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Re: jimmywx11

Post by PeanutGallery »

rumpelstilzchen wrote:
PeanutGallery wrote:I just had a very interesting conversation with an Officer from West Yorkshire Police who called to let me know that our lad Jimmy, has recently managed to land himself 6 penalty points and a £525 fine for his antics relating to a speeding ticket he posted about over on GOODF.
jimmyw has confirmed that he received six points and a fine. He says the fine is £785. But he has sent the correspondence back ANRRTS. He says that was one month ago and so far all is quiet apart from DVLA asking him to surrender his licence to have the points applied. jimmyw says that he will "rinse and repeat" if necessary. This I assume means that if the bailiffs come to collect the fine he will do a second stat dec claiming he knew nothing about the latest court hearing. A bit silly really considering he admits he did know about it in his post. A post that appears on a public forum.

Postby jimmyw » Sun Jun 07, 2015 8:44 pm

heres my story about speeding ticket.

snapped doing 36 in a 30

this was a while ago may 2013 i was still writing letters back then so i tried to reason with the beast

obviously that got no where.... in the end i just started to flaat out ignore all letters in the end they did me for failure to provide driver details.

i got 6 points and a fine of £825

i ignore those letters too and then the dvla revoked my license. i continued to drive

i gnored the 825 fine too... untill the bailiffs started coming and those i used a roira and and said i didn't live here any more. lol

i then needed to get my car bck after my missus got it locked up for driving without the car being insured.... (this one i'm still fighting in a seperate way).

at this point the plod informed me my license had been revoked.

i had to go to court to get to do a statuory declaration... (basicly saying i new nothing about any conviction so it get reversed)

i did this and got my license back.

as i'm stood in the dock doing the stat dec, they said i had to now either plead guilty or not guilty to the original driving offense. grrr sneaky bastards

guilty would be 3 point and £300 or not guilty would go to trial. at this point they showed me a picture of me driving through the speed camara.

they were so smug, they proper wound me up so i just said i don't understand.

they went pardon... and i went i don't understand..... but if you want me to pleade guilty and possibly perjer myself i would so i can get my license back.

they said well you have done the stat dec so you your license is now reinstated, but how do plead regarding this speeding tickect.

so i stod there for ages arguing that i didn't understand and they said you heave to either plead guilty or not guilty... hehe yeah right.

in the end they had to adjourn to a later date as i would not plead. in the end i sid somthing like i will need some time to make a decision. lol


once i understood this i start to quite enjoy myself and they were just getting madder and madder.

so a new date was set for 1 month later

this i ignored lol they sent me a letter saying i was convicted in my absence 6 points £785 blah blah - this i sent back ANRRTS recorded and witnessed for fraud. it had no return address on it, but as it was opened by me anyway... i think the post office have got it back to them.
because at the same time i got a letter from the DVLA saying i needed to send my license in to have these points put on (why do they need you to send the card in when they can just tapit into the computer??? its because they need you to agree to it i'm sure!!

a month later and all clear SO FAR..... but i think this way will work. if not i will rinse and repeat and basicaly ignore the corrupt scum.

phew sorry for long post but... important info to share.

in hindsight just ANRRTS at the very begining and just deny having ever known about it.
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What the police have told me about this and what Jimmy's said don't seem to match up. Then again, I'm not sure Jimmy is all that aware of things that happen around him in general. I would say that the addition to the fine is likely to be the Bailiffs fees added on top of the warrant.

I'm struggling to think exactly what Jimmy thinks is going to happen. The police and courts won't just give up on this. Jimmy will either attend court, or he'll get a warrant for his arrest. Then he'll attend court regardless of if he wants to or not. Jimmy will then be asked to enter a plea, if he still refuses the court will enter a not guilty plea on his behalf, then they will have a trial, apparently they have a photograph identifying Jimmy as the driver, so unless he can produce an identical twin or a clone, Jimmy is going to be found guilty. Jimmy's also been asked to name the driver, this is a case where keeper liability applies (thanks Localism Act) and so if Jimmy doesn't give up the name of the driver, he will be guilty unless he has a valid reason for not knowing who the driver would have been.

Jimmy can't do another Statutory Declaration, at least not without getting into very serious trouble, he doesn't understand that you can only say you didn't know about something once or that the Statutory Declaration was to say that he now knows about the procedures. If he tries it a second time, either the court will feel he has a worse memory span than that of a brain damaged Goldfish or is lying. I would wager that they will decide to go with the latter even though some of us would argue that a brain damaged Goldfish would give Jimmy quite a run in the IQ stakes.

Jimmy is just digging himself into bigger and bigger trouble, I'd wager that soon he'll turn a minor speeding offence, for which he could have chosen to take a speed awareness course and avoided any endorsement, into a prison sentence.
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Re: jimmywx11

Post by littleFred »

The £785 sounds like £525 fine plus £85 costs plus criminal court charge £150 plus victim surcharge £25.

