Private Sector Act dot Com

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Re: Private Sector Act dot Com

Post by wserra »

theRealDerekJohnson wrote:Wow, a copy and paste from something you have no idea is about
Is that English? In any event, there is a term of art for copying from court decisions: law. And there's another term of art for the Derek Johnson those court decisions portray: scammer.
and has nothing to do with Eric and his situation.
I'm not that interested in "Eric and his situation". The board is about scammers, and the thread is about you.
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Derek Johnson Sucks
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Re: Private Sector Act dot Com

Post by Derek Johnson Sucks »

theRealDerekJohnson wrote:And another brilliant question from Eric ... :roll:

Eric Vance: "Why does Laurel Cinnamon's many numbered company's always accept the deposits and is registered as the mortgage holder for these " non real-estate agent deals" ? You state you have 2600 lenders why is every offer to purchase or deposit / Mortgage made out to / in her numbered company's name ? 1827148 Alberta LTD. to name just one of the many."

Derek Johnson Answer: Where in your contracts did you sign something with this individual / company?

Please provide more information since you sold a home, and did not sign a mortgage contract.

These people were not even involved in your situation so we may as well be talking about Santa Claus or the Easter Bunny.

Derek Johnson Question: What do you mean by a "non-real-estate agent deal"?

You are showing how silly and confused you really are Eric.

You do realize that people are allowed to buy and sell real estate with offer to purchase contracts like you did without Realtors?

Derek Johnson Question: Do you believe that it is illegal to buy / sell a home without a Realtor?

This is what you are suggesting via your question and this is an important one since it cuts to the heart of how you were manipulated by RECA and others into believing you were doing something wrong or illegal by selling your home without a Realtor.

Derek Johnson Question: If selling a home privately using offer to purchase agreements is illegal in Canada, can you show me the law that states that?

What you are saying is that every for-sale-by-owner and private buyer is participating in illegal activity.

Does that mean all the and sellers are breaking the law by participating in illegal activity?

Does that mean all the buyers who are trying to save money with sellers in a commission free arena are participating in illegal activity?

Derek Johnson Question: Can you confirm that this is what your position is?
(That being that buying and selling homes privately in Canada is illegal)

Should you choose to ignore this question and refuse to reply with the obvious answer then you must consent to apologize to everyone on this forum for being ignorant / confused and misled and will direct CBC to print a retraction since that is what needs to be done here to make things right.

Anything less is unacceptable considering your actions.

Quoted so Derek cannot delete
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Re: Private Sector Act dot Com

Post by Derek Johnson Sucks »

theRealDerekJohnson wrote:Another Eric Question ...

Eric Vance: "Is Laurel Cinnamon in fact Kevin Kumar's wife? It sure looks funny that out of 2600 investors you pretend to use. Her Company's name comes up on every one of you groups deals. Is this Not a conflict of interest that should be disclosed? We have a few of your recent offers documenting this as well as your past deals."

Derek Johnson Answer: You sold a home to New Century Real Estate.

What the heck do these people have to do with your situation?

Laurel Cinnamon owns companies and is a private financier and does many real estate deals all over Canada.

She has nothing to do with New Century Real Estate and is a separate company that does financing which wouldn't affect you since you are a seller !

Buyers need financing, not sellers.
That is real estate for Dummy's chapter 1.

Did you sign a contract with them that I am not aware of?

Please produce it if you can, but I already know it doesn't exist since you were selling a home and not using a third party financier. :naughty:

Its right here
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Re: Private Sector Act dot Com

Post by Derek Johnson Sucks »

Derek Johnson

We have a group of 15 people that have had direct dealings with you and your group.

You have not stated anything on this forum that is the truth.

You have caused countless people to loose houses because of your groups scheme. Many are elderly and ill. We know of 6 family's that you have devastated. Eric's family was about to be one of them but lucky for them land titles tipped them off to your fraud. They also saved someone else the 20 to 60 thousand dollar deposit you would have taken on the other end.
You have also taken thousands of dollars in deposits made out to laurel Cinnamons company's.
No one we can find has had deposits returned.
You have registered millions of dollars’ worth of mortgages using Laurel Cinnamons numbered company's. I can't find a single one of your clients that received any of those funds. You never show up in court to help follow through with the crap you spew out on you tube about the original certificate.

You count on that the banks will not present the original certificate.

your scam only works in Alberta because of the lax title transfer procedures.

