UK - Tom Crawford - Eviction

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Re: UK - Tom Crawford - Eviction

Post by GH132 »

rumpelstilzchen wrote:
FatGambit wrote:If the family have the money as they claim, is there anything to stop one of them bidding at the auction to buy the house for Tom?
No. It would be an auction that the public can attend. However, if their bid was succesful they would have to actually pay the amount of their bid plus auction fees. There would be no chance of them getting the house without parting up. The house will make more than Tom owed so it would be a false economy.
Actually, not quite right chaps. If the Crawfords were to pop up today / next week etc and paid the complete liability then they would be able to take back occupation and ownership of the house.

I've helped people back into their homes after repossession and this is not uncommon
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Re: UK - Tom Crawford - Eviction

Post by Origen »

YiamCross wrote:Well lookey here, no bailiffs, policey men, shills, infiltrators or general banking scum of the earth need apply. They don't want their storming Tom's castle schedule to leak out. Better late than never or shutting the stable door after the horse has bolted..?

Jay Brad Bradley
4 hrs
Ok we have knocked things up a step and added a group that is closed the only way in is by three other members verifying who you are we need to keep these trolls out the groups and also keep the Bailiffs out please add yourselves to the new group but when you do please ask 3 other current members to verify you if you cant get verification please be patient as we will be adding people daily
Yes that is totally the way to go, there is no way on earth that the bailiffs/police/MI5/MI6/GCHQ will not be able to infiltrate that group, have they not heard of Mark Kennedy?

Imagine the reaction if Ceylon was fount to be on some agencies payroll.

More on the Grand jury.
Michael OBernicia
TERRORISM: ter·ror·ism (tĕr′ə-rĭz′əm) n. The use of violence or the threat of violence, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political goals.

Upon the evidence, every police officer who assisted in the violent attack on the Crawfords home yesterday committed crimes ancillary to genocide, under long-established conventions of international law. This is not a one-off occurrence - it is a matter of government policy. The crimes must therefore also be considered acts of violence, conceived and carried out to achieve the political aim of suppressing civilian resistance to financial tyranny - terrorism by definition.

The numerous, luminous pirates who stole the family's property are criminally liable for trespass and theft; and personally liable for the enforcement of a plainly fraudulent claim, which was violently enforced without a valid court order or warrant for possession, in multiple breaches of due process of law. These individuals are also culpable as ancillaries to genocide.

The bank's directors and its legal representatives are criminally liable for fraud by false representation, non-disclosure and abuse of position, under sections 2, 3 and 4 of the Fraud Act 2006, since they lied under oath to Nottingham County Court about the amount alleged to be due and outstanding, for their own financial gain, as even the judge who lifted the stay on a non-existent warrant for possession was forced to concede on May 1st 2015.

By their despicable, cowardly and foolish actions, the accused have proven beyond reasonable doubt that justice is not possible to obtain within the overtly corporatist police state which has been imposed upon us by stealth, even in the event one wins the legal argument in a dispute with any vested interest of the Crown House of Rothschild. The time for the people to seek their own remedies, as predicted by Lord Denning, has undoubtedly arrived, along with the dull thud of one hundred statist jackboots marching to a street near you, in order to "prevent a breach of the peace".

Twenty five good people are therefore required for a grand jury to be held in the Nottingham area, to decide if there are cases to answer for the individuals charged with the foregoing crimes. Please email to put your name forward by proxy; but remember that your participation cannot be publicly known, as all jury members' names must remain private and confidential, for their own protection, in accordance with ancient custom.

The only other realistic choice that is available to us is total compliance with the tenets of Agenda 21, which seeks to reduce the population of these islands to 15 million over the next ten years, in the name of "sustainable development"; also known as "austerity economics" and "the culling of the herd".

The urgent necessity for the people to organise local grand juries and community peacekeeping forces to resist such criminal government policies has never been greater in modern times. I therefore appeal to all those genuine and courageous souls on the front line to set aside all issues which divide us and unite in our common cause - to End Genocide Now by taking decisive action without delay. Our children's lives depend upon it. If not now, when?
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Re: UK - Tom Crawford - Eviction

Post by rumpelstilzchen »

GH132 wrote:
rumpelstilzchen wrote:
FatGambit wrote:If the family have the money as they claim, is there anything to stop one of them bidding at the auction to buy the house for Tom?
No. It would be an auction that the public can attend. However, if their bid was succesful they would have to actually pay the amount of their bid plus auction fees. There would be no chance of them getting the house without parting up. The house will make more than Tom owed so it would be a false economy.
Actually, not quite right chaps. If the Crawfords were to pop up today / next week etc and paid the complete liability then they would be able to take back occupation and ownership of the house.

