Peter of England: A REal guru.

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Re: Peter of England: A REal guru.

Post by Syf »

I'm honest through and through, I work on fact, I've studied a lot, if I think that I suffered an injustice then I will fight it , using their own rules, not some, lose the name, win the game crap. I always pay my way and offer remedy to any debt I owe. Admittedly I don't like DCA's so I ask them to prove that I owe them. Anyway. I'm off topic with this thread.

I'm glad to be here, it keeps my mind open. :)
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Re: Peter of England: A REal guru.

Post by PeanutGallery »

Syf wrote:


2) a bank note is a promise to pay...[...]
Just to pick another hole in Peter's observations about money, yes cash money does have a promise to pay on it, it's quite prominent but that promise isn't made by me or you (unless of course you are the president of the Bank of England). The promise isn't made by the bearer of the note, it's made to the bearer of the note by the president of the Bank that issued the money. When we exchange a promissory note for goods and services we are giving up our right to claim that sum of money from the Bank of England in exchange for whatever it is we have purchased. We don't need to go back and fulfil the promise made on any promissory note we use, because we didn't make the promise to pay.

Of course their is more wrong with what Peter talks about than just that. I did note that Peter claims that a lack of transparency is a sign of fraud, all the while he's running a top secret members only forum and his followers refuse to answer simple questions like "Who actually accepts these cheques" and "What shops are carrying the WeReHeRe logo?"
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Re: Peter of England: A REal guru.

Post by Syf »

Don't tell Peter that for gods sake. :lol:
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Re: Peter of England: A REal guru.

Post by YiamCross »

Honestly, I'm beginning to believe that Peter could give them the finger, tell them all he's just after their money and the cheques are worth less than the paper they're printed on and they'd just raise their glasses to him, say cheers and ask how much more he wants.

I just can't wait to see what they say when it all comes out at the end. Couldn't happen to a nicer bunch of people, only a shame it's going to waste so much money we can ill afford to keep him and his henchmen in porridge.
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Re: Peter of England: A REal guru.

Post by Hercule Parrot »

PoE wrote:WeRe debit cards would be "charged up", rather than needing machine with real-time internet access.
Oh my sides, please stop. So the werecustomer strides into Tesco and fills a trolley with the finest comestibles, then advances upon the checkout. A few bleeps later, the cashier says "£234.17, please".

The werecustomer proudly unholsters his werecard, and brandishes it with pride. The cashier looks at him with thinly-veiled boredom, and gestures to the card reader. Werecustomer says "My card doesn't need one of those". The cashier says that it's not acceptable for payment then.

Werecustomer begins excited explanation of magic bean money, and how Tesco must accept it or he will call common law peace officers to arrest her. Slightly-less bored cashier says she'll call a supervisor, and tannoys "Code 27 to checkout 9, please". Code 27 is of course "Please bring security, customer is nasty and/or mental".

Supervisor arrives, gets a repeat of grand claims of magic bean werecard. Werecustomer explains that by holding the card, the checkout operator can draw Re's by osmotic transference. How Tesco then get the ethereal Re's into the till, or convert them to actual money, he doesn't know. But if they PM PoE on Facebook, he'll be able to explain.

Supervisor looks at huge, disgruntled queue and says "Pay with cash or a normal card, or GTFO". We now enter multiplayer mode. Weremember can argue, and get thrown out by security. He can pay by real means and storm off in a sulk, or he can abandon his groceries and walk away like it's their loss and he'll take his valuable custom elsewhere.

Staff briefing following day - "Watch out for latest scam, pretend debit card. Call security immediately if anyone tries to present one as payment. Try to delay the fraudster long enough for Police to arrive"
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Re: Peter of England: A REal guru.

Post by JonnyL »

the comment @3hrs 25mins 50 seconds is the maddest shit I think I've ever heard. Is he trying to create some kind of 'solar bitcoin' that uses a ball point pen and paper?
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Re: Peter of England: A REal guru.

Post by grixit »

rumpelstilzchen wrote:But it's hardly chequered. One black square and half of a white one.

Is it to do with Chancellor of the Exchequer?

How does that relate to MI5 and MI6? Wouldn't it be easier to have called them MI11?
"Exchequer" originally referred to a cloth marked with black and white squares used for arithmetic. The technique is related to the both the abacus and the roman calculi. Tokens are placed on squares and moved to other squares as the sums they represent change. This was how kings used to total their taxes and other income, albeit according to one ballad, Robin Hood once used the same method to count his loot, so it must have been a popular practice. Which makes sense-- try adding numbers while being both uneducated and having to use roman numerals! So "The Exchequer" was simply the bureaucracy that grew up around the management of the royal treasury, and the Chancellor was the person in charge.

Otoh, when a british prime minister needs a break, the retreat to a place called Checkers, maybe that's where the conspiracy takes place.
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Re: Peter of England: A REal guru.

Post by Losleones »

Round about 2:08 into the waffle a goofer asks about debit cards. Peter then proceeds to talk utter bollocks for 3 minutes on the structure. I really hope they get issued to his suckers & eagerly await the complaints that ATMs are either swallowing their cards or refusing to dispense cash from their legit accounts. :brickwall:
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Re: Peter of England: A REal guru.

Post by YiamCross »

Hercule Parrot wrote:
PoE wrote:WeRe debit cards would be "charged up", rather than needing machine with real-time internet access.
Oh my sides, please stop. So the werecustomer strides into Tesco and fills a trolley with the finest comestibles, then advances upon the checkout. ....
It's all in hand, apparently, because WeRe customers are creative and able to, er, create. They have people with shops and mechanics and all sorts signed up who will take Re. Apparently. It's a whole alternative system that will turn the energy of its members into, er, Re. Or something.

Re: Peter of England updates. :D
Postby bertiebert » Thu Jul 02, 2015 9:14 am

I wonder where the trolls get the silly idea that shops wont take Re? lololol
well tescos, macdonalds etc wont, but thats not the object, the object is the WeRe members own their own shops..and much more, there are already skilled mechanics, electronic engineers, artists,farmers, printers, yes REAL skills using our ENERGY , signed up.. :D and we can already pay each other using £ or Re.
soon we will be able to transfer online as well direct from our accounts.. and members will have a list of services and skills available to trade with each other.
and as for the gold notes arriving soon, well...
Last edited by bertiebert on Thu Jul 02, 2015 9:25 am, edited 1 time in total.

It's getting very vocal over in Goofer land ... ZUmovlVhBc

Can't wait for the gold notes, they will be very special. Like the WeRe Bankers are special.
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Re: Peter of England: A REal guru.

Post by NYGman »

YiamCross wrote:
Hercule Parrot wrote:
PoE wrote:WeRe debit cards would be "charged up", rather than needing machine with real-time internet access.
Oh my sides, please stop. So the werecustomer strides into Tesco and fills a trolley with the finest comestibles, then advances upon the checkout. ....
It's all in hand, apparently, because WeRe customers are creative and able to, er, create. They have people with shops and mechanics and all sorts signed up who will take Re. Apparently. It's a whole alternative system that will turn the energy of its members into, er, Re. Or something.

Re: Peter of England updates. :D
Postby bertiebert » Thu Jul 02, 2015 9:14 am

I wonder where the trolls get the silly idea that shops wont take Re? lololol
well tescos, macdonalds etc wont, but thats not the object, the object is the WeRe members own their own shops..and much more, there are already skilled mechanics, electronic engineers, artists,farmers, printers, yes REAL skills using our ENERGY , signed up.. :D and we can already pay each other using £ or Re.
soon we will be able to transfer online as well direct from our accounts.. and members will have a list of services and skills available to trade with each other.
and as for the gold notes arriving soon, well...
Last edited by bertiebert on Thu Jul 02, 2015 9:25 am, edited 1 time in total.

It's getting very vocal over in Goofer land ... ZUmovlVhBc

Can't wait for the gold notes, they will be very special. Like the WeRe Bankers are special.
I wonder if bertiebert will take Re for his canned goods, or any other produce he sells. I believe he is a farmer, I wonder if his vendors will take Re, because if everyone is paying him in Re, he wont have any of that evil cash to pay them
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Re: Peter of England: A REal guru.

Post by Jeffrey »

I love his plan to purchase gold at market prices then arbitrarily "revalue" it to be 8 times more expensive.

Almost as if by decree, or, what's the word, by fiat?
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Re: Peter of England: A REal guru.

Post by longdog »

Hmmm... Buy ordinary gold at its market price or Regold for 8 times the price...?

I should have stayed on for the sixth form and done the A level economics then I might know the answer to that tricky conundrum.
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SANDY: That's your actual Latin.
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Re: Peter of England: A REal guru.

Post by longdog »

Actually now I think of it I see how it will work...

Poe buys £100 worth of gold which he magically converts in to 800 ReGold units which he sells to the ReMembers for £800 thus enhancing his own ReFree account by £700. ReGold units cannot be purchased with Re because err... umm... err...

Nope... Lost it again...

Help somebody?
JULIAN: I recommend we try Per verulium ad camphorum actus injuria linctus est.
SANDY: That's your actual Latin.
HORNE: What does it mean?
JULIAN: I dunno - I got it off a bottle of horse rub, but it sounds good, doesn't it?
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Re: Peter of England: A REal guru.

Post by Origen »

Nice little cult he is attempting to make, kinda glad it is in the UK and not America, where i would actually be fearful for people ending up dead.

What will be his undoing is that him and others actively promote the bank like in this topic ... ZVbs0aFmiA, while he attempts to pass the joining and monthly fee off as membership to a political movement and you can see some people are trying to now spin it as a movement and not a bank.

I hope the movement gains some traction and they actually try some of the shit that Pete was spewing the other night as it could end up being comedy gold.
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Re: Peter of England: A REal guru.

Post by YiamCross »

I very much doubt they'll need dozens of police when it comes time to lift our Peter from his camper van. Hope there's plenty of video coverage, though.
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Re: Peter of England: A REal guru.

Post by daveBeeston »

Origen wrote:Nice little cult he is attempting to make, kinda glad it is in the UK and not America, where i would actually be fearful for people ending up dead.

What will be his undoing is that him and others actively promote the bank like in this topic ... ZVbs0aFmiA, while he attempts to pass the joining and monthly fee off as membership to a political movement and you can see some people are trying to now spin it as a movement and not a bank.

I hope the movement gains some traction and they actually try some of the shit that Pete was spewing the other night as it could end up being comedy gold.
I think even though it is the UK deaths could still happen.

How many people have been in the media after they commited suicide when the stress of debt got to much to cope with,this could happen because of PoE's scam.If as has been posted here a fair few of the members of the weRE bank are senior citizens or very vulnerable then when Debt collectors start corresponding by phone and letter regarding debts that they thought they had paid through Re's how many may take that way out?

Its a worrying thought but a very real possability.
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Re: Peter of England: A REal guru.

Post by littleFred »

Yes, this is an evil aspect of Peter's woo. He convinces people that sending rubber cheques will magically eliminate debts. Peter is a convincing speaker, and could easily tip vulnerable people over the edge. After taking their money.
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Re: Peter of England: A REal guru.

Post by Losleones »

It's rather worrying given the fact the average age of subscribers is around 50?....These people ought to know better as they approach their autumnal yrs but i doubt anyone of these suckers has the intention of paying down the PN &/or have given a second thought to the consequences of their own fraudulent actions.

They are far too embedded in sovrun beliefs to actually give a shit. You only need look at the various TC eviction videos to see how warped their minds are.

Let's hope Ceylon isn't too far away with his camera when Peter gets arrested for his crimes.
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Re: Peter of England: A REal guru.

Post by PeanutGallery »

I watched Peter's long Glastonbury talk last night and would have posted this earlier, but the shenanigans at the former Casa del Crawford kept my attention their rather than contemplating Peters rather interesting beliefs.

I noted that Peter made a number of statements about cash money and promissory notes, which aside from being totally wrong, can easily be shown to be wrong. The first statement was that all money in the UK is in the form of a promissory note.

That of course is a misdirection. Not all money in the UK is a promissory note, we have coins, those metal discs used to pay for things. Peter doesn't want us to think about coins, because when we do we notice what makes them different from a bank note. A coin isn't a promise to pay anything. It is payment.

A promissory note issued by a bank can be redeemed for a number of coins equal to its value. Therefore the promise made on the note, by the chair of the Bank of England can be kept. So why is this important, well it debunks a large chunk of the Freetard money isn't a real thing myth and that all money is just a promise to pay, because not ALL money is a promise to pay, some is just payment.

I've already mentioned that Peter doesn't understand that the person making the promise isn't the person holding the note (that is who the promise is made to).
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Re: Peter of England: A REal guru.

Post by YiamCross »

11 of the world's most unusual currencies. Re doesn't qualify as it isn't actually a currency. Even a Disney dollar (yes, they print their own banknotes and they're accepted in theme parks in California and Florida!) is worth more than a Re ... ailsignout