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Post by tracer »

The Observer wrote:The Warren Jeffs cult was a good example of what lengths one has to go to in order to justify polygamy.
I find it ironic that it was the most fervently Christian people in the U.S. who condemned the Mormon practice of polygamy the most vehemently. The Old Testament never denounces polygamy -- in fact, it describes King Solomon as having 700 wives and 400 concubines -- and the most the New Testament says on the subject is that Deacons of the Church should be limited to one wife at a time.
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Post by LPC »

tracer wrote:the most the New Testament says on the subject [of polygamy] is that Deacons of the Church should be limited to one wife at a time.
A principle I call "serial monogamy" and have been able to abide by. (So far.)

Another point of view: A female of my acquaintance believes that males should be confined and "checked out" by females like library books. This idea has been endorsed by several other females, but they haven't yet developed a plan to implement it.
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Post by webhick »

LPC wrote:This idea has been endorsed by several other females, but they haven't yet developed a plan to implement it.
Don't be so sure about that. Male prostitutes ::ahem:: escorts, sperm banks, male auctions, etc. It's only a matter of time before we come for you too, pal.
When chosen for jury duty, tell the judge "fortune cookie says guilty" - A fortune cookie

Post by Nikki »

I know a lot of guys who'd volunteer if it was a guaranteed way to avoid chick flicks, shopping, and PMS.

Post by silversopp »

I think there's a difference between the crazy Mormon polygamy. In those camps/compounds/whatever, there is a spiritual leader that assigns wives to men (cuz God told him to). That God-complex leads to kicking out teenage boys and marrying young girls.

The other hand, I don't have a problem if it's all voluntary. In fact, it may make some sense to have a family unit with two breadwinners and a housewife, rather than to rely on daycare and such. I'm also in favor of homosexual marriage, and two men marrying a woman. Take the God/Prophet crap out of it, and let people boink any adult they want.

Post by silversopp »

The Observer wrote:It would never work, for the same reason that trying through therapy to convert homosexuals to heterosexualty doesn't work: genetics. The followers are going to go where their genes tell them to go.
Some homosexuality is genetics, others is environmental. I don't believe that all of the sudden girls are genetically coded to practice mild to hardcore lesbianism during their college years. Likewise, I don't think all those ancient Greek folks were genetically homosexual - it was a culture thing.
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Post by The Observer »

tracer wrote:I find it ironic that it was the most fervently Christian people in the U.S. who condemned the Mormon practice of polygamy the most vehemently. The Old Testament never denounces polygamy -- in fact, it describes King Solomon as having 700 wives and 400 concubines -- and the most the New Testament says on the subject is that Deacons of the Church should be limited to one wife at a time.
What makes you think that the Old Testament never denounced polygamy? King David had to endure two attempts on his throne instigated by sons due to intrafamily rivalries (his son Absolam killed a half-brother for raping his sister and was exiled; upon his return he started a coup and a civil war; from another son later tried to wrest control from his half-brother Solomon, the desingated heir, while David was on his death-bed). Solomon's many marriages caused problems and moral decays to his rule. Other examples include the rivalry between Leah and Rachel for Jacob's affection that devolved in getting their maids pregnant by Jacob (this rivalry was inherited by the 12 sons of Jacob and led to Joseph being sold into slavery). Even Abraham's brief interlude with Sarah's maid resulted in the current Arab-Israeli conflict.

From what I can see in the Old Testament, polygamy's benefits were outweighed by its consequences.
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Post by grammarian44 »

Truthstalker wrote:I guess the next time one of those "rednecks" lays that Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion crap on me I shouldn't point out that it's a forgery. After all, if people believe it's genuine we need to consider it, right?
Sure. That's exactly what I meant. Right.

When I said the tape will be influential regardless of whether it's true, what I really meant was that it should be "considered." I must have typed the wrong words by accident.