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Re: jimmywx11

Post by vampireLOREN »

littleFred wrote:It was the SSE & WeRe Bank! thread, though Jimmy has removed the post in which he had a video of him showing his cheque.
You could always E Mail Michael.mclaughlin@sse.com
Who may be pleased with any links to "sites" "forums" "YouTube" accounts etc.
small minded?
mean spirited?
Yep that describes me to a T. 8)
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Re: jimmywx11

Post by Bones »

Funnily enough the cheque that people were telling Jimmy he completed wrongly (if put the amount payable, as the payee) and he was telling them that he knows how to complete a cheque was for the same company that have won't accept because he says he didn't put the payee on it.

Looks like Jimmy really is as stupid as he appears to be
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Re: jimmywx11

Post by Losleones »

More deluded crap from our Jimmy http://www.getoutofdebtfree.org/forum/v ... Wj3t1JXenM

He has the uncanny knack of opening a thread with the most tedious nonsense that i had to post. This guy is nutty beyond comprehension
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Re: jimmywx11

Post by wanglepin »

Losleones wrote:More deluded crap from our Jimmy http://www.getoutofdebtfree.org/forum/v ... Wj3t1JXenM
He has the uncanny knack of opening a thread with the most tedious nonsense that i had to post. This guy is nutty beyond comprehension
Tells me they don't have much to talk about at the moment over there on goof. Ceylon must be waiting for his next customer to lie on behalf of. He'll have to wait a long time before he gets another star of the Tom Crawford caliber.
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Re: jimmywx11

Post by vampireLOREN »

wanglepin wrote:
Losleones wrote:More deluded crap from our Jimmy http://www.getoutofdebtfree.org/forum/v ... Wj3t1JXenM
He has the uncanny knack of opening a thread with the most tedious nonsense that i had to post. This guy is nutty beyond comprehension
Tells me they don't have much to talk about at the moment over there on goof. Ceylon must be waiting for his next customer to lie on behalf of. He'll have to wait a long time before he gets another star of the Tom Crawford caliber.
Any new contributors so called "newbies" are held in suspicion and actually (for them) rightly so. The only raised voices of dissent are from the new folk, for a site that has 1000s of members the actual regulars are just a handful in number and some are Mods too.
Post a request for help, and you appear to get 1...maybe 2 answers then are told do your research. I question its existence , at best it shows debt avoidance and how to frustrate collectors of debt, at its worst it attempts to force an agenda based on Lunacy.
It needs to re group, re brand and make itself an advice site saying "you could try this...or that"
not "this will work" for showing the foolish how to get out of debt " free as a bird" is as bad as helping them to get in it! in the first place. There are those who in desperation maybe from a job loss really need assistance and a site like this manned by committed folk could do good work. It is actually a sad waste and something tells me that the really genuine people will continue to be driven out.
If people from Poland are called Poles Why are aren't people from Holland called Holes?
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Re: jimmywx11

Post by exiledscouser »

That thread is a good example of the casual racism which pollutes Goodf and brings nothing to genuine efforts to resolve one's debt problems. Instead it reflects the ongoing casual and almost routine anti semitic garbage tolerated by the mods and largely unchallenged by regular posters.

The op went up Thursday morning and it wasn't until deadbeatdad finally put in a distinctly Quatloosian challenge;
Can one of the all seeing all knowing moderators please explain how the buffoon known as Jimmy is free to post this racist and sexist drivel and yet this is deemed expectable....

If anyone dare disagree with the propaganda of the party line of the day they are branded trolls and hounded by the mod squad

even the title betrays the way this idiot thinks...
that the thread was finally locked. The original title was changed on the thread but remains against the subsequent posts.

I have a bit of time for DBD as he was equally robust in debunking an earlier thread of holocaust denials.

There does seem to be an active minority posting or linking to revisionist sites trying to suggest that Hitler and the Weremacht were simply a "bit misunderstood" and that WW2 was deliberately started by zionists and the jews themselves.

Those who fail to learn from the mistakes of history are condemned ever to repeat them. Anti semetism is nothing new - the Tsar's secret police at the turn of the last century invented and widely circulated a tome entitled The Protocols of the Elders of Zion, supposedly a blueprint for jewish plans to take over the world. This and the wider attitudes of the time, the prevailing zeitgeist, together with state sponsored racism led ultimately to the gas chambers.

