UK - Tom Crawford - Eviction

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Re: UK - Tom Crawford - Eviction

Post by vampireLOREN »

Here is Jon Dow's effort, He proves one thing he is one hell of a Drama Queen.
Oh and the spitting "babe" I think is Monica? maybe something to do with Michael O'Deara :violin:
If people from Poland are called Poles Why are aren't people from Holland called Holes?
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Re: UK - Tom Crawford - Eviction

Post by #six »

vampireLOREN wrote:Here is Jon Dow's effort, He proves one thing he is one hell of a Drama Queen.
Oh and the spitting "babe" I think is Monica? maybe something to do with Michael O'Deara :violin:
Some points I would highlight in the video.

@ 15 min - Harassing BBC news staff. Classy
@ 42.15 min - Mob mentality at its best.

All that John Dow has shown from this video is that the police were calm in the face of provocation, were needed to prevent a serious breach of the peace and that the majority of Toms supporters are thugs. Well done John :lol:
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Re: UK - Tom Crawford - Eviction

Post by #six »

Ok - I've seen it all now

From facebook
Jamie Catton
51 mins
ok i dont no about anyone eles but im gona spend day getting incontact with famuos people as well as groups like british first as the fights not over ive already messaged Russell Brand as fight as just begon would help if thers can do same thing as we see papers and new just twist stuff so there no help
Firstly the guy is barely literate and I think that's being generous, but does he really think that Russell Brand would EVER share a platform with Britain First? :haha:
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Re: UK - Tom Crawford - Eviction

Post by slowsmile »

I like his (Dow's) comment "the whole world is watching". His youtube has 190 views as of now - it may limp up to a couple of thousand - no doubt the usual will say "this needs to go viral"!!!! They don't seem to realise their viruses spread no further than GOODF and a few obscure youtube and facebook accounts - nobody has even posted on DIF about the eviction. They live in a world whose boundaries are shrinking all the time.
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Re: UK - Tom Crawford - Eviction

Post by wanglepin »

I see that Tom and Guy Taylor had been in court earlier helping some one else lose there house.
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Re: UK - Tom Crawford - Eviction

Post by YiamCross »

I just looked on Eviction Fraud blah blah FB page on my phone and there was quite a long diatribe from the lovely Amanda Pike. Sadly when I went back to it on my PC I got a message saying the post was removed or I don't have permission to see it. Same when I went back to my phone, shame I didn't copy it when I could. Then again there was a lot of it, most of it was hard to understand and the rest was just invective so it might be better left unseen.

The gist of it seems to be, and I guess this is why there are so many supporters, they really believe that TC thought he was on a repayment scheme and the bank sneakily put it back to interest only and he's paid over £130K which is surely enough to cover the £40K he borrowed. She swears that he didn't change it back to interest only or endowment but as far as I can tell from the May judgment he admits not only that he did but he insisted on not having a repayment mortgage. Either way, any sane person of average, or even below average, intelligence with a mortgage knows exactly what type of mortgage it is and where they stand with it even if only from the annual statement. As far as they're concerned, he paid over £130K and that should be enough.

The rest is blather, Tom got out of the cells around midnight, the dog doesn't have much longer to go and granny isn't even in the ground yet and the fascist thugs can't be allowed to get away with it. This isn't the beginning of the end but the end of the beginning, not that she said that but the sentiment is there.

Lots of calls to get Britain First involved, though I don't see why because it's not the immigrants who are causing the problem here.

