Private Sector Act dot Com

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Re: Private Sector Act dot Com

Post by theRealDerekJohnson »

eric wrote:
wserra wrote:
JohninAlberta wrote:My name is John and I heard about this forum where there was discussion about an individual, Derek Johnson whom I happen to know well from previous business dealings.
Hi, John.
I am a retired ex-RCMP officer from Alberta
Right out of the box, a problem. In fact, you are retired auxiliary RCMP, right, John? As the RCMP describes it, "An Auxiliary Constable is an unarmed, unpaid, uniformed RCMP volunteer ... Under the supervision of an RCMP Regular Member, Auxiliary Constables participate in RCMP supported community events and programs, crime prevention initiatives within schools, traffic control, ground patrols, search and rescue, parades and other ceremonial events." Nothing whatsoever wrong with that, of course. But the impression your post leaves is that you were a Canadian Dick Tracy. In fact, John, livestock equipment and supplies are your real profession, right? Nothing whatsoever wrong with that, either. Just a slightly different picture than the one you paint.
Woke up again and finally got around to checking out the video clip of "John" and now I remember the guy from months ago when I first watched the video. Something has been edited out or there was a second video that mentioned him that is not being shown because I remember coming to the same conclusion as yourself about him after I did some investigation. BTW, that voice in the background asking the questions is Derek..
Nothing has been edited out, and he is a real guy and you could learn from Eric.

He is a man of honor and integrity unlike you.

You are going to be exposed here do you realize that?

You have already by not answering my direct questions when I have answered EVERY ONE OF YOURS ! The lawyers who are scrambling right now to try and help you here are going to have big problems if they actually look into this rather than be your cheerleader :lol:

John was man enough and smart enough to not believe fairy tales told by bank lawyers that you believed and ran away. You are so emotionally invested into this it is funny but more sad Eric because you have convinced yourself that a whole bunch of people including myself did something wrong to you when you were your own worst enemy creating all the problems as evidenced at the Land Titles office on 4th ave in Calgary.

You are not going to get away with your slander campaign Eric, there are many people besides myself who know what you did, and the evidence is easily obtainable at the Land titles office in Calgary.
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Re: Private Sector Act dot Com

Post by NYGman »

theRealDerekJohnson wrote:
NYGman wrote:
theRealDerekJohnson wrote:Got to pack it in for tonight kids.

Eric, you still have homework to do I am not letting you off the hook that easy.

You got a head start on this forum and now its time for truth.

Remember Eric, the proof of your actions exists at the Calgary Land Titles office on 4th ave so there is no wiggling your way out of this.
And the proof of the Scammer is the avoidance of legitimate questions, confirming my belief in this scammer being a Scammer. He has all the hallmarks of a scammer and can't even address simple questions... This isn't about eric, it is about exposing a scammer for what he is. Lets see your victorious court opinions in your favor.
If you go back in the posts you will see that I clearly answered every one of ERIC's questions, but HE is the one who is avoiding me.

Are you so blind that you cannot go back in the previous pages and see for yourself? Or are you so emotionally attached to ERIC's tales that you must find a way to make him and you right.

This is getting funny when you keep saying I am not answering questions because that is all I have been doing here for the most part and the ringleader here Eric is running away and hiding like he did after he signed offer to purchase contract agreements, sold his home and then locked his doors and closed the drapes.
And by the way, John may be the Canadian TOm Crawford...I feel very sad for John, this video shows someone who has no financial understanding and is being manipulated. I am just sorry he couldn't get good legal advice. Your whole mortgage point is incorrect and irrelevant. It is OPCA Garbage and not worthy of a response.It is just WRONG And writing it bigger makes in no more or less wrong.
You should feel bad for John but not for the reasons you think. He was screwed by a foreclosure lawyer just like many Canadian homeowners who try and do private deals and run into these shysters. You have no clue when it comes to real estate and contract law NYGMan so you should tuck your tail between your legs and run away like Eric has already.

He has already admitted he screwed up his own deal, and you guys want to keep towing his line ? :snicker:

You need another hobby besides this forum because now that I have showed up there is nothing Eric can do to hide. He can only regurgitate the same old nonsense and refuse to admit that he made a conscious decision to breach contracts and do his own thing.

