UK - Tom Crawford - Eviction

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Hercule Parrot
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Re: UK - Tom Crawford - Eviction

Post by Hercule Parrot »

YiamCross wrote:Hearing that Mark Ceyon has been arrested. Woo Hoo if true.
Probably just detained for a while on BoP and then de-arrested. He's posting now on GOODF, but he doesn't have much to say. A distinct lack of VICTORY!!1!!1 rhetoric. ... 60&t=87898
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Re: UK - Tom Crawford - Eviction

Post by BlueBurmese »

fat frank wrote:

tom getting arrested
How undignified. Unfortunately, I doubt this will be the end of this whole sorry saga. The man is a stubborn old bastard.
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Re: UK - Tom Crawford - Eviction

Post by littleFred »

Crowds incite each other. If one of them starts causing problems and gets away with it, this encourages others do do more. So one trick for crowd control is to visibly arrest the worst troublemaker and remove him. It doesn't really matter if that person was already known to be a leader, provided it sends the crowd a message: "If you follow this leader, you will be nicked."

I don't know what Ceylon did to get nicked. Quite likely no-one will be charged with any offences.
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Re: UK - Tom Crawford - Eviction

Post by Syf »

I think I upset someone on GOODF

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Re: UK - Tom Crawford - Eviction

Post by Syf »

OOOOOPS I have another one. :lol:

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Sent: Thu Jul 02, 2015 8:52 pm
From: SalliNae
To: Defiance

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Now is not the time to be right or wrong. A request has been made to consider Tom and his family. There will be plenty of time for a post mortem but not today.

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Re: UK - Tom Crawford - Eviction

Post by YiamCross »

The "Emergency Broadcast" team seem to think the eviction is illegal because they should have given Tom 28 days notice of repossession. Leicestershire Police, who are known for corruption and covering things up, are there too. They've noticed that lots of police forces are teaming up these days.

Or maybe they haven't noticed that TC has avoided eviction by calling in a mob a couple of times before and this can't be allowed to go on forever. Also that it would not be reasonable to leave the whole of Nottinghamshire bereft of police protection so they have to call in reinforcements from outside.

These people are just not interested in any reasonable discourse relying on facts, they want what they want and they give us all a lesson in what true greed and corruption are.
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Re: UK - Tom Crawford - Eviction

Post by ArthurWankspittle »

YiamCross wrote:It's not that funny when you listen to what these people are saying. The WPC who put her hand out to stop Tom getting through the cordon has assaulted him and "deserves a smack in the mouth".The idiots seem to think this is why he's been arrested.

They don't realise Tom was arrested because he refused to leaved the scene when asked to do so by a properly authorised police officer. I expect they just wanted to get him out of the way for a while, more for his own safety, I wouldn't be surprised if he was released without charge.
I suspect you are right but I was hoping he would be arrested for assaulting a police officer. That would just be the cherry on the cake for his next tenancy application: No money except a state pension. 26+ years mortgage arrears. Rent-a-mob morons ready to turn out to defend him and a criminal conviction.
Sounds the perfect potential tenant. :sarcasmon:
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Re: UK - Tom Crawford - Eviction

Post by vampireLOREN »


It's an interesting insight into the mind of the moron.[/quote]
She is that......100%.
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Re: UK - Tom Crawford - Eviction

Post by dobble »

Hello - have lurked for quite a while following goings on.

I fear all that has been achieved by Tom and team through the courts has been to erode any equity he may have had in the house, that job seems to have been finished today - who on earth is going to want to buy the house now? It seems quite possible Tom may be left owing money even after the house has sold... :thinking:

I don't have much to add to the discussion other than to note that Tom's first action on site seems to have been to attempt to arrest the incident commander - see ... cation=ufi from 4:30 onwards.Doesn't seem like a particularly wise move...
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Re: UK - Tom Crawford - Eviction

Post by wanglepin »

littleFred wrote:
I don't know what Ceylon did to get nicked. Quite likely no-one will be charged with any offences.
That's it Fred, spoil a good day.
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Re: UK - Tom Crawford - Eviction

Post by littleFred »

Welcome, dobble!
dobble wrote:I don't have much to add to the discussion other than to note that Tom's first action on site seems to have been to attempt to arrest the incident commander - see ... cation=ufi from 4:30 onwards. Doesn't seem like a particularly wise move...
Ah, so Tom was driving the car at speed towards the police lines. See the video ... =2&theater at 2m 0s onwards.

SalliNae as usual forbids opinions outside the party line.
SalliNae wrote:In an ideal world, we would all be gathered together and seeking a solution whilst always having consideration for Tom's choice of path and supporting him regardless. Especially now.

Can we not, at the very least, accept that we all have opinions (just like arseholes) and they don't mean a thing because it is not our house. It is not our family. It is Tom's. All we can do is support his path. Like he would support yours, in a heartbeat.

This is not about right or wrong. ...
In isolation, that would be fair enough. "We should have sympathy for Tom, and not discuss why this has happened."

But SalliNae is allowed to express her opinions.
SalliNae wrote:[...] who chose his path to expose an incredibly corrupt system to benefit many. [...] a gentleman with a loving family who has done nothing to hurt any one of you. [...] This is about standing up to corruption. Knowing that if we do not tackle it now, we leave a legacy to our children and grandchildren that they do not deserve. [...] those filthy rotten costume wearers will be having a very good laugh at our expense if we do not look at the bigger picture and start working together.
SalliNae is allowed to whip up opinion that Tom was standing up to corruption. She will not tolerate the opinion that the story is far simpler: Tom didn't pay off his mortgage so never bought his house.
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Re: UK - Tom Crawford - Eviction

Post by Origen »

dobble wrote:I don't have much to add to the discussion other than to note that Tom's first action on site seems to have been to attempt to arrest the incident commander - see ... cation=ufi from 4:30 onwards.Doesn't seem like a particularly wise move...
Sound like that was his second action with the first being attempting to intimidate the police with his car.

Thanks for providing a clearer picture surrounding the 'assault' that WPC done.
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Re: UK - Tom Crawford - Eviction

Post by Jeffrey »

The car stunt alone justifies putting him in jail a while to cool off.
Hercule Parrot
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Re: UK - Tom Crawford - Eviction

Post by Hercule Parrot »

Jeffrey wrote:The car stunt alone justifies putting him in jail a while to cool off.
The guy must have been stressed out of his mind. He's miles from home when the news reaches him, and he frantically rushes back. Interesting that he was alone. None of the people who were in London with him came back, no family or supporters met him at the station. He seemed isolated and overwhelmed by the fact that it was really happening. I admit to feeling some sympathy for him - he really thought he was going to get away with this, and now it's all in ashes.

The 'car stunt' wasn't necessarily calculated or malicious. I think the Police were right to try and handle him gently, and it's a shame that he couldn't maintain his composure and walk away with dignity. The assembled mob however should all have been tasered. They seemed bent on stirring up aggravation and making the whole thing far worse.

(Did anyone notice the elderly neighbours lifting out a fence panel in the background? I thought they were creating an route for the mob to get round the Police line, but I think they were just creosoting timber. Fortunately nobody in the mob saw the opportunity to nip through the gardens and emerge at the top of Fearn Close)
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Re: UK - Tom Crawford - Eviction

Post by wanglepin »

I wonder what Crawfords bill will be eventually, with court costs etc. The legal costs to Ebert,Taylor and Bernicia Forensics In Law shouldn't be a problem, they can have WeRe cheque.
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Re: UK - Tom Crawford - Eviction

Post by YiamCross »

Perhaps they'll do a commemorative Tom Crawford Victory Re coin? If they make enough they can buy his house back at the auction.
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Re: UK - Tom Crawford - Eviction

Post by Hyrion »

SalliNae wrote:In an ideal world, we would all be gathered together and seeking a solution whilst always having consideration for Tom's choice of path and supporting him regardless.
All we can do is support his path. Like he would support yours, in a heartbeat.
If his path were be to murder me and my family, I think any sane person would understand why I wouldn't want to support his path. Sorry SalliNae - I don't blindly back anyone - not even my own family.
SalliNae wrote:This is not about right or wrong. ...
Ahh - and here's where the truth really comes out.
not about right or wrong
The only time I've ever heard anyone throw that in as an argument was when they wanted to do something they knew was wrong. That's like every time someone has ever told me:
We don't have to involve Lawyers
I learned that's a sure sign you definitely need to have a Lawyer involved for your own protection. Although in my case, my option is simply not to proceed in doing business with that person in the first place - it's a far simpler solution that's also far less costly.
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Re: UK - Tom Crawford - Eviction

Post by #six »

More bullshit from Tom.

Posted 4 hrs ago: ... =2&theater

@ 1:30 - mentions that his dog has died. However, According to Facebook...

Posted 2 hrs ago:
Joanne Ince: Spoke with Craig Crawford earlier (about 15 mins ago) his mum is safe with the dog. Xxxx
Joanne Ince: We nipped up to see if there was anything else we could do and we asked craig and he said they were both safe. The poor dog is still very ill but is safe with sue bless xxxx
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Re: UK - Tom Crawford - Eviction

Post by Origen »

Just read a article on the evening post's website which states.
Police said a 64-year-old man was arrested on suspicion of assaulting a police officer and a breach of the peace.

Two people were arrested on suspicion of assaulting a police officer, another for a breach of the peace and a fourth for a racially aggravated public order offence.

All remained in custody last night.
also fount this video which might have already been posted. ... 092748468/
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Re: UK - Tom Crawford - Eviction

Post by Jeffrey »

Think I've solved one of the arrests:

Woman spit on a cop and got arrested for it.