Private Sector Act dot Com

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Re: Private Sector Act dot Com

Post by theRealDerekJohnson »

Another question from the real estate genius Eric ...

Eric Vance: "Why do you have to have people to sign documents as well as take them to the land titles office for your group? Is this because you are so well known that you can't go into land titles?"

Derek Johnson Answer: I am not in the courier business.

I cannot be in the real estate business and be a courier at the same time. I along with most real estate people use couriers and runners all the time since this is what business / real estate people do. I use couriers to run paperwork around the city like every law office does. I can go to the Land Titles office like anyone can since they are in the job of administering paperwork.

The Land Titles role is to be sure nobody is committing fraud when transferring title. That is why they call sellers to ensure this does not happen.

You sold the home, signed off on all contracts then got a phone call from Land titles to check on the integrity of the transfer (which was 100%) and then you disappeared not calling back the buyer, and then decided to call the Real Estate Council of Alberta who manages Realtors who have nothing to do with the sale of your home.

They were happy to hear from you slandering a competitor and use my name to further slander my business as a competitor offering a commission Free system, which of course is threatening their MLS system. My association with New Century Real Estate was all that was needed for them to get you all excited to use my name in the media as a person "posing as a Realtor".
Last edited by theRealDerekJohnson on Wed Jun 10, 2015 12:08 am, edited 5 times in total.
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Re: Private Sector Act dot Com

Post by theRealDerekJohnson »

Another question from Eric Vance ...

Eric Vance: "Today you have ads posted on kijijji offering $ 25.00 per hour for wholesale investment consultants. Is this because you have a court order from RECA to stop acting as a real estate agent?"

Derek Johnson Answer: That is not my advertising, you are being paranoid now thinking every ad on kijiji is mine !

You need to find another hobby Eric besides spending all day and night going on kijiji and thinking that every ad belongs to me. There are thousands of others advertising homes and jobs on Kijiji.

I got news for you Eric, I never have been or aspired to be a Realtor so the fact that they will not hire as a Realtor based on me being a competitor to them is not breaking my heart. :haha:

Derek Johnson Question: Speaking of ads,
Why are you placing fake kijiji ads to lure people into responding so you can slander everyone and anyone who you know in real estate including people and companies you don't even know or met with?

Are you losing your mind now staying up all night on Kijiji like some deranged madman,thinking every real estate ad is mine? :?

You were already caught and Kijiji took down multiple accounts for ads for being fake / fraudulent that you posted.

You are harassing people and even calling people who are family members of people you have never met and acting like a crazy person. :shock:

You are lucky you haven't been arrested for harassment as a result of some of those calls you made.

Threatening people then hanging up on them usually results in the boys in blue knocking on your door. You should be thankful that hasn't already happened.
Last edited by theRealDerekJohnson on Tue Jun 09, 2015 11:57 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Private Sector Act dot Com

Post by theRealDerekJohnson »

Another Eric Question ...

Eric Vance: "Is Laurel Cinnamon in fact Kevin Kumar's wife? It sure looks funny that out of 2600 investors you pretend to use. Her Company's name comes up on every one of you groups deals. Is this Not a conflict of interest that should be disclosed? We have a few of your recent offers documenting this as well as your past deals."

Derek Johnson Answer: You sold a home to New Century Real Estate.

What the heck do these people have to do with your situation?

Laurel Cinnamon owns companies and is a private financier and does many real estate deals all over Canada.

She has nothing to do with New Century Real Estate and is a separate company that does financing which wouldn't affect you since you are a seller !

Buyers need financing, not sellers.
That is real estate for Dummy's chapter 1.

Did you sign a contract with them that I am not aware of?

Please produce it if you can, but I already know it doesn't exist since you were selling a home and not using a third party financier. :naughty:
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Re: Private Sector Act dot Com

Post by theRealDerekJohnson »

And once again another Eric question ..

