Peter of England: A REal guru.

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Re: Peter of England: A REal guru.

Post by rumpelstilzchen »

Latest meeting a success.
More than fifty-two people attended the latest meeting. Apparently people were sitting between other people. I have always thought that is how people normally sit in in a meeting....people sit between other people......but looks like I was wrong about that. It is something that is worthy of note according to bertiebert. The insurance scam is back on the cards so I expect we will have the pleasure of seeing some WeRe customers having their cars seized by plod in the future and you can pay down your promissory note by cutting your grass and giving your house a bloody good hoovering. You can also claim for hours worked if you have a job. So you get paid twice.
REPORT ..WeRe bank Re movement Standing room only

Postby bertiebert » Sat May 23, 2015 8:51 pm

the count got to around 52, then more came in, and the counting stopped as people were literally sitting between other people, some were left just outside the room for lack of seating..
The talk was around 4 hours long, there will be a video upload as soon as its ready..
at the moment payments for chequebook etc will be taken at meetings, many people suggested that was the best way, because it brings us all together as we are all there, later will be other methods of payments, for people that cant attend for various reasons, especially for people in other countrys like Canada, America etc.
There were many, many questions.
Peter mentioned the car insurance WeRe bank will be offering to all members, third party at first, considering the possibility of fully comp..details to follow soon.

talked about "paying down the promissary note " by booking in "billable hours" such as cutting the grass, vaccuming the house, also those in full time employment can book their hours as billable hours, thereby getting paid as per normal, and paying down the promissary note" as well.
There were so many topics talked about, and this quick "off the top of ones head report" is all for now..
keep eyes peeled for video release !
BHF wrote:
It shows your mentality to think someone would make the effort to post something on the internet that was untrue.
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Re: Peter of England: A REal guru.

Post by guilty »

rumpelstilzchen wrote:You can also claim for hours worked if you have a job. So you get paid twice.

Sign me up! I believe I read somewhere that time was billable at 12.5 Re per hour. While I am at work I could earn 100 Re per day extra. That's £200! Per day! Tax free! :shock:
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Re: Peter of England: A REal guru.

Post by rumpelstilzchen »

guilty wrote:
rumpelstilzchen wrote:You can also claim for hours worked if you have a job. So you get paid twice.

Sign me up! I believe I read somewhere that time was billable at 12.5 Re per hour. While I am at work I could earn 100 Re per day extra. That's £200! Per day! Tax free! :shock:
I wonder if it's double time on a Sunday?
BHF wrote:
It shows your mentality to think someone would make the effort to post something on the internet that was untrue.
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Re: Peter of England: A REal guru.

Post by PeanutGallery »

rumpelstilzchen wrote: you can pay down your promissory note by cutting your grass and giving your house a bloody good hoovering.
Although you probably won't be able to earn Re to pay down the note in the long term using those methods if you try to use the WeRe Cheques to pay your rent or mortgage.
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Re: Peter of England: A REal guru.

Post by grixit »

"Mom. Dad, now that i'm in high school, are you going to start a college fund for me?"

"Absolutely, Son! See this? We've signed you up at the WeRe Bank. From now on, every time we have you take out the garbage, clean your room, or mow the lawn, you'll automatically add REs to your account. By the time you graduate, you'll have enough to go to Harvard."
Three cheers for the Lesser Evil!

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Re: Peter of England: A REal guru.

Post by daltontrumbno »

I have just read that WeRe bank now requires your NI number when you join, So peter has your name address bank details and NI number and signature. All the ingredients for identity theft, but peter would never do that being the nice honest retired Navy officer that he is.
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Re: Peter of England: A REal guru.

Post by wanglepin »

daltontrumbno wrote:I have just read that WeRe bank now requires your NI number when you join, So peter has your name address bank details and NI number and signature. All the ingredients for identity theft, but peter would never do that being the nice honest retired Navy officer that he is.
No, he hasn't asked for blood group or DNA code. But some silly goofer will hand it to him.
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Re: Peter of England: A REal guru.

Post by slowsmile »

daltontrumbno wrote:I have just read that WeRe bank now requires your NI number when you join, So peter has your name address bank details and NI number and signature. All the ingredients for identity theft, but peter would never do that being the nice honest retired Navy officer that he is.
Perhaps he should sell them to Craig Crawford.