I've helped people back into their homes after repossession and this is not uncommon
Agreed. But I was answering the specific question that was asked: "is there anything to stop one of them bidding at the auction to buy the house for Tom?"
If there is an auction they can bid.
BHF wrote:
It shows your mentality to think someone would make the effort to post something on the internet that was untrue.
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Re: UK - Tom Crawford - Eviction

Post by Losleones »

Below is a link to a video posted up by One Cell which appears to show Tom & wis wife's possessions arriving somewhere in Lancashire filmed by a half wit,who appears to be wearing a pair of ladies sunglasses. ... Zak03CkqrU
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Re: UK - Tom Crawford - Eviction

Post by wanglepin »

PeanutGallery wrote:I am sure that in regard to the letters, it's being reported that they were distributed to residents at 9 in the morning on the actual day. I can believe this as I would doubt that the Police would commit so many resources to the operation and then risk blowing it by advertising the fact.
I forgot to add why it is I don't agree with you here Peanut.
Even if those letters were hand delivered on the morning of the eviction this didn't leave the residents much time to make any arrangements concerning movement etc.
Because the first we here on Quatloos heard about the bailiffs arrival was from JonnyL at 10:37 AM the morning of the eviction.
Re: UK - Tom Crawford Calls For Help
Postby JonnyL » Thu Jul 02, 2015 10:37 am

the bailiffs have arrived this morning i believe.
'Putin's left hand man'
Someone knew well in hand this was going to happen.
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Re: UK - Tom Crawford - Eviction

Post by PeanutGallery »

wanglepin wrote:
PeanutGallery wrote:I am sure that in regard to the letters, it's being reported that they were distributed to residents at 9 in the morning on the actual day. I can believe this as I would doubt that the Police would commit so many resources to the operation and then risk blowing it by advertising the fact.
I forgot to add why it is I don't agree with you here Peanut.
Even if those letters were hand delivered on the morning of the eviction this didn't leave the residents much time to make any arrangements concerning movement etc.
Because the first we here on Quatloos heard about the bailiffs arrival was from JonnyL at 10:37 AM the morning of the eviction.
Re: UK - Tom Crawford Calls For Help
Postby JonnyL » Thu Jul 02, 2015 10:37 am

the bailiffs have arrived this morning i believe.
'Putin's left hand man'
Someone knew well in hand this was going to happen.
Conversely it's precisely because it was planned that I suspect they didn't distribute the notice until the day of the eviction. I don't think they had as much concern for the residents making movement arrangements as they did for the need to try and keep public disorder to a minimum.

To that extent I believe they would have balanced the risk of Tom finding out and possibly arranging a scene much like the ones before against the risk of disrupting the residents (one factor would have been that if Tom did find out then the residents movements would have been disrupted anyway).

However it's a minor point and doesn't change the facts.
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Re: UK - Tom Crawford - Eviction

Post by wanglepin »

I see Sycophantic Salli hasn’t changed the record.
Can we please, for one moment, take a step back......................... Tom has his own path. Anyone who has a different one should spend their time upon it and stop judging others for theirs. Please. Have some compassion. Is that really too much to ask? ... ZaqqjTF98F

What gets me about Syco Sal is that she persistently refers to people and their “own path”.
But she is a moderator on a terrible website that actually offers people another path that turn out to be roads to ruin.
If we go by Syco Sals rule then everyone who is stupid enough to turn to goofsville and Mark Haining Ceylon for help and guidance should simply be told to - ‘F*** off!!!1!!!! BOOM!#!#!#!#!#!#!#!#!# ,
and find your own path’
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Re: UK - Tom Crawford - Eviction

Post by YiamCross »

Origen wrote:
Imagine the reaction if Ceylon was fount to be on some agencies payroll.

More on the Grand jury.
Michael OBernicia
TERRORISM: ter·ror·ism (tĕr′ə-rĭz′əm) n. The...

blah blah blah.. and unite in our common cause - to End Genocide Now by taking decisive action without delay. Our children's lives depend upon it. If not now, when?
Even MI6 would consider him too stupid to use. I know the best spy is the one no one would suspect but that would be ridiculous.

Does any one else read lynch mob for "grand jury" and "peacemakers"? What they're calling for is mob rule and they'd get a nasty shock if they ever managed to bring down the system.

There's a lot wrong with our society but I can't see how introducing worthless currency and weaseling out of debt can do anything to improve it. One more reason why people shouldn't be given the right to vote without passing a competency test.
Silly Ebert
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Re: UK - Tom Crawford - Eviction

Post by Silly Ebert »

This was planned for sometime but brought forward after Crawford showed his hand for the 2nd July.
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Re: UK - Tom Crawford - Eviction

Post by Jeffrey »

Someone at GOODF has posted what appears to be a message from Amanda Pike:
At the end of the day we have every bank docket to prove that we paid over 130k ish on a 41k mortgage. Along with all our other evidence If that in itself apart from the rest of the matter isn't enough evidence for you i don't know what it. It was proven in court we did not change the mortgage it was proven the judge could NOT find the figure the bank were claiming we owed, it was also proven that we did not agree for it to be changed, and that the bank did not change it back to its original agreement 2 parties HAVE to agree to change a contract thatvis FACT and was agreed upon in court . However this is all a side matter though, as NO PROCESS was followed.
Either she is as stupid as a brick and believes her dad or she is intentionally perpetuating the lie that the mortgage was changed.
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Re: UK - Tom Crawford - Eviction

Post by YiamCross »

Some "dick" (to quote the victim of this harassment) following the removal van. ... map=%5B%5D
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Re: UK - Tom Crawford - Eviction

Post by wanglepin »

Jeffrey wrote:Either she is as stupid as a brick and believes her dad or she is intentionally perpetuating the lie that the mortgage was changed.
This has already been posted I believe, Jeff. I did point out the fact that at this point >
it was also proven that we did not agree for it to be changed, and that the bank did not change it back to its original agreement
That there was nothing to "change back" to, because it had never been changed in the first place. But as you say, she is "thick as a brick" .
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Re: UK - Tom Crawford - Eviction

Post by Origen »

If i had to guess it was planned for the 6th or 7th when Guy was in court.

Yes it would be ridiculous to use Ceylon as his only intentions seem to be filling his own pockets.

Most people will read the grand jury and peacemakers as lynch mob talk and it is dangerous talk and is easy to spin, i suspect the various forums and groups are being monitored by the bailiffs and anyone who wants to throw a spanner in their plan will simply pass on the info onto the police who should take an interest as it is a group who are attempting to take the law into their own hands which is mainly directed at the police/judges/lawyers/bailiffs and it shouldn't be hard for them to persuade a higher up to sign off on investigating them further.

They go about things in the wrong way, the way they choose turns the general public against them rather than turning the general public against the system they are trying to destroy/change and the system only has to sit back and watch.
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Re: UK - Tom Crawford - Eviction

Post by ArthurWankspittle »

YiamCross wrote:Some "dick" (to quote the victim of this harassment) following the removal van. ... map=%5B%5D
That's the same video in the link from JimmyOneCell that losleones put up earlier. He says he's called Mark Gillard? at one point. It must be so nice to have such a flexible work arrangement to be able to chase removal vans from Nottingham to Lancashire.
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Re: UK - Tom Crawford - Eviction

Post by rumpelstilzchen »

If the GOOFs now intend to start to convene their own Common Law Courts of Record with twenty-five members on each Grand Jury on a regular basis it may be worth considering at this point the possibility that investing in Asda shares might be quite a good idea.
BHF wrote:
It shows your mentality to think someone would make the effort to post something on the internet that was untrue.
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Re: UK - Tom Crawford - Eviction

Post by FatGambit »

Tesco and Morrisons have coffee shops too you know... ;)
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Re: UK - Tom Crawford - Eviction

Post by YiamCross »

FatGambit wrote:Tesco and Morrisons have coffee shops too you know... ;)
I think you'll find the only lawful and proper place to convene will serve beer & spirits at reasonable prices. Then again, cheaper still to find someone with a front room & get a couple of cases of cheap lager in from the supermarket. So long as they can find someone who's front room isn't behind boarded up doors & windows or requires visiting permission from HMP.
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Re: UK - Tom Crawford - Eviction

Post by YiamCross »

Dammit, foiled again Mutley.

Ned Ludd
1 hr
I've just been to Tom's there are probably 10 security guards there and a dog handler. These arn't the hard men you normally associate with security. But poorly paid immigrant labour. I start by filming and being mildly antagonistic but the men there were human enough to actually speak to me. I told them Tom's story and all of them agreed that this shouldn't be happening. I asked them why they did'nt leave and they explained that they were precarious labour, easily dismissed. It's up to you how you each challenge them but I think that as these guys already have doubts engament might be better than hostility
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Re: UK - Tom Crawford - Eviction

Post by YiamCross »

Sigh. Don't they realise this is all being added to Tom's bill and the only way to get his house back is to pay the money? The more of this crap they try to pull, the more poor Tom is going to have to pay whether he gets his house back or they sell it. It's all Toms money they're pissing away, why can't they get that????

I've just been to Tom's there are probably 10 security guards there and a dog handler....

Kev Fantastico Grainger Ned Ludd ... Are people still there? We are planning on traveling down tonight and even maybe camping over. That property needs taking back and occupying. Some direct action needs to be taken ASAP.
Last edited by YiamCross on Fri Jul 03, 2015 6:03 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: UK - Tom Crawford - Eviction

Post by JonnyL »

Losleones wrote:Below is a link to a video posted up by One Cell which appears to show Tom & wis wife's possessions arriving somewhere in Lancashire filmed by a half wit,who appears to be wearing a pair of ladies sunglasses. ... Zak03CkqrU
Yeah I think this is Mark Gillard, he seems ok but for some reason he's done a sweeney and stalked the removal firm. I find this very odd as he's done nothing but slate the FMOTL brigade, then he's done nothing but feed them ammunition yesterday, but he's just trying to get people to follow his youtube channel, he's even selling T shirts promoting his channel. Never mind. :haha: :haha: :haha: :haha:
Last edited by JonnyL on Fri Jul 03, 2015 6:08 pm, edited 1 time in total.
'Putin's left hand man'