There's talk of moles and infiltrators in the group who aren't 100% behind TC so I'm wondering if they've changed permissions so only members can see what's doing. Maybe they finally cottoned on to the fact that plastering their movements all over the interweb might have given the tyrannical policey scum the idea that 2nd July would be a good day to call, what with Tom being off to London to support a fellow victim of the banks, and don't want them to see their plans to retake Tom's castle.
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Re: UK - Tom Crawford - Eviction

Post by PeanutGallery »

wanglepin wrote:I see that Tom and Guy Taylor had been in court earlier helping some one else lose there house.
Tom did say that Guy was in Barnet and it was looking like a victory, so yeah, that's another house gone.
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Re: UK - Tom Crawford - Eviction

Post by YiamCross »

vampireLOREN wrote:Here is Jon Dow's effort, He proves one thing he is one hell of a Drama Queen.
Oh and the spitting "babe" I think is Monica? maybe something to do with Michael O'Deara :violin:
Good man, first stop, the pub. Suitably refreshed he can get on and find out what everyone else knew ages ago from looking at their phone. What a twat.
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Re: UK - Tom Crawford - Eviction

Post by slowsmile »

YiamCross wrote:I just looked on Eviction Fraud blah blah FB page on my phone and there was quite a long diatribe from the lovely Amanda Pike. Sadly when I went back to it on my PC I got a message saying the post was removed or I don't have permission to see it. Same when I went back to my phone, shame I didn't copy it when I could. Then again there was a lot of it, most of it was hard to understand and the rest was just invective so it might be better left unseen.

Lots of calls to get Britain First involved, though I don't see why because it's not the immigrants who are causing the problem here.
Amanda's rant is still there; ... 760950320/

and to be fair Amanda and a number of others have stated clearly they don't want Britain First involved.
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Re: UK - Tom Crawford - Eviction

Post by vampireLOREN »

#six wrote:Ok - I've seen it all now

From facebook
Jamie Catton
51 mins
ok i dont no about anyone eles but im gona spend day getting incontact with famuos people as well as groups like british first as the fights not over ive already messaged Russell Brand as fight as just begon would help if thers can do same thing as we see papers and new just twist stuff so there no help
Firstly the guy is barely literate and I think that's being generous, but does he really think that Russell Brand would EVER share a platform with Britain First? :haha:
I think it is just possible that his name is Jamie Cotton and he has not yet learnt how to spell it.
If people from Poland are called Poles Why are aren't people from Holland called Holes?
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Re: UK - Tom Crawford - Eviction

Post by guilty »

Letter to Residents ... 505&type=1
Jacqui Kendall Williamson - so that letter Aitken Spence-moorthy was posted to all the residents in the area and no one thought to make the Crawfords aware of it?
It's a mystery! You'd almost think that the residents wanted to get shut of Tom and his rent-a-mobs.
"People who think they know everything are a great annoyance to those of us who do."
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Re: UK - Tom Crawford - Eviction

Post by YiamCross »

Amanda P's post is back again. Is it fair to inflict it on you? Hell, why should I suffer alone? the crux crooks of the matter is, well, see for yourselves.

Not actually been to sleep so excuse the state of this but
we dont actually know whats gone on, why they did it or why they refused us any paper work to see which in itself is against the law. What i witness yesterday was terrorism. Pure and simple. My nan not yet in her grave our family pet with maybe only hours to live now. We were threatened, attacked, assulted, insulted, laughed by "bailiffs" court staff, "security staff" and most shocking of all the police, all day long even while i was sobbing told we were boring by a police man, god the list is endless. But the crooks of the matter are. We read out to them verbatim the actual laws being broken. Which ive lost count of. They'd cover many pages, the people there to protect us and be impartial, were totally ONLY on the side, with the bank...however. with all this said its only the beginning. Now its a criminal matter, we have plans. Things will get going again. At the end of the day we have every bank docket to prove that we paid over 130k ish on a 41k mortgage. Along with all our other evidence If that in itself apart from the rest of the matter isn't enough evidence for you i don't know what it. It was proven in court we did not change the mortgage it was proven the judge could NOT find the figure the bank were claiming we owed, it was also proven that we did not agree for it to be changed, and that the bank did not change it back to its original agreement 2 parties HAVE to agree to change a contract thatvis FACT and was agreed upon in court . However this is all a side matter though, as NO PROCESS was followed. Litrally none. Grater issues and laws have been broken. So once we get it further they are going to have to prove what they are saying. Considering they brought zero evidence to the previous hearing well that will be very interesting wont it. They can't and they know it. Anyway lifes a fucking ball bag of a bitch sometimes i feel so so sorry for my mum , dad, sister and brother but you know what I couldnt be bloody prouder. One day all will see. The criminals may have won yesterday but not for long. THANKYOU SO SO MUCH for the messages of support you'll never EVER understand what it means to us. Love you all and THANKYOU for sticking with us xx
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Re: UK - Tom Crawford - Eviction

