Yes>>>>so we don't really know that do we? Using that *model*, he shows >>>>12700 contracts sold in the last year. If you use the 12K per that's 152M in the last year. But, we have been told that they sold 123M in the LAST YEAR AND HALF. That would extrapolate to around 100M in the last year>>>or 8300 contracts>>>35% LOWER than the model. However, the actual TOTAL published is very close to his TOTAL! ERGO>>>> The prior year totals are not weighted properly are they? I'm convinced the growth was *lumpy* and some investors bought HUGE amounts at various times which *could* have been within the profit period.Gregg wrote:
I also notice (and agree, its kind of central to the point I've been trying to make for 6-7 months) that going back 7 years your model shows only 801 of the total 31,000 contracts sold as being pre-SOL for the purpose of clawbacks. Look at that again and let it sink in kids, out of 31,000 contracts sold, it's possible and even likely that less than 1,000 of them are, for the purposes of clawback, in profit.
Math, it isn't just for breakfast any more.
BTW...profits were made by those with contracts over FIVE YEARS OLD....the reach back goes back SEVEN YEARS. So, any ATMS purchased prior to 2010 would be *in the money* at the time of collapse in June 2014.
Also>>> for NET WINNERS>>>> The claw back applies to the DISTRIBUTIONS (fraudulent transfers) going back 7 years, it has nothing to do with when the contracts were purchased. They aren't going to characterize the distributions as payback of principal vs profit. They will simply calculate what the total profits were and take the LESSER between total profits vs distributions in the 7 year period.