Eric Vance: "Is Satori laurel Cinnamon / Kevin Kumar?
Why is Kevin Kumar the listed owner of free list ? That is your company correct?"

Derek Johnson Answer: You know full well Kevin Kumar is an ower of Satori since he has been emailing you and trying to communicate with you and ask questions since they found out you have been slandering them for no reason. They don't even know who you are !

Why are you ignoring him but continue to slander them here?

I do not nor never have owned

I was involved with the company as a contractor helping assist in developing a commission free system which is why RECA had a field day with you and your situation. All you had to do was mention my name and they played you like a fiddle, even helping hook you up with their media contacts.

You were used like a pawn by them to promote their company which is the Realtor MLS system and you didn't even realize it.

I am a competitor to RECA which is why they were so excited to hear from you, don't you know that? :roll:

This was all they needed to allow them to further slander me when I was becoming a serious threat to their business model via a commission FREE system. You were used like a tool for them to promote using Realtors and not do business in the private market where buyers and sellers can save money.

RECA manipulated you in such a manner that they even made sure to help you with your script so it sounded good on TV.

Derek Johnson Question: Did you get paid a commission by RECA to make a television appearance and stand in solidarity of the MLS System and only using Realtors to buy and sell homes?
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Re: Private Sector Act dot Com

Post by theRealDerekJohnson »

Another Eric question ...

Eric Vance: "Why are you always in the news? Why were you declared vexatious?"

Derek Johnson Answer: I am the NUMBER 1 competitor to RECA and the Realtor system based on my 6+ years of involvement in creating a commission FREE system for Canadians.

You were fooled into believing I was somehow a "bad guy" by association of New Century Real Estate and then you chose to breach your contracts with New Century Real Estate and reverse your home sale on your own accord.

I wasn't even an affected party (buyer, seller or financier) in your deal !

Being a vexatious litigant happens when you stand up vigorously to foreclosure lawyers who are trying to make it difficult for the Canadian people to compete via conveyancing services.

They don't like that much when someone stands up to them in a completely lawful and legal fashion.

Our commission FREE system offers vertical integration with conveyancing services all included and are competing with real estate lawyers who don't like that.

We are able to provide full services including the conveyancing which means Canadian people save even more money buying and selling homes and the lawyers don't like that for the obvious reasons.

There are many people in the legal community that wear the vexatious litigant order like a badge of honor for refusing to back down from their adversary.

I am one of them.
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Re: Private Sector Act dot Com

Post by theRealDerekJohnson »

The last question of Erics ... :lol:

Eric Vance: "Why don't you pay for your Kijijji ads like the rest of us?"

Derek Johnson Answer: I do. In fact, I have spent many thousands of dollars in advertising over the years of doing business.

Derek Johnson Question: How many dollars have you spent in Kijiji over the last 5 years and why is this even a relevant question to your situation? Kijiji does offer free advertising services as well which are available to the general public.

What does this matter?

Are you suggesting that advertising in Kijiji using free services is illegal or wrong as well? :roll:

Derek Johnson Question: When are you going to answer my questions Eric Vance?

FACT: There is no doubt you created this situation and the proof exists at the Calgary Alberta Land Titles office on 4th Ave.

The paperwork / contracts do not lie.
Last edited by wserra on Tue Jun 09, 2015 11:57 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Private Sector Act dot Com

Post by grixit »

theRealDerekJohnson wrote:And another brilliant question from Eric ... :roll:

Eric Vance: "Why does Laurel Cinnamon's many numbered company's always accept the deposits and is registered as the mortgage holder for these " non real-estate agent deals" ? You state you have 2600 lenders why is every offer to purchase or deposit / Mortgage made out to / in her numbered company's name ? 1827148 Alberta LTD. to name just one of the many."

Derek Johnson Answer: Where in your contracts did you sign something with this individual / company?

Please provide more information since you sold a home, and did not sign a mortgage contract.

These people were not even involved in your situation so we may as well be talking about Santa Claus or the Easter Bunny.