Post by wanglepin »

guilty wrote:Letter to Residents ... 505&type=1
Jacqui Kendall Williamson - so that letter Aitken Spence-moorthy was posted to all the residents in the area and no one thought to make the Crawfords aware of it?
It's a mystery! You'd almost think that the residents wanted to get shut of Tom and his rent-a-mobs.
So it seems all of Crawford's neighbors had notice about the eviction, but Crawford didn't !!!1!!!!? So Crawford has been caught out in more lies.
Crawford really is a fully fledged goofer guru now isn't he?
Last edited by wanglepin on Fri Jul 03, 2015 10:49 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: UK - Tom Crawford - Eviction

Post by PeanutGallery »

YiamCross wrote:I just looked on Eviction Fraud blah blah FB page on my phone and there was quite a long diatribe from the lovely Amanda Pike. Sadly when I went back to it on my PC I got a message saying the post was removed or I don't have permission to see it. Same when I went back to my phone, shame I didn't copy it when I could. Then again there was a lot of it, most of it was hard to understand and the rest was just invective so it might be better left unseen.
Was this it?
Amanda Pike wrote:Not actually been to sleep so excuse the state of this but we dont actually know whats gone on, why they did it or why they refused us any paper work to see which in itself is against the law.

What i witness yesterday was terrorism. Pure and simple. My nan not yet in her grave our family pet with maybe only hours to live now. We were threatened, attacked, assulted, insulted, laughed by "bailiffs" court staff, "security staff" and most shocking of all the police, all day long even while i was sobbing told we were boring by a police man, god the list is endless.

But the crooks of the matter are. We read out to them verbatim the actual laws being broken. Which ive lost count of. They'd cover many pages, the people there to protect us and be impartial, were totally ONLY on the side, with the bank...however. with all this said its only the beginning. Now its a criminal matter, we have plans. Things will get going again. At the end of the day we have every bank docket to prove that we paid over 130k ish on a 41k mortgage. Along with all our other evidence If that in itself apart from the rest of the matter isn't enough evidence for you i don't know what it.

It was proven in court we did not change the mortgage it was proven the judge could NOT find the figure the bank were claiming we owed, it was also proven that we did not agree for it to be changed, and that the bank did not change it back to its original agreement 2 parties HAVE to agree to change a contract thatvis FACT and was agreed upon in court . However this is all a side matter though, as NO PROCESS was followed. Litrally none. Grater issues and laws have been broken.

So once we get it further they are going to have to prove what they are saying. Considering they brought zero evidence to the previous hearing well that will be very interesting wont it. They can't and they know it. Anyway lifes a fucking ball bag of a bitch sometimes i feel so so sorry for my mum , dad, sister and brother but you know what I couldnt be bloody prouder. One day all will see. The criminals may have won yesterday but not for long. THANKYOU SO SO MUCH for the messages of support you'll never EVER understand what it means to us. Love you all and THANKYOU for sticking with us xx
I placed it in paragraphs, rather quickly, to try and improve the legibility. However the spelling is all Amanda's.
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Re: UK - Tom Crawford - Eviction

Post by #six »

wanglepin wrote:
guilty wrote:Letter to Residents ... 505&type=1
Jacqui Kendall Williamson - so that letter Aitken Spence-moorthy was posted to all the residents in the area and no one thought to make the Crawfords aware of it?
It's a mystery! You'd almost think that the residents wanted to get shut of Tom and his rent-a-mobs.
So it seems all of Crawford's neighbors had notice about the convection, but Crawford didn't !!!1!!!!? So Crawford has been caught out in more lies.
Crawford really is a fully fledged goofer guru now isn't he?
Yeah - there's not a chance that they weren't aware of those letters.
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Re: UK - Tom Crawford - Eviction

Post by wanglepin »

YiamCross wrote:Amanda P's post is back again.
i was sobbing told we were boring by a police man.
I have to agree. Listening to another video about court paperwork, Stamps, Seals, Sea Lions and other marine creatures is just too much. I have a David Attenborough dvd .
Now its a criminal matter, we have plans.
Not cunning plans again by any chance?
It was proven in court we did not change the mortgage
And neither did Bradford and Bingley by all accounts.
and that the bank did not change it back to its original agreement
What was there to be “changed back” if it hadn’t changed at all
i feel so so sorry for my mum , dad, sister and brother
So do I. But didn't you say you could afford to pay off this mortgage FIFTEEN TIMES OVER!!!1!!!!
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Re: UK - Tom Crawford - Eviction

Post by rumpelstilzchen »

I think it is now safe to say that any suspicions we may have had that Tom has secretly negotiated with B&B to repay the loan were without foundation.
BHF wrote:
It shows your mentality to think someone would make the effort to post something on the internet that was untrue.
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Re: UK - Tom Crawford - Eviction

Post by PeanutGallery »

vampireLOREN wrote:Here is Jon Dow's effort, He proves one thing he is one hell of a Drama Queen.
Oh and the spitting "babe" I think is Monica? maybe something to do with Michael O'Deara :violin:

Notably around the 55:25(ish) mark of Mr Dow's video, Monica happily admits to assaulting the police officer she says when asked by another protester "Yeah, I spit on his face".

Charming lady. Of course this doesn't stop the mob from demanding her release. Hopefully the police will get the footage from Bambuser and Mr Dow which show her a) spitting and b) admitting to having spat. Of course the officers surrounding her would also have heard her confession.
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Re: UK - Tom Crawford - Eviction

Post by YiamCross »

vampireLOREN wrote:Here is Jon Dow's effort, He proves one thing he is one hell of a Drama Queen.
Oh and the spitting "babe" I think is Monica? maybe something to do with Michael O'Deara :violin:
Is this bloke for real? He walks away from the BBC van complaining that "none of them to date have broadcast the real truth" which to some extent is correct because a lot of what they've been reporting is the crap put out by goofers. He then proceeds to give us the "truth of the matter" which, as far as I can tell, is 100% false.

TC didn't take out a mortgage for "about 35 grand", sorry, one fact slipped through as that actually was in 1988. He didn't take a couple of top up loans, he did take out an additional loan of £5k which was on a repayment basis. I can only assume that's been paid and isn't part of the problem.

The "original wet ink document" says it's an endowment mortgage. This twat clearly doesn't understand what an endowment mortgage is, I suppose because he's never been in a position to get a mortgage himself, he thinks that after the agreed 300 payments there should have been an end payment of about £11,000. "that was the endowment system. " B&B changed it to an interest only mortgage but Tom wanted it changed back to how it was.

Really? No wonder these people are so easy to manipulate when they can't even understand something so simple as an interest only mortgage with an endowment policy which could, should, hopefully, mature with a value sufficient to repay the original capital. Which might have worked if Tom had continued to pay the endowment premiums. He might even have been okay if he'd accepted B&B's offer of help when the whole sorry mess, no fault of theirs, was uncovered and moved to a repayment plan. On very favourable terms from what I can understand. So, the bank were claiming that "it was an interest only mortgage from the start off" because, er, it was.

So, no truth there, then. Quelle surprise.

Give him his due, though, when poor confused Craig was puzzling over how they knew no one would be there Jon boy realised "they've been watching the video, Craig". So what to do about it? I know, let's make another video!

Tom reiterates the bollocks about his mortgage being changed, expects he probably got a load of speeding tickets rushing back to watch them repossess his house but he's not paying any of them. Doh!

YouTube is great, I may never have to leave the house again to find out what's happening out there in the world.
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Re: UK - Tom Crawford - Eviction

Post by FatGambit »

If the family have the money as they claim, is there anything to stop one of them bidding at the auction to buy the house for Tom?