Such hateful bile and agi-prop can be seen today - when TUPC came back to life briefly there they were, links to modern day versions of those same late 19th century attitudes.

Goodf mods: by your works are you known. Get a grip.
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Re: jimmywx11

Post by wanglepin »

vampireLOREN wrote: There are those who in desperation maybe from a job loss really need assistance and a site like this manned by committed folk could do good work. It is actually a sad waste and something tells me that the really genuine people will continue to be driven out.
I agree with that vL. But you forget sites like Mark Hainings Ceylon, for the most part can only thrive on lies and deceit and by exploiting "those who are in desperation" and for their own ends. Simply ask yourself, after Tom Crawford's resounding success and headed with titles such as
Tom & Sue's VICTORY EXPLAINED!!!!!!!!! by Ceylon
why was this not put into the success sub forum over on goof. And now why has it been locked?
Ex goofer Mod letissier14 has suggested on here it was maybe to "calm the forum".None of the serving or Ex goofer`s wouldn't even dream to suggest that the reason was simply because it was all lies perpetuated by liars.
Meanwhile jimmyx still believes in pixies, magic carpets and old lamps for new. He has the proof bless him.
Last edited by wanglepin on Sat May 30, 2015 12:49 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: jimmywx11

Post by rumpelstilzchen »

IMO the reason the WeRe bank and the Tom Crawford threads have been locked is because Ceylon got fed up with supplying Quatloos with his cannon fodder.
BHF wrote:
It shows your mentality to think someone would make the effort to post something on the internet that was untrue.
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Re: jimmywx11

Post by vampireLOREN »

rumpelstilzchen wrote:IMO the reason the WeRe bank and the Tom Crawford threads have been locked is because Ceylon got fed up with supplying Quatloos with his cannon fodder.
Looking over the above posts and GooDF does appear to be the news journal of the entire FM UK group it does appear to have what I feel is a racial flavour. The recent video by Ceylon and his buddy wearing bowler hats talking about "Goyim" and Rothschild stank to high Heaven.
I would think the BNP keeps a tight hold on the FM movement, maybe for them its patriotic?.
It still defies logic.....you help folk by basically encouraging theft :thinking: .
A recent video by one who has also recently joined these pages showed to me the genuine side of assistance and it was to a lady who wished to honour her debt.
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Re: jimmywx11

Post by Bones »

exiledscouser wrote:That thread is a good example of the casual racism which pollutes Goodf
Casual ?

Check out some of kestrel22's posts, nothing casual about it
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Re: jimmywx11

Post by Normal Wisdom »

Bones wrote:
exiledscouser wrote:That thread is a good example of the casual racism which pollutes Goodf
Casual ?

Check out some of kestrel22's posts, nothing casual about it
Don't forget Ceylon doesn't just tacitly support anti-semitic / pro-Nazi propaganda. He posted this video on his SriLankerC YT channel: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x9Vy6YvRk-k
“Anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that 'my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.'”
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Re: jimmywx11

Post by Bones »

Normal Wisdom wrote:
Bones wrote:
exiledscouser wrote:That thread is a good example of the casual racism which pollutes Goodf
Casual ?

Check out some of kestrel22's posts, nothing casual about it
Don't forget Ceylon doesn't just tacitly support anti-semitic / pro-Nazi propaganda. He posted this video on his SriLankerC YT channel: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x9Vy6YvRk-k
Well Ceylon is running GOODF in a similar way to they way Hitler ran Nazi Germany, in terms of control, surrounding himself with yes man and not tolerating any signs of free thinking. May be Ceylon is a fan

I wish I had the photoshop skills to mock ceylon up in a hitler meme or better still one of those hitler parody video's that used to go around on youtube
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Re: jimmywx11

Post by Bones »

Just read this post from my best buddy Mavrik (i watched to much top gun as a kid)

http://getoutofdebtfree.org/forum/viewt ... 83#p389457

Re: Ursula Haverbeck exposes sickest lie in history on TV

Postby mavrik » Sat May 30, 2015 1:21 pm
Bloody good to see this getting more exposure.

The more exposure, the nearer to end this sickening LIE!

Elephant, not sure if you have seen the whole vid's of "The Greatest Story Never Told", a full 16hrs of viewing, Four 4hr vid's.

It will open your eyes, there is also much more out there, including photo's, plans of the camps, etc.