Derek Johnson Question: What do you mean by a "non-real-estate agent deal"?

You are showing how silly and confused you really are Eric.

You do realize that people are allowed to buy and sell real estate with offer to purchase contracts like you did without Realtors?

Derek Johnson Question: Do you believe that it is illegal to buy / sell a home without a Realtor?

This is what you are suggesting via your question and this is an important one since it cuts to the heart of how you were manipulated by RECA and others into believing you were doing something wrong or illegal by selling your home without a Realtor.

Derek Johnson Question: If selling a home privately using offer to purchase agreements is illegal in Canada, can you show me the law that states that?

What you are saying is that every for-sale-by-owner and private buyer is participating in illegal activity.

Does that mean all the and sellers are breaking the law by participating in illegal activity?

Does that mean all the buyers who are trying to save money with sellers in a commission free arena are participating in illegal activity?

Derek Johnson Question: Can you confirm that this is what your position is?
(That being that buying and selling homes privately in Canada is illegal)

Should you choose to ignore this question and refuse to reply with the obvious answer then you must consent to apologize to everyone on this forum for being ignorant / confused and misled and will direct CBC to print a retraction since that is what needs to be done here to make things right.

Anything less is unacceptable considering your actions.

Derek is being asked questions.

Eric is being asked questions.

Which of you two are just asking questions of each other?

Which of you two are actually being questioned by the authorities?

Which of you two are currently the subject of official action, not just threats?
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Re: Private Sector Act dot Com

Post by Fmotlgroupie »

This thread is turning into a deeper than desired insight into the mind of a crazy person.

A couple of tips, Derek:
1) professional regulatory bodies investigate and act against professionals (in this case realtors), not customers
2) if you're going to imagine into being a national regulatory body of any kind, please do better than just creating a gmail account. C'mon, have some self-respect as a scammer.
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Re: Private Sector Act dot Com

Post by wserra »

You appear to be big on questions, Derek Johnson of Vexatious Litigant. Here are a few. Why don't we start with court decisions about you, Derek Johnson a/k/a Ty Griffiths?

(1) Points raised by Master Laycock of Queens Bench Alberta in Scotia Mortgage Corporation v. Gutierrez, 2012 ABQB 683.

(a) Would you really pretend that you owned various properties in foreclosure and get unsuspecting tenants to pay you rent? Sin verguenza, Derek.

(b) Then, when (of course) no one was paying the mortgage, and "your" tenants were evicted:
(i) Invariably [your] goal is to delay the proceedings,
(ii) You would make "absurd" and "ridiculous" arguments,
(iii) "The new scoundrel [that would be you, Derek], while collecting rent would appear in court and make outlandish statements to obfuscate and delay the proceedings. The scoundrel obtained a substantial cash flow from numerous desperate homeowners. While the homeowner was able to remain in the residence, the mortgage debts and legal costs increased substantially because of the activity of the scoundrel. Eventually the mortgage company would obtain title to the property and, in many cases, obtain a deficiency judgment against the homeowner. . . It is clear that Mr. Johnson is a scoundrel for holding out hope to desperate homeowners in order to enrich himself",
(iv) "Mr. Johnson has been allowed an audience in the past to address these foreclosure issues but has repeatedly and consistently argued the same nonsense to the detriment of his victims. These defendants have been victimized by him and 115. He may even have committed fraud in obtaining title to their residences", and, last but not least,
(v) "My grandfather’s generation would describe him as a snake oil salesman".

All things Master Laycock said about you. Right, Derek?

Well, maybe Master Laycock had a bad day. Why don't we check out Justice LoVecchio (Queen's Bench Alberta) in 1158997 Alberta Inc v Maple Trust Company, 2013 ABQB 483. Maybe he thinks better of you.

(2)(a) "[You] often contribute to the misery of the debtor by initially holding out false hopes and then, in the end, taking money from them, thereby increasing not decreasing their misfortune. Along the way, [you] leave a trail of unpaid cost awards against them when their various actions are dismissed." Ouch, Derek.