The proof is at the Calgary Land Titles office on 4th Ave. Why don't you ask Eric about that NYGMan? :D
No longer discussing this with you until you answer my questions. AGAIN, I don't Care about ERIC, I care about you scamming people like John. If a Lawyer acted badly, then report them to the local BAR association. They look in to these things. In the US, some states even have a fund to pay victims of bad lawyers. As far as I am concerned, you have not addressed my questions, you have in essence admitted you are a scammer. You have no retort but to blast Eric. Again, check my last posts, Tell us John's story, tell us how for free you helped him save his home. You can't. You charged John for your services, and he lost his house. How is that help. A Competent lawyer could have helped John. You screwed up any chance he had, by raising your OPCA arguments on loans. The courts have rejected your position over, and over again, see the case cites in this threat. The court will not even let you speak at John's trial. So much for helping him. Why you are playing for a whole other rule book, you will never succeed in court. Your view of laws is not correct, you have no legal qualifications, you sir are a legal IDIOT, spewing utter crap to anyone who will listen. It is unfortunate that people like John buy your crap hook line and center.

So answer my questions, then I may address your incoherent ramblings.
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Re: Private Sector Act dot Com

Post by theRealDerekJohnson »

Llwellyn wrote:The name LLWELLYN comes from the book, How Green Was My Valley (A great book to read) written by Richard Llewellyn (I use an abbreviated style of the name). So I am not this Clive you speak of. Also note, in one of my previous comments I stated much of my computer expertise, nothing to do with being a lawyer.
I see.

Well I believed you to be Clive based on your comments and last name being very uncommon whom I know and have done business with. We have not had one deal go sideways so I was a bit surprised to see the name but now that makes sense.

I will call him today to confirm.

No worries ! :D
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Re: Private Sector Act dot Com

Post by theRealDerekJohnson »

webhick wrote:
theRealDerekJohnson wrote:John is a business acquaintance and needed help registering, and I did that for him so he could provide his input. He is a real person and I can even provide a youtube video he posted in regards to this.
Send him an email and ask him !
I can sign up for an extra email address and answer it pretending to be someone else. It's pretty easy.
Here is John with his video testimony to the events, in case you think we are the same person
The video is private. I couldn't play it even if I was somehow kicked in the head, suffered a minor stroke and for a split second thought that a YouTube testimonial was worth watching to the end.
Not that John was going to be spending a lot of time here, but to ban him based on an assumption that we are the same person is not cool. He is a real guy who submitted that post with my help because he is old school and doesn't spend a lot of time on a computer and asked for my help which I whole-heartedly agreed to based on what he had to contribute.
Most forums ban the use of multiple logins. I've participated in a number who would just ban both of you outright. People like to engage in sockpuppetry to bolster their position, which is why you admit to letting the alleged "John" post under your IP.

If John could answer his own email, then he could just as easily submit his own forum post.

You've convinced me of nothing and your pointless protests are annoying. I may let the Wolverpus eat you for shits and giggles.
Go back and look at the new link Skippy.
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Re: Private Sector Act dot Com

Post by NYGman »

theRealDerekJohnson wrote:Nothing has been edited out, and he is a real guy and you could learn from Eric.

He is a man of honor and integrity unlike you.
May be a man of honor, but clueless when it comes to Real Estate, Contracts, and Finance. YOu can be a man of honor and a fool, your intellect is not defined by your honor.
You are going to be exposed here do you realize that?
So then let him be, but I think you are the one who is runnig scared here, based on your actions, yo do realize that.
You have already by not answering my direct questions when I have answered EVERY ONE OF YOURS !
Pot calling the kettle black, you have answered none of mine, and I answered all of yours, up to a point. Now answer mine, or bugger off.
The lawyers who are scrambling right now to try and help you here are going to have big problems if they actually look into this rather than be your cheerleader :lol:
And you reek of desperation, who cares.
John was man enough and smart enough to not believe fairy tales told by bank lawyers that you believed and ran away. You are so emotionally invested into this it is funny but more sad Eric because you have convinced yourself that a whole bunch of people including myself did something wrong to you when you were your own worst enemy creating all the problems as evidenced at the Land Titles office on 4th ave in Calgary.
Only delusional idiots think all lawyers are evil and promote conspiracies with Banks and the courts. See my first point, john may be honorable, but he is certainly not smart when it comes to finance.
You are not going to get away with your slander campaign Eric, there are many people besides myself who know what you did, and the evidence is easily obtainable at the Land titles office in Calgary.
Truth is never Slander.
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Re: Private Sector Act dot Com

Post by NYGman »

theRealDerekJohnson wrote:
Go back and look at the new link Skippy.