I have seen the blueprints and photo's of the camps, and believe me, some of the these camps had more facilities than any British town had in those days, Aushwitz looked like Butlins if not better. The only reason the jews starved was because of the allies bombing the routes that the supplies were traveling, and it wasn't only the jews who were starving, the German soldiers were also staving, in fact, and it is fact, the German soldiers gave what little food that had been sent them and gave it to the jews. But yet again, we are not supposed to know these facts.

Granted some German soldiers were evil bastards, like the SS, but, the ones who where supposedly guarding the camps where made up of young men aged between 16-20yrs old, and these young men showed a hell of alot of compassion towards the jews.

Okay, they were in a camp, but, some had a better life in the camp than what their life was like outside the camp.

I'll get of my soapbox now.


A real holiday camp Mavrik




Design of a crematorium.

Starting in 1941, the Germans began to use crematoria at Auschwitz not simply for disposing corpses, but as an integral part of murdering live prisoners.

Increasingly detailed renderings like the one seen here provided ample evidence of the killing evolution.

(For a close-up of this image, go to "Crematorium" in the Master Plans interactive.)

Courtesy of Auschwitz Museum.
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Re: jimmywx11

Post by exiledscouser »

Casual ?

Check out some of kestrel22's posts, nothing casual about it
I now have and believe such bile further reinforces my point and worsens - much worsens - the position of all of the mods on that site.

Take for instance the current most recent post on New Headlines courtesy of Kestrel22.

http://www.getoutofdebtfree.org/forum/v ... WmvDWBH_0c

I suppose I'll take the Voltaire approach in robustly defending someone's right to say something without necessarily agreeing with their point but I'll also defend the right to an equally robust rebuttal in response to that point.

There's never actually that much posted at all about debt and dealing with it.

Just today at their News Headlines for instance;
  • False flags - everything is a false flag.
    Copy Pasta essay about non-revevant USA bankers crap
    Someone (the Joos - its always them) have exploded a neutron bomb in Yeman (sic)
    Some complete nonsense about Roman Law and the Pope (catholics, it seems are on thin ice too....)
    Vaccines harm you and - they're putting it in food! Don't eat!
    A turd-fest about Canon Law and Cestui Que Vie Trusts (any paragraph kicking off as presumptuously as this - Let is be known, let it be said, this is a time of prophecy upon the planet - sends my shite-ometer off the dial)
    Certain individuals are "Government agents" for genuinely wanting to help their poster-boy Crawford.
Things were much simpler and less sinister when the advice extended to sending off a few letters, see how that works for you.

Not the most encouraging start or introduction for someone with a debt problem genuinely looking to sort themselves out.
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Re: jimmywx11

Post by Bones »

Thanks to a post that VampireLoren kindly made in another thread, Jimmyw (keeps dropping his name and claiming he is successful at everyone), has a little fetish for when making video's, filming himself. Not exactly the best way to hide your identify and stay anonymous Jimmy

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t_IMaq9 ... e=youtu.be




I wonder if his girlfriend has forgiven him yet about her car being taken by the police :haha:
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Re: jimmywx11

Post by vampireLOREN »


I wonder if his girlfriend has forgiven him yet about her car being taken by the police :haha:[/quote]

Oh look at the little chap, that's a face only a mother could love :violin:
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Re: jimmywx11

Post by rumpelstilzchen »

vampireLOREN wrote: Oh look at the little chap, that's a face only a mother could love :violin:
When he came out the midwife slapped the mother.
BHF wrote:
It shows your mentality to think someone would make the effort to post something on the internet that was untrue.
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Re: jimmywx11

Post by wanglepin »

vampireLOREN wrote:
Oh look at the little chap, that's a face only a mother could love :violin:
And a father gladly slap.
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Re: jimmywx11

Post by PeanutGallery »

vampireLOREN wrote:Oh look at the little chap, that's a face only a mother could love :violin:
I think that's overestimating the influence of the human maternal instinct.
Warning may contain traces of nut
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Re: jimmywx11

Post by vampireLOREN »

PeanutGallery wrote:
vampireLOREN wrote:Oh look at the little chap, that's a face only a mother could love :violin:
I think that's overestimating the influence of the human maternal instinct.
:haha: :haha: :haha: :haha: :haha: :haha:
Peanut, that is Hilarious :haha:
If people from Poland are called Poles Why are aren't people from Holland called Holes?