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Re: Peter of England: A REal guru.

Post by notorial dissent »

guilty wrote:I wonder if there was an undercover Serious Fraud Office investigator at PoEs meeting today? :snicker:
I would have to say that I think it would be awfully sporting of PoE to hand the prosecution their case in his own words, really cuts down on all that investigating and stuff.

Wow 52 potential suckers customers. Just imagine that many gullible stupid people all in one place at one time.

In a way I find it hard to believe they would willingly give out their NI number when I'm sure they scream bloody murder when a real bank actually asks for it. Still stupid is as stupid does. Although, all things considered, who in their right minds would want to steal an identity from this crowd if they are dumb enough to fall for his shill. Most of them probably don't have a enough of a credit rating to make it worth while, and if they routinely fall for things like this they may not have one at all from previous disasters. But yeah, does sound like a perfect formula for identity theft.

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Re: Peter of England: A REal guru.

Post by Losleones »

I do believe Peter is on to something with these weary cheques. Did anyone manage to stay awake long enough to hear his waffle on the live radio last week regarding cheque payments in a restaurant? This could have mileage Petey. Now where did i put my RBoS chequebook...... I've got a not so lazy Sunday arranged at the estate agents & Porsche dealership :haha:
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Re: Peter of England: A REal guru.

Post by littleFred »

bertiebert wrote:Peter mentioned the car insurance WeRe bank will be offering to all members, third party at first, considering the possibility of fully comp..details to follow soon.
Start with 3rd party, maybe fully comp later: a clever touch by Peter that adds a spurious air of authenticity. Perhaps 3rd party will be free but he will charge extra for fully comp.

For any non-Brits: third party is the minimum required motor vehicle insurance. If I injure someone or bend their car, my insurance will pay for that, but third-party insurance wouldn't also pay for damage to my car. "Fully comprehensive" would also pay for damage to my car.

Traditionally, 3rd party is cheaper than fully comp. When I last took out a new policy, fully comp was cheaper.

Peter could become an insurance broker and get genuine insurance for his members. But he wouldn't like the pesky regulations, so I expect he will just print fancy "insurance certificates" that suckers can show police officers as "proof" that they are insured even though the car doesn't show up on the MID (Motor Insurance Database).

Without real insurance, suckers can't pay vehicle tax, and that could be a bigger problem when stopped.
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Re: Peter of England: A REal guru.

Post by PeanutGallery »

Don't forget the insurance hotline, that the police will be expected to ring in order to verify that the vehicle does have an insurance policy.
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Re: Peter of England: A REal guru.

Post by Losleones »

I'm sure there will be a multitude of insurance available when weary bank is flourishing. One can imagine a vast array of leaflets in his plush Manchester central bank office offering home, car, pet, travel ins etc.But then again why would goofers require insurance for anything? Their names don't belong to anything they possess & they haven't/dont/ won't pay for anything with real money. All belongs to the CROWN so surely their responsibility to fund anything requiring insurance cover :haha:
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Re: Peter of England: A REal guru.

Post by guilty »

GeoffD at GOOFers says:
4everfree - the Manchester address is merely a mail forwarding service and Peter/WeRe Bank's exact location at this time is unknown and probably best kept that way.
I know where the 'bank' is. It is in Peter's back pocket.
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Re: Peter of England: A REal guru.

Post by arayder »

I find Peter entertaining. But, I have to take a moment to remind myself of the harm his WeRe bank is causing his gullible WeRe bank clients and their families.

A good example is the gullible meeh101 who, from his post at the goodf forum, seems to be headed for real trouble. The *****s are mine.
Postby meeh101 » Mon May 18, 2015 4:55 pm

:lol: great posts. A response has been posted, 1st class signed for, this p.m. I've kept it simple and short (two para's), requesting to be given sight of the legal precedent, legislation/statute, which clearly indicates that WeRe Bank cheques aren't legal tender... and second WeRe Bank cheque has been enclosed with alonge.

My initial WeRe Bank cheque (whole years payment) was received by EDDC on the 5th of May, yet; they gave me no indication that the cheque hadn't been accepted until we received a Final Notice warning for 3 missed payments; thereupon, I placed the account in dispute - didn't do a Notary Protest, albeit; I want to see how the EDDC are going to play this out (will do my N P if they refuse this 2nd cheque however).

Furthermore, I do know that I'm not the only 'person' sending the EDDC alternative methods of payment... apparantly, personnel have been having arguments as regards what is legal and what is not... :twisted:

WeRe all in for a ride of a lifetime and I discern a ******* big light at the end of the tunnel - it ain't a train ;)


I don't think I have to point out to Quatloosians the sort of self deception practiced by meeh101 and other WeRe bank/goodfers. These guys are headed for the sort trouble credit card companies, banks and municipalities have no problem dealing out. For decades they've been dealing with crazies who, for one reason or another, don't think they have to pay their bills.

The people I feel sorry for are goodfer's kids, partners and families who suffer while the family's finances tank. If I had a dime for every time I've heard of a wife or girl friend leaving a freeman because he couldn't get his life together, I'd have a big bag of dimes.

It's one thing to distrust the government and the powerful. But, it's another whole thing to run your family into the ground while you pursue the fantasy that you can print your own money.
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Re: Peter of England: A REal guru.

Post by exiledscouser »

The motor insurance gimmick is not something anyone should sign up to. I know Goofers read this site so here is a serious message to you. If WeRe Bank offer motor insurance DONT take it out. You'll be uninsured. The consequences if you have an accident are very serious indeed. You'll get your car seized and most likely crushed.

If,heaven forbid you are involved in an accident and another person, one of your passengers, a cyclist, pedestrian, another driver is seriously injured they'll quite rightly come after you and if you thought debt was a problem before then this will be a nightmare. It might even be someone you actually care about. A pocket full of Res are going to buy the square root of feck all. And let's not kid ourselves - you damn well know it.

This is almost at the stage of a conspiracy to drive without insurance ( which can be - ahem - contrary to Common Law) and which is certainly contrary to S143 RTA which will bite you on the arse if you are stupid enough to 'take out' WeRe insurance. Ask that fool Jimmyw what happens to no insurance merchants.

So far we have laughed along with the monopoly-money antics of Peters folly but this is where it will have serious and long-lasting consequences. Quite apart from the likelihood of an action against Peter in both the criminal and civil courts. The minute this mad scheme is offered I will be doing something about it.

So, my fine freemen and women, keep uttering the cheques all you like - all that's going to happen is their rejection but please think long and hard before driving off thinking YoUrE covered by anything Peter is promoting.
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Re: Peter of England: A REal guru.

Post by Losleones »

exiledscouser wrote:The motor insurance gimmick is not something anyone should sign up to. I know Goofers read this site so here is a serious message to you. If WeRe Bank offer motor insurance DONT take it out. You'll be uninsured. The consequences if you have an accident are very serious indeed. You'll get your car seized and most likely crushed.

If,heaven forbid you are involved in an accident and another person, one of your passengers, a cyclist, pedestrian, another driver is seriously injured they'll quite rightly come after you and if you thought debt was a problem before then this will be a nightmare. It might even be someone you actually care about. A pocket full of Res are going to buy the square root of feck all. And let's not kid ourselves - you damn well know it.

This is almost at the stage of a conspiracy to drive without insurance ( which can be - ahem - contrary to Common Law) and which is certainly contrary to S143 RTA which will bite you on the arse if you are stupid enough to 'take out' WeRe insurance. Ask that fool Jimmyw what happens to no insurance merchants.

So far we have laughed along with the monopoly-money antics of Peters folly but this is where it will have serious and long-lasting consequences. Quite apart from the likelihood of an action against Peter in both the criminal and civil courts. The minute this mad scheme is offered I will be doing something about it.

So, my fine freemen and women, keep uttering the cheques all you like - all that's going to happen is their rejection but please think long and hard before driving off thinking YoUrE covered by anything Peter is promoting.
Will wee Jimmy now legitimately cover his mutt's car insurance policy with a weary Gregory Peck? I'm pretty confident a video is forthcoming.
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Re: Peter of England: A REal guru.

Post by notorial dissent »

arayder, I have to agree with you here in the main, much as PoE's antics are entertaining, what we can lose sight of is the carnage, and make no mistake, that is what this is, that he leaves in his wake. Although I have to admit that a certain level that sympathy is difficult when the subject(s) is/are just so incredibly damn stupid, I know, I know, those are the kind of people who get sucked up in these kind of scams because that is what the scammer is looking for, and he has definitely found a (relatively) immense pool of them with the goodfer crowd. meeh101 is so gullibly stupid that it is really really hard to work up much in the way of sympathy, mainly because rather than maybe twigging to the fact that there might be something seriously wrong, he goes and repeats the same fail guaranteed experiment again, expecting a different result.