(b) "115 and its sole director and shareholder, Mr. Derek Johnson, have brought and continue to bring actions where no reasonable cause of action is pleaded and in matters that have been decided. Furthermore, actions were brought in contravention of previous court orders declaring 115 and Mr. Derek Johnson‘s related companies as a vexatious litigant."

(c) ". . . and Mr. Derek Ryan Johnson are declared as vexatious litigants. Each is prohibited from commencing or attempting to commence, or from continuing, any appeal, action, application, or proceeding in the Court of Appeal, the Court of Queen’s Bench or the Provincial Court of Alberta (Civil), on their own behalf or on behalf of any other entity or estate without an Order of the appropriate court in which the proceeding is conducted or to be conducted."

(d) You have had various actions dismissed (or "struck", as they say in Canada) because you filed them without permission. Right?

I don't have time to go into the various times you were administratively fined for what amounts to fraud. Final question for now, Derek: Who's your Daddy?
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Re: Private Sector Act dot Com

Post by theRealDerekJohnson »

Another question to Eric Vance:

Why would you sign contracts, sell the home then ignore the people you engaged in contract with who were trying to help you?

The facts are, that you were your own worst enemy and created this problem yourself starting with going into foreclosure, selling the home, then doing the unheard of in real estate - REVERSING the sale via a court order with consent of the buyer.

You were manipulated in such a fashion that I would normally feel sorry for you if you had not been so sneaky and deceitful with taking your misguided grievances to the media and online here while being in breach of contracts.

It would be laughable if this wasn't so serious about the claims you are making.
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Re: Private Sector Act dot Com

Post by theRealDerekJohnson »

grixit wrote:
theRealDerekJohnson wrote:And another brilliant question from Eric ... :roll:

Eric Vance: "Why does Laurel Cinnamon's many numbered company's always accept the deposits and is registered as the mortgage holder for these " non real-estate agent deals" ? You state you have 2600 lenders why is every offer to purchase or deposit / Mortgage made out to / in her numbered company's name ? 1827148 Alberta LTD. to name just one of the many."

Derek Johnson Answer: Where in your contracts did you sign something with this individual / company?

Please provide more information since you sold a home, and did not sign a mortgage contract.

These people were not even involved in your situation so we may as well be talking about Santa Claus or the Easter Bunny.

Derek Johnson Question: What do you mean by a "non-real-estate agent deal"?

You are showing how silly and confused you really are Eric.

You do realize that people are allowed to buy and sell real estate with offer to purchase contracts like you did without Realtors?

Derek Johnson Question: Do you believe that it is illegal to buy / sell a home without a Realtor?

This is what you are suggesting via your question and this is an important one since it cuts to the heart of how you were manipulated by RECA and others into believing you were doing something wrong or illegal by selling your home without a Realtor.

Derek Johnson Question: If selling a home privately using offer to purchase agreements is illegal in Canada, can you show me the law that states that?

What you are saying is that every for-sale-by-owner and private buyer is participating in illegal activity.

Does that mean all the and sellers are breaking the law by participating in illegal activity?

Does that mean all the buyers who are trying to save money with sellers in a commission free arena are participating in illegal activity?

Derek Johnson Question: Can you confirm that this is what your position is?
(That being that buying and selling homes privately in Canada is illegal)

Should you choose to ignore this question and refuse to reply with the obvious answer then you must consent to apologize to everyone on this forum for being ignorant / confused and misled and will direct CBC to print a retraction since that is what needs to be done here to make things right.

Anything less is unacceptable considering your actions.

Derek is being asked questions.

Eric is being asked questions.

Which of you two are just asking questions of each other?

Which of you two are actually being questioned by the authorities?

Which of you two are currently the subject of official action, not just threats?
To clear up any confusion ... Eric asked a lot of questions which I answered.
I then asked him questions ...
It is his turn now since he is the one that needs to defend his position.

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Re: Private Sector Act dot Com

Post by Burnaby49 »

To clear up any confusion ... Eric asked a lot of questions which I answered.
I then asked him questions ...
It is his turn now since he is the one that needs to defend his position.
I would disagree. You are the person facing all those adverse judgments. Your answers were evasive garbage.
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Re: Private Sector Act dot Com

Post by eric »

wserra wrote: A question which should sit alongside Berkeley's "If a tree falls in a forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?": Is it possible to slander someone whom a Court has already called a snake-oil salesman?
expect serious legal consequences.
From someone who can't even go to court without permission from his Daddy?
I will answer your question with having him called a rogue in two actions I initiated against him and raise you one. :lol:
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Re: Private Sector Act dot Com

Post by theRealDerekJohnson »

Fmotlgroupie wrote:This thread is turning into a deeper than desired insight into the mind of a crazy person.

A couple of tips, Derek:
1) professional regulatory bodies investigate and act against professionals (in this case realtors), not customers
2) if you're going to imagine into being a national regulatory body of any kind, please do better than just creating a gmail account. C'mon, have some self-respect as a scammer.
When you are referring to "crazy person" you must mean Eric since he is the only one acting crazy.

1. You are correct, which is why RECA has no right to investigate or fine me or any private person in Canada doing business buying and selling homes with offer to purchase contracts ... congratulations, you got it right except you thought you were somehow proving me wrong. Nice job ! :D

2. Who is imagining anything? You must be imagining that you are knowledgeable and informed which you are not. You are clearly unaware of how the real estate governing bodies work in Canada. Self-governing bodies like RECA are only mandated to govern Realtors and mortgage brokers, and the Real Estate Council of Canada regulates these agencies through the private sector since they cannot govern people who have not signed contracts with them.

There is a BIG Difference between a SELF-GOVERNING agency and a GOVERNMENT agency.

Do some more research and then come back, you are trying to sound like you know what you are talking about and even junior Realtors know this. :roll:
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Re: Private Sector Act dot Com

Post by theRealDerekJohnson »

Burnaby49 wrote:
To clear up any confusion ... Eric asked a lot of questions which I answered.
I then asked him questions ...
It is his turn now since he is the one that needs to defend his position.
I would disagree. You are the person facing all those adverse judgments. Your answers were evasive garbage.

You are a moderator here right?

Did you miss the fact that I answered EVERY ONE OF ERIC's questions in a very clear and concise fashion.

Now it is his turn to answer mine !

It is called a healthy dialogue which is something that has not been happening here until just now, when I showed up and heard about Eric talking about me. The entire topic of discussion is about me for the most part along with others Eric thinks have done him wrong.

So, now Eric doesn't have to answer reasonable and important questions?

If Eric is going to come on here and slander me, then the least you can do is stop acting like his mother, hiding him behind your skirt and yourself go running into the playground to fight his battles.

Funny how I know everything about Eric's business dealings from being a third party and with clearly the HIGHEST level of real estate knowledge here on this forum, yet you quickly run to his side when he gets asked some tough questions after posting on here for so long.

In most forums where there isn't a built in agenda, the moderators act as impartial witness's to ensure a healthy dialogue.

Are you so emotionally invested into his story he has been telling you for so long that it hurts to hear that he is the one acting in breach of contract and is wrong?

Perhaps you should allow him to fight his own battles, how does that sound?

He is a big boy and has some explaining to do !

If you, Eric Vance cannot answer my questions you do realize you are going to look awfully silly here now after all this time? :shock:
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Re: Private Sector Act dot Com

Post by theRealDerekJohnson »

wserra wrote:You appear to be big on questions, Derek Johnson of Vexatious Litigant. Here are a few. Why don't we start with court decisions about you, Derek Johnson a/k/a Ty Griffiths?

(1) Points raised by Master Laycock of Queens Bench Alberta in Scotia Mortgage Corporation v. Gutierrez, 2012 ABQB 683.

(a) Would you really pretend that you owned various properties in foreclosure and get unsuspecting tenants to pay you rent? Sin verguenza, Derek.

(b) Then, when (of course) no one was paying the mortgage, and "your" tenants were evicted:
(i) Invariably [your] goal is to delay the proceedings,
(ii) You would make "absurd" and "ridiculous" arguments,
(iii) "The new scoundrel [that would be you, Derek], while collecting rent would appear in court and make outlandish statements to obfuscate and delay the proceedings. The scoundrel obtained a substantial cash flow from numerous desperate homeowners. While the homeowner was able to remain in the residence, the mortgage debts and legal costs increased substantially because of the activity of the scoundrel. Eventually the mortgage company would obtain title to the property and, in many cases, obtain a deficiency judgment against the homeowner. . . It is clear that Mr. Johnson is a scoundrel for holding out hope to desperate homeowners in order to enrich himself",
(iv) "Mr. Johnson has been allowed an audience in the past to address these foreclosure issues but has repeatedly and consistently argued the same nonsense to the detriment of his victims. These defendants have been victimized by him and 115. He may even have committed fraud in obtaining title to their residences", and, last but not least,
(v) "My grandfather’s generation would describe him as a snake oil salesman".

All things Master Laycock said about you. Right, Derek?

Well, maybe Master Laycock had a bad day. Why don't we check out Justice LoVecchio (Queen's Bench Alberta) in 1158997 Alberta Inc v Maple Trust Company, 2013 ABQB 483. Maybe he thinks better of you.

(2)(a) "[You] often contribute to the misery of the debtor by initially holding out false hopes and then, in the end, taking money from them, thereby increasing not decreasing their misfortune. Along the way, [you] leave a trail of unpaid cost awards against them when their various actions are dismissed." Ouch, Derek.

(b) "115 and its sole director and shareholder, Mr. Derek Johnson, have brought and continue to bring actions where no reasonable cause of action is pleaded and in matters that have been decided. Furthermore, actions were brought in contravention of previous court orders declaring 115 and Mr. Derek Johnson‘s related companies as a vexatious litigant."

(c) ". . . and Mr. Derek Ryan Johnson are declared as vexatious litigants. Each is prohibited from commencing or attempting to commence, or from continuing, any appeal, action, application, or proceeding in the Court of Appeal, the Court of Queen’s Bench or the Provincial Court of Alberta (Civil), on their own behalf or on behalf of any other entity or estate without an Order of the appropriate court in which the proceeding is conducted or to be conducted."

(d) You have had various actions dismissed (or "struck", as they say in Canada) because you filed them without permission. Right?

I don't have time to go into the various times you were administratively fined for what amounts to fraud. Final question for now, Derek: Who's your Daddy?
Wow, a copy and paste from something you have no idea is about and has nothing to do with Eric and his situation.

Perhaps you should get back on the subject which is Eric and when is he going to start explaining himself.

Where in this copy and paste is Eric's situation?

Oh right, there is nothing. :roll:
Last edited by theRealDerekJohnson on Wed Jun 10, 2015 2:02 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Private Sector Act dot Com

Post by eric »

Burnaby49 wrote:
To clear up any confusion ... Eric asked a lot of questions which I answered.
I then asked him questions ...
It is his turn now since he is the one that needs to defend his position.
I would disagree. You are the person facing all those adverse judgments. Your answers just were evasive garbage.
There are two reasons why I'm not replying directly to him:
1. He hasn't read the entire thread and noted that there are multiple people who have been scammed by him and his associates and sometimes these different personalities post things about him.
2. Apropos to the entire thread reading I have posted a broad outline of the court actions that I was involved in. Derek lost and has lost many other times. I don't believe in playing word games with losers. Suck it up, you lost, if you don't like it you know what to do.
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Re: Private Sector Act dot Com

Post by theRealDerekJohnson »

Where are you Eric?

How come you are not answering my questions?

The moderators here can only stand up for you so much without any knowledge of your business dealings. Now that I know about this little place you like to come and tell your tales of woe and sell your slander, it is time to start answering to what you did. The mods here would likely appreciate knowing the truth if in fact that matters to them.

Time will tell.

The proof is located at the Calgary Land Titles office on 4th Ave.

How are you going to explain that Eric?
Last edited by theRealDerekJohnson on Wed Jun 10, 2015 1:59 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Private Sector Act dot Com

Post by theRealDerekJohnson »

eric wrote:
Burnaby49 wrote:
To clear up any confusion ... Eric asked a lot of questions which I answered.
I then asked him questions ...
It is his turn now since he is the one that needs to defend his position.
I would disagree. You are the person facing all those adverse judgments. Your answers just were evasive garbage.
There are two reasons why I'm not replying directly to him:
1. He hasn't read the entire thread and noted that there are multiple people who have been scammed by him and his associates and sometimes these different personalities post things about him.
2. Apropos to the entire thread reading I have posted a broad outline of the court actions that I was involved in. Derek lost and has lost many other times. I don't believe in playing word games with losers. Suck it up, you lost, if you don't like it you know what to do.

Okay Eric, time to be a man and answer the questions and stop making excuses.

You would almost be better off running away like you did last time, but you are hurting a lot of people when you do that, and it needs to stop now.

You and I are the ONLY people involved here that know what happened in your situation besides New Century Real Estate and you are the one who went to the media to make false claims about me, a party not even in contract with you ! :shock:

Word games you say?
That is very weak Eric.
That is coming from a man (you) who cannot explain himself now and is coming up with excuses and has talked himself into a corner.

You have serious questions to answer after all of your slander and "story-time" on Quatloos Eric. Excuses won't cut it now, even the mods are going to want to know if they were fooled by you for the entirety of this thread.

Are you telling me that is all you can offer?

You just conceded then Eric and you must have known this day would come if you continued with your actions.

You will have to admit one day this was all your doing Eric.

You must know the evidence is sitting at the land titles office in Calgary on 4th ave and no matter how much copying and pasting you do here with the two friends listening to you and try and deflect my questions with excuses and "word games" as you put it, that evidence exists.

You have some homework to do tonight.

Read all my responses to your questions.

Note, that I responded to every one of them !

Then respond back to mine in a nice organized fashion like I so kindly did for you, otherwise you are simply confirming that everything I am saying is true here (which it is) regarding your situation and that will mean an apology and retraction to the media people you communicated with along with those you have lied to here.
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Re: Private Sector Act dot Com

Post by eric »

Fmotlgroupie wrote:This thread is turning into a deeper than desired insight into the mind of a crazy person.

A couple of tips, Derek:
1) professional regulatory bodies investigate and act against professionals (in this case realtors), not customers
2) if you're going to imagine into being a national regulatory body of any kind, please do better than just creating a gmail account. C'mon, have some self-respect as a scammer.
Let's get this portion of the discussion back on track. Here's a link to the Alberta Real Estate Act in totality: ... te-act.htm
and here's who it applies to and falls under the Real Estate Council of Alberta: ... te-act.htm
Basicly it's just a list of who it doesn't apply to. In other words, if you aren't on the list, you fall under RECA. I will leave it to the legal beagles on the list to draw their own conclusions about some of the arguments going on here.

Sorry for the belated response but I've been amusing myself with a reasonable IPA that paired well with some beef done in the smoker. Both seemed more important at the time than meaningless arguments with people whose arguments always fail in Court, except for a made up Court of King's Bench or the equally imaginary Real Estate Council of Canada. I admit my eyes are bad, but I 've been unable to find any legislation or statutes on any level in Canada indicating they are nothing more than a pipe dream (the kind of pipe you use for smoking recreational pharmaceuticals). :beatinghorse: