UK - Tom Crawford Calls For Help

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Re: UK - Tom Crawford Calls For Help

Post by wanglepin »

Tomas, Now you just listen to me or you will be buried.
You tell all the people they don’t have to come; it’s a waste of time. You should put your post up because people will come for nothing. Now, when you come to court, you walk in, and sit on your place.

The judge will come in, and say ‘Good morning’, and will say ‘I’m handing down the judgement. I’m going to make the order which I specified’ or whatever it is. And you know already what the order is – he wrote it. And he’ll ask you ‘Have you got anything to say, Mr Crawford?’ You stand up, and say ‘Thank you very much, my lord. You gave a fantastic judgement; you identified all the problems which we went through precisely in the last ten years. Thanks, bye.’
Last edited by wanglepin on Wed May 27, 2015 11:57 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: UK - Tom Crawford Calls For Help

Post by PeanutGallery »

poor old Karl Lentz has not helped anyone in court as far as I know,
Didn't he draw a map, it might have been useful if you needed to find the toilets.
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Re: UK - Tom Crawford Calls For Help

Post by littleFred »


Other Quatloosians have made the essential point: that Mr Ebert claims (based on what?) that Tom paid all his arrears, so the possession order should not have been made. But Tom didn't argue this in court. If he had paid all his arrears, why didn't he bother to mention this?

In detail:

Para 85: Mr Ebert doesn't realise that some arrears were capitalised but others weren't. He is correct that possession can't occur on the basis of capitalised arrears. But the last capitalisation was in 2006. (Para 42). The possession is based on later arrears that were not capitalised.

Para 89:
Mr Ebert wrote:And you [Tom] paid all the arrears ...
No. See 99:
Godsmark wrote:There was no dispute that there were qualifying arrears.
Under 99:
Mr Ebert wrote:In 2012 the Crawfords were two months in arrears and the B&B took them to court over the two month's arrears. The court decided to give the Crawfords the opportunity to pay the arrears, and they did pay them.
The court was more generous than that: the order was suspended for as long as Tom continued to pay the monthly interest. He wasn't required to pay the arrears. He stopped paying the interest in September 2013. Thus, more arrears would accrue from that date.

Also under 99:
Mr Ebert wrote:But the Crawfords did not have to pay the capital because the endowment had to pay it -- that's what the judge is saying.
No. The judge says the endowment policy had been cashed in many years previously.

Under 104:
Mr Ebert wrote:The warrant must identify all the questions or all this assumption. The warrant should be written, must be written -- the amount, how much paid, how much not paid, and all the accounts attached.
A warrant for possession should be written, yes. But they do not need to have any accounts attached. There is no reason to attach any accounts.

Also under 104:
Mr Ebert wrote:Does he [the judge] say that the possession is based on two month's arrears? Can you [Tom] prove that the two months has been paid? Yes.
If Tom could prove that, why didn't he in court? According to the judgement, Tom didn't even claim he had paid the arrears, let alone prove it.

Other Quatloosians have explained the reason B&B didn't apply for costs.
Mr Ebert wrote:Now, when you come to court, you walk in, and sit on your place. The judge will come in, and say 'Good morning', and will say 'I'm handing down the judgement. I'm going to make the order which I specified' or whatever it is. And you know already what the order is - he wrote it. And he'll ask you 'Have you got anything to say, Mr Crawford?' You stand up, and say 'Thank you very much, my lord. You gave a fantastic judgement, you identified all the problems which we went through precisely in the last ten years. Thanks, bye.'
The puppet-master spoke, and the puppet obeyed.

The video from 31m 18s has a letter headed "REQUEST, REVIEW AND REVISE", from the Crawfords, to the court. My response to the four points:

1. To me, the order accurately reflects the unapproved judgement.

2. This seems to argue the judgement was wrong.

3. If there really is nothing that needs appealing, the Crawfords need not be concerned that permission to appeal is denied.

4. This seems to want the order changed, to read that "the notice of eviction is lifted". I can see that Tom would like this change. But it won't happen.
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Re: UK - Tom Crawford Calls For Help

Post by Philistine »

Tom Carter wrote:There is always the possibility that this thread with all its discussion is playing right into their hands. This whole cacophony of smoke screens and mirrors could be being deliberately engineered with the sole purpose of driving traffic to their website & YouTube channel, the Crawford case just being used as the vehicle.

I can't see any other motive or point to it all because the judgement, when all is said and done, is what it is.

The more we all talk about it here the more the issue gets propagated around the internet and in turn the more click through traffic they get. At the end of the day website traffic = £££ to these guys because of carrying adverts.

The more external links pointing directly back to their site that we provide in this thread and elsewhere the more direct traffic we drive their way. In addition, external links equal a higher page ranking with Google.

What do they say... Any publicity, however bad, is good publicity.
PS - The Pt Two video, (total crap), adds nothing new! Crawford still lost!
Yes. I wonder if Quatloosians know they are being useful idiots. The ones linking that dreadful site are putting cash in the scammer's pocket anyway.
All it does is drive traffic and presents back-links (links on other sites) which increase google search rankings.
It's fun to discuss these idiots, but stop lining their pockets.
Stop linking the get into more debt free site people.
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Re: UK - Tom Crawford Calls For Help

Post by rumpelstilzchen »

I have to disagree. If you are quoting a post from another forum IMO it is only right that you provide a link to the post in order to show that your quote is accurate and has not been doctored in any way. If it earns them money, then so be it. I would rather that than be in a situation where our posts cannot be verified.
Last edited by rumpelstilzchen on Wed May 27, 2015 1:13 pm, edited 1 time in total.
BHF wrote:
It shows your mentality to think someone would make the effort to post something on the internet that was untrue.
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Re: UK - Tom Crawford Calls For Help

Post by Normal Wisdom »

Well old Tom has got something right at last; the babbling nonsense that he calls "Request Review and Revise" should only take 30 minutes to deal with (and that's including time for laughing). ... - around 31 mins

I'm not clear what are all of his complaints about the order. Presumably 1 and 4 are because they are claiming that it wasn't a real court or at least not a County Court (because of where the hearing was held). 2 is the good old court seal deficiency. I have no idea what 3 and 5 are about.

As to Ebert's forensic analysis, anybody that has read any transcripts of his past court appearances would recognise the style:

An absolute refusal to accept any point that he doesn't agree with right up to and including denying recorded facts even when faced with the evidence ("I was never convicted")
A "unique"interpretation of law
An inability to express himself clearly
Refusal to accept defeat leading to never ending attempts to try the same points of law over and over again

There's no doubt that while his approach has been completely unsuccessful it can take a long time to reach that point and even then he will never accept. Obviously he was only curtailed in his own case by the vexatious litigant order and I suspect he will keep going on this case for as long as Tom wants to.
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Re: UK - Tom Crawford Calls For Help

Post by JonnyL »

A very entertaining thread on Mark Gillards timeline right now, I like Mark, he'll help out where he can but he definitely doesn't like being taken advantage of. Get your popcorn ready for this one. Replies to.some replies are 40+ comments long.
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Re: UK - Tom Crawford Calls For Help

Post by Philistine »

rumpelstilzchen wrote:I have to disagree. If you are quoting a post from another forum IMO it is only right that you provide a link to the post in order to show that your quote is accurate and has not been doctored in any way. If it earns them money, then so be it. I would rather that than be in a situation where our posts cannot be verified.
If this were my site, I'd remove all those links. It's not, so I'll shut up.
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Re: UK - Tom Crawford Calls For Help

Post by vampireLOREN »

This is URGENT if you have found any crows PLEASE DO NOT SEND THEM TO MR T.CRAWFORD.
He is full up with Crows and cannot take nor will accept anymore of the pesky little feathered critters.
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Re: UK - Tom Crawford Calls For Help

Post by Tom Carter »

rumpelstilzchen wrote:I have to disagree. If you are quoting a post from another forum IMO it is only right that you provide a link to the post in order to show that your quote is accurate and has not been doctored in any way. If it earns them money, then so be it. I would rather that than be in a situation where our posts cannot be verified.
It don't really matter if we agree with back-links or not the fact still remains that linking back will direct traffic to their site and improve their traffic stats and ad displays. As said before, the more external sites that link, in a non reciprocal way, to GOODF the better their Google page ranking meaning even more site exposure, more traffic, more links and more revenue. Just count up all the free links the guys here on this thread alone have provided for GOODF over the past 77 pages, let alone throughout the whole internet.

If verification of quotes is required then dead links would at least not provide Google bots with trail backs to GOODF therefore not improve their Google analytics. Another alternative is a screen capture of the "quote" as a gif, jpeg or png file. This method has been widely used in this thread already and is by far the best method of clarification as it is a snapshot in time and can't be altered by others at a later date to suit themselves. :)
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Re: UK - Tom Crawford Calls For Help

Post by rumpelstilzchen »

I stand by my previous comments. That is how I believe Quatloos is intended to work. Perhaps a mod could verify.
BHF wrote:
It shows your mentality to think someone would make the effort to post something on the internet that was untrue.
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Re: UK - Tom Crawford Calls For Help

Post by Bones »

To save the thread heading off to an unrelated topic, the topic of links should be in a seperate thread.