Meeh101 is an idiot, the precedent is that the check came back from the clearing house, it certainly has had more than enough time to make the rounds, probably with a fraud notice, sit in a bureaucracy for a while and then get sent back out with a return and dunning notice, and THE CHECK DIDN’T CLEAR, how much clearer than that do they need to be. They aren’t “legal tender” in ay case.

Meeh101 is right about something
WeRe all in for a ride of a lifetime and I discern a ******* big light at the end of the tunnel
It is in fact the No 10 bus with his name writ large on the front of it taking him to the county court if not the poorhouse for his efforts.

arayder, you are quite right about the secondary casualties here, and I suspect there are going to be a lot of them I have a feeling, and regrettably there isn’t much that can be done until PoE is shut down and the clue stick starts smacking these people.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: Peter of England: A REal guru.

Post by Normal Wisdom »

notorial dissent wrote:arayder, I have to agree with you here in the main, much as PoE's antics are entertaining, what we can lose sight of is the carnage, and make no mistake, that is what this is, that he leaves in his wake. Although I have to admit that a certain level that sympathy is difficult when the subject(s) is/are just so incredibly damn stupid, I know, I know, those are the kind of people who get sucked up in these kind of scams because that is what the scammer is looking for, and he has definitely found a (relatively) immense pool of them with the goodfer crowd. meeh101 is so gullibly stupid that it is really really hard to work up much in the way of sympathy, mainly because rather than maybe twigging to the fact that there might be something seriously wrong, he goes and repeats the same fail guaranteed experiment again, expecting a different result.

Meeh101 is an idiot, the precedent is that the check came back from the clearing house, it certainly has had more than enough time to make the rounds, probably with a fraud notice, sit in a bureaucracy for a while and then get sent back out with a return and dunning notice, and THE CHECK DIDN’T CLEAR, how much clearer than that do they need to be. They aren’t “legal tender” in ay case.

Meeh101 is right about something
WeRe all in for a ride of a lifetime and I discern a ******* big light at the end of the tunnel
It is in fact the No 10 bus with his name writ large on the front of it taking him to the county court if not the poorhouse for his efforts.

arayder, you are quite right about the secondary casualties here, and I suspect there are going to be a lot of them I have a feeling, and regrettably there isn’t much that can be done until PoE is shut down and the clue stick starts smacking these people.
Both you and Arayder are undoubtable right that there are gullible believers of this scam who will end up worse off (and potentially significantly so) than they were before PoE came along. However, it must also be true that a good proportion of WeRe Bank users either know that it is a scam or don't care either way as long as there's a chance that they can profit from it personally and the people who lose out are only their creditors and / or the hated bankers.

It is impossible to tell what proportion of PoE's customers believe that he is the Messiah and how many know that he is simply a very naughty boy. Perhaps it's just my failing memory but I cannot think of a single instance where a FoTLer has made it plain that they are adopting any of the scams, schemes or subterfuges not because of some sudden awakening to a hidden truth or commitment to establishing the rights of the common man but simply to save themselves money or avoid a responsibility. I was thus pleased to read a recent FB comment by Hannah Rose Shotbolt who in her current spirit of climbing back out of the rabbit hole has admitted (I paraphrase) that she was never interested in changing the world but simply avoiding the law.
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Re: Peter of England: A REal guru.

Post by wanglepin »

Normal Wisdom wrote: However, it must also be true that a good proportion of WeRe Bank users either know that it is a scam or don't care either way as long as there's a chance that they can profit from it personally and the people who lose out are only their creditors and / or the hated bankers.
I agree with that but I believe some are also doing to simply to tie up utilities, courts and banks with pointless paperwork in a deluded belief that this would cause any of the above to crash, and then claiming they "bought it down", like they "took an island" on Saturday. This is why pointless paperwork is pushed and promoted on sites such as goofer and Mark Haining.
Besides,there is the fact that all of this complete and utter shite has to be explained to these freeman cretins it gives Mark Haining Ceylon and Roger Hayes et al to give talks on "how it is done" at a cost of £10 upwards on the door.