Peter of England: A REal guru.

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Re: Peter of England: A REal guru.

Post by rumpelstilzchen »

WeRe cheque books are now FOC for WeRe members. Twenty-five DSC (Direct Settlement Cheques) per book. One book should last six months.
Yippee! ... YgDh3B4WrU
WeRe chequebooks are now free to members.
Postby bertiebert » Mon Jun 22, 2015 12:11 pm

Your membership of ReMovement incorporates: ReWork, ReCall, ReUnion, ReFuel & WeRe Bank and gives you access to Freeman Legal Services
BHF wrote:
It shows your mentality to think someone would make the effort to post something on the internet that was untrue.
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Re: Peter of England: A REal guru.

Post by letissier14 »

From the link on the above post ...


The WeRe Bank "Triple A" Chequing Account

You must be a member of Re(ReMember) which is the political arm of the movement to gain access to WeRe Bank. WeRe Bank uses the Bills of Exchange Act 1882 and other laws relating to Negotiable Financial Instruments to successfully help you eradicate ALL your PUBLIC SECTOR obligations- these are typically STATE imposed unlawful statutory obligations, passed via Secondary or Delegated legislation and Ministers in committees and NOT by Parliament Absolute.

Your membership of ReMovement incorporates: ReWork, ReCall, ReUnion, ReFuel & WeRe Bank and gives you access to Freeman Legal Services

The annual fee for ReMovement is currently £120 payable monthly @ £10 per month.
There is an additional initial setting up fee of £25.

You are required/asked to issue a Promissory Note payable to WeRe Bank up to the sum of £150,000//148,000Re payable “within a 10 year anniversary” from the time of JOINING. The Promissory Note acts as the Bank/collectives/co-operatives REAL ASSETS in the vaults. 148,000 Re units will purchase around £296,000 in sterling priced goods In the private sector.

Once your ReMembership is confirmed and we are in receipt of your Promissory Note you will be issued with your DSC's

Your DSC's (Debt Settlement Cheques) are FREE and will now include your NAME and WeRE Account Number

Your monthly or annual fee is ReCredited to your WeRe Bank account ensuring that you don’t lose out and that WeRe Bank has ethically converted energy into wealth and NOT just emptily Xeroxed off fiat currency and engaged in Babylonian usurious energy theft.

DSC's books contain 25 cheques and are sufficient to provide the writing of one [1] DSC per week (average) for 6months for the paying of all your PUBLIC liabilities – HMRC, VAT, Council Tax, Speeding and Motoring Fines, all court fines and utilities. Private payments can be made between consenting parties.

The DSC's are logged, verified and cleared against available balances via WeRe Bank – this is all your Payee needs to know.

Additional DSC's can be via the support centre, however there may be an additional charge for excessive use.

Working community banking locations are sought – employees are paid in Re by the hour. Maybe you’d like to set up a WeRe Bank branch in your area?

Re currency is acceptable at all retail establishments displaying the “WeReHeRe” They will accept various percentages of Re – ranging from 10% to 100% on sales of goods & services.
WeRe Bank provides payable hourly employment for all its members as requested.

To setup your account you will need to provide date of birth and first and last initials during registration. So John Henry born 4th March 1985 would have account number: 040385JH, Please follow the instructions on the website and make sure you put comprehensible material into the boxes where asked!

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: Peter of England: A REal guru.

Post by littleFred »

They have been "free" for ages. With all those pesky "When will I get my chequebook?" questions shunted off to a private forum, BertieBert is free to shamelessly plug WeRe Bank on the GOODF forum, under the title "WeRe chequebooks are now free to members."

True, a book of 25 cheques is now free, but there is a setting-up fee of £25.

Or, according to a WeRe FAQ, they cost £10 for 5 cheques. Peter's marketing is never knowingly consistent.

If anyone cares, BertieBert's WeRe account number is 071258RW, which would make his DoB 7 December 1958, with initials RW.
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Re: Peter of England: A REal guru.

Post by Losleones »

Peter must be feeling a little sympathetic to his members by offering free counterfeit cheque books or is just printing them off in his camper van & issuing them to goofers hence the applaudibe generosity. It's still a highly lucrative scam with 65 members joining daily which equates to £1.625.00per day plus the added monthly subscriptions, the sum of which only Petey knows. I hope for Peter's sake he still has family roots in Germany as he's going to be on the run soon enough being hunted down by TPTB & several Sov/cit freeloaders. :Axe:
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Re: Peter of England: A REal guru.

Post by slowsmile »

Whilst PoE may have been getting 65 new members a day at the outset I'm thinking this will have reduced somewhat with the need to pay by cash and the increasing realisation that the cheques don't work.

Certainly the scam doesn't seem to have broken out of the GOODF / Icke Forum ghetto and DIF's "FoTL" section is very much on its last legs.

I note the WeRe Forum has been stuck on 259 members since I first looked at it at about 10am - Ok not all WeRe members will sign up to the forum, but it suggests to me new membership of the "bank" is down to a trickle.
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Re: Peter of England: A REal guru.