However my 2 Re's worth, I am a fan of direct links. One of the biggest problems with sites like GOODF is that they tell people what things say and mean.

Here we provide a link allowing the reader to make up their own minds. We are not a cult and we encourage free thinking.

We are not afriad of the truth like Ceylon and co. Whilst I understand your concerns, I feel that in the grand scheme of things it is a cost worth paying
Last edited by Bones on Wed May 27, 2015 1:36 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: UK - Tom Crawford Calls For Help

Post by rumpelstilzchen »

vampireLOREN wrote:This is URGENT if you have found any crows PLEASE DO NOT SEND THEM TO MR T.CRAWFORD.
He is full up with Crows and cannot take nor will accept anymore of the pesky little feathered critters.
Drat. I've been founding crows all morning for Tom.
BHF wrote:
It shows your mentality to think someone would make the effort to post something on the internet that was untrue.
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Re: UK - Tom Crawford Calls For Help

Post by Tom Carter »

rumpelstilzchen wrote:I stand by my previous comments. That is how I believe Quatloos is intended to work. Perhaps a mod could verify.
Good for you! However, its still the case, regardless of what anyone may say, that linking to GOODF is improving their website stats. Fact. Research SEO if you need any more clarification. Regards.

Nobody is calling for change, nobody is wanting a 'cult', it is something peeps need to be aware of.
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Re: UK - Tom Crawford Calls For Help

Post by littleFred »

Tom Carter wrote:The more external links pointing directly back to their site that we provide in this thread and elsewhere the more direct traffic we drive their way.
To me, a vital strength of Quatloos is verifiability. Evidence. Otherwise, we are just a rumour mill.
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Re: UK - Tom Crawford Calls For Help

Post by PeanutGallery »

LittleFred wrote:To me, a vital strength of Quatloos is verifiability. Evidence. Otherwise, we are just a rumour mill.
I would concur, we need to cite our sources and be able to justify our position. We can't just say this is wrong. We can't simply say this is wrong because of what I think. We have to say this is wrong because of this.

If we started to go down the path of giving only opinion absent of fact we would soon fall into the same trap the GOODF's do, we must be better and we must take care to be accurate in our reporting and capable of citing our sources for our opinions.
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Re: UK - Tom Crawford Calls For Help

Post by rumpelstilzchen »

I don't care if it does increase traffic to their site. When you have a site such as this that exposes scams it is imperative that anything written on here can be easily verified as fact. That is how this site has operated since I joined.
BHF wrote:
It shows your mentality to think someone would make the effort to post something on the internet that was untrue.
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Re: UK - Tom Crawford Calls For Help

Post by Philistine »

rumpelstilzchen wrote:I don't care if it does increase traffic to their site. When you have a site such as this that exposes scams it is imperative that anything written on here can be easily verified as fact. That is how this site has operated since I joined.
You sound suspiciously like a GOODFer :twisted:
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Re: UK - Tom Crawford Calls For Help

Post by rumpelstilzchen »

Philistine wrote:
rumpelstilzchen wrote:I don't care if it does increase traffic to their site. When you have a site such as this that exposes scams it is imperative that anything written on here can be easily verified as fact. That is how this site has operated since I joined.
You sound suspiciously like a GOODFer :twisted:
You must be reading a different GOOF site to the one I'm reading.
If you don't want to provide links that is fine. I do so I will unless a mod tells me otherwise.
BHF wrote:
It shows your mentality to think someone would make the effort to post something on the internet that was untrue.
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Re: UK - Tom Crawford Calls For Help

Post by Tom Carter »

rumpelstilzchen wrote:I don't care if it does increase traffic to their site. When you have a site such as this that exposes scams it is imperative that anything written on here can be easily verified as fact. That is how this site has operated since I joined.
I totally agree with all comments about verification and proof but the point I'm trying to make is simply, and I'll go back to my original post on this subject, I wonder if all this controversy created by the clowns on GOODF with smoke screens and mirrors is purely to exploit Crawford's situation, generate as much traffic to their site as possible across the whole internet through non-reciprocal linking with the sole purpose of generating revenue?