With people like you in the world. The general public will never use any other services than company's that follow RECA's policy's. You have become the poster child for bad real estate deals.
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Re: Private Sector Act dot Com

Post by eric »

Derek Johnson Sucks wrote:Derek Johnson

We have a group of 15 people that have had direct dealings with you and your group.
Damn, we've been outed :naughty:
Surely it has been noted that not only posters to this thread use different user names but their use of syntax, general tone, and grammatical style are completely different? I even hinted at this previously in the thread...
eric wrote:MY GURU WANTS TO SUE ME!!!!!

Generally, as I outlined in the previous posting, the bank combines multiple actions into one session as they are thrifty folks. This gives opportunity for the scammed investors to weep into their beers collectively and exchange social media information. Of course then the posts start...
If Derek wants to know who we are all he has to do is review who he has scammed in the last year or so and then try to figure out who is who. I'm leaving that as an exercise for the student. Of course then with sufficient critical mass it's not hard at all for us to monitor activities and exchange information. I hope people don't actually think that those chunks of emails etc that I've posted were all originally sent to me from Derek and the two Kevins and all the various snippets of information were gathered by myself? I'm just the reporter, another lowly minion selling himself as a shill for RECA while amassing untold wealth giving interviews to various news outlets :sarcasmon:
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Re: Private Sector Act dot Com

Post by eric »

Another breathless missive from our intrepid reporter as to the activities of the crew of Derek and the two Kevins. This post could probably be labelled "Death and Ressurrection, or You Can't Keep a Good Scammer Down". When we last left you the crew were flying high, happily posting ads on Kijiji advertising their foreclosure expertise, trying to recruit front people and all the foreclosed properties they could. Hint to the crew - try to vary your wording in the ads and don`t have the same group of ads all be posted from the same email address. It`is pretty obvious who is posting when the wording is the same on a dozen ads and the same person is also recruiting for a front man. In fact they were so confident they even tried to sell to an investor a property that was
a. past the redemption period so the only person who could make financial decisions about the property was the bank`s lawyer, certainly not the hapless resident or the crew;
b. had a MLS listing and a realtor assigned by the bank.
The assigned realtor, and the bank lawyer certainly took an interest when they learned that grubby little fingers were intruding on their interests, but that is another story. :D

Then bad things happened. Kijiji changed their site policies:
Your ad has been removed from Kijiji because it does not supply enough
> information to be posted in the Financial Services category.
> In an effort to better the user experience, we are now asking users who
> are posting a financial lending ad to include a business name, business
> address, and phone number. It is also strongly recommended to include a
> website and lending license number. You may receive a phone call from a
> Kijiji representative to confirm your information.
Like every good scam, you have to advertise for customers. There are still attempts by the crew to post ads, they`re generally quickly removed. It`s an almost daily changing list of company names - Okanagan Wholesale Investments, whatever, all accredited by the Real Estate Council of Canada, all with the same wording.

So that`s the advertising, we have the marketing to consider which requires a web presence. Nothing new at all on, Derek silent and Manji reduced to marketing a completely different scam that`s certinly a fall from his glory days. Here`s his website
The website, which previously contained every video, including some that were word for word voice overs of emails sent by Kumar, Johnson, and Manji to investors was stripped of everything except some very old and tired rehashed generic FMOTL videos. Ty Griffiths went AWOL from the site and anything about Johnson disappeared as well.
The rebirth :o Privatesectoract resurfaced with a much more professional cover, still with the same old videos however.
Ty Griffiths came back to life again with his own website that he doesn`t have to share
Derek didn`t want to be left out so he needed a site that is voicing the splendours of the Real Estate Council of Canada and complains about the provincial regulatory bodies and his battles with various people
and of course some youtube videos under the rather glorified name of The Derek Johnson Story. ... 0lFhA/feed
Talk about blowing your own whistle.... Of course Kumar, the driving force behind the mighty investment arm needed one as well
Most of the site is just video voiceovers of the emails allready covered previously in the thread.

I am not sure if I`m channeling my own inner paranoia but I find it interesting that all of the sites use Weebly and the two sites that actually deal with money and could have potential blowback to the site owners have (dot)ca extensions. It`s a double blind method of masking under Canadian Privacy Laws any useful information that might be returned using a WHOIS enquiry.

Summary of all this, as my eyes fade to black, half decent marketing but they have to think a way around their current difficulties advertising their product. Although Kijiji pushes the appearance of the small. local oriented, and user friendly electronic classifieds they`re a big company, owned by ebay, and are quite proactive and friendly with the local authorities if they believe that someone is using their site in a manner that could give them bad publicity.
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Re: Private Sector Act dot Com

Post by Fmotlgroupie »

Ok, I owe Derek an apology. This is exactly the sort of website I had expected him to produce. My comment that his standards were slipping by just creating a gmail account were, I must admit, ill-founded.

Does anyone know if the various provincial real estate organizations are aware of this new "competitor"? It kinda looks like a civil restraining order waiting to happen.
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Re: Private Sector Act dot Com

Post by eric »

Fmotlgroupie wrote:
Ok, I owe Derek an apology. This is exactly the sort of website I had expected him to produce. My comment that his standards were slipping by just creating a gmail account were, I must admit, ill-founded.

Does anyone know if the various provincial real estate organizations are aware of this new "competitor"? It kinda looks like a civil restraining order waiting to happen.
Short answer - Yes, at least for the Alberta real estate council. As of 09 June they were stating in communications received "Please know that Reca is aware of this website" but saying little else of significance either direction.
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Re: Private Sector Act dot Com

Post by Calgary scam watch »

What is "Email Processing"?

Team Inspire Kevin Manji........

Sounds like they are now trying to get people to post ads for them? Plus pay them $25.00 for a start up fee.

Q: When did the Email Processing System (EPS) Launch?
Launched in February of 2010, the Email Processing System (EPS) was an idea created by a husband and wife team whose whole goal was to create a simple copy and paste system to help others make money online from home. Best described as an "income opportunity", EPS is simply a direct sales membership site, where the one-time $25 membership fee is paid directly to your sponsor. Email Processing has become extremely popular and since it's launch, there have been dozens of 'copy-cat' Email Processing sites that have surfaced.

Q: What is "Email Processing"?
Email Processing is perfect for newbies and those with little to no technical skills. By simply copying the pre-written ads and posting them on the online classified ad sites; Craigslist and Backpage, you'll earn $25 for every email you process. The process of "processing emails" happens when a new member signs up and pays the $25 to the person who posted the online classified ad that they are responding to. When a payment is made, the sponsor will receive an email notification letting them know that they have just received a $25 payment. The sponsors "job" is to actually process that email by copying and sending the pre-written getting started email to their new member which gives them access to the members area so that they can get started.
Q: What does the $25 Membership Fee Cover? (What is the Product?)
As a member of EPS, you will receive immediate access to the members area where you will find the pre-written ads which include hundreds of subject lines and dozens of ad bodies. You will also receive UNLIMITED access to the EPS Support Team. If you have questions or need help, the EPS Support Team is only an email away. The support team consists of a group of seasoned Email Processors themselves who volunteer to help new members. Simply send in an email with your question or request for help and one of the members of the EPS Support Team will respond within 48 hours (usually much sooner). This is all included in the one-time $25 lifetime membership fee.

Q: Where is the Company Located?
The Email Processing System is not associated with a company. Because EPS is offered as an online income opportunity with no admin fees being charged to members and all $25 payments being made directly from member to sponsor, our attorneys have deemed it unnecessary to establish company headquarters.

Q: Is this a Scam or a Get Rich Quick Scheme?
Absolutely Not! A get rich quick scheme (or scam) usually promises to make a person extremely wealthy over a short period of time, often at the expense of little effort and at no risk. After 3 years and with more than 50,000 members and counting, the Email Processing System absolutely works. By simply placing online classified ads, we allow members to earn a 100% commission when others respond to those ads and decide to become members as well. We have members who are earning hundreds (even thousands) everyday.

Q: Is this a Pyramid Scheme?
No. This is a direct sales program that's been around since 2010. You’ll make $25 every time you refer someone who purchases an EPS Membership. As you go down the line of a company from top to bottom, the person or people that start it or those who join first makes the most money, and as more and more people join, the people at the top continue to make the most money while the newest people make pennies or sometimes nothing at all. With the Email Processing System, all affiliates equally earn a full 100% commission. A new person can easily earn hundreds daily and make more than someone whose been a member for years. Also, any business where money changes hands without the benefit of products or service is deemed a pyramid scheme by the FTC. Our members receive both a product (pre-written headlines and ads) and a service (unlimited access to the EPS Support Team) all for a one-time $25 fee.

Q: Is this a Ponzi Scheme?
No. Ponzi Schemes are illegal and are associated with investment programs in which earlier investors are paid out from the funds of new investors. Money is typically pooled together and promises of high-investment payouts are made. Typically the company collapses and the newest investors never receive a return of any kind. The Email Processing System is not an investment program of any kind.

Q: Is this a Matrix Program?
No. Matrix programs, also known as money doublers, cyclers, and randomizers have a commission system based on a specified percentage of the member’s deposit or from recruiting a specific amount of downline members before they ever earn a dime. Usually you won't receive a payout until a matrix is filled or a line cycles. The Email Processing System is not a matrix program of any kind. All members earn a 100% $25 commission on all sales.

Q: Is this a Multi-Level Marketing Program?
No. Multi-level marketing (MLM) is a marketing strategy in which the sales force is compensated not only for sales they personally generate, but also for the sales of the other salespeople that they recruit. This recruited sales force is referred to as the participant's "downline", and can provide multiple levels of compensation. MLM's usually charge an initial start-up cost to become a distributor which does not include any product. The Email Processing System is NOT a MLM program as there are absolutely no levels. The buyer makes just one payment directly to the referring member of $25. All members receive immediate access to the product including access to the EPS support team to help them learn how to advertise if they choose to promote the program. There are no pass-up sales, no downlines, or monthly subscriptions of any kind being created. There are also no admin fees, distributor fees or hidden fees of any kind.
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Re: Private Sector Act dot Com

Post by NYGman »

Calgary scam watch wrote: Q: Is this a Scam or a Get Rich Quick Scheme?
Q: Is this a Pyramid Scheme?
Q: Is this a Ponzi Scheme?
Q: Is this a Matrix Program?
Q: Is this a Multi-Level Marketing Program?
Q: Is it normal to ask whether an opertunity is legal? No
Q: If you have to explain you are not a scam of any type, aren't you really a scam? Yes
Q: Is this Legal? No
Q: Is this a Con? Yes
Q: SHould I run away quickly? Yes
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Re: Private Sector Act dot Com

Post by Calgary scam watch »

The Real Estate Council of Canada is a Public Organization built by the Canadian Private Sector / General Public, Governed by the People for the People.
As we have all experienced in the past, self-governing agencies always become corrupted.

Rule #1. Never listen to your competitor ! ... Don't let the following happen to you !

You decide to build wealth within the Real Estate Industry making great investments and offering real estate oriented consulting services. 3 Years pass by and you have invested in a lot of money, energy, not to mention blood, sweat and tears into building your business. The result of your efforts is a thriving business within the real estate industry with a great client base. Before you know it, you receive a call from one of the above companies masquerading as a government agency asking you about information regarding your private business transactions and business model.

This is simply a competitor attempting to trick you into believing they have some authority over you.

When any of the above conduct their governing business in this fashion they are only attempting to close down what they view as a business competing against Realtors and Mortgage brokers. This is in direct violation with competition and monopoly laws as they presently exist in Canada.

We have found many examples of this happening right now here in Canada. If you know of any situations such as the above, please report it to:
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Re: Private Sector Act dot Com

Post by eric »

Calgary scam watch wrote:What is "Email Processing"?

Team Inspire Kevin Manji........

Sounds like they are now trying to get people to post ads for them? Plus pay them $25.00 for a start up fee.
We're drifting from the thread topic but it appears on the surface to be nothing more than an electronic version of one of those "work from home" scams generally advertised in the back pages of community newspapers. You pay someone a sum of money, they send you three pre-formatted ads to post inviting people to pay you for their own three ads and so on.
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Re: Private Sector Act dot Com

Post by theRealDerekJohnson »

Hello Eric Vance,

I see you didn't do your homework as assigned.

Refusing to answer questions relevant to your situation and lying about what really happened makes you look very shady Eric and even the mods here know it now.

The reason for this post is to let you know that I was speaking with Satori this morning and they are looking for you and where you live to serve you court documents. When are you going to come out of hiding and let them know where you are so they can do that if you are so sure about yourself?

You claim to "bring it on!" yet you refuse to respond to them while continuing your campaign of lies and slander here. :naughty:

Satori contacted the media as well and did some investigation with the people who were working on your "story" and they said that Satori was never mentioned nor Kevin Kumar, so where are you obtaining this information?

When did they engage in a contact with you?

Of course they didn't since they don't even know you !

This Company has been around for 15 years and has done millions of dollars of legitimate business all over Canada and you never even met them or know anyone who works with them.
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Re: Private Sector Act dot Com

Post by NYGman »

theRealDerekJohnson wrote:Hello Eric Vance,

I see you didn't do your homework as assigned.

Refusing to answer questions relevant to your situation and lying about what really happened makes you look very shady Eric and even the mods here know it now.

The reason for this post is to let you know that I was speaking with Satori this morning and they are looking for you and where you live to serve you court documents. When are you going to come out of hiding and let them know where you are so they can do that if you are so sure about yourself?

You claim to "bring it on!" yet you refuse to respond to them while continuing your campaign of lies and slander here. :naughty:

Satori contacted the media as well and did some investigation with the people who were working on your "story" and they said that Satori was never mentioned nor Kevin Kumar, so where are you obtaining this information?

When did they engage in a contact with you?

Of course they didn't since they don't even know you !

This Company has been around for 15 years and has done millions of dollars of legitimate business all over Canada and you never even met them or know anyone who works with them.
Obviously this thread has hit a raw nerve, are we upset that we here are messing up your SCAM?? Are you afraid that GOOGLE now come up with this thread when searching for informaioiin on this SCAM?? Does your pointless posts, arguing a nonissue with eric, attempt to divert the attention away from your misdealings.

We don't care about eric's situation. We care about the SCAM you are involved in. We quoted teh Judge, who compairs you to a Snake Oil Salesman, preying on the less fortunate for your own gain. Care to address any of those points?

You are a Scammer. You pretend to be legitimate, you use numbered companies and dupes to do your bidding, you take money of these that can not afford it, and you work the Alberta court system to your benifit. Allowing you time to bleed your victims dry.

You are the lowest of the Low, and comming here and acting so innocent is a typical Scammer Ploy. Address the court cases, address your actions, address your con. Explain what you do and why you think it is legitimate. You will not because you can not!
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Re: Private Sector Act dot Com

Post by Hanslune »

I wonder if the "real Derek" even realizes just how damaging all his words are? I knew nothing of him or his actions but by his words it became quite clear he was a pompous nut case.

Good job Real 'snake oil' Derek!

The FMOTL guru Menard made the same mistake he came onto a website to 'silence' his critics and shot himself down in grand style.

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Re: Private Sector Act dot Com

Post by eric »

NYGman wrote: You are the lowest of the Low, and comming here and acting so innocent is a typical Scammer Ploy. Address the court cases, address your actions, address your con. Explain what you do and why you think it is legitimate. You will not because you can not!
Keeping things on track, I'm going to address some court cases involving the crew. As I noted previously, "conveyancing" has magical significance to them and they enjoy stretching it out as long as possible for their own ends. At one point in their escapades, when obtaining homes from persons facing foreclosure they were putting the names of corporations controlled by them on the title and their offer to purchase contract had a 30 day pay out date on them that they never met. So here's a short primer on a method that was used at least six times to relieve the victim from the crew: (taken from a personal communication to one of his victims)
"Basicly here's a summary of how to get yourself out from under Derek if he, or one of his associates have obtained title to your home:
1. Immediately place an Unpaid Vendor's Caveat on your own house to stop him from flipping it; (your lawyer has to do this for you)
2. Follow exactly the purchase contract that you signed with him and then on the 30'th day ask the courts to force him to follow the contract through a one day Redemption Order. In other words, use the contract against him. None of this six to eight months conveyancing crap - I want my 400K$ and I want it within 24 hours as per the contract;
3. Of course he never has the money and then you apply to the courts to void everything and put your name back on the title."
Derek and the crew have been unable to mount a successful defence to this tactic.
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Re: Private Sector Act dot Com

Post by Fmotlgroupie »

eric wrote:
NYGman wrote: You are the lowest of the Low, and comming here and acting so innocent is a typical Scammer Ploy. Address the court cases, address your actions, address your con. Explain what you do and why you think it is legitimate. You will not because you can not!
Keeping things on track, I'm going to address some court cases involving the crew. As I noted previously, "conveyancing" has magical significance to them and they enjoy stretching it out as long as possible for their own ends. At one point in their escapades, when obtaining homes from persons facing foreclosure they were putting the names of corporations controlled by them on the title and their offer to purchase contract had a 30 day pay out date on them that they never met. So here's a short primer on a method that was used at least six times to relieve the victim from the crew: (taken from a personal communication to one of his victims)
"Basicly here's a summary of how to get yourself out from under Derek if he, or one of his associates have obtained title to your home:
1. Immediately place an Unpaid Vendor's Caveat on your own house to stop him from flipping it; (your lawyer has to do this for you)
2. Follow exactly the purchase contract that you signed with him and then on the 30'th day ask the courts to force him to follow the contract through a one day Redemption Order. In other words, use the contract against him. None of this six to eight months conveyancing crap - I want my 400K$ and I want it within 24 hours as per the contract;
3. Of course he never has the money and then you apply to the courts to void everything and put your name back on the title."
Derek and the crew have been unable to mount a successful defence to this tactic.
Thanks Eric, this is the most important thing that his "customers" could possibly read when coming onto this page.
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Re: Private Sector Act dot Com

Post by theRealDerekJohnson »

eric wrote:
Fmotlgroupie wrote:This thread is turning into a deeper than desired insight into the mind of a crazy person.

A couple of tips, Derek:
1) professional regulatory bodies investigate and act against professionals (in this case realtors), not customers
2) if you're going to imagine into being a national regulatory body of any kind, please do better than just creating a gmail account. C'mon, have some self-respect as a scammer.
Let's get this portion of the discussion back on track. Here's a link to the Alberta Real Estate Act in totality: ... te-act.htm
and here's who it applies to and falls under the Real Estate Council of Alberta: ... te-act.htm
Basicly it's just a list of who it doesn't apply to. In other words, if you aren't on the list, you fall under RECA. I will leave it to the legal beagles on the list to draw their own conclusions about some of the arguments going on here.

Sorry for the belated response but I've been amusing myself with a reasonable IPA that paired well with some beef done in the smoker. Both seemed more important at the time than meaningless arguments with people whose arguments always fail in Court, except for a made up Court of King's Bench or the equally imaginary Real Estate Council of Canada. I admit my eyes are bad, but I 've been unable to find any legislation or statutes on any level in Canada indicating they are nothing more than a pipe dream (the kind of pipe you use for smoking recreational pharmaceuticals). :beatinghorse:
You posted exactly what I hoped you would post so I could show you on how little you know about this Industry Eric. And no, the "legal Beagles" here cannot save you now since they cannot win this debate and get past the truth of the matter. The Act is very clear if you could read and understand it.

The MLS System & the Real Estate Act of Alberta

A short History Lesson

When was the MLS system created?

Answer: 1967 when they began selling real estate courses to people teaching them how to use their system via "MLS Listing Agreements" to act as fiduciary agents via contract and make commissions based on a percentage of the sale for advertising their properties in a weekly publication available to the public.

The system was originally set up for only sellers to market / advertise / list their homes in their weekly publication for the public to view and shop for real estate.

The Realtor would have the benefit of obtaining the listing information from sellers early so this was the benefit for a buyer to use a Realtor to view homes before the information was released in the weekly MLS publication.

In Canada, the national MLS® is a cooperative system for the 98,000+ REALTOR® members of the Canadian Real Estate Association (CREA), working through Canada's 101 real estate boards and 11 provincial/territorial associations. Both the terms Realtor® and MLS® are the Canadian proprietal trademarked terms and brand for both the members (REALTORS®) and data (MLS®) of the CREA, in contrast to the United States where MLS® is the proprietal and trademarked term and brand for Major League Soccer®.

CREA has come under scrutiny and investigation by the Competition Bureau and litigation by former CREA member and real estate brokerage Realtysellers (Ontario) Ltd., for the organization's control over the Canadian MLS® system.[17] In 2001, Realtysellers (Ontario) Ltd., a discount real-estate firm was launched that reduced the role of agents and the commissions they collect from home buyers and sellers. The brokerage later shutdown and launched a $100million lawsuit against CREA and TREB, alleging that they breached an earlier out-of-court settlement that the parties entered into in 2003.

When was the Real Estate Council of Alberta created?

Answer: mid 1990's

Why was it created?

Answer: Based on the volume of fraud taking place within the Realtor and Mortgage Broker community. The MLS system (a Private Company) was getting sued many times over by disgruntled people dealing with shady Realtors and Mortgage Brokers so the council was formed to enforce the fiduciary contracts that the Realtor must use when using a "MLS Listing Agreement" to list a home on the MLS website.

This allows the MLS system / Company to be free of liability from the people working with the Realtor positions and allows them to hold their own people accountable and pass the liability onto them via administrative penalties.

Very smart of them !

There is a place for governing people in their community in the interest of protecting the general public / private sector and protecting themselves in the process, so I am not suggesting there is no place in the world for self-governing bodies acting in the interest of the public.

The problem comes when they believe they can govern everyone and anyone in the private sector who doesn't work for/with them. This is precisely why there are two (2) members on the board of directors that have to come from the private sector to ensure they cannot step out of bounds and breach competition and monopoly laws which they are currently doing, and have done in the past.

Why are they called a "Self-Governing Agency" and not a "Government Agency"?

Answer: Because they are only allowed to govern their own members who have signed contracts such as Realtors, Mortgage Brokers and property appraisers who take their courses and in exchange for being governed, obtain the benefits of using the MLS system to earn a living.

FACT: RECA ONLY Governs Realtors and Mortgage Brokers within the Province that they conduct business in.

Every one of the Canadian provincial Governing Body Agencies / Companies only govern Realtors and Mortgage Brokers who have taken their classes within their Provinces that they conduct business in. The business conducted by the above governing bodies is simply applying administrative fines to people who they have signed contracts with in order to allow them to be governed.

To be a "Realtor" (trademark name) as defined in the Act means you took their course and signed a contract to be working with their private company.

To be a "Mortgage Broker" as defined in the Act means you take their course, then sign contracts to work with their private company.

To be a "Property Appraiser" as defined in the Act means you took the course they offer and sign a contract to work with their private company.

EVERY ONE of these positions defined within the Act point to the MLS System and the contracts all of these people sign to become a member which can now be governed much like when you obtain employment with any company you sign agreements which allow them to fire you as quickly as they hired you based on breach's of their company policy.

Why does RECA use Administrative penalties and uses their own form of paperwork to provide notices and call people in for "hearings" at their tribunals at their office rather than at the Court of Queens Bench of Alberta?

Answer: Because they cannot use the higher courts since their legislation only applies to them governing their own people. That is why RECA uses their own style of "faux legal" documents and style of making claims and notices to their own people. They are mimicking what the higher courts do but do not have any standing otherwise they would be called a "Government Agency" that would allow the use of the higher courts.

Do your research folks.

Every bit of this is true and every senior person doing Real Estate for 10 years + knows this, especially those that have dealt with RECA before.

Every one of them eventually knows that to leave their Realtor community doesn't mean you cannot buy and sell homes, you simply cannot represent yourself as a Realtor who can list homes on the MLS System via "MLS Listing Agreements" or drive people around in a car and try and obtain access to homes listed on the MLS system that you would have no key for.

Using Offer to Purchase contacts which is what we do and buying and selling real estate existed long before the MLS System and will long after they are gone.
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Re: Private Sector Act dot Com

Post by NYGman »

theRealDerekJohnson wrote: You posted exactly what I hoped you would post so I could show you on how little you know about this Industry Eric. And no, the "legal Beagles" here cannot save you now since they cannot win this debate and get past the truth of the matter. The Act is very clear if you could read and understand it.
And you posted pages of meaningless drivel as I expected. Explain the cases against you, explain how you con people out of money, and help them loose their hosue. Explain how you abuse the legal system, and that the judge found it appropriate to compare you to a Snake Oil Salesman. You seem to track havock and distruction behind you. You are obviously feeling the impact of this thread, I guess it is hurting your business.

So, as a reaction you come here with your verbose posts using large Letters and Bold to try and show you are not a Scammer.

Well, it doesn't work. We know what you are, you know you have no morals, you have little desire for the truth, you are a scammer, plain and simple. This tread will continue to grow, highlighting your Scamming.And thankfully, due to the Streisand effect, more people will come here, to this active thread, to learn all about your Scam, and will avoid it. Your worthless posts will only demonstrait how much of a Scammer you are...
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Re: Private Sector Act dot Com

Post by eric »

Fmotlgroupie wrote: Thanks Eric, this is the most important thing that his "customers" could possibly read when coming onto this page.
Actually the most important thing is to immediately obtain professional legal advice. Derek and his group are well known within the legal community so there are "recipes" to help you out. As I indicated, the crew purposely attempts to steer their victims away from legal help. I've talked to some of his victims and the first thing they ask is "What can I do to get out of this situation?"