Private Sector Act dot Com

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Derek Johnson Sucks
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Re: Private Sector Act dot Com

Post by Derek Johnson Sucks »

A previous court action against the group of 15..... now 17

copy and paste directly from an email.

You have been sued by The Court of Kings Bench of Alberta.
You only have a short time to do something to defend yourself against this claim:
20 days if you are served in Alberta
1 Month if you are served outside Alberta but in Canada
2 Months if you are served outside of Canada

You can respond by filing a Statement of Defence at the Clerk of the Court of Kings Bench at Calgary, Alberta via email to:
Or via Internet at / Court of Kings Bench
For questions regarding submissions/filing please email us at:

If you do not file and serve a Statement of Defence within your time period, you risk losing the law suit automatically. If you do not file, or do not serve, or are late in doing either of these things, a court may give a judgement to the plaintiff(s) against you.
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Re: Private Sector Act dot Com

Post by grixit »

How can this not be criminal fraud?
Three cheers for the Lesser Evil!

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Re: Private Sector Act dot Com

Post by NYGman »

Derek Johnson Sucks wrote:A previous court action against the group of 15..... now 17

copy and paste directly from an email.

You have been sued by The Court of Kings Bench of Alberta.
You only have a short time to do something to defend yourself against this claim:
20 days if you are served in Alberta
1 Month if you are served outside Alberta but in Canada
2 Months if you are served outside of Canada

You can respond by filing a Statement of Defence at the Clerk of the Court of Kings Bench at Calgary, Alberta via email to:
Or via Internet at / Court of Kings Bench
For questions regarding submissions/filing please email us at:

If you do not file and serve a Statement of Defence within your time period, you risk losing the law suit automatically. If you do not file, or do not serve, or are late in doing either of these things, a court may give a judgement to the plaintiff(s) against you.
And real courts use gmail for email, and work with private web sites like Too Funny
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Derek Johnson Sucks
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Re: Private Sector Act dot Com

Post by Derek Johnson Sucks »


New Concepts Creating Wealth ... -fees.html

What quadrant of CALGARY (NW, NE, SW, SE) in which City would you like to make your Zero Down purchase competitive with bank rates?

By definition, Lawyer fees are unnecessary expenses to real estate investors wanting to build wealth in real estate.

Here are some key points that appear in the foreclosure deal contracts voice-over. These points should be more attractive now that you understand the important of us doing our own conveyancing and the benefits it offers to all parties. The true benefit when completing our own conveyancing is to further the already well negotiated foreclosure purchase profit.

In all of our foreclosure deal contracts, the following appears:

Section 3.1 All deposits shall be delivered in trust to a numbered company in control by the financier. The financier will be holding the deposit. Initial deposits are refundable if you are not able to obtain financing. The additional deposit is only collected when you are approved by the lender and the financing condition is waived. At this point in time you will be officially placed on title as the new owner.

Why does the financier hold the deposit?

In order to obtain great deals in foreclosure while securing funds for future deals, private financing is a must. Please keep in mind when the foreclosure wholesale consultant firm (who appears as the seller on this contract) bought the home, they made an agreement with the private financier that all deposits are to be held in trust by the financier.

In conventional real estate dealings, the deposits are given to the seller who then forwards it to the lender or lender agent together with the mortgage funds to pay out encumbrances on title. In a private real estate deal, allowing an individual who is experiencing foreclosure to hold the deposit is never a good idea. Therefore, forwarding deposits straight to YOUR lender who requires it to pay off all encumbrances to complete conveyancing is the safest way to go.

In any real estate transaction the lender, or lenders agent always collects deposits and together with the mortgage funds YOU are borrowing, pays out all encumbrances on title. This by definition is conveyancing. Please note that lawyers charge private lenders $5000 - $15,000 to simply transfer the private mortgage funds from their account. Without eliminating these unnecessary expenses, building wealth in real estate could never be accomplished.

Therefore, any deposits given to the seller will be directed to the financier to be held in trust.