Post by littleFred »

Peter's income depends on the £10/member/month. I suspect that few members will remain loyal for more than, say, three months. Three months of bounced cheques, notarial protests and so on with zero success is probably enough to convince most that it won't work.

So Peter needs to keep adding new members. He will add new "benefits" such as free fuel and insurance, gold notes and so on.
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Re: Peter of England: A REal guru.

Post by Losleones »

slowsmile wrote:Whilst PoE may have been getting 65 new members a day at the outset I'm thinking this will have reduced somewhat with the need to pay by cash and the increasing realisation that the cheques don't work.

Certainly the scam doesn't seem to have broken out of the GOODF / Icke Forum ghetto and DIF's "FoTL" section is very much on its last legs.

I note the WeRe Forum has been stuck on 259 members since I first looked at it at about 10am - Ok not all WeRe members will sign up to the forum, but it suggests to me new membership of the "bank" is down to a trickle.
Agreed, the numbers joining the circus will decelerate but given the IQ level of goofers & having looked on goofy, they are still waiting in eager anticipation for their dud cheques whilst at the same time reading on the forum, that cheques are being returned or simply placed in the shredder. This is the way Sov/cits operate......they are so anti system they will stop at nothing to try & achieve their unachieveable goals.
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Re: Peter of England: A REal guru.

Post by longdog »

If 65 people a day are joining the WeWe Bank I'm a Dutchman.

We don't really have any way of knowing as the only person who knows for sure is Poe and I wouldn't believe him if he told me snow was white.

I'll have a wild guess that the actual figure for new members is in the low double digits per week, probably no more than a couple of dozen. That would still give Poe an income in the region of £700-1000 per week, depending on how long people keep up their 'subs' before disillusion sets in, which isn't bad for an ongoing scam.
JULIAN: I recommend we try Per verulium ad camphorum actus injuria linctus est.
SANDY: That's your actual Latin.
HORNE: What does it mean?
JULIAN: I dunno - I got it off a bottle of horse rub, but it sounds good, doesn't it?
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Re: Peter of England: A REal guru.

Post by Losleones »

WeRe Bank Benefits

Universal Energy Transfer offers:

Access the Global Collateral Accounts
Access Pre-Paid Treasury
Access the Red Book of the Bank for International Settlements
Pay all your PUBLIC LIABILITY debts (so called) with one easy payment system.
Take back financial control from the bankers
Create inflation and tax free wealth which does NOT depreciate over time
Engage in creative dissent and protest silently with money
Force the CREDITORS (so called) to defend their unlawful positions in the courts
Bring to justice the privateer corporations robbing you with their “letters of marque”
Make judges, local council officials, bankers and the legal profession as well as the police take note and comprehend what money is and who really is in control of it
Address the “sweat of your brow – energy theft” perpetrated upon you on a daily basis
Release yourself from the debt burden which has been lashed to your already breaking back and end financial slavery and vampirism
Vindicate the historical struggle and injustice which your ancestors and all other people of the world have suffered over the millennia
Join with WeRe Bank, working to ReIntroduce Sovereign Money.

numbnuts need not bother... they like being robbed.
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Re: Peter of England: A REal guru.

Post by slowsmile »

littleFred wrote:Peter's income depends on the £10/member/month. I suspect that few members will remain loyal for more than, say, three months. Three months of bounced cheques, notarial protests and so on with zero success is probably enough to convince most that it won't work.

So Peter needs to keep adding new members. He will add new "benefits" such as free fuel and insurance, gold notes and so on.
And now that Jon Witterick has relegated the WeRe bank to the depths of the general forum, newbies to GOODF are increasingly unlikely to stumble across it.

GOODF were the only site pushing the WeRe bank - it got virtually no traction on DIF apart from the idiot gremlin who has made it clear he won't be joining (compare to the widespread support for Roger Hayes' "Lawful Bank" in 2011 - that's still a sticky over on DIF). TPUC and UK Column forums are nearly dead - even the Kent Freedom Movement which 2 or 3 years ago was hosting monthly meetings of 60 odd people with the likes of Guy Taylor, Ceylon, Brian Gerrish, Roger Hayes, Simon Spaniard etc appears to be dying and although the founders still post there occasionally, neither has picked up on Were Bank.

So unless something drastic happens I can't see were new WeRe members marks are going to come from other than is dribs and drabs.
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Re: Peter of England: A REal guru.

Post by littleFred »

I mostly agree with your assessment.

I would wait a few days before taking the forum's membership as a rough count of the (active) paying suckers, but it does look lower than I had expected. 259 members in a forum only 48 hours old would normally seem high, but not in this case. I expect the number will stabilise somewhat under 400.

This would still bring Peter £4000 per month. To maintain that level, he needs as many new members joining as old ones get fed up and leave. At his meetings, he encourages word-of-mouth recruitment. I doubt this is sufficient for a sustainable population of suckers. He has only one cheerleader, BertieBert, who is unable to answer a simple question.

