Robert Arthur Menard FOTL (Freeman on the Lam)

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Re: Robert Arthur Menard FOTL (Freeman on the Lam)

Post by Jeffrey »

Feel like we're giving Rob a free pass on the lawyer thing.

Please explain to your loyal hordes why the hell after 15 years of preaching the evils of the law society, you hired a lawyer to get your ass out of criminal charges?

While we're at it, I thought statutes didn't apply to you Rob. Why spend all this time arguing about whether or not you're a peace officer, when the Criminal Code, a statute, doesn't apply to you Rob.

His actions are an acknowledgement that the stuff he's been teaching for 15 years isn't true.
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Re: Robert Arthur Menard FOTL (Freeman on the Lam)

Post by Hanslune »

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Re: Robert Arthur Menard FOTL (Freeman on the Lam)

Post by notorial dissent »

Actually, more of a snorrkk!! really, you have to aspirate the last k. :snicker: Once a hypocrite and liar, always a hypocrite and liar. Besides he never paid his lawyer and skipped out on the hearing, so it is business as usual.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: Robert Arthur Menard FOTL (Freeman on the Lam)

Post by arayder »

Over on the TPUC forum there is a thread entitled Robert Menard and the Other Level:

The thread has the usual post thanking Bobby for opening the poster's eyes.

But there is plenty of discussion about how freemanism is a cult, how Menard is a failed guru, and a question as to why Menard can't use his own theories and methods to get himself out of the jam he's in impersonating a peace officer.

Edit: I suspect that Bobby has joined the discussion and is sockpuppeting as "Puddywuddle".

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It has been 135 days since Robert Menard announced the revival of the Association of Canadian Consumer Purchasers. So far there is no documentation of a successful purchase using Menard's system.
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Re: Robert Arthur Menard FOTL (Freeman on the Lam)

Post by wanglepin »

arayder wrote:Edit: I suspect that Bobby has joined the discussion and is sockpuppeting as "Puddywuddle".
hotting up over there arayder. Not sure crab apple knows how to deal with a tosser like retard menard /puddywuddle. There again he doesn't have to does he. The facts are the facts, menard is on the run , and wanted and he has been charged with (how many counts? of) impersonating a peace officer. CP can't go far wrong from my standpoint.
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Re: Robert Arthur Menard FOTL (Freeman on the Lam)

Post by Burnaby49 »

It's him. Puddywuddle (where does he get these names?) immediately stated babbling about mayors and process servers. Where have we heard those references before? He seems very touchy.
If one believes that the court issuing a warrant is biased, waiting until one has all their ducks in a row, (evidence, surety, legal fees) in order to avoid needless pre-trial incarceration, is actually a decent strategy. Of course if your goal is to misrepresent the facts, (as you have done here) then you would misrepresent that too.
Just what I said his strategy was in my last post. Another year or two, maybe a decade, and he will emerge and triumphantly defeat the charges, get Saggi kicked off the BAR registry, start issuing the ACCP cards, establish a national C3PO network, have his new court system set up and in place, and have the Ninja Goat working! Thinking about it that's quite a backlog of unfinished projects.

Until then he's playing with his ducks.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Robert Arthur Menard FOTL (Freeman on the Lam)

Post by arayder »

It seems to me Bobby is entering a new phase of his psychological degeneration in which he seems compelled to argue the minutia of everything said.

A while back he went off over on Ickies when, according to him, posters got the facts wrong about when he was arrested for impersonating a peace officer. Then there was the whole process server thing he went after like he had Aspergers syndrome, or something.

Now, on the TPUC forum he has a bug up the dark place about the correct name of the charge against him and whether fleeing the jurisdiction of the court is different from being on the run from the law.

One has to wonder if deprived of his usual forums, meetings, interviews and workshops at which he can behave like the narcissist he is Menard is now reduced to acting out as a hyper-demanding forum sock puppet.

Consistant with someone suffering from a narcissistic personality disorder Bobby's recent outbursts show an expectation that he be recognized as a superior person and a haughty belief that he can only be understood and appreciated by people as special and talented as he.
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Re: Robert Arthur Menard FOTL (Freeman on the Lam)

Post by wanglepin »

arayder wrote:
Consistant with someone suffering from a narcissistic personality disorder Bobby's recent outbursts show an expectation that he be recognized as a superior person and a haughty belief that he can only be understood and appreciated by people as special and talented as he.
Well Canada was not on it's own in the narcissistic personality department , we in blighty until very recently had an identical personalty. But there are a few vying for that now top vacant place.Indeed those boots it seems have been quickly filled by another narcissistic clown by the name of Mark Haining ceylon.
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Re: Robert Arthur Menard FOTL (Freeman on the Lam)

Post by Burnaby49 »

Well, I've been all wrong about Menard when I maliciously stated that he was on the run from the police (see title of this discussion) when in fact he is not on the run at all. Puddywuddle (I'm calling him PW from now on) explains it;
See, in Canada, the issuance of a warrant in one province, does not mean that the party affected is 'on the run'. That implies evading and avoiding. They might have simply not moved at all. That's important you know. Did they seek to evade and avoid, or have they just not got around to it yet? So I guess my question to you is, if someone has a warrant issued against them, and they simply do not move, do you consider that to be 'on the run''? My second question would be why is it apparently so important to you, to have people believe he is 'on the run'? It seems you want them to accept a level of failure far different from merely standing and waiting. It is 'running away' as opposed to not moving.
See that? Menard isn't running at all, he's standing and waiting, or squatting. Although there is that pesky sentence;
That implies evading and avoiding.
Menard did not show up for a scheduled court hearing even though he was aware of it and has been in hiding from an arrest warrant ever since. That just might seem, to some, like evading and avoiding.

However PW, who seems to know a lot about Menard, claims this is not the case. Apparently he's "just not got around to it yet". Menard is prioritizing. Obviously minor issues like criminal charges have to wait in line behind things like laundry, that new series on Netflix, and begging for money.

I have to say though that I would not want PW defending me. He's coming across as a jackass. His first big outburst of rage was how crab apple had lied in his accusations against Menard, basely accusing him of impersonating a police officer when he had done no such thing;
I have read the charges against him, thanks to links on other forums. He is not charged with 'impersonating a police officer' but with 'false representation of being a peace officer'. The section of the Criminal Code is 130. There is a big difference. If you are claiming things as facts, at least get your facts straight. Impersonating a police officer is one way of falsely representing yourself as a peace officer. It is one of the worst ways. So is claiming you are a Mayor when you are not. So is claiming you are a process server when you are not. There is nothing in the charges to suggest Menard claimed he was a 'police officer'. Not all peace officers are police officers. So in that case at least, your facts are completely wrong, and easily verifiable as wrong.

. . . . . . . . . . . . .

So anyone who claims he is charged with impersonating a police officer is lying. Anyone who claims he is on the run, is lying. Anyone claiming those are facts, have no idea what facts are. One can easily check his FB page and see that he was living in Quebec prior to the issuance of the warrant. Since all he is doing is living outside the jurisdiction of the warrant, and was doing so prior to the warrant being issued, how can anyone claim he is on the run? Unless of course they are lying to try and slander him or something.
Crab apple responded by saying that PW had about the same reading comprehension a drunken hamster because he had not used the term Police Officer in his original posting. He had accused Menard of impersonating a Peace Officer and invited PW to go back and check. So PW did and ripped the lid off of the conspiracy out to destroy Menard! PW revealed to us that crab apple's original posting had been hastily edited to change the words "Police Officer" to "Peace Officer" after PW had exposed crab apple's base lies.

Except that they hadn't been edited and it had indeed been peace officer all along. PW had gone on a long accusatory rant because of his inability to read plain simple English. Even PW admitted this after he realized that edited posts clearly have the word "edited" at the bottom.

PW is using the same rhetorical technique here as Winteral did over at Ickes. It runs somewhat along these lines;

Poster - Menard was arrested over the incident.
Menard Sock Puppet - Robert Menard has never been arrested in Bulgaria. Anyone who says so is a liar!

Poster - Menard was criminally charged.
Menard Sock Puppet - Robert Menard did not have a hot dog for breakfast. Robert Menard has never had hot dogs for breakfast! Anyone who says otherwise is a liar!

PW is trying to deflect the reader's attention from the real issue by responding to something different as if that is the topic being discussed. He's now obsessively nitpicking about whether or not Menard is on the run when the actual question is why doesn't he go to court and defend himself from his criminal charges. At Ickes the question was whether or not Menard had been arrested for personating a peace officer. Winteral, as stout a defender of Menard as PW, acted as if the question was actually whether or not Menard had been arrested on the day of the incident that led to his eventual arrest. Since he had been arrested later this was proof that everything said about Menard was lies.

The entire discussion is worth a read.

And Rob, since I know you are a big fan of my posting, maybe the biggest, this entry has been edited! A deep vile conspiracy! I edited it to note that the discussion over at TPUC seems to have ended, at least for the moment. PW was getting more and more confused, flailing away in the dark, and Arayder eventually wrote;
Puddywuddle, I suggest you either stop posting or put down the Moose Heads!
And Menard Puddywuddle seems to have taken that advice.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Robert Arthur Menard FOTL (Freeman on the Lam)

Post by Jeffrey »

Just to refresh my memory. Menard's arrest was in Toronto, Ontario and thus the warrant only applies in Ontario.

However, based on his comments he is currently living in Montreal, Quebec.