Section 3.3 Additional Deposits - All additional deposits shall be delivered in trust to the same numbered company as the initial deposit.

The additional deposit is only collected when you are approved by the lender and the financing condition is waived.

When all additional deposits are paid, you would be placed on title as the official new owner of the property.

Please note that later in this contract it states clearly in section 8.1 (e) "The buyer agrees to allow the financier to complete the conveyance, only if the mortgage has a condition stating the buyer will be placed on title and the first mortgage payment is not due until the conveyance is complete." Conveyancing being complete is defined as the following: Once every encumbrance holder has provided proof of ownership, and funds are forwarded to the rightful owner of the encumbrance / debt, conveyancing is then considered complete.

Now that you are on title as the new owner and the mortgage documents you signed are registered on title, you are entitled to collect rent lawfully with integrity via contract law.

The result is 100% positive monthly cash flow for 6 - 18 months. Example: If the monthly rent was $1750 and you signed a contract with your lender which stated that the mortgage payment is not due until conveyancing is complete then you would be collecting $1750 at the end of each month without having to pay a mortgage payment until conveyancing is complete.

Please make sure when signing the mortgage documents that it states clearly you do not have a mortgage payment until the conveyancing is complete. To help you reassure this happens, when mortgage documents are sent to you, it will be accompanied by a voice-over reiterating what section in the mortgage documents states "the private lender agrees there will be no monthly mortgage payments due until conveyancing is complete". This allows you, while conveyancing is being completed to collect the rent and create 100% monthly cash flow lawfully with integrity via contract law.


Section 4.1 - The closing day is the date in which transfer of title is complete with all down payments paid in full and the mortgage documents you signed are registered on title. You can see now that the mortgage papers you signed plus your full down payment equals payment of the home. At this point, the private lender would be simply requesting for all encumbrance holders to provide proof of ownership of the appropriate debt. The private lender then forwards the funds to the rightful owner of the encumbrance holder / debt in exchange for proof of ownership. Once every encumbrance holder has provided proof of ownership, and the funds are forwarded to the rightful owner of the encumbrance / debt, conveyancing is then considered complete.

The longer conveyancing takes, the better for you !

Conveyancing can take 6-18 months to complete But keep in mind, the longer it takes the more positive monthly income is collected by you !

If the rent is $1750/month and it takes 6-18 months to complete conveyance, you would stand to collect $10,500 if conveyancing only takes 6 months (6 months X $1750) but if it takes 18 months you would collect $31,500 (18 months X $1750) BEFORE making your first mortgage payment !

Coupled with the fact that you are purchasing the home well below market value due to allowing the previous owners to stay as tenants makes a GREAT DEAL !

Now that you are on title as the new owner and the mortgage documents you signed are registered on title, you are entitled to collect rent. Please make sure to be assured the private lender has signed an agreement stating you do not have a mortgage payment until conveyance is complete. This allows you to collect the rent without a mortgage payment lawfully with integrity via contract law.
Derek Johnson Sucks
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Re: Private Sector Act dot Com

Post by Derek Johnson Sucks »

Derek Johnson Sucks
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Re: Private Sector Act dot Com

Post by Derek Johnson Sucks » ... 1061216821

Private Sector Caught Foreclosure Lawyers and RECA


Keep an eye on this Organization... from Calgary, Alberta Canada [/B]

This group is 4 years on the front lines and will be taking the fight for freedom to the next level.

So far, this organization has assisted in obtaining a 10 million dollar default judgement against RECA (Real Estate Council of Alberta) for slandering a local Calgary businessman.

Here is a recent NEWS update that was sent to the local Real Estate community by The Private Sector.

Private Sector Act News Update
Thursday Sept 5, 2013

This Communication is directed to all Realtors and fellow Private Sector members in the Industry and Community.

RECA employee/Investigator Tricia Hickey has been under investigation since December 2012 by the Private Sector for violating Human Rights.

Based on her actions of attempting to extort money from a private individual and a Private company doing business in Calgary that does not fall under the RECA Banner, RECA and Tricia Hickey has been caught and a $10,000,000 default judgement determined due to RECA failing to defend themselves via Statement of Defence as per the Alberta rules of Court.

Further legal actions are in process in order to ensure Tricia Hickey and RECA are made an example of to everyone in the Industry and the Private Sector. For too long, this "self-governing" body has taken advantage of Realtors, Mortgage Brokers, and even preying on Private people who are not under contract to be governed by RECA, taking money in exchange for allowing them to keep making a living in one of these positions. We view this as extortion and have many examples of people who have been treated unfairly and their livelihoods threatened and in many cases taken away for not being able to pay off RECA in order to stay employed and carry on being a Realtor or Mortgage Broker.

We wish to offer our services to you!

If you have been investigated by RECA or you are currently being investigated by RECA let us know and we can help. If you know anyone that has been a victim of RECA please know that we can maintain a level of confidentiality in the interest of protecting all parties. We have been getting contacted by many of you lately, and some of you have been asking out of fear of being further threatened or harassed which is a RECA tactic.

Most instances work like this: The Investigator will call, mail and/or Email you letting you know they are investigating an allegation that has been made against the Realtor or Mortgage brokers based on a complaint forwarded to RECA.

After a month of constant threatening that they will take your licence, they eventually assess and "fine" you. This is more a tactical move than an actual investigation since collecting money/fines and commissions to fund RECA is how their business model operates and prime motive. Agents of the Private Sector have been asking Tricia Hickey questions for the last six months and she refuses to reply, acknowledge or participate in a conversation to explain her/RECA's actions. She has been caught violating Human rights for commissions as directed by her employer RECA.

We are experts in Conflict Resolution and believe in Justice and accountability.

Email us at

The NEW Court of Kings Bench is opening in Calgary as a competing Court to the Alberta Court of Queens Bench.

This is where the battle will be fought... in the Court of the Private Sector rather than the commercial market place that sells judgements for profit and is a registered trading entity rather than a service for the people.

The Private Sector as of Sept 5 has a 700 Strong membership base with 20,000 people following our mission on social media.

Come visit us... become a Virtual Human Rights Activist and join the fight.

Court of Kings Bench NOW OPEN - Seeking Mediators


We are looking for a few Good Men and Women... Join Now !

Human Rights Activist TM

Welcome to the Human Rights Activist TM Program

We are excited that you are interested in participating in the amazing opportunity to fulfill a much needed service in the marketplace as a professional Mediator with the Court of Kings Bench, the Common Law Court of choice through the This is a very lucrative home business opportunity that is available NOW for everyone in the private sector. The Human Rights Activist TM has NOW been activated and the Court of Kings Bench is OPEN FOR BUSINESS to the people in the private sector.

Congratulations, you are on the ground floor of an Amazing opportunity !

This program will allow you to become a real Mediator at the Court of Kings Bench and provide a real service that is in demand in our market today. Mediation services are in great demand since many people cannot afford lawyers. Lawyers will be your main competitor, and therefore exists a different platform/Court that utilizes the Human Rights Activist TM - Court of Kings Bench.

Who is the Human Rights Activist TM and how does that fit into the Organization?

There exists many different types of courts and mediation services in the market today:

The Court of Queens Bench (C.Q.B.) deals with cases primary over $25,000 in damages being sought with banks and other financial institutions as the main clients.

There also exists the Provincial Court system for small claims cases where plaintiffs are seeking damages under $25,000.

If you have trouble with tenancy issues, you would seek the assistance of the R.T.D.S. Court for tenants and landlords.

For appealing decisions of the C.Q.B. (Court of Queens Bench) one would use the Court of Appeals which is another separate court that mediates situations unresolved.

For mediation services, there are many of them in the private sector to use in accordance with any or all of the courts available in our capitalist society. You can choose to represent yourself, or pick an agent or mediator to act on your behalf in any/all of these arenas.