I expect each new gimmick (gold notes etc) will boost the numbers, but not to a massive degree.
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Re: Peter of England: A REal guru.

Post by slowsmile »

Odd that the two admin posts in the Welcome Members section of the WeRe forum (the only bit accessible to non-members) are dated January 2012.

WeRe has obviously had a long gestation period. I know some of the original documentation on the site appears to date back to 2013 - but anyone seen anything older that early 2012?
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Re: Peter of England: A REal guru.

Post by littleFred »

I think that 2012 date was a glitch. Probably the posts were created before the forum became open for business.

Peter didn't get the domain until very recently.
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Re: Peter of England: A REal guru.

Post by longdog »

littleFred wrote:To maintain that level, he needs as many new members joining as old ones get fed up and leave. At his meetings, he encourages word-of-mouth recruitment. I doubt this is sufficient for a sustainable population of suckers.
Given that outside of interwebs friends footlers pretty much define the expression 'Billy-No-Mates' any word of mouth spread is going to be very limited.

According to my in depth statistical analysis (a wild guess) I reckon that most of the people likely to fall for this scam have already heard of it by now and a plot of the number of new members registering is an unbroken downward curve.
JULIAN: I recommend we try Per verulium ad camphorum actus injuria linctus est.
SANDY: That's your actual Latin.
HORNE: What does it mean?
JULIAN: I dunno - I got it off a bottle of horse rub, but it sounds good, doesn't it?
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Re: Peter of England: A REal guru.

Post by Bones »

It was £25.00 for 50 cheques, now it is £25 (set up fee) for 25 cheques BARGAIN !!!1!!!!!

Peter and Bertie double the price and are selling it as giving the cheques away for free
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Re: Peter of England: A REal guru.

Post by slowsmile »

longdog wrote:
Given that outside of interwebs friends footlers pretty much define the expression 'Billy-No-Mates' any word of mouth spread is going to be very limited.

According to my in depth statistical analysis (a wild guess) I reckon that most of the people likely to fall for this scam have already heard of it by now and a plot of the number of new members registering is an unbroken downward curve.
Just looked over at the Were Forum and couldn't help but notice that of the 11 registered users online, 7 of them are aged over 50 and the youngest is 37.

Amazed that people can survive that long if they fall for something as stupid as this.
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Re: Peter of England: A REal guru.

Post by YiamCross »

So much craziness in such a small space- the gap between BertieBert's ears. You've seen his elucidatory comments in GOODF'nowt land, now hear his dulcet tones as he talks about money and how it should work in a lawful land. This is educational and not at all a plug for the WeRe bank. (Scroll down a little to 16/6/2015)

If that gets too much then scroll down a ways further (02/06/2015) and listen to Bertie give tips about canning those surplus vegetables in your garden. No, really. (spoiler alert: it doesn't involve tins)

I knew the internet had to be good for something.

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Re: Peter of England: A REal guru.

Post by guilty »

People are being urged to spread the word about scams to help prevent others from falling victim to tricksters.

Local CAB boss Victoria MacGregor said: “Scams thrive on silence. Fraudsters know that victims are often too ashamed to share what happened to them, meaning that scams can continue to spread unchecked.

If it sounds too good to be true it probably is. ... -1-6811183
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Re: Peter of England: A REal guru.

Post by grixit »

letissier14 wrote:From the link on the above post ...

The DSC's are logged, verified and cleared against available balances via WeRe Bank – this is all your Payee needs to know.
I double dare them to hold a swapmeet at one of their meetings. See if any member who sells something for Re's will be content to know that some numbers somewhere got changed.
Additional DSC's can be via the support centre, however there may be an additional charge for excessive use.

Working community banking locations are sought – employees are paid in Re by the hour. Maybe you’d like to set up a WeRe Bank branch in your area?

Re currency is acceptable at all retail establishments displaying the “WeReHeRe” They will accept various percentages of Re – ranging from 10% to 100% on sales of goods & services.
WeRe Bank provides payable hourly employment for all its members as requested.
And all retail establishments displaying the RamaLlamaDingDong will accept Quatloos.
To setup your account you will need to provide date of birth and first and last initials during registration. So John Henry born 4th March 1985 would have account number: 040385JH,
How sad for Janice Hicks, who was also born on that day. Hash codes are your friends, Peter.
Please follow the instructions on the website and make sure you put comprehensible material into the boxes where asked!

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
I can't put I-John-<earwaxblob> of the family *Achoo!*Owooga!!*Brrrrp!" on the form? That's fascist!
Three cheers for the Lesser Evil!

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Re: Peter of England: A REal guru.

Post by Losleones »

Back to back meetings scheduled for 6th & 7th July can only indicate that the net is closing on Peter so therefore he's going to trouser as much of that worthless stuff BertieBassett keeps rambling on about. I wonder what Bertie gets paid in for his sterling work in driving WeRe Bank over the cliff top? Liquorice Allsorts perhaps. ... Ykj5HCkqrU