So we're supposed to believe the fact that he's no longer in the province where the warrant applies is just a coincidence and he simply "not got around to it yet". But he did have time to beg for $50 grand related directly to the matter he's being criminally charged for doing. Surely, the priority would be to beat the charges first, then use that as a win in order to raise more money?

Besides the timeline is:

Menard is comfy in Toronto June 3rd, lies about being a peace officer
June 8th does the same thing
Oct 16th Menard is still in Toronto as he goes to court
November Menard in Toronto
December Menard in Toronto
January 9th Menard magically is no longer in Toronto and safely "returns to Montreal"

I'm sorry but Menard appears to have been living in Toronto full time for at least six months. I don't buy the, "I was just visiting Toronto" excuse.

This is quite literally the same thing Dean Clifford did, his arrest warrants and criminal charges were in Manitoba, and his solution was to simply hop the border to Ontario.

Of course the difference here so far, is that there haven't been federal charges introduced which would justify changing the warrant to Canada-wide.

p.s. You were charged a year ago. You must be the worst procrastinator in history to leave criminal charges unattended for a year.
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Re: Robert Arthur Menard FOTL (Freeman on the Lam)

Post by LordEd »

He's using 'lawful excuse' on the other board.

Had to do a bit of reading on 'lawful excuse' on canlii. If menard was unaware that he had to attend court, it isn't actually a lawful excuse, but if his mistake was honest, he would be acquitted because he did not intend it.

However, I don't think he could argue that anymore. He is clearly aware now that he had missed a date and is aware that there is a bench warrant. Even if his claim that he has always been living in Quebec was true, he has not corrected his 'mistake'.
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Re: Robert Arthur Menard FOTL (Freeman on the Lam)

Post by notorial dissent »

Bobby is doing what he is best at, lying. He knew he had been arrested, he knew he was going to have to go to court at some point, he even pretended to hire a lawyer, who I am sure informed him of what was going on and when the hearing was, and Bobby did what he always does and blew it off. There is no way he didn't/couldn't have known, and when it eventually gets to court, he'll try and blame it on the lawyer saying he wasn't properly represented or told anything and who will not perjure himself for Bobby and will state that his client was properly advised, ignored him, and skipped out on the hearing and paying him, and the S S Freetard will be sunk before it ever gets out of the slip. It is always easier and safer to assume that Bobby is lying than that he isn't. The only question is how and when he will finally get himself arrested again and then shipped back for the trial he skipped out on that started all this. At which point he will lie some more, and maybe get some real jail time, since it is by now obvious that his word isn't good for anything.

Bobby's biggest delusion is that he thinks anyone actually believes him anymore.

The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: Robert Arthur Menard FOTL (Freeman on the Lam)

Post by Hanslune »

Would it be possible to have public whipping reinstated in Canada - just for Menard?
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Re: Robert Arthur Menard FOTL (Freeman on the Lam)

Post by Arthur Rubin »

Is there an extradition "treaty" between Ontario and Quebec? (I realize the provinces in Canada have less independent existence than states in the US, but there is still some autonomy, is there not?)
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Re: Robert Arthur Menard FOTL (Freeman on the Lam)

Post by LordEd »

Another cross-forum argument. Too bad Menard won't come in here.

Haven't been on TPUC much. How is that site for moderator suppression and banning of contrary positions?
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Re: Robert Arthur Menard FOTL (Freeman on the Lam)

Post by arayder »

Jeffrey wrote:. . .Menard appears to have been living in Toronto full time for at least six months. I don't buy the, "I was just visiting Toronto" excuse.

This is quite literally the same thing Dean Clifford did, his arrest warrants and criminal charges were in Manitoba, and his solution was to simply hop the border to Ontario.

Of course the difference here so far, is that there haven't been federal charges introduced which would justify changing the warrant to Canada-wide.. . .
I have questions for the learned Canadians here:

Is there a Canada wide warrant out on Menard?

If not can he be arrested and transported back to Ontario after being indentified subsequent to a routine detainment, like a traffic stop or questioning upon appearing drunk in public?
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Re: Robert Arthur Menard FOTL (Freeman on the Lam)

Post by Burnaby49 »

I have to take issue with a gross inaccuracy that Arayder is posting about me on a different forum, specifically this posting on the Menard thread on TPUC;
Burnaby 49 has done extensive research on Menard's case and has posted the results on other forums. So I wasn't quoting myself. The details of Menard's C3PO debacle are well know and common knowledge. ... rt=60#p456

Forums? Where did the plural come from? I post nowhere but on Quatloos. In the entire time I've been on the internet I have never made any postings elsewhere.