For something that needn't have cost him more than £100. But I suppose the amount is irrelevant. If he isn't going to pay, it doesn't matter to him if he doesn't pay £10 or £10,000.
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Re: jimmywx11

Post by Hercule Parrot »

rumpelstilzchen wrote:jimmyw has confirmed that he received six points and a fine. He says the fine is £785. But he has sent the correspondence back ANRRTS. He says that was one month ago and so far all is quiet apart from DVLA asking him to surrender his licence to have the points applied. jimmyw says that he will "rinse and repeat" if necessary. This I assume means that if the bailiffs come to collect the fine he will do a second stat dec claiming he knew nothing about the latest court hearing. A bit silly really considering he admits he did know about it in his post. A post that appears on a public forum.
I've never heard of a court accepting multiple statutory declarations in a single case. The general principle is that you might be unaware of proceedings being brought against you in the first instance, but once you have that knowledge you can't plead ignorance again.

In any event he's only delaying the inevitable. Even if he manages to mess the courts around for a year or so, he will still eventually be sentenced. And the sentence will be at the higher end of the recommended band, because of the trouble and delay he's caused.

Final thought, in UK the real penalty for motoring offences is the increased insurance premium. Knowing little Jim as we do, he has probably not informed his insurers about this. When they find out (because they have access to the DVLA database now for fraud detection) they are likely to consider him a very risky prospect. His annual insurance cost will reflect that. And because he's an irresponsible bell-end he will be driving w/o insurance soon, to the great interest of our friends in West Yorkshire Police.
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Re: jimmywx11

Post by PeanutGallery »

He was already driving without insurance. Or at least his girlfriend was because of him. As I understand the incident she was driving his dog's car (yes one cell registered the car in the name of his Beagle, Dante), which Jimmy hadn't insured, it got flagged up by ANPR.

His girlfriend actually DOES have insurance, in fact I believe she is fully comp - which normally would entitle someone to drive another persons vehicle - however to prevent someone from insuring on say a SMART car and then spending the day driving a Bugatti, the fully comp policy requires that if you are driving another car that vehicle have an insurance policy in place.

Of course his girlfriend is going to benefit from the relationship by getting an increase on her insurance premium, thanks to Jimmy and the dog is going to benefit by losing his car all because Jimmy is trying desperately to lose his name because he doesn't want to be a responsible adult.
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Re: jimmywx11

Post by Bones »

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Re: jimmywx11

Post by notorial dissent »

What an idiot.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: jimmywx11

Post by Losleones »

Our wee Jimmy not content with doing his utmost to receive a prison sentence it appears he's trying to obtain similarly for his sister-in-law. Check this garbage out http://www.getoutofdebtfree.org/forum/v ... XUtPHCkqrU
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Re: jimmywx11

Post by Losleones »

One cell again posting his bulletproof system for half cell actionmanandy to dig himself in deeper. This GOOFer finds it amusing that he's received 6 pts & a £745 fine. Salli weighs in with a post where she deliberately picked up a speeding ticket to test out the whacky ANRRTS theory. These freeloaders are mentally disturbed beyond belief

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Re: jimmywx11

Post by ArthurWankspittle »

Losleones wrote:One cell again posting his bulletproof system for half cell actionmanandy to dig himself in deeper. This GOOFer finds it amusing that he's received 6 pts & a £745 fine. Salli weighs in with a post where she deliberately picked up a speeding ticket to test out the whacky ANRRTS theory. These freeloaders are mentally disturbed beyond belief

http://www.getoutofdebtfree.org/forum/v ... XU1vXCkqrU
...and guess what speeding charge dropped. However i got 6 points and £745 fine for not telling them who the driver was...
Genius - to avoid an SP?? conviction and probably a £60 fine and 3 points, he now has an arguably worse motoring conviction, 6 points and a £745 fine.
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Re: jimmywx11

Post by #six »

ArthurWankspittle wrote:
Losleones wrote:One cell again posting his bulletproof system for half cell actionmanandy to dig himself in deeper. This GOOFer finds it amusing that he's received 6 pts & a £745 fine. Salli weighs in with a post where she deliberately picked up a speeding ticket to test out the whacky ANRRTS theory. These freeloaders are mentally disturbed beyond belief

http://www.getoutofdebtfree.org/forum/v ... XU1vXCkqrU
...and guess what speeding charge dropped. However i got 6 points and £745 fine for not telling them who the driver was...
Genius - to avoid an SP?? conviction and probably a £60 fine and 3 points, he now has an arguably worse motoring conviction, 6 points and a £745 fine.
In the world of the GOOFERS they would they would think getting off of manslaughter but instead being done for murder would be a win.
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Re: jimmywx11

Post by littleFred »

ArthurWankspittle wrote:... probably a £60 fine and 3 points, ...
These days, the Fixed Penalty Notice is £100.
SalliNae wrote:Yep....being a woman who likes to test everything I deliberately got a couple of flashes very very late on a quiet road and the inevitable letter came. It was RTSANR and that was over six months ago.
So she failed to give the driver's details. That offence occurs 28 days after she was told to give them. To be taken to court, information must be laid within six months of the offence. Then the summons is issued. So she isn't "safe" until 8 months or so after the speeding. Being found guilty of this would create a court bill of around £750, plus a hike in insurance premiums.

I hope I don't live near SalliNae, who likes to commit crimes just to see if she gets caught.
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Re: jimmywx11

Post by wanglepin »

Losleones wrote:Our wee Jimmy not content with doing his utmost to receive a prison sentence it appears he's trying to obtain similarly for his sister-in-law. Check this garbage out http://www.getoutofdebtfree.org/forum/v ... XUtPHCkqrU
I honestly cannot believe anyone, anyone! can be that stupid. What I want to read now is Sycophant Salli giving jimmy her full support and backing. I am sure Mark Haining Ceylon will jump at the chance to also support this retarded buffon as jimmy is Ceylon's "kinda` guy".
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Re: jimmywx11

Post by wanglepin »

littleFred wrote:
SalliNae wrote:Yep....being a woman who likes to test everything I deliberately got a couple of flashes very very late on a quiet road and the inevitable letter came. It was RTSANR and that was over six months ago.
So she failed to give the driver's details. That offence occurs 28 days after she was told to give them. To be taken to court, information must be laid within six months of the offence. Then the summons is issued. So she isn't "safe" until 8 months or so after the speeding. Being found guilty of this would create a court bill of around £750, plus a hike in insurance premiums.
I don't believe her. She comes across as the cowardly type to me and appears to me that she just want's to be 'in with the in crowd'.
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Re: jimmywx11

Post by grixit »

I hope Jimmy's dog sues him for damage to reputation.
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Re: jimmywx11

Post by Losleones »

wanglepin wrote:
littleFred wrote:
SalliNae wrote:Yep....being a woman who likes to test everything I deliberately got a couple of flashes very very late on a quiet road and the inevitable letter came. It was RTSANR and that was over six months ago.
So she failed to give the driver's details. That offence occurs 28 days after she was told to give them. To be taken to court, information must be laid within six months of the offence. Then the summons is issued. So she isn't "safe" until 8 months or so after the speeding. Being found guilty of this would create a court bill of around £750, plus a hike in insurance premiums.
I don't believe her. She comes across as the cowardly type to me and appears to me that she just want's to be 'in with the in crowd'.
I thought likewise. You don't need to eyeball our auntSalli to know exactly what sort of a person she is. Possibly pig tails wife if she's not seen the light yet? For a mod to make a statement like that is worrying to say the least. I was under the impression that Goofy site was to avoid debt & not incur more debt & by breaking the Road Traffic Regulations to test out their whacky theories proves how mentally unstable these SOV/CITs are.

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Re: jimmywx11

Post by littleFred »

I agree, it is quite possible that SalliNae is boastfully lying, "Cor look at me, I committed a crime and didn't get caught!"
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Re: jimmywx11

Post by wanglepin »

Losleones wrote: For a mod to make a statement like that is worrying to say the least. I was under the impression that Goofy site was to avoid debt & not incur more debt & by breaking the Road Traffic Regulations to test out their whacky theories proves how mentally unstable these SOV/CITs are.

Indeed. I am now waiting for someone to ask her the obligatory goofer question
"why are you here?"
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Re: jimmywx11

Post by rumpelstilzchen »

The one thing the GOOFs should be taking from jimmyw's story is that he has shown them that ANRRTS does not actually work. If he had just ignored the correspondence he would have got the same result. A fine and six points. If he had attended court and had been found guilty, he would have got exactly the same result, six points and a large fine. Returning the paperwork ANRRTS made absolutely no difference to the outcome. Now he is in the position where he is simply ignoring the fine and if he manages to do that the numbskull will probably put it down to ANRRTS being successful. But that would not be due to ANRRTS, that would be due to him ignoring the fine. He could have achieved exactly the same outcome even if he had attended court and had been found guilty. He could have then ignored the fine. ANRRTS has had absolutely no effect whatsoever. jimmyw is actually debunking ANRRTS although I doubt he is aware of that.
BHF wrote:
It shows your mentality to think someone would make the effort to post something on the internet that was untrue.
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Re: jimmywx11

Post by ArthurWankspittle »

littleFred wrote:
ArthurWankspittle wrote:... probably a £60 fine and 3 points, ...
These days, the Fixed Penalty Notice is £100.
I forgot it went up recently (last autumn?). Although, if this was a first offence, he, of course, could have been offered a speeding awareness course and no points on his licence. I'm tempted to look up some details and fill in another report on their new interface https://insurancefraudbureau.org/cheatline/
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Re: jimmywx11

Post by mufc1959 »

PeanutGallery, do you think your friend at West Yorkshire police will be interested in Jimmy's latest criminal offence. I'm not talking about no insurance, etc., but the far more serious offence of perverting the course of justice.