UK - Tom Crawford - Eviction

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Re: UK - Tom Crawford - Eviction

Post by Bones »


Without wishing to spoil what Tom and Guy may be planning, I think that in the coming weeks there will be an attempt to retake Castle Crawford.

Guy has a very long and unsuccessful history of trying to retake his old manor and I came across a video of him giving an update on a repossession in Luton, of Michael Grant-Sinclair's home, in which Guy talks about Mr Grant-Sinclair reentering his home.

As has been posted, if the reunion meeting does take place, I think the combination of dutch courage mixed with bruised ego's and down right stupidity may result in an attempt to retake Castle Crawford.

Edit - this is the video
Last edited by Bones on Sun Jul 05, 2015 8:50 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: UK - Tom Crawford - Eviction

Post by Normal Wisdom »

mufc1959 wrote:
Jeffrey wrote:
Origen wrote:From the bit i listened to the interesting part was where he said he was notified by the bank about a change in the endowment in 1992 which is something he has never mentioned before.
... In Tom's case the policy premiums were being paid from Sue's account. She stopped paying in 1998. The policy was cashed in (I'm 99.99% certain this would have been by the policy provider) in 1999 and the £178.odd was credited to the mortgage account, as we were told in the judgment and shown in the documents Tom provided in one of his "I won" videos. Tom was given the option of transferring onto a repayment method, but refused to do so.

So I have to agree that it wasn't Tom or Sue who cashed in the policy - it lapsed because the premiums weren't paid. That the policy surrender happened a year after the premiums stopped leads me to conclude that the above scenario took place, with the policy provider following its usual process.
That's right except that Mrs C stopped making premium payments in 1991 and the policy was cashed in by Royal London in 1992. When Sue finally contacted B&B about the issue in January 1999 she seems to think that B&B must know about the Endowment policy having been cancelled although I don't believe that they did or should have done. For some reason she tells them that the policy had been cancelled four years previously (i.e. in 1995). That seems to be the reason why in response to Mrs C's contact in 1999, B&B generously offered to backdate the change to a repayment mortgage to 1995.
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Re: UK - Tom Crawford - Eviction

Post by hardcopy »

"We control time" have a video of Toms arrest. At around 28 seconds as he his led away he says to the police " do you realise I am a heamophilliac ".
I am surprised he wasn't released there and then.
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Re: UK - Tom Crawford - Eviction

Post by Losleones »

Just posted on goofy. "Dealing with stolen property"? :Axe: ... Zjw3nCkqrU
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Re: UK - Tom Crawford - Eviction

Post by hardcopy »

Losleones wrote:Just posted on goofy. "Dealing with stolen property"? :Axe: ... Zjw3nCkqrU
The perfect opportunity for Peter to step up brandishing a WeRe cheque.
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Re: UK - Tom Crawford - Eviction

Post by hucknallred »

Maybe they should keep an eye out for Martin Roberts, Lucy Alexander or Dion Dublin in the area.
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Re: UK - Tom Crawford - Eviction

Post by hardcopy »

hucknallred wrote:Maybe they should keep an eye out for Martin Roberts, Lucy Alexander or Dion Dublin in the area.
Haha, my favourite daytime programme.
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Re: UK - Tom Crawford - Eviction

Post by Losleones »

hardcopy wrote:
Losleones wrote:Just posted on goofy. "Dealing with stolen property"? :Axe: ... Zjw3nCkqrU
The perfect opportunity for Peter to step up brandishing a WeRe cheque.
Also a perfect opportunity for any entrepreneurial minded WeRe member to get a decent return on their worthless slip of paper. It really wouldn't surprise me if a sucker attempted this
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Re: UK - Tom Crawford - Eviction

Post by ArthurWankspittle »

Firstly, I agree with Peanut Gallery about the value of the house, mortgage costs, history etc. Only point I'd make is that the interest by the morons will suppress the house price by a few percent. On a bad day this house might not make the £100k mark. Oh and if some morons disrupt the auction and cause it to be postponed, it all goes on Tom's bill.

Secondly, CHICKENS ! They got to keep their house and have got re-housed, all at Tom's expense. Go CHICKENS!
Losleones wrote:Just posted on goofy. "Dealing with stolen property"? :Axe: ... Zjw3nCkqrU
Two weeks is unbelievably quick to get it auctioned. More like the listing will appear in two weeks. But then a Crawford knowing what they are talking about isn't a common occurrence apparently. And "fire sale"? I've never heard that expression used in the UK.
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Re: UK - Tom Crawford - Eviction

Post by ArthurWankspittle »

hardcopy wrote:"We control time" have a video of Toms arrest. At around 28 seconds as he his led away he says to the police " do you realise I am a heamophilliac ".
I am surprised he wasn't released there and then.
Well yes, because us prostate cancer sufferers get let off paying back our mortgage capital (bet you don't get that with Obamacare!). If he is that would possibly complicate his prostate cancer treatment though. I'd have more sympathy with him if he'd said he had undiagnosed early onset Alzheimer's because that could explain why he keeps lying about his mortgage.
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Re: UK - Tom Crawford - Eviction

Post by wanglepin » ... ZkDKTTF98F
I loved this reply from Peter of England about paying with a WeRe kite. I see he answers this after the eviction .
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Re: UK - Tom Crawford - Eviction

Post by wanglepin »

hardcopy wrote:"We control time" have a video of Toms arrest. At around 28 seconds as he his led away he says to the police " do you realise I am a heamophilliac ".
That actually means when translated into Tom speak means;
I have no bloody-where to go .
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Re: UK - Tom Crawford - Eviction

Post by GH132 »

I'd love it if they re entered the house illegally ... These YouTube videos are addictive

I just can't see this saga ending

In the meantime Amanda is seeking to muster as much anti auction house support as she can, protesting that the house is to be sold in two