The thread has gone in the direction they usually go when Menard is involved. Ignore the real issues under discussion and instead attack the critics. Menard actually seems to think this is a viable tactic while all it does is show bankrupt he is of ways of defending himself. The specific point currently under discussion is whether or not Menard employed the services of a lawyer. PW, Menard's sock puppet, is pulling the usual Menardian ploy of not denying it but instead saying that there is no proof that Rob did any such thing and ranting about Arayder just making things up;
Arayder's process of understanding.

For those interested it is fun to watch arayder form his so called understanding. It happens like this:

He will post usually on the quatloos forum, something purely speculative. He simply makes stuff up.

In this case let's take his present understanding that Menard tried to play what arayder calls 'the name game'. The source for that is his own speculation on one forum.

He will then go to another forum and repeat it, saying 'word is' or 'rumour is' or 'people say'. Never admitting it is he saying these things.

Then he will go to yet another forum, and say 'it is my understanding' that and he repeats his lies.

And every step of the way, he is repeating his own speculations, based on nothing factual.

He is funny.
However there is proof that Menard hired a lawyer. It is not just "common knowledge" it is fact. It is right in the court documents I posted on March 12th. ... 20file.pdf


Menard himself confirmed this on his Facebook page; ... 6281562785

Sorry Rob, my understanding of law, including the rules of evidence, is obviously far inferior to yours. So please explain in terms someone like me can understand why those court documents are pure speculation made up by Arayder. Unless of course you really mean that I faked them! That would be a real compliment! A real conspiracy rather than some stupid accusation about editing posts made by someone like Puddywuddle who is apparently incapable or reading at a grade three level.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Robert Arthur Menard FOTL (Freeman on the Lam)

Post by LordEd »

Menard himself confirmed this on his Facebook page; ... 6281562785
Unfortunately he doesn't.
Why did the LSUC advise member Mandeep Saggit to refuse to give an ex-client a statement of truth which would allow said person to address charges of failing to attend? Mandeep told the client to not attend court as he would attend for the client, then he failed to do so. Warrant issued. Mandeep could easily provide a brief statement which would provide lawful excuse and avoid the charges. He promised to do so, then refused when directed by LSUC to not do so. Funny that the prosecutor who is engaging in a clearly malicious prosecution is also a member of the LSUC. Maybe it's time, since these privately operated courts are no longer serving the public, for the public to establish their own courts of law.
He say "an ex-client". There's a possibility that there is some other nameless ex-client out there that happened to use the same lawyer and is in the same situation of missing a court date and facing a bench warrant.

This ex-client may or may not also be known to wear a fez, direct a society with the acronym WFS, and may or may not be changed with personation.
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Re: Robert Arthur Menard FOTL (Freeman on the Lam)

Post by arayder »

Thanks, Burnaby49. See you on the forums!
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Re: Robert Arthur Menard FOTL (Freeman on the Lam)

Post by Burnaby49 »

Is the arrest warrant only valid in the province it was issued?

Typically, an arrest warrant signed by a justice or judge is valid only in the province where the justice or judge has jurisdiction. This means that an arrest warrant signed in Edmonton is usually valid anywhere in Alberta, but would not be valid in another province.

However, this does not mean that the police cannot arrest you outside of Alberta. If a police officer in another province believes a certain arrest warrant is serious enough to arrest and detain you, then they will arrest you and contact the police in the province where the warrant was issued. Once contacted, the police from the issuing province will then contact the Crown to decide how they wish to continue. They may decide to have you released or transported back to Alberta depending on the circumstances.

Because an arrest warrant has been issued the police in the other province immediately have reasonable and probable grounds for their arrest. This means that they do not need the usual grounds for their arrest, because the warrant serves as evidence that you have already committed some sort of offense.

An out-of-province arrest warrant requires the endorsement (signature) of a justice or judge who has jurisdiction where the arrest was made. For example, if a police officer in Vancouver arrests an individual who is wanted on an arrest warrant signed by a justice or judge in Alberta, then the arrest warrant must be signed by a justice or judge who has jurisdiction in British Columbia in order for it to be valid.

If the Crown from the issuing province decides that they want the individual returned to face charges, then the police have a maximum of six days to get a signature from the time that the arrest is made. The individual will be held in remand during this time, but must be released if the police fail to get a signature within six days. If the Crown decides to have the individual released, then the police do not need to get the signature and can release the individual immediately.

Sometimes the warrant will include a specific radius (area). This is the area that the police are authorized to arrest, detain, and transport the individual back to the appropriate court. For instance, a Canada-wide warrant allows for the transport and return of an individual if he or she is arrested anywhere in Canada. However, the warrant must still be endorsed by a justice or judge in the jurisdiction where the arrest was made.

Typically, for serious indictable offenses, the justice or judge will issue a Canada wide warrant. This is almost always the case with serious crimes like sexual assault. Province-wide warrants will normally be issued for summary offenses and less serious indictable offences.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".