For Common Law mediation, one would use the Court of Kings Bench. Anyone can use this court and is an alternative to all and specializes in dealing with cases where there are people vs. Institutions such as banks, insurance companies or other companies or governing bodies that are infringing on human rights in the private sector.

Here is how the Courts/Agents compare:

Court of Queens Bench - Lawyers TM - Commerce Court

Court of Kings Bench - Human Rights Activist TM - Common Law Court

What is the difference?

The Lawyer mediates cases in the Court of Queens Bench.
The Human Rights Activist TM mediates cases in the Court of Kings Bench.

Why are people looking for alternatives in the marketplace?

1. Lawyers are far too expensive for the average person.

2. The filing process for the C.Q.B. (Court of Queens Bench) is too complicated for the private sector people making it necessary to use the services of a Lawyer to navigate the process. This forces many people to not fight for their rights and their cases due to financial constraints.

3. Parking/obtaining access to the C.Q.B. is limited and difficult being downtown and especially bad for people living out of the city sometimes having to drive hours to make a hearing.

4. Cost for filing and obtaining documents at C.B.Q. is very high ($200 to file a Statement of Claim and $500.00 for an appeal at Court of Appeals) and even worse at the Court of Appeals.

5. The C.Q.B. like all registered commercial courts in North America is a for profit company which is registered on Dun & Bradstreet (see and therefore is in the business of selling judgements/debt like banks and financial institutions. This conflict of interest directs the courts to create an excess of debt judgements on the people much like the police have quotas to meet on issuing traffic tickets to the private sector.

What are the Advantages that the Court of Kings Bench has over the Competition?

1. Pro Bono/Donation services for the people making claims/defending claims and Human Rights Activists TM. A system designed for everyone and not shut out people who can't afford the services of a Lawyer. Remember that you won't be billing $300/hour like lawyers do, but even a smaller percentage of that paid out over a number of clients with a combination of pro bono services means a great career opportunity making a healthy living. You will start your business with leads we can provide to you from people requiring services, and then show you how to market your company even further and build your business.

2. Online/Easy to use document filing system. No need to drive documents downtown to file anymore. Documents can be submitted online now for ease of use for both plaintiffs and defendants.

3. Internet based hearings that eliminate the need for your presence in one central location. With technology today, we can even have jury trials in a common law system in a fair and unbiased arena that provides for fair outcomes without the large commissions the court extracts from the people in the form of excessive debt judgements.

4. A Court by the People, and for the People. Common Law has existed long before statutes (corporate policy) became a function of the corporations and governments which use them. This brings common sense/law back in the process and allows human beings to be treated in a fair system that doesn't favor institutions and profit over people. The Court of Kings Bench does not answer to shareholders and is not a profit based corporation trying to increase its bottom line therefore can function correctly according to a higher standard of Justice.

5. Licensing for the Human Rights Activist TM can be made available to anyone and everyone that seeks to participate in providing for a higher standard of justice and resolving conflict in our communities. Our system is designed to promote a system of fair and unbiased mediation where the average individual can get involved and make positive impacts in our communities while providing people a real alternative.

For more information please contact us directly at
Derek Johnson Sucks
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Re: Private Sector Act dot Com

Post by Derek Johnson Sucks » ... porations/
Salmon Arm is close to Vernon BC

Hi, how are you? :)

We noticed YOU Signed Up with

This is a Virtual Protest so Everything is done from the Comfort of your Home!

Read the following and PLEASE Respond If you are interested in SENDING COMPLAINTS To Big Corporate Lawyers Ignoring Canadian Affected Parties in order for the Large Corporations to PROFIT!

It Is Easy Just email back “YES ” and YOU are Officially a HUMAN RIGHTS ACTIVIST!!!

Please Read The Following :)

We are a Human Rights Activist Group who are bringing Awareness to ADULT BULLYING. It exist more than ever before.
The Bullies we refer to are the Large Corporations and their Lawyers.
In every type of case where a Canadian as been damaged the large Corporations ignore their Canadian Victims via through their Lawyers.