New link works, but shows you coaching a man who doesn't quite understand the issues, financial concepts, or reality when it comes to his forclosure. As I said before, he may be a Canadian Tom Crawford... Video proves nothing
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Re: Private Sector Act dot Com

Post by theRealDerekJohnson »

eric wrote:
Llwellyn wrote:
eric wrote: Unsuccessful in his attempts to convince the Quatloos Illuminati of his superior knowledge of the Canadian Real Estate system and that if they only listened to his every word they would be convinced of the purity of his intent, our hero Derek retires in a fit of pique to compose a message championing himself on the Real Estate Council of Canada website
with links to a fuzzy video clip on youtube ... 0lFhA/feed
Well, it is interesting, that this web page is coming up 404 (dead) to me.. so I did a little techie stuff, and root traced it.. to a SHAW (alberta internet provider) IP address. .. specifically a Calgary, Shaw Cable server.. ODD that the Real Estate Council of CANADA would operate from Calgary (tho anything is possible) .. and doing ANY general search (Bing, Google, Metacrawler) finds NOTHING about this 'organization' Not even a web page.
Add "weebly" to the search term and Google will get you to its cached copy of the page. Nothing else at all seems to exist so the site is probably just an invention. The page being down - Reca Injunction time or Derek editing?
Llwellyn wrote: As to add to another earlier post.. -having to contact the Real Estate Council of Canada .. VIA a GMAIL account.. well, that in its self speaks of quackery. I don't know of any business, association, agency or government body that uses GMAIL as their primary mail server. (at least as posed in the address, however it may be a re-routed service that does eventually end up at a gmail account) - yes, a little techie stuff.. but, I remember learning to program computers on punch cards.. and I program in 14 different computer languages.. damn .. now I feel old.
My learning machines were a XDS Sigma 7 and Wang calculators. As a hobby machine I had a 6 ton Boeing Analog computer - all tubes and patch cords - I'm positively fossilized. :D
Hey Sherlock Holmes (Eric) ... I looked into the problem and they are doing webwork on their site and will be up shortly. Wow, you found out the website was created using an Alberta IP?

And companies such as governing bodies who use google (the largest service provider for company services) are all fraud now?

Damn, you are on to something here ! :lol:

You need a hobby Eric besides trying to sell your "snake oil" bullshit lies here.

The mods are going to start asking for more information to support your story here if you don't step up to the plate and start answering questions.

Now that I know you are here I am not going anywhere !
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Re: Private Sector Act dot Com

Post by NYGman »

theRealDerekJohnson wrote:Hey Sherlock Holmes (Eric) ... I looked into the problem and they are doing webwork on their site and will be up shortly. Wow, you found out the website was created using an Alberta IP?

And companies such as governing bodies who use google (the largest service provider for company services) are all fraud now?

Damn, you are on to something here ! :lol:

You need a hobby Eric besides trying to sell your "snake oil" bullshit lies here.

The mods are going to start asking for more information to support your story here if you don't step up to the plate and start answering questions.

Now that I know you are here I am not going anywhere !
I would stay away from Snake Oil if I were you... ... qb683.html Scotia Mortgage Corporation v. Gutierrez, 2012 ABQB 683

[26] When Mr. Johnson advises the court that he has years of experience in the Calgary real estate market and that the Court has not kept up with and does not understand the current real estate practices, he makes a vexatious argument. My grandfather’s generation would describe him as a snake oil salesman. There is no merit to any of his arguments. His appearances cause unnecessary costs and delay. He shows a lack of understanding of basic real estate and mortgage practice and procedures. His arguments have been rejected repeatedly by both Masters and Justices on appeal.

I see your skills are still the same
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Re: Private Sector Act dot Com

Post by theRealDerekJohnson »

NYGman wrote:
theRealDerekJohnson wrote:Nothing has been edited out, and he is a real guy and you could learn from Eric.

He is a man of honor and integrity unlike you.
May be a man of honor, but clueless when it comes to Real Estate, Contracts, and Finance. YOu can be a man of honor and a fool, your intellect is not defined by your honor.
You don't know the man, and you are so sure he is not an intelligent man. Wow. :lol:
You are going to be exposed here do you realize that?
So then let him be, but I think you are the one who is runnig scared here, based on your actions, yo do realize that.
You have already by not answering my direct questions when I have answered EVERY ONE OF YOURS !
Pot calling the kettle black, you have answered none of mine, and I answered all of yours, up to a point. Now answer mine, or bugger off.
I answered every one of your questions and made you look like a child.
The lawyers who are scrambling right now to try and help you here are going to have big problems if they actually look into this rather than be your cheerleader :lol:
And you reek of desperation, who cares.
John was man enough and smart enough to not believe fairy tales told by bank lawyers that you believed and ran away. You are so emotionally invested into this it is funny but more sad Eric because you have convinced yourself that a whole bunch of people including myself did something wrong to you when you were your own worst enemy creating all the problems as evidenced at the Land Titles office on 4th ave in Calgary.
Only delusional idiots think all lawyers are evil and promote conspiracies with Banks and the courts. See my first point, john may be honorable, but he is certainly not smart when it comes to finance.
You are not going to get away with your slander campaign Eric, there are many people besides myself who know what you did, and the evidence is easily obtainable at the Land titles office in Calgary.
Truth is never Slander.
The truth is what Eric does not want to reveal.

Why are you so invested in his lies?

Are you really Eric with another account?

Seems like it ! :lol:
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Re: Private Sector Act dot Com

Post by NYGman »

theRealDerekJohnson wrote: The truth is what Eric does not want to reveal.

Why are you so invested in his lies?

Are you really Eric with another account?

Seems like it ! :lol:
Avoiding the Questions again, Mr. Snake Oil Salesman.

One last time, hoping even someone with your limited capacity can understand:

This is not about eric, it is about your scam, that only serves to enrich yourself and your associates. This is not about Eric's situation, it is about what you do to those poor people you "Help"

Answer the questions, stop avoiding, avoiding my questions sure looks like you have something to hide...
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Re: Private Sector Act dot Com

Post by The Observer »

theRealDerekJohnson wrote:The mods are going to start asking for more information to support your story here if you don't step up to the plate and start answering questions.
I am a moderator at this site. As of right now, I have seen nothing presented by you that would motivate me to require Eric to provide more information in support of his story. Nor do I think it is likely in the near future that I will request Eric to provide any information. And I do not think it is likely that any other moderator or administrator will request Eric to provide any information.

Why? Because of your behavior patterns that you have engaged in since you started posting here. You have had a number of direct questions leveled at you that you have failed to answer directly or have attempted to deflect away from you. In particular interest to me is the documentation that has come from court hearings that show the courts found you to be engaging in the same kind of acts that you are being accused of by Eric and others. You have failed to explain those findings against you, and gone out of your way in ignoring questions about them. And it is relevant since the thread is about you.

So what I think is likely to happen in the near future, Derek, is that the moderators and/or admins may require you to provide more information about yourself and your past. Explaining yourself and providing truthful evidence or documentation about you and your practices would go a long way to establishing that you have creditability. Failure to do so will only further create doubt in that regard when people come through and read this thread.

And to keep on trying to change the subject to Eric is really a shortcut to getting your posting privileges here restricted.

So think carefully about what you really want to accomplish here. It's up to you.
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Re: Private Sector Act dot Com

Post by theRealDerekJohnson »

NYGman wrote:
theRealDerekJohnson wrote:Hey Sherlock Holmes (Eric) ... I looked into the problem and they are doing webwork on their site and will be up shortly. Wow, you found out the website was created using an Alberta IP?

And companies such as governing bodies who use google (the largest service provider for company services) are all fraud now?

Damn, you are on to something here ! :lol:

You need a hobby Eric besides trying to sell your "snake oil" bullshit lies here.

The mods are going to start asking for more information to support your story here if you don't step up to the plate and start answering questions.

Now that I know you are here I am not going anywhere !
I would stay away from Snake Oil if I were you... ... qb683.html Scotia Mortgage Corporation v. Gutierrez, 2012 ABQB 683

[26] When Mr. Johnson advises the court that he has years of experience in the Calgary real estate market and that the Court has not kept up with and does not understand the current real estate practices, he makes a vexatious argument. My grandfather’s generation would describe him as a snake oil salesman. There is no merit to any of his arguments. His appearances cause unnecessary costs and delay. He shows a lack of understanding of basic real estate and mortgage practice and procedures. His arguments have been rejected repeatedly by both Masters and Justices on appeal.

I see your skills are still the same
You need to do more research into why the Court of Queens Bench acts in this fashion when Canadian people stand up to a Master or Justice.

The Masters of Chambers put this nice little memorandum together just for little minds like yours who would be easily swayed into believing they are somehow right in their "judgements" such as this.

Are you so naive to think that these junior level administrators are experts in real estate?

I have taken these people to task on many occasions and this is why they made this memo.

You are like a little sheep following along.

You must be getting paid to appear here since you seem to enjoy trying to debate with me and lose every single time.

Is there anyone else here worthy of debate? :lol:
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Re: Private Sector Act dot Com

Post by theRealDerekJohnson »

The Observer wrote:
theRealDerekJohnson wrote:The mods are going to start asking for more information to support your story here if you don't step up to the plate and start answering questions.
I am a moderator at this site. As of right now, I have seen nothing presented by you that would motivate me to require Eric to provide more information in support of his story. Nor do I think it is likely in the near future that I will request Eric to provide any information. And I do not think it is likely that any other moderator or administrator will request Eric to provide any information.

Why? Because of your behavior patterns that you have engaged in since you started posting here. You have had a number of direct questions leveled at you that you have failed to answer directly or have attempted to deflect away from you. In particular interest to me is the documentation that has come from court hearings that show the courts found you to be engaging in the same kind of acts that you are being accused of by Eric and others. You have failed to explain those findings against you, and gone out of your way in ignoring questions about them. And it is relevant since the thread is about you.

So what I think is likely to happen in the near future, Derek, is that the moderators and/or admins may require you to provide more information about yourself and your past. Explaining yourself and providing truthful evidence or documentation about you and your practices would go a long way to establishing that you have creditability. Failure to do so will only further create doubt in that regard when people come through and read this thread.

And to keep on trying to change the subject to Eric is really a shortcut to getting your posting privileges here restricted.

So think carefully about what you really want to accomplish here. It's up to you.

So are you here to try and stand up for Eric?

Why won't you insist he answer my questions?


Go back and read.

Including NYGMan who is likely Eric with another account.

Are you so biased here that you must take a side?

That is weird coming from a Moderator.

If you want to get involved in this discussion and take his side then simply go back over the last 6 pages and tell me which questions I have not answered and then look at all of the posts I have made to respond to him and every one he has ignored.

Tell me which ones I have not answered because I have been reading every one of his posts and responding to EVERYTHING.

Not one have I missed.

Including NYGMan, whomever that is.

You should be careful about showing your bias here because you are supposed to be a MODERATOR without a bias like a referee.

If you start taking sides like some of the other mods here this forum it is going to look like it is being funded by a lawyer / legal group whom have ulterior motives besides learning about the truth.

Speaking of that, since you chimed in Observer, who does support and fund this blog / forum?

Keep in mind, I have already taken a peek :wink:

Can you ask Eric why he signed a bunch of contracts and then ran away, disconnected his phone and locked his doors, throwing down the drapes and not answering his door?
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Re: Private Sector Act dot Com

Post by Hanslune »

Debate a snake oil salesman - sorry I don't speak HISS
So if that official is wrong why don't you appeal - oh wait they are all in on it right?

Tell us more about this lawyer/government conspiracy against you.

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Re: Private Sector Act dot Com

Post by theRealDerekJohnson »

Since the moderators want to insist that I answer questions from Eric ...

Even though I have already ! :lol:

I will ask Eric to kindly assemble them in a nice format so I can get back to him ONCE AGAIN.

I look forward to the challenge and then,
hearing back from the ERIC who the mods here want to support while he is on his last dying breath.

I made sure to answer ALL of ERICS questions to make sure I was not coming on here throwing rotten eggs like NYGMan and the others who are children with no real estate knowledge.

It is fun, but getting boring and the only reason I am hear it to call ERIC out since he is the ringleader here who is slandering me and appeared in the media telling them I was "posing as a realtor" and he needs to explain that.

Where is the contract I signed Eric that says I was going to be your Realtor?

Please show me that contract, or kindly bow out and disappear because it is getting embarrassing how badly you are looking here.

Remember Eric ... the proof exists at the Calgary Land titles office on 4th Ave.

Have I mentioned that?

Oh right, I have ... :lol:
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Re: Private Sector Act dot Com

Post by Hanslune »

Still avoiding the real questions snake oil man.......

It might be time for you to run away
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Re: Private Sector Act dot Com

Post by theRealDerekJohnson »

Hanslune wrote:Debate a snake oil salesman - sorry I don't speak HISS
So if that official is wrong why don't you appeal - oh wait they are all in on it right?

Tell us more about this lawyer/government conspiracy against you.

What "official" ?
What "appeal" are you talking about? :thinking:

I can't speak to generalities so please if you want to engage in a dialogue you need to do better than this, I don't have the time to answer to open ended questions that have no relevance to Eric and him breaching contract and running away.

If you are Eric, can you please go back and answer my questions?

I have asked many questions that pertain to him breaching contract, selling his home, locking his doors, not answering his phone, email, or messages and then going into the media telling everyone I was acting as his Realtor !

Can you please ask him why he would do that when I met him for a coffee at Starbucks for 20 minutes and simply referred him to a company who could help him?

Can you (Eric) produce a signed contract?

Can you ask him, (or you if this is you Eric), why he would breach contract with the company that bought his home?

You do realize Eric that the evidence is at the Land Titles office on 4th ace in Calgary.
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Re: Private Sector Act dot Com

Post by theRealDerekJohnson »

Hanslune wrote:Still avoiding the real questions snake oil man.......

It might be time for you to run away
I am not going anywhere Hanslune.

I have answered every one of Erics questions and he is the only one here running away.

Since you are his side-kick here, please go back and tell me which questions I have not answered because I am dying for a challenge ! :D
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Re: Private Sector Act dot Com

Post by NYGman »

theRealDerekJohnson wrote:Since the moderators want to insist that I answer questions from Eric ...

Even though I have already ! :lol:
No answer my questions, here are a few to get you started:

1) Do you get paid for your services win or loose, and what is your fee?
2) Can someone avail themselves to your services without paying any money up front - Contingency basis and agree to be paid only if you succeed in them keeping their house, or the mortgage declared satisfied?
3) How much out of pocket fees does the average customer pay for all their court appearances? What are the average legal fees awarded when you don't win. YOu can use John as an example of a loss.
4) Using the above criteria, have you ever won, or do the evil Lawyers, Banks, and Courts conspire against you every time? If you won, provide court information or it never happened.
5) Confirm that you cannot bring a legal case Pro Se without a Lawyer, as you have been designated a Vexatious litigant
6) What is your legal training? What Degrees do you hold?
7) Explain in detail how your scheme works, step by step so anyone can understand it
The Hardest Thing in the World to Understand is Income Taxes -Albert Einstein

Freedom's just another word for nothing left to lose - As sung by Janis Joplin (and others) Written by Kris Kristofferson and Fred Foster.
Admiral of the Quatloosian Seas
Admiral of the Quatloosian Seas
Posts: 908
Joined: Mon Jul 22, 2013 3:14 pm

Re: Private Sector Act dot Com

Post by LordEd »

Cross-post from the freeman shooter thread (page 2 of the link) ... story.html
Freemen-on-the-land run-ins with the law
— September 2012: Alberta Associate Chief Justice of the Court of Queen’s Bench John Rooke made an example of Freeman Dennis Larry Meads who presented obstructive, baffling arguments during his divorce case. Rook released a 185-page decision that created new rules for dealing with people like Meads and others belonging to groups like the Freemen-on-the-land and Detaxers.

— October 2012: The decision is used to toss out lawsuits by Derek Ryan Johnson, who had offered hope to owners of homes about to be foreclosed, then used numbered companies to avoid paying mortgages.