Private Sector Act dot Com

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Calgary scam watch
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Re: Private Sector Act dot Com

Post by Calgary scam watch »

exposefraud wrote:Ty Griffiths is in reality a man named Kevin Kumar who is affiliated with Derek Johnson. They together have several numbered companies along with and Satori Investments. You can find Satori Investements and Freelist in the BBB with a F grade. And also reported as a company in which the BBB feels may be involved in illegal business activities.
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Re: Private Sector Act dot Com

Post by eric »

This segment of my multi-part post should properly be entitled "The End Times Cometh" :violin:
Progress has been made on the scam to the point that the status of the various parties is as follows:
1. The original homeowner is still in the home, believing that life is good since foreclosure has been staved off and they are paying rent to...
2. The investor who has their name on the title and given Kevin Kumar/Derek Jackson/Satori Investment Solutions a deposit of 20 to 60 K$;
3. The monies involved are in accounts of numbered companies in which a Laurel Cinnamon is the director. The monies are supposed to be "held in trust". That being said, these types of trust accounts have strict accounting procedures and supposed to be registered with the provincial government. Major however, no-one has been able to locate any of these accounts. Satori also has certain expenditures - paying commission to their shills - Ray *****, "Nina", and the latest one, a Bryton Winters, who according to his address, is domiciled in a swamp in the middle of Wood Buffalo national Park :twisted:
4. The bank still wants their money however. By this time the home is most certainly under the standard six month redemption order. Before the home can be put up for sale by court order there's the hiccup of another name on the title. The bank has various options in this case:
a. ask the courts to rule that the new owner does not have a "beneficial interest" in the property;
b. go after the new owner for the full sum of the debt with a one day redemption order, knowing full well that the investor doesn't have the monies.
If the investors are still believers that they are participating in a legal property transaction, Derek and Kevin will give them a script similar to the following:
(typical OPCA "produce the note" gibberish)
If the courts are in a good mood, and their breakfast soft boiled egg was coddled appropriately, they might let them get past two sentences. In any case, the end results are:
1. the original homeowner is back on title, and the home is put up for sale and they lose their home;
2. the investor is left to go after the Derek and Kevin crew as a civil matter. When they finally consult with a lawyer they are told they are probably wasting their time since Derek at least has about 2 million in judgements against him, ignored them all, and they are just adding their name to the bottom of the list
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Re: Private Sector Act dot Com

Post by eric »

Here we go with "lakes of fire and plagues of locusts" :brickwall:
I'm in a dark and sarcastic mood right now to match the dreary weather outside (at least I'm not having to put up with BC lower mainland weather) so i thought I should talk about the aftermaths of the crew's escapades. If they are lucky, the bank has broken even on the whole affair, the homeowner is looking for a place to live, and the investor is out what very well might be all they had saved for their retirement. Devastating news, here's one rather blood curdling response:
""***** ***** I lost my house because of him. He has no morals. He is the devil himself. I curse you Derek and Kevin. I will put a curse spell on you . You and your corporation and your family will all suffer from lackness. You will endure what I am enduring right now. I will invite you to my country and I myself will chop your head off. May the devil burn you in hell.""
Although I may agree with the tone of his sentiments, it's much more than I could conceivably hope for :oops:
Generally, as I outlined in the previous posting, the bank combines multiple actions into one session as they are thrifty folks. This gives opportunity for the scammed investors to weep into their beers collectively and exchange social media information. Of course then the posts start... Being net savvy, Kevin Kumar is inclined to take a dim view of derogatory posts about the crew. Here's an email he sent out as a mass emailer to multiple persons....
""Satori Investments has heard through the real estate community which is very small in Canada that you are making accusations In the recent past and present, of fraud and misrepresentation on a personal level. The entities you name are Satori Investments and Kevin Kumar. Please note that Satori Investments has many people involved in their organization with many years of experience. If you add up all the years of experience of the key Investors, it would exceed 350 years of real estate experience in the Canadian marketplace.
Kevin Kumar himself has 23 years of experience in investment real estate not ever having to work outside the real estate industry leading to being a well respected member of the real estate community.
Our observations via our hired private investigator illustrates all entities who did have dealings with you were slandered even though they met all contractual agreements with you at one time in the past.
much self serving garbage deleted
You need to inform us of all emails that replied to your ads and then sent slander mailers to. You must inform them of the fact that you do not understand what fraud means and that you did this by mistake. Once you agree to this Satori Investments will create the mailer for you to send accordingly. You would be CC'ing these messages back to Satori so we know the task has been completed. If this is not completed by 4:00pm Tuesday May 12, 2015 we will be bringing remedy in the form of a lawsuit making a claim of one million dollars. We have taken the liberty of already doing an asset search and we can see that you have the capacity to pay via other real estate that you own.
Hmmm, Foisted Unilateral Contract. Also they must be aware of monies that I don't know that I have. I really should check out my massive property holdings better but disciplining my minions is so exhausting :shock:
To be very clear, you are being held solely responsible for the "fake Kijiji ads slander". At this point you will be sued for millions of dollars.
Here is a way out of being sued for millions of dollars:
You must complete the following two tasks.
We are well aware of your accomplices. Our privately hired investigator has completed his task very well. In order for you to be totally removed from the million dollar lawsuit you must divulge the names of your accomplices in the Facebook harassment rants, contacting and harassing family members of the private lender, and now fake Kijiji ads leading to accusing people whom you have never met much less had contractual agreements of fraud. Here is a way to get yourself out of this situation you have placed yourself in.

1. We know who the ringleader is. If you voluntarily divulge this information, you will not be listed as a defendant. You will be listed as a plaintiff along with Satori Investments and Kevin Kumar versus the defendant (being the major accomplice / the ringleader). You divulging the information to us will show good faith that you will cooperate and see a satisfactory conclusion knowing the damages caused by your negligence / slander of Satori Investments and Kevin Kumar.
2. The only costs that we are seeking within the next 30 days would be all expenses we have incurred leading us up to this point within the situation is as follows:
a) $5,000.00 in hired Private Investigator fees and the time we have taken out of our busy schedule to deal with this matter.
b) We will only charge you $500.00/ hour and 6 hours of time to a total of $3,000.00.
This totals approximately $8,000.00.
This offer is open until 4:00pm on May 12, 2015.
Should we not hear anything back, we will be proceeding with a multi million dollar lawsuit against you for SLANDER.""
At least they didn't ask for the money to be paid in silver bullion. Perhaps they would take pork bellies in exchange? (I'm a pig farmer).

Here was my response, and only response:
""I hear through grumblings on the net that you are attempting to serve an "Eric from *****" who you feel has had dealings with you or people associated with you. Here are my thoughts on the matter:
1. Fire your private investigator. If he can't locate someone in a village of less than 800 people whose name is in the phone book he obviously is not performing in a satisfactory fashion;
2. If and when you obtain the services of an Alberta Bar Association accredited lawyer to assist you in this matter we can continue this discussion in the proper manner.""

It should be interesting. My technical mind is being boggled right now - can I be sued by someone who is the real person behind his alter ego who has been declared a vexatious litigant?
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Re: Private Sector Act dot Com

Post by Llwellyn »

Heh, well reality is, you can be sued by anyone, at near any time. However, being sued, and the complainant being SUCCESSFUL are two whole different stories. Proof of slander is one of the hardest things to achieve. As for postings etc, most courts have declared that it is in 'general' terms a person speaking from OPINION point of view. Everyone has the right to an opinion, and opinions are not slander, unless they are openly used in which to cause financial/detrimental action.
Reading your post there, I would wager that they really have no clue, as they are 'offering' you ways out.. IF they had invested the time and effort for an investigator and other things, they wouldn't be offering "say you are sorry, and we're done" approach. At that point time and money invested, they would be proceeding. On top of which, their lawyer would be in contact with you, and you would have received notice of filing and complaint.

From what I would wager, lotta smoke and hot air up there .. :) :P

EDIT - note here, that a SLANDER suit can only be for the amount of monies they 'theoretically' lost due to the slander, they can not just randomly pick a number out of the air. And to do that, they need to PROVE that X# of business/monies was lost due to the slander. (Again, people babbling without knowing or understanding law)
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Re: Private Sector Act dot Com

Post by eric »

Llwellyn wrote:Heh, well reality is, you can be sued by anyone, at near any time. However, being sued, and the complainant being SUCCESSFUL are two whole different stories. Proof of slander is one of the hardest things to achieve. As for postings etc, most courts have declared that it is in 'general' terms a person speaking from OPINION point of view. Everyone has the right to an opinion, and opinions are not slander, unless they are openly used in which to cause financial/detrimental action.
Reading your post there, I would wager that they really have no clue, as they are 'offering' you ways out.. IF they had invested the time and effort for an investigator and other things, they wouldn't be offering "say you are sorry, and we're done" approach. At that point time and money invested, they would be proceeding. On top of which, their lawyer would be in contact with you, and you would have received notice of filing and complaint.
From what I would wager, lotta smoke and hot air up there .. :) :P
That's my layman's opinion as well. It's simply an attempt to silence dissent. When I first started dealing with the Derek Johnson crew my own lawyer informed me that one of their tactics was to attempt or threaten to sue everyone involved - that's one of the reasons they were declared vexatious litigants. From my experience law suits come in two fashions - formal court filings delivered to me or a stern letter from their lawyer inviting me to discuss the matter informally, not a mass email.
Llwellyn wrote: EDIT - note here, that a SLANDER suit can only be for the amount of monies they 'theoretically' lost due to the slander, they can not just randomly pick a number out of the air. And to do that, they need to PROVE that X# of business/monies was lost due to the slander. (Again, people babbling without knowing or understanding law)
I'm not tremendously concerned about the whole threat of a law suit. If it ever comes to pass the amount that they would have to reveal about their own business dealings would be a literal gold mine for various organizations and individuals who have won judgements against them but never have been able to collect.
My whole objective in posting the rather verbose, multi-part essay was to illustrate how the group's tactics have adapted to new circumstances. I personally know of one case where their "produce the note" tactic failed simply because the mortgage holder (a small credit union) actually had the original signed agreement. In that case, if they follow through with the private financing it's nothing more than a perfectly legal "unconventional" mortgage. Aside - I have heard that some of the larger, very reputable pawn brokers in Toronto are now offerring mortgage financing. 8)
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Re: Private Sector Act dot Com

Post by Calgary scam watch »

Accredited Agency according to the Real Estate Council of Canada (R.E.C.C.)

Accredited Agency according to the " Real Estate Council of Canada "

" R.E.C.C. " All part of the SCAM :naughty:

A made up agency to make it look like they are members of some bogus regulatory body.

RECA Real Estate Council of Alberta is the real deal. " R.E.C.A "
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Re: Private Sector Act dot Com

Post by Calgary scam watch »

DEREK JOHNSON is BACK AT IT AGAIN with his new operation Foreclosure Experts Canada.

Are you in pre-foreclosure in Medicine Hat and don’t know where to go for help?

We are in the business of helping people in trouble with their homes at any stage of the foreclosure process.

If you are a homeowner that is being foreclosed upon in Medicine Hat by your bank we have some creative strategies that can eliminate your debt AND possibly keep you in your home.

Even if you simply want some advice, please contact us.

Most people do not know that the earlier they act when the banks threaten foreclosure, the more options they have, so email us NOW for your no obligation consultation.

Foreclosure Experts Canada
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Re: Private Sector Act dot Com

Post by Calgary scam watch »

Kevin Kumar and Laurel Cinnamon are recruiting in Vernon and Kelowna for positions in Calgary
Pretty good money?????

520 Harvey Avenue, Kelowna, BC V1Y 6C9
The usual vague address to make it seem legit.
Chinook Centre, Chinook Centre, Calgary, AB T2H 0K8
These addresses are posted to help mother Google expose the scam.

Now Hiring Investment Wholesale Consultants at Kelowna Real Estate Experts

- ALL Training Provided
- Earn $25.00/hour to put on professional one-on-one presentations
- 100% commissioned opportunities allowing an individual to make large commissions in this industry

- All Leads supplied !
- We have tapped into continuous HOT LEADS from Real Estate INVESTMENT networks across Canada.
- Must have a good working vehicle and be willing to Meet with Clients !
- You will be doing sales presentations to clients already interested in meeting to discuss our product !
- All training is provided.
- No experience required
- MUST have a good working laptop required for doing presentations, a cell phone and most importantly a professional attitude since you will be dealing with clients on a daily basis.
- Hiring and training business units across Calgary.

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Re: Private Sector Act dot Com

Post by Calgary scam watch » ... KU0ORQ8AAg

Eliminating Unnecessary Expenses Lawyer's Fee

Satori Investment Solutions Inc. Foreclosure Experts Canada.
Kelowna Real Estate Experts - Investment Partners

Satori Investment Solutions Inc.
NOW Hiring Wholesale Investment Consultants in Vernon & Kelowna

520 Harvey Avenue, Kelowna, BC V1Y 6C9
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Re: Private Sector Act dot Com

Post by wserra »

theRealDerekJohnson wrote:You are slandering me, Derek Johnson and others in a real estate network on this forum.
So, why are you slandering me and telling the media I am "posing as a Realtor?"
Why are you slandering Satori Investments Solutions?
your claims and slander on this forum
Satori and its agents / representatives want to know why you are slandering them
A question which should sit alongside Berkeley's "If a tree falls in a forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?": Is it possible to slander someone whom a Court has already called a snake-oil salesman?
expect serious legal consequences.
From someone who can't even go to court without permission from his Daddy?
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Re: Private Sector Act dot Com

Post by Calgary scam watch »

They sold the home to an independent company in a network of hundreds who do real estate in Canada called New Century Real Estate.

All the paperwork was registered at the Alberta Land Titles Office, from the buyer, (New Century Real Estate)

The investment company New Century Real Estate.

Why are you slandering Satori Investments Solutions?

Satori is a financier in a large network of real estate people and you chose to not communicate with them either when they heard about your slandering them as well here.

The PROOF is at the ALBERTA LAND TITLES OFFICE on 4th Ave Calgary Alberta for anyone to view.
Derek Johnson[/quote]

Derek/Hilda maybe you can answer some questions..... Satori investments is Kevin Kumar?

New Century Real Estate .....sounds like a real estate company to me?

The real-estate council of Canada is something you have made up yes or no?

Why are you well known in the Calgary land titles office?
So well known that land titles employees will call people and warn them about dealing with you.
Why do you have to have people to sign documents as well as take them to the land titles office for your group? Is this because you are so well known that you can't go into land titles?

Today you have ads posted on kijijji offering $ 25.00 per hour for wholesale investment consultants. ... nFlag=true
Is this because you have a court order from RECA to stop acting as a real estate agent?

Why does Laurel Cinnamon's many numbered company's always accept the deposits and is registered as the mortgage holder for these " non real-estate agent deals" ? You state you have 2600 lenders why is every offer to purchase or deposit / Mortgage made out to / in her numbered company's name ? 1827148 Alberta LTD. to name just one of the many.

Is Laurel Cinnamon in fact Kevin Kumar's wife? It sure looks funny that out of 2600 investors you pretend to use. Her Company's name comes up on every one of you groups deals. Is this Not a conflict of interest that should be disclosed? We have a few of your recent offers documenting this as well as your past deals.

Is Satori laurel Cinnamon / Kevin Kumar?
Why is Kevin Kumar the listed owner of free list ? That is your company correct?

Why are you always in the news? Why were you declared vexatious?

Why don't you pay for your Kijijji ads like the rest of us?

Signed..... Your previous and future victims
Last edited by Calgary scam watch on Tue Jun 09, 2015 1:49 am, edited 4 times in total.
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Re: Private Sector Act dot Com

Post by Calgary scam watch »

Why are you posting ads in Kelowna and Vernon for your and I quote " Hiring and training business units across Calgary." Hiring in British Columbia for units in Calgary Alberta 500 miles away?

Now Hiring Investment Wholesale Consultants at Kelowna Real Estate Experts

- ALL Training Provided
- Earn $25.00/hour to put on professional one-on-one presentations
- 100% commissioned opportunities allowing an individual to make large commissions in this industry

- All Leads supplied !
- We have tapped into continuous HOT LEADS from Real Estate INVESTMENT networks across Canada.
- Must have a good working vehicle and be willing to Meet with Clients !
- You will be doing sales presentations to clients already interested in meeting to discuss our product !
- All training is provided.
- No experience required
- MUST have a good working laptop required for doing presentations, a cell phone and most importantly a professional attitude since you will be dealing with clients on a daily basis.
- Hiring and training business units across Calgary.

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Re: Private Sector Act dot Com

Post by Derek Johnson Sucks »

Derek watches this every morning before he starts posting ads on Kijijji
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Re: Private Sector Act dot Com

Post by eric »

theRealDerekJohnson wrote: Eric and ****** have been investigated and found to be in breach of contracts and slander of many people and companies in Calgary Alberta and Western Canada.
Yourself, Kevin Manji, and various other members of your group had adequate opportunity to mount a defence in Alberta Court of Queen's Bench to actions brought forward by myself and you failed to do so. Take your complaints there.
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Re: Private Sector Act dot Com

Post by theRealDerekJohnson »

And another brilliant question from Eric ... :roll:

Eric Vance: "Why does Laurel Cinnamon's many numbered company's always accept the deposits and is registered as the mortgage holder for these " non real-estate agent deals" ? You state you have 2600 lenders why is every offer to purchase or deposit / Mortgage made out to / in her numbered company's name ? 1827148 Alberta LTD. to name just one of the many."

Derek Johnson Answer: Where in your contracts did you sign something with this individual / company?

Please provide more information since you sold a home, and did not sign a mortgage contract.

These people were not even involved in your situation so we may as well be talking about Santa Claus or the Easter Bunny.

Derek Johnson Question: What do you mean by a "non-real-estate agent deal"?

You are showing how silly and confused you really are Eric.

You do realize that people are allowed to buy and sell real estate with offer to purchase contracts like you did without Realtors?

Derek Johnson Question: Do you believe that it is illegal to buy / sell a home without a Realtor?

This is what you are suggesting via your question and this is an important one since it cuts to the heart of how you were manipulated by RECA and others into believing you were doing something wrong or illegal by selling your home without a Realtor.

Derek Johnson Question: If selling a home privately using offer to purchase agreements is illegal in Canada, can you show me the law that states that?

What you are saying is that every for-sale-by-owner and private buyer is participating in illegal activity.

Does that mean all the and sellers are breaking the law by participating in illegal activity?

Does that mean all the buyers who are trying to save money with sellers in a commission free arena are participating in illegal activity?

Derek Johnson Question: Can you confirm that this is what your position is?
(That being that buying and selling homes privately in Canada is illegal)

Should you choose to ignore this question and refuse to reply with the obvious answer then you must consent to apologize to everyone on this forum for being ignorant / confused and misled and will direct CBC to print a retraction since that is what needs to be done here to make things right.

Anything less is unacceptable considering your actions.
Last edited by theRealDerekJohnson on Tue Jun 09, 2015 11:58 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Private Sector Act dot Com

Post by Burnaby49 »

This is a message to Derek Johnson from a Quatloos moderator. You have been posting personal information about a Quatloos poster's wife who is not involved in Quatloos and who is not part of the discussion. These have all been deleted. If you continue posting personal about individuals not involved in this discussion you will be banned.
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Re: Private Sector Act dot Com

Post by theRealDerekJohnson »

Okay great Eric!

We can play some Questions and Answers !

I will go first and then you will answer mine. Ignoring all my questions like you have been doing already and ignoring email and phone calls means you through silence admit you were wrong and acted ignorantly and then will apologize for misleading others into believing I was somehow "posing as a Realtor" .

A retraction in CBC News will be required on your behalf for us to conclude this business.

Eric Vance Question: "Derek/Hilda maybe you can answer some questions..... Satori investments is Kevin Kumar?"

Derek Johnson Answer: Satori Investments has many agents / representatives including Kevin Kumar and you would already known this since he has been emailing you and you have been ignoring him. What a strange question to ask since they have been attempting to reach you for months and you have been silent. They have been contacting you since you have been slandering them.

Why are you avoiding them Eric?

They want to speak with you to figure out why you are slandering them since they don't even know you !
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Re: Private Sector Act dot Com

Post by theRealDerekJohnson »

And another question of yours ...

Eric Vance Question: "New Century Real Estate .....sounds like a real estate company to me?"

Derek Johnson Answer: It is a Real Estate Company that you signed a contract with to sell your home to.

If you are asking this question, can you see how your state of mind may be in question here Eric? :shock:

Derek Johnson Question: Are you suggesting that you are ignorant of the fact that you signed contracts to sell your home?

The Alberta Land titles office found through their follow up that in fact you did sign contracts to sell the home according to procedure.

The evidence exists at the Calgary Alberta Land Titles office on 4th Ave.

The Real Estate Council of Canada investigated as well and found the evidence at the Alberta Land Titles office which makes this situation so cut and dry here in terms of you being in breach of contract.
Last edited by theRealDerekJohnson on Wed Jun 10, 2015 12:01 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Private Sector Act dot Com

Post by theRealDerekJohnson »

Another question of yours ...

Eric Vance: "The real-estate council of Canada is something you have made up yes or no?"

Derek Johnson Answer: No. It is the governing body that exists to govern the provincial "self-governing" bodies that govern Realtors and mortgage brokers. One must be a member and use offer to purchase contracts to do business with their system, not MLS Listing Agreements.

Derek Johnson Question: If you are in opposition to the findings of the Real Estate Council of Canada, then why have you not rebutted or questioned their findings?

They can be reached very easily at:

You have not contacted them either according to my findings to dispute the conclusion of the investigation.

Derek Johnson Question: Why not Eric?

Is it because you know they were easily able to find that you signed off via the documents that exist at the Calgary Land Titles office?
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Re: Private Sector Act dot Com

Post by theRealDerekJohnson »

And another Eric question that has nothing to do with his breaching contract ...

Eric Vance Question: "Why are you well known in the Calgary land titles office?"

Derek Johnson Answer: I have been in real estate for many years and have done many, many deals at the land titles office, and know almost everyone on a first name basis at the examiner level who accepts paperwork. Most of the senior people working at the office have been their for 5 - 10 years, and I even know the court runner who delivers their documents to and from the Court of Queens Bench.

That is what happens when you do a lot of business with no problem.

Derek Johnson Question: What does their knowing me as a senior real estate business person have anything to do with the fact that you sold your home, and then created a big problem for the buyer who invested time and energy and then for me making false claims about "posing as a Realtor" ?
Last edited by theRealDerekJohnson on Wed Jun 10, 2015 12:02 am, edited 1 time in total.