Yes the Victim is told to talk to my Lawyer then the high priced Lawyer just ignores the Canadian Affected Party. This leads to MUCH ECONOMICAL Loss to Canadian families which furthers the Large Corporations Large Yearly Economical gains … VERY UNFAIR !!!
This leads to unneeded Stress to MANY Canadian lives.

Every one of the Large Corporations uses these IGNORE Tactics to get what they want from Canadian Families these days. Banks, Insurance, Canadian Media (list goes on…). This is ADULT BULLYING … It Must STOP !
This is a Virtual Protest so Everything is done from the Comfort of your Home!

PLEASE Respond If you are interested in SENDING COMPLAINTS To Big Corporation Lawyers Ignoring Canadian Affected Parties in order for the Large Corporations to PROFIT!

It Is Easy Just email back “YES ” and YOU are Officially a HUMAN RIGHTS ACTIVIST !!!

Friend Ty Griffiths and Watch, Follow and Participate in Many Stories illustrating average Canadians being Bullied by Large Corporations and their Lawyers!!!Click Here friend Ty Griffiths Now!!
Contact us
Phone: (587) 224-3525 Office ... 0106660636

Secret: "IF THE BANK SOLD YOUR DEBT THEY ARE NO LONGER THE LENDERS..." ..Make This WORK For YOU!!!...We will show you how!! Phone: (587) 224-3525 Office..
Derek Johnson Sucks
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Re: Private Sector Act dot Com

Post by Derek Johnson Sucks »

Work from Home !
We are looking for Investment Wholesale Consultants

Click on the following Voice-Over and listen:

You recently responded to an ad regarding a commissioned sales position in the Investment Wholesale Industry.

Commissioned salespeople have been known to make millions of dollars selling their product. The Industry we participate in has proven to make many millionaires in the world today - the Wholesale Investment Industry. The commissions that are paid out can eventually reach into the tens of thousands of dollars per deal. If you wish to participate on a purely commissioned basis, you can make amazing money !

We also realize the day to day living expenses are a real factor in many peoples lives therefore we also offer opportunities to work on a contract basis doing presentations for $25.00/hour meeting clients. You can decide !

All Leads supplied !
We have tapped into continuous HOT LEADS from Real Estate INVESTMENT networks across Canada.

We are seeking people to present NEW Dynamic Revolutionary Investment Techniques to these hot leads. All presentations are manufactured for you to simply press "Play" on your laptop computer.

Must be willing to Meet with Clients !
All training is provided.

We have a Revolutionary Voice-Over Sales System that allows you to start making money today, by simply pressing "Play"! The head administrator books all appointments with these hot leads and emails them to you. You then will confirm the appointment via email and phone call with these hot leads / your new clients, creating rapport by introducing yourself and reminding them to bring earphones in order to listen to the presentation.

The presentation consist of 5 Voice-Overs approximately 3 - 6 minutes each. In order to do your presentations quickly and efficiently you will be provided with the short voice-overs which you will be pressing "Play" and sitting back while your client listens. Any questions your new clients have regarding the information will be simply punched into an email, pressing send and the head office sends back answers immediately. This system allows new salespeople to create deals instantly while being in the industry for a short time !

In between your client listening to the Voice-Overs your main objective will be to gather simple information from your client. All questions you will be asking appeared in the Voice-Over your clients just listened to.

In order to get started, you MUST have a good working laptop required for doing presentations, a cell phone and most importantly a professional attitude since you will be dealing with clients on a daily basis.

Are you interested in $25.00/hour to put on professional one-on-one presentations?
Please email us back, "Yes! I would be interested in making $25.00/hour to do one on one professional sales presentations!"

Are you interested in 100% commissions and making BIG Money?
Please email us back, "Yes! I would be interested in 100% commission sales making BIG Money within the Wholesale Investment Industry. I understand all leads are HOT and provided to me for FREE!"

We are hiring and training business units across Canada.
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Re: Private Sector Act dot Com

Post by Derek Johnson Sucks »

Which category are you in?

Category 1. Yes, I can qualify at a bank while presently owning a home

Category 2. Yes, I would qualify at a bank if I did NOT presently own a home

Category 3. I cannot qualify at a bank due to bad credit or being overextended.

Email the appropriate category now to:

you will be officially on the system within 24 hours exposed to over 2300 Private Lenders willing to lend you money at competitive bank rates. ... -fees.html

Are you in foreclosure? ... osure.html
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Re: Private Sector Act dot Com

Post by Llwellyn »

ok, seems Odd that the entity 'Derek Johnson Sucks' seems to be posting .. repetitively adds and promotions for said person and his associates..any mods seeing this, or am I missing something?
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Re: Private Sector Act dot Com

Post by Burnaby49 »

Llwellyn wrote:ok, seems Odd that the entity 'Derek Johnson Sucks' seems to be posting .. repetitively adds and promotions for said person and his associates..any mods seeing this, or am I missing something?
Yes I noticed but left alone. I assume that Derek Johnson Sucks' purpose in putting these up is to show us what the actual Derek Johnson is currently up to. Since we've shown through actual evidence that DJ is involved in a scam (no doubt the Alberta authorities are interested in the new Court being established in the province) I've assumed that nobody on Quatloos is going to be induced to throw their money at DJ based on these scam ads.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Private Sector Act dot Com

Post by Llwellyn »

I wasn't sure if they were just keeping us up to date on all the .. loose ends.. I would LOVE to receive one of the messages from the Court of KINGS Bench :haha: as I have a number of lawyers at my disposal (through association) and a number of local police officers with (2 of which live in a condo right behind my house :) :) good neighbors) who I speak with on a regular basis.. I could print up a super copy and see if they could start a class action against them.
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Re: Private Sector Act dot Com

Post by eric »

Burnaby49 wrote:
Llwellyn wrote:ok, seems Odd that the entity 'Derek Johnson Sucks' seems to be posting .. repetitively adds and promotions for said person and his associates..any mods seeing this, or am I missing something?
Yes I noticed but left alone. I assume that Derek Johnson Sucks' purpose in putting these up is to show us what the actual Derek Johnson is currently up to. Since we've shown through actual evidence that DJ is involved in a scam (no doubt the Alberta authorities are interested in the new Court being established in the province) I've assumed that nobody on Quatloos is going to be induced to throw their money at DJ based on these scam ads.
I can't speak for DJS but I believe he is motivated by two factors. The first factor is to use Quatloos as a central repository for anyone whose eye has been caught by one of these ads elsewhere and wants to do a google search before investing.
The other factor is to illustrate the fact that no matter what name Derek's crew is operating under today (they constantly change) the message remains the same. I don't want to sound like Scott Duncan who believes he is being stalked by his nemesis, Dan Wilson, but the only way to track Derek is the fact that the ads and messages are always exactly the same.
Consider the following absolutely purely hypothetical situation that never happened: If you go to the trouble of creating a fake gmail identity with an accompanying VOIP phone number and reply to one of these ads, initially your replies will be from whatever gmail address they are using today. As you get hooked in, you will be moved up the chain through a lower level salesperson until you actually start receiving replies from Kumar or Derek themselves. If you sound naive and rich enough, Kumar will even venture out from Vernon to meet you at a local Denny's restaurant in Calgary. BTW, since the local media outlets are also interested in this celebrity they will be eager to tag along to watch the fun.
..... Just stoking the paranoia, describing a scenario that I absolutely and positively deny any knowledge of. :snicker:
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Re: Private Sector Act dot Com

Post by notorial dissent »

I don't mind that so much, AS LONG AS IT IS PROPERLY MARKED AS A QUOTE, but otherwise I'm just likely to see it as advertising if I'm half asleep and delete it first and then not ask any questions. In fact, anything that ISN'T your work should be quoted and attributed for courtesy and record's sake.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: Private Sector Act dot Com

Post by grixit »

Also, attribution should include what site it was posted on, the time posted, and a link back.
Three cheers for the Lesser Evil!

