UK - Tom Crawford Calls For Help

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Re: UK - Tom Crawford Calls For Help

Post by NYGman »

The three letters isn't what is working here. The 3/5 letters are total BS and are meaningless. What it is telling the recipient is that you have no intention to pay. You can probably get the same result if you just tell them that to begin with.

The ask in those letters is not supported by law, and neither is the unilaterally foisted contract they try to bind the company with.

If you borrowed the money, or received services, or owe taxes, you need to pay for that. If you did not buy the services, and someone falsely incurred them on your account, you have a right to fight it. If you paid the debt off, you have a right to challenge it. If you have not paid it off, and you owe the debt, then the only real thing you can do is negotiate a discount or payment plan. Freemen are quick to talk about equity court. How is it equitable that you receive a benefit in the form of credit, services, or goods but when it comes time to pay, you send a letter challenging the right to collect that debt.
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Re: UK - Tom Crawford Calls For Help

Post by wanglepin »

PeanutGallery wrote:Take a4v, it's a scam..... Take the letters process.... The direct debit clawback....
You also have a thread posted by JimmyW in which he openly admits to perjury and encourages others to do the same.
There are also the proven liars who seem to be able to make all kinds of claims of things that they have done and things to use that will work.
No offence letissier14 you are acting as an apologist for goodf, Mark Haining Ceylon and most of it's members. An opologist for people who are regularly allowed to get away with posting blatant lies. Indeed, allowed to and encouraged to . Like the complete idiot and fantasist Assassin who cased my banning twice on this one thread. ... WiDDzTF98F

Simply because I broke down his story and showed it for what it was. And if everything he says in his thread was true then he caused this guy to lose 3 months unemployment benefit. He also had admitted on that thread to:
Stalking, blackmail, threatening behaviour and to extortion. He wasn't stopped by you or asked by you or by a single mod to verify what he was suggesting others should and can do. Where were you?
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Re: UK - Tom Crawford Calls For Help

Post by TrialbySocialMedia »

JonnyL wrote:BTBATB is a terrible FB page, the amount of people who advise people to ignore parking tickets, ignore claim forms from northampton etc is frightening, and ignoring stuff is how dear old Tom got into his mess.
As some may know, I was admin for a while on BTBATB and came out of it mainly because some admin were supportive of Jay Bradley and his indiscretions. I was also struggling with the constant correcting of FMOTL bullshit, not to mention the mis-information often advised.

I do feel that the active admin work tirelessly to correct the poor advice sometimes offered.

I still support the site and also promote it on my videos because if a few people get help sooner rather than later, it can't be a bad thing. I do however feel that the owner of the group should have a clear rule on whether to allow the freeman stuff.
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Re: UK - Tom Crawford Calls For Help

Post by Bones »

This looks like the guy in some of the eviction videos :snicker: ... an-7166213

Man wearing pig mask and toy bobby's helmet arrested on suspicion of impersonating a police officer

A man who dressed up in a pig mask, toy bobby’s helmet and hi-vis jacket was arrested on suspicion of impersonating a police officer.

Steven Peers said he has often donned the mock outfit to perform ‘comical parodies’ of Greater Manchester Police after becoming unhappy with how officers behaved during the Barton Moss anti-fracking protests.

He wore it around Manchester city centre while filming sketches yesterday but was stopped by an officer near Bootle Street police station.

Video of the incident shows the policeman pose questions about the outfit before arresting Mr Peers, 46, on suspicion of impersonating a police officer.

Father-of-four Mr Peers was held in custody for eight hours before being bailed until July – while the outfit was confiscated.

He said: “My reaction to being arrested was total disbelief. I was wearing a toy hat and a pig mask and was arrested for impersonating a police officer. It’s ridiculous.

“If they want to take it to court they will be a laughing stock because there is no substance to it whatsoever.”

Mr Peers, who lives in New Moston, regularly visited the anti-fracking protest at Barton Moss, in Eccles, to film the demonstration, which became known for its clashes between police and environmental campaigners.

He featured in the M.E.N. in February accusing an officer of lying to detain him on a ‘trumped-up’ charge of refusing a breath test.

The case against him fell apart at court when prosecutors offered no evidence and the Independent Police Complaints Commission is supervising an investigation into the arrest.

Mr Peers, an electrical engineer, said he began performing skits using his comic character ‘Officer 666’ to highlight the ‘violence, corruption and bad behaviour’ which he believes has been carried out by GMP.

He said: “I don’t think it’s antagonistic. It’s just a parody making fun of GMP. I’ve dressed like this at Barton Moss, in front of Swinton police station and in front of the force HQ in Newton Heath. Other officers have laughed it off.”

A GMP spokesman said: “At about 4pm on Thursday 22 May 2014, a man was arrested in Manchester city centre on suspicion of impersonating a police officer.“He was released on bail until 17 July 2014 pending further inquiries.”

Speak of the devil

Here he is at Tom's

Last edited by Bones on Fri May 29, 2015 4:39 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: UK - Tom Crawford Calls For Help

Post by Bones »

TrialbySocialMedia wrote:
JonnyL wrote:BTBATB is a terrible FB page, the amount of people who advise people to ignore parking tickets, ignore claim forms from northampton etc is frightening, and ignoring stuff is how dear old Tom got into his mess.
As some may know, I was admin for a while on BTBATB and came out of it mainly because some admin were supportive of Jay Bradley and his indiscretions. I was also struggling with the constant correcting of FMOTL bullshit, not to mention the mis-information often advised.

I do feel that the active admin work tirelessly to correct the poor advice sometimes offered.

I still support the site and also promote it on my videos because if a few people get help sooner rather than later, it can't be a bad thing. I do however feel that the owner of the group should have a clear rule on whether to allow the freeman stuff.
The problem with GOODF is that the patients are running the asylum. There is no counter balance of ideas or thought. Ceylon has surrounded himself with 'yes men'

It doesn't matter how stupid, ridiculous or just down right crazy anything he claims is - they will still post things like wow you are so right, great video and all those other suck up comments that when I read them, I start to feel physically sick.

Ceylon is fast turning GOODF into a cult of his followers, as shown in his video's, especially the more recent ones, Ceylon has become detached from reality. He is a danger to himself and anyone that is stupid enough to listen to him.

GOODF is all about Ceylon now. It is Ceylon's way and only Ceylon's way - you disagree with him and you get banned. I am also disgusted by his promotion of 'guru's' that charge for their services, such as Peter of England, in the past Karl Lenz, Bali Mann just to name a few. I would not be surprised if Ceylon and through him GOODF earn commission from promoting all of these idiotic schemes. Jon just gives the appearance that he is happy to take a back seat whilst Ceylon brings in the money. This gives Ceylon a ticket to do anything he likes.
Last edited by Bones on Fri May 29, 2015 4:02 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: UK - Tom Crawford Calls For Help

Post by letissier14 »

I don't apologise for anyone and for the record I'm not a moderator on Goodf and haven't been for a long time. As I said there is a lot I disagree with on goodf but I have also seen the good it has done for others.

Whilst I also disagree with a lot of what Ceylon does and others like him, and even though it is the not the choice I would make to change things, I do kind of admire the "get out there and do it" attitude that he takes in trying to change things, rightly or wrongly.

If we don't challenge the status quo where would we be?

As for labelling someone scum for trying to get out of paying a debt, that is just wrong. Yes there are some people who deliberately get credit and simply refuse to pay, but they are a minority Lots of poor people had credit thrown at them and because of low wages, zero hour contracts, high interest pay day loa s, you can understand why they want to get out of paying.

Banks have a lot to answer for and it is wrong to label someone as scum because they find themselves in such dire straits without knowing all their personal circumstances.

One of the easiest things to do is sit on a forum and saying this is right, that is wrong etc etc. People don't need that, they need solutions.
I don't take sides, I read all the facts and then come to my own conclusions
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Re: UK - Tom Crawford Calls For Help

Post by NYGman »

No one is forced to take credit, but we do live in a consumer environment, where people seem to have a need for certain material things. I would have sympathy for the person who got in to debt because of medical issues, or in trying to provide food, shelter, clothing, and education to their family. I wold even have sympathy for someone who lost their job through no fault of their own, or someone struggling on the edge of our society. What I have no sympathy for is those who are trying to cheat their creditors for material things, Like a $3,000 TV, new Xbox, or mobile phone, Gym membership, holidays, beer, wine, smokes, etc.

For those who are struggling, there are legal ways to get help, that doesn't resort to magic words and freeman woo. These ways will always result in a better outcome than following anything on that site, promoted by Ceylon.
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Re: UK - Tom Crawford Calls For Help

Post by letissier14 »

Where Was I?

Seriously? Do you realise how many posts are made and commented on in goodf on a daily basis?

If people had a problem about a post they could make an official complaint via the forum.

60000+ members & 5 admin = you don't read every single post or comment.
I don't take sides, I read all the facts and then come to my own conclusions
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Re: UK - Tom Crawford Calls For Help

Post by Bones »

By the way this thread on GOODF was created to tell people and contains instructions about how to commit fraud ... WiO6kYvb6Y

From the very first post of that thread

what can you claw back? has a company upset you? did a DCA fraudulently extract money from you even though the debt never existed? were you paying a water company for water that god gave you for free? gym memberships etc etc.

in practice it is any DD or recurring DD's... :D can go back AT LEAST 6 years maybe longer. YES THIS WORKS WITH CLOSED ACCOUNTS. if the original DD took you overdrawn the bank will also refund any charges you incurred due to the error :lol: :lol: :lol: bear in mind that sometimes the original company will try to regain the money back from you. the 3 letter process will usually/always work in this case. Also ANRRTS works well. you can use a judicious amount of both and you will/should be fine.

avoid clawing back from companies you are still dealing with. as this could lead to a disruption of service you receive from them. But if a company has wronged you in the past. get your money BACK!

don't be shy about it, some people have reclaimed many thousands of ££££££££, me included (around £6500 and counting so far)

Peace and love to all. and stop paying the feckers!!!!

To today

yeah they have changed tactics slightly, but as long as you didn't give them any reason to be suspicious. you will more than likly be groovey.

please keep us informed.

You can't really defend the open encouragement and instructions showing how to commit fraud.
Last edited by Bones on Fri May 29, 2015 4:14 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: UK - Tom Crawford Calls For Help

Post by Bones »

Anyway back to Tom - any news on when the eviction might happen ?
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Re: UK - Tom Crawford Calls For Help

Post by longdog »

I wouldn't say everybody who tries to avoid there debts is scum (been there done that) but the goofys aren't doing anybody any favours and it's quite clear that according to a large number of goofs it is accepted, praiseworthy indeed, to deliberately run up debts with the intention of defaulting and use utilities etc without paying for them. Who but a total ****ing moron would think you can fit your own meter and get free energy forever? Worse than that... Who but a malicious ****ing moron would encourage others to do it?
JULIAN: I recommend we try Per verulium ad camphorum actus injuria linctus est.
SANDY: That's your actual Latin.
HORNE: What does it mean?
JULIAN: I dunno - I got it off a bottle of horse rub, but it sounds good, doesn't it?
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Re: UK - Tom Crawford Calls For Help

Post by letissier14 »

Bones wrote:By the way this thread on GOODF was created to tell people and contains instructions about how to commit fraud ... WiO6kYvb6Y

From the very first post of that thread

what can you claw back? has a company upset you? did a DCA fraudulently extract money from you even though the debt never existed? were you paying a water company for water that god gave you for free? gym memberships etc etc.

in practice it is any DD or recurring DD's... :D can go back AT LEAST 6 years maybe longer. YES THIS WORKS WITH CLOSED ACCOUNTS. if the original DD took you overdrawn the bank will also refund any charges you incurred due to the error :lol: :lol: :lol: bear in mind that sometimes the original company will try to regain the money back from you. the 3 letter process will usually/always work in this case. Also ANRRTS works well. you can use a judicious amount of both and you will/should be fine.

avoid clawing back from companies you are still dealing with. as this could lead to a disruption of service you receive from them. But if a company has wronged you in the past. get your money BACK!

don't be shy about it, some people have reclaimed many thousands of ££££££££, me included (around £6500 and counting so far)

Peace and love to all. and stop paying the feckers!!!!

To today

yeah they have changed tactics slightly, but as long as you didn't give them any reason to be suspicious. you will more than likly be groovey.

please keep us informed.

You can't really defend the open encouragement and instructions showing how to commit fraud.
That post is just wrong and shouldn't have been encouraged!
I don't take sides, I read all the facts and then come to my own conclusions
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Re: UK - Tom Crawford Calls For Help

Post by longdog »

letissier14 wrote:That post is just wrong and shouldn't have been encouraged!
I'm left wondering what posts on goofy are right and should be encouraged. :snicker:
JULIAN: I recommend we try Per verulium ad camphorum actus injuria linctus est.
SANDY: That's your actual Latin.
HORNE: What does it mean?
JULIAN: I dunno - I got it off a bottle of horse rub, but it sounds good, doesn't it?
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Re: UK - Tom Crawford Calls For Help

Post by LordEd »

False hope is my primary issue with the GOODF. How many have been led to believe they have an impending victory, where the truth is they're just delaying the inevitable, or incurring more interest by ignoring the problem.

How many never return to report their 'success'? How many threads die because they're embarrassed to report the magic documents didn't work.

How many reports of failure are just erased with the user banned?
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Re: UK - Tom Crawford Calls For Help

Post by Bones »

longdog wrote:
letissier14 wrote:That post is just wrong and shouldn't have been encouraged!
I'm left wondering what posts on goofy are right and should be encouraged. :snicker:
That particular thread is now 41 pages long of mostly Jimmyw (likes to commit perjury) telling people to commit a crime and by not stopping it, both Jon and Mark are effectively encouraging it.
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Re: UK - Tom Crawford Calls For Help

Post by longdog »


I have to say he looks so much like me it's worrying. :D

ETA: You can tell it's not me... I wouldn't be seen dead drinking out of a glass like that :lol:
JULIAN: I recommend we try Per verulium ad camphorum actus injuria linctus est.
SANDY: That's your actual Latin.
HORNE: What does it mean?
JULIAN: I dunno - I got it off a bottle of horse rub, but it sounds good, doesn't it?
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Re: UK - Tom Crawford Calls For Help

Post by JonnyL »

Bones wrote:Anyway back to Tom - any news on when the eviction might happen ?
Hahaha!!! Nice one bones. :D
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Re: UK - Tom Crawford Calls For Help

Post by LordEd »

letissier14 wrote:That post is just wrong and shouldn't have been encouraged!
Yet you did nothing about it, even though you carried the moderator tools to do so.

I believe in your terminology, you have tacitly agreed to its content and accept it.
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Re: UK - Tom Crawford Calls For Help

Post by wanglepin »

letissier14 wrote:Where Was I?Seriously? Do you realise how many posts are made and commented on in goodf on a daily basis?If people had a problem about a post they could make an official complaint via the forum. 60000+ members & 5 admin = you don't read every single post or comment.
A fifteen page thread at the top of the board for almost three weeks + and you didn’t notice it. Ok.
6000 members’ maybe but I reckon of those 6000 members only a dozen or so post regular, that includes the mods.
letissier14 wrote:I don't apologise for anyone and for the record I'm not a moderator on Goodf and haven't been for a long time.
So this isn`t you then?


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And this isn’t one of your most recent posts just 6 days ago?
by letissier14 » Sat May 23, 2015 12:42 pm
letissier14 wrote:This is going to be my last post on the subject of Tom Crawford and on GOODF.Like most people when I saw Toms first video I took him at face value. If this was a case of fraud, then it would be quite right for us to give Tom our full backing and support - that only seems fair!
However, when the Judgment was published, anyone who can read English could only come to one conclusion, Tom had lost his case. It wasn't written in Chinese, Legalise or Chinese Legalise, like Tom and his team would have us believe. ... WiduzTF98E
I am not trying to give you a hard time, I am sure if the mods here thought that to be the case they would soon let me know. I just find your apologetic attitude here for goofers and Ceylon very uncomfortable. I will have to learn to live with what I can’t rise above, I guess.
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Re: UK - Tom Crawford Calls For Help

Post by vampireLOREN »

Bones wrote:Anyway back to Tom - any news on when the eviction might happen ?
I am waiting patiently.............I hope there are videos .
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