Satanic Illusion.

Face it. The world of Civilized man is NUTZ!! Just plain NUTZ!!!
(emphasis added) You worship words planted into you by Satanic Mind Controllers and find yourself PARALYZED from taking action when such actions are required. All it takes is a split second of Doubt, and you have LOST THE MOMENT. Having lost the MOMENT, you have disrupted the momentum which leads to action. You have successfully precluded yourself from taking action when action was necessary. Having failed to bring closure to the "creative process," you stand there stupified, so you go into your "blame game," you point fingers at others, you conjure up a battery of illusory rationalizations because YOU CANNOT ADMIT to your own impotence to act.

You pray for a savior, living or imaginary, to save you from yourselves. Have you not observed the insanity surrounding the Politician Ron Paul and the coming election? Grown men and women losing their balance, subject to emotional manipulation, falling to their knees in prayer, shouting the praises of "Ron Paul" with their comical hats and costumes, losing themselves in the collective Satanic insanity which rules them in their spiritually dithered moment. Surely you have. How could you miss it?

These silly yahoos who organize themselves into "sects of stupidity" and believe some good can come out of it, demonstrate the ultimate SATANIC ILLUSION, do they not? The fact is, the old saying still holds true: "YOU CAN'T MAKE A SILK PURSE OUT OF A SOW'S EAR." Yet that is precisely their agenda, is it not? These silly twits, in time become your leaders, and Satanic Life on Earth continues on without missing a beat.

No, the taking back of your country, your life and your world rests in the hands of each and every one of you. YOU ARE YOUR OWN SAVIOR! Why the hell DON'T YOU GET IT???

This is not a parochial revelation that I am pointing out. Your inability to realize it is the UNIVERSAL SATANIC CURSE bestowed upon each and every one of you who pridefully go about daily, defending your IGNORANCE and CONFUSION.

I'm not going to tell you how to get out of your misery, because I have BEATEN THAT DEAD HORSE a hundred times, if not more, over these past twelve years on the Internet. If you want the answers you are looking for, you'll have to find them for yourselves on my Website pages

No, the answers you are looking for will not be given you on a Silver Platter. To do that would be to CONDITION YOU. You'll have to work for them, for they represent 12 years of Spiritual writing on the Internet. They are the writings of a Simple man of Truth, A Christ, a Living, Breathing, Flesh-and-Blood, Sentient, Natural man, Son of God, a man with backbone, a man who who has demonstrated by his words and actions the essence of integrity, who has stood alone and faced the beast which rules over the world of cowering male sissies and taught them to "SIT" and be quiet behind their STONE WALL OF SILENCE.

Blanket statement? Ya really think so? Read on and apply it to yourselves, and see how well you shape up next to a real Sovereign Son of God.

Go ahead, Sissies of America, EMBARRASS THE HELL OUT OF YOURSELVES!!

Raymond Ronald Karczewski©
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Post by Dezcad »

This is a result of Ray's use of morphine for the last 30+ years to enhance his spirituality.

He's clearly never listened to Mr. Mackey when he says "Drugs Are Bad"
This CHRIST'S use of morphine is part and
parcel to my CHRISTHOOD. Unlike you Narcotic Dithered/Alcohol Soaked
for personal pleasure. For THIRTY YEARS I have self administered this
mild analgesic to enhance my SPIRITUALITY and foster my SPIRITUAL

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Post by webhick »

Have you not observed the insanity surrounding the Politician Ron Paul and the coming election? Grown men and women losing their balance, subject to emotional manipulation, falling to their knees in prayer, shouting the praises of "Ron Paul" with their comical hats and costumes, losing themselves in the collective Satanic insanity which rules them in their spiritually dithered moment. Surely you have. How could you miss it?
Did he just compare Ron Paul with Satan? Did this guy forget that Satan...I mean Ron Paul...praised E&E for being heroes (granted, it was later retracted). Don't most of the TPs love Ron Paul (to be fair, sane people do too)? Does that make them all satanists? Can we declare a holy war now and take down E&E?
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Post by grixit »

I think this person is defining "real man" as in the joke:

"How many real men does it take to change a light bulb? None, real men aren't afraid of the dark."

So he's the kind of "real man" who's constantly bumping into things .
Three cheers for the Lesser Evil!

10 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
. . . . . . Dr Pepper
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . 4
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Post by Dezcad »

webhick wrote:
Have you not observed the insanity surrounding the Politician Ron Paul and the coming election? Grown men and women losing their balance, subject to emotional manipulation, falling to their knees in prayer, shouting the praises of "Ron Paul" with their comical hats and costumes, losing themselves in the collective Satanic insanity which rules them in their spiritually dithered moment. Surely you have. How could you miss it?
Did he just compare Ron Paul with Satan? Did this guy forget that Satan...I mean Ron Paul...praised E&E for being heroes (granted, it was later retracted). Don't most of the TPs love Ron Paul (to be fair, sane people do too)? Does that make them all satanists? Can we declare a holy war now and take down E&E?
Ray believes that everyone, except him, is under the control of Satan. Ray is the only enlightened one. In order to understand the delusions he has, just read the signature line he often uses for his posts.
"No other man but I in the recorded History of
mankind, including JESUS CHRIST, has directly
revealed to the World the SATANIC WEAPON used to
enslave mankind -- INTELLECTUAL THOUGHT!!"

Raymond Ronald Karczewski©
According to Ray, he has more insight than even JESUS CHRIST had.
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Post by webhick »

grixit wrote:So he's the kind of "real man" who's constantly bumping into things .
He must get a lot of rug burns from falling down.

So...real men have rug burns? Let me shoot an email over to GLAAD and let them know.
When chosen for jury duty, tell the judge "fortune cookie says guilty" - A fortune cookie

Post by gezco »

Raymond Ronald Karczewski© really needs to get some professional help before he hurts someone. Either that, or someone should just lock him up for a very long time. What does this guy do for a living?
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Post by webhick »

gezco wrote:Raymond Ronald Karczewski© really needs to get some professional help before he hurts someone. Either that, or someone should just lock him up for a very long time.
I agree, if he believes that intellectual thought is a weapon of Satan, then it's only a matter of time before he tries a homemade lobotomy on himself or someone else. I hope someone gets him help before that happens.
When chosen for jury duty, tell the judge "fortune cookie says guilty" - A fortune cookie

Post by ElfNinosMom »

Raymond has been making people miserable (and giving others endless amusement) on usenet for years.

Here's everything you ever wanted to know about Raymond, but were afraid to ask.


Post by Truthstalker »

I could swear that's the same guy that crawled out of a south Tampa dumpster the other night and asked me if I had any spare change.
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Post by Demosthenes »

Can't tell Mitt from Rudy, Bill from Barack? Here's a primer
These candidates are a columnist's dream

By Katy Burns
Monitor columnist

August 19. 2007 12:01AM

So many candidates, so little time! Okay, truthfully, there's a lot of time, even if Bill Gardner uses his magical powers to start the campaign on Christmas Day. But thanks to the idiotic rush to be first, first, first! - kicked off by a few perfidious, New Hampshire-hating Democrats but now embraced by the GOP as well - we are awash with candidates who are so jet-lagged from flying around the country they barely make sense.

And instead of getting to know them on their fleeting flying visits we have to concentrate on odd distinctions. At least I do.

Bill Richardson wins the e-mail race, hands down. In just 20 short days, from July 27 through Aug. 16, the New Mexico governor's minions managed to cram 30 e-mails into my crowded e-mail box.

I mean stuff like this: "Richardson's Statement Clarifying Answer From HRC Forum." Oops. "Clarifying" statements can only mean the candidate has stepped in it. Big time. As Richardson did when he insisted, at a recent Democratic tête-à-tête on gay and lesbian issues, that homosexuality is a choice - a position at variance with perceived Democratic Party wisdom, not to mention the bulk of the evidence.

It's as if Mitt Romney, running hard to win the hearts of the GOP's social conservatives, pledged that he "respect(s) and will protect a woman's right to choose." Oops again. Romney did say that. But, hey, it was before he was reborn as a fervent right-winger - five whole years ago, when he was just a silly kid. Romney's a work in pandering progress. He's also a columnist's dream. And it's not just his shameless shedding of principles. It's that other stuff.

Like his cheering the misbegotten war in Iraq while insisting his five sons, none of whom chose military service, are "serving their country" by cruising Iowa's back roads in a Winnebago to trawl for votes for their daddy. I guess as beneficiaries of a $70 million trust the boys don't need those Army signing bonuses.

And the dog. Please, let us not forget Mitt's poor pooch, Seamus, who some years back took a 12-hour ride from Massachusetts to Ontario in a cage strapped to the top of the Romney family wagon. When the terrified Seamus soiled himself - and the rear view window - the efficient CEO dealt with it splendidly. He stopped at a gas station and hosed down the window and the dog. Ever the humanitarian.

Still, think about this: At least we now know who Romney is. Richardson? Not so much. Nor have we - I mean, real people, not political junkies - had time to focus on the small army of men

and that one woman who are all seeking to be the one to succeed the current White House incumbent when he retires to brush-clearing in Crawford, Texas.

The woman we do know well, and a lot of us apparently don't like her much. To see why, we need only turn to an ABC-TV news story the other day about how Hillary Clinton was high-mindedly denouncing people who prey on poor, easily misled elderly citizens even while her not-so-high-minded political committees were taking great gobs of money from a gent who's under investigation in Iowa for peddling phone and address lists of those aforementioned gullible seniors to those who would scam them.

By the way, in case you haven't already guessed, the list-seller has also paid major bucks - like millions - to Hillary's spouse for speaking and consulting and such, the things retired politicians do when they want to make real money with no heavy lifting. All this gives at least some Dems a queasy feeling of déjà vu all over again.

We're also getting to know a couple of other women in the race, too, even if, to be strictly technical, they're not in the race. The outspoken Elizabeth Edwards and Michelle Obama are raising eyebrows, more than a few bucks and probably some crucial support for John and Barack.

Oh, yeah, Barack. We know him, too. And we love that goat-herder-father stuff, even if in fact he spent most of his formative years going to a snazzy private school in Hawaii.

Plus Rudy. Who doesn't know Rudy, with the wives and the kids with serious abandonment issues? Not to mention his own judgment disabilities. Who but Rudy would have embraced as a business partner and then put forward as homeland security director a guy who turned out not only to be a crook but quite possibly mobbed-up?

Then there is so-coy Fred Thompson, who's making those blushing maidens of 19th-century literature look downright aggressive. The rap on Fred is that it's just possible he may be less than hyper-ambitious. Well, Law and Order fans can attest that the man has been phoning in his performance for years. Lazy, thy name is Fred.

Check out Dennis Kucinich, the wizened vegan garden gnome with the willowy British wife. They're hot stuff in organic food stores and at small liberal arts colleges. Plus smart and funny and garrulous Joe Biden, sincere Chris Dodd and those two paragons of fervent Biblical literalness, Sam Brownback and Mike Huckabee, who hail from somewhere pious in the middle of this glorious land. Plus John McCain! Good grief, how could I forget him? The fabled winner of the First in the Nation primary a short eight years or so ago? Tells you something, I guess.

Then there's Mike Gravel, who should just go home to Alaska. If he wants to help the country, he'll run for the Senate against that corrupt, bullying old fool Ted Stevens. And if Ron Paul really wants to impress us as a principled Libertarian he really ought to knock off praising the crazy Plainfield tax cheats, Ed and Elaine Brown, as some kind of freedom fighters.

And finally we have Tom Tancredo and Duncan Hunter, the Gary Bauers of the 2008 campaign. Remember him? I thought not.

I hope I've helped sort things - and candidates - out. From here on, you're on your own.
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Post by Demosthenes »

New post by the Brown supporter who posted here as Error (the guy who thinks that the Feds are using a Panera Bread wireless connection. :roll:)

http://www.homelandstupidity.us/2007/09 ... vigilance/

Paranoia or vigilance?
By Michael Hampton
Posted: September 6, 2007 4:53 am
Updated: September 6, 2007 5:24 am

My loyal readers are probably wondering why there hasn’t been a posting here in ten days. Before I get back into the daily grind of bringing you the latest in government stupidity, I have a few words to say about what life in these United States has become for someone who truly values the principles of liberty on which this country supposedly rests.

U.S. Marshal Stephen Monier is the unlucky man charged with capturing and bringing to prison Ed and Elaine Brown, who were convicted last January of tax evasion and structuring (that is, money laundering) in what the couple call a kangaroo court where they were not permitted to present evidence in their defense.

Monier knows exactly where they are. They’re at their Plainfield, N.H., home, where they have been since the trial. Yet he hasn’t gone in to get them, because Ed Brown, who says there is no law requiring ordinary Americans to pay income taxes, has promised to resist with deadly force anyone who attempts to take him away.

After a couple of attempts to sneak on to the property with specially outfitted teams apparently to conduct raids, both of which were called off at the last minute due to being discovered in advance, Monier has backed off and said he wants to resolve the standoff peacefully and keep the lines of communication open with the Browns. So he had their electricity and telephone service disconnected.

If Waco and Ruby Ridge come to mind, you aren’t alone. Ruby Ridge survivor Randy Weaver visited the Browns on June 18, where they held a press conference. He has said he plans to return.

As you can imagine, this situation has been extremely frustrating for the Department of Justice, who find their hands tied by an amorphous and difficult to track group of supporters of Ed and Elaine Brown’s cause. This is where I come in. Since declaring in June that I supported Ed and Elaine Brown’s refusal to pay what amounts to institutionalized theft, I have had a couple of bureaucrats of my very own watching me and trying to learn everything they can about me. Which, not surprisingly, isn’t all that much. I’ve also received threatening messages from federal law enforcement bureaucrats who thought they were being anonymous, and who are quite possibly mentally unbalanced.

All this, for expressing an opinion which the government doesn’t like. You know, the whole point of the First Amendment.

On Wednesday, the server hosting this site was down for about two hours, due apparently to a denial of service attack. (For you techies, I’ve several hours worth of SYN flooding in the logs.) During the time the server was down, several people I know apparently self-organized and moved themselves in an effort to locate me and ensure my personal safety and that nothing untoward had happened to my server. Several of them were concerned that the government might have decided to conduct a raid on me.

There was, of course, no raid. But among people in this liberty movement, tensions — and distrust of the federal government — are high enough that many people believe the Department of Justice capable of conducting a warrantless raid on someone for merely exercising his freedom of the press. One person even suggested that I had been added to one or more of the government’s many watch lists. But those lists are so stupid that if that’s true, I know of a major league baseball player who’s going to have a lot of trouble flying.

I personally don’t think they’re quite that stupid. There’s no way they could get a warrant on me for anything worse than jaywalking, and if they tried something without one, I know a lot of lawyers who would love to eat them for lunch. (By the way, if by some miracle of perjury you do get a warrant and plan to serve it here, you should call ahead. It’ll save you a lot of trouble.)

Is it paranoia or eternal vigilance to be willing to mobilize at the first sign of trouble from overreaching bureaucrats? Is it paranoia or eternal vigilance to think the worst of whatever government does? To have such a deep distrust of government to suspect the federal government could have played an active role in the 9/11 terrorist attacks — and to investigate the possibility?

The truth is, the founders of this country wanted people to keep that deep distrust of government, even after they had wrested control of it from England, and to actively resist any encroachment such a government might make on their liberties, long before it got as out of hand as it had been. We failed, and now many of us think it’s gotten out of hand again. And Ed Brown’s situation is only one tip of many icebergs.

Eternal vigilance is quite a tiresome task. More so when the majority of people refuse to see what is so obvious. This country went off the track long ago, and now we all suffer for it. Whether it’s oppressive and, so Ed Brown says, illegal taxation of our labor (which I say is slavery, and immoral) or the rising surveillance state which will, as Rudy Giuliani called for Wednesday night, monitor us all like UPS packages, the United States is rapidly losing what’s left of the republic we were left — if we could keep it. It’s a sad commentary on America when there has to be a freedom movement (actually, there are several) in a country which was supposed to be free in the first place.

They say it isn’t paranoia if they really are out to get you. The truth is, they are out to get us all, and they’re succeeding, because We the People weren’t vigilant — or perhaps paranoid — enough. This is why I’m supporting Ron Paul’s presidential campaign: he is vigilant. He saw all this coming and spoke out against it in Congress. Though, in Congress as in the rest of the country, few listened to the warnings, and now we’re all paying the price. Fortunately, they seemed to be listening during last night’s debate, where Ron Paul said it again and won FOX News’ post-debate text message poll with some 33 percent of the voters.

Anyway, I decided to take a short vacation while Congress was gone. The tension has been much too high around here lately. Now that they’re back, I suppose I’ll have to get back to work chronicling the downfall of our country. Tiresome and thankless as it is, someone has to do it. And I’ll keep at it until they cart me off to the concentration camps, or the oil runs out and the lights go off, whichever comes first.
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Post by Dezcad »

Paranoia or vigilance?
By Michael Hampton
Posted: September 6, 2007 4:53 am
Updated: September 6, 2007 5:24 am

<snip>.... quite possibly mentally unbalanced.

And I’ll keep at it until they cart me off to the concentration camps, or the oil runs out and the lights go off, whichever comes first.
Or at least until his medication runs out and then watch out....
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Post by . »

Alcoholics Anonymous. Narcotics Anonymous. Gamblers Anonymous.

Where is Paranoids Anonymous when you need them? He could be a founding member.
All the States incorporated daughter corporations for transaction of business in the 1960s or so. - Some voice in Van Pelt's head, circa 2006.
Agent Observer

Post by Agent Observer »

Is it paranoia or eternal vigilance to be willing to mobilize at the first sign of trouble from overreaching bureaucrats?
I'd say that says it all. Guys like him are a dime a dozen on the Internet. They all seem to have a driving need to be the center of attention, and, lacking any real threat to their well-being, they manufacture a faceless boogy-man behind every tree. The funny thing is that guys like this have rarely faced any true adversity in their lives other than explaining to their parents why they just turned 30 and still live in the basement, and cant hold down a job. Someday maybe someone will break it to him: no one in government cares what he has to say, especially federal law enforcement agencies who are faced with trying to separate the do-nothing, loud-mouths from the real problem children.
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Post by Demosthenes »

During the time the server was down, several people I know apparently self-organized and moved themselves in an effort to locate me and ensure my personal safety and that nothing untoward had happened to my server. Several of them were concerned that the government might have decided to conduct a raid on me.
Here's the mobilization that occurred:

http://newhampshireunderground.com/foru ... ic=10594.0

It boils down to hair pulling, and ...
Im assuming someone has tried to call him.
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Post by . »

Guys like him are a dime a dozen on the Internet.
They're all over financial boards. Endless ranting about the evil Fed and evil Jews and the imminent financial collapse, which somehow hasn't yet managed to transpire. They all think they have "special" knowledge. Lots of overlap with TP-types.

They will all die paranoid and broke.
All the States incorporated daughter corporations for transaction of business in the 1960s or so. - Some voice in Van Pelt's head, circa 2006.

Post by silversopp »

. wrote: They're all over financial boards. Endless ranting about the evil Fed and evil Jews and the imminent financial collapse
There are actual good economic arguments against the Federal Reserve. One can find reputable economists that will disagree with any FED decision, and there are definitely cons to a central banks (along with pros). Despite the abundance of real legitimate gripes against the FED, most of the FED opponents just rehash crazy rantings that they read online.
They will all die paranoid and broke.
Some will figure out that they can invent nonsense, publish it on the internet, call yourself a guru, and make hundreds of thousands of dollars off idiots who go to your seminars.

I've been toying with the idea of creating a conspiracy about the colors used in traffic lights, with some racism, anti-government, and reptillian nonsense thrown in to relate to my audience.
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Post by webhick »

silversopp wrote:I've been toying with the idea of creating a conspiracy about the colors used in traffic lights, with some racism, anti-government, and reptillian nonsense thrown in to relate to my audience.
Let me know if you want a collaborator on that.
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Post by . »

There are actual good economic arguments against the Federal Reserve.
No doubt about it. I have problems with the Fed, as in, "close enough for government work."

The problem the on-line doom-and-gloomers have is that most of them subscribe to the lunacy of G. Edward Griffin and the like.

Just as the TPs subscribe to mystical, magical thinking and argument. Like I said, there's a lot of overlap.

They will all die paranoid and broke.
All the States incorporated daughter corporations for transaction of business in the 1960s or so. - Some voice in Van Pelt's head, circa 2006.