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Re: Private Sector Act dot Com

Post by rmsimmons »

Well, its been over 20 days and never heard of Derek's court of kings bench judgement. All the threats on his fake statement of claim is just another fraud and scare tactic of Derek and perhaps extortion. Nice try Derek..Having said that, making false court can be dangerous to the unsuspecting people who are unaware that the court of kings bench is not a legal court and he could easily take advantage of them. I am hoping that the government of Canada should look into this and put him to jail for good where he really belongs.
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Re: Private Sector Act dot Com

Post by eric »

rmsimmons wrote:Well, its been over 20 days and never heard of Derek's court of kings bench judgement. All the threats on his fake statement of claim is just another fraud and scare tactic of Derek and perhaps extortion. Nice try Derek..
I checked back through my archives and Kumar (he even signed his name to the emails) first started threatening me with lawsuits way back on May 12. I never actually received a statement of claim from the false court although I was included in Derek's Real Estate Council of Canada "sanction list". Derek no longer posts on this forum and Manji never replied to a pm I sent him, assuming it was really Manji. I thought that posting a link to documents I sent to my mediafire account might rouse him from his stupor but no luck. I'm not going to bother posting anything more to mediafire (it's at least 300 pages of assorted documents and filings) unless I get some interest from his crew. Oh well, I might have to resort to a little more direct method. :Axe:
notorial dissent
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Re: Private Sector Act dot Com

Post by notorial dissent »

rmsimmons wrote:Well, its been over 20 days and never heard of Derek's court of kings bench judgement. All the threats on his fake statement of claim is just another fraud and scare tactic of Derek and perhaps extortion. Nice try Derek..Having said that, making false court can be dangerous to the unsuspecting people who are unaware that the court of kings bench is not a legal court and he could easily take advantage of them. I am hoping that the government of Canada should look into this and put him to jail for good where he really belongs.

Well, I kinda sorta think that twere me I'd make copies and of the "threat" and the "complaint" and toddle on down to your public prosecutor, or whatever you call them up your way, as well as the real estate commission/council-see previous, and file a harassment and extortion complaint. I don't know about up north, but down here they tend to take that sort of thing pretty seriously and having the documents signed and sent by the parties doing it goes a long way towards proving intent. Chances are there will be other complaints, but as they say, the more the merrier.

I think it is long past time that these people not only be put firmly and finally out of business, but that they be put in jail where they belong. They are the lowest of the low because they are preying on people that can least afford it and are in the biggest trouble, and then leaving them high and dry with nothing left. I find this particular type of crime particularly nasty.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: Private Sector Act dot Com

Post by enid »

Thought this would be entertaining for everyone to see:

Look below the video for a comment from just two weeks ago by Derek Johnson, basically threatening Kevin Manji for his last post on this thread, apologizing for scamming people with Derek Johnson (and presumably Kevin Kumar). :haha:

I may have more posts for everyone in the near future. I am a would-be victim of the snake oil salesman.

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Re: Private Sector Act dot Com

Post by eric »

enid wrote:Thought this would be entertaining for everyone to see:

Look below the video for a comment from just two weeks ago by Derek Johnson, basically threatening Kevin Manji for his last post on this thread, apologizing for scamming people with Derek Johnson (and presumably Kevin Kumar). :haha:
The "govern yourself accordingly" phrase sounds more like Kumar than Johnson. However, I've noted that the group appears to share common email addresses since members of the "group of 15" have received miscommunications where its seems that they are talking to more than one person and they are not communicating too well internally.
enid wrote:I may have more posts for everyone in the near future. I am a would-be victim of the snake oil salesman.
We should talk privately to see if there is anything you can add to the evidence against the crew - I can give you contacts with various authorities who are investigating Derek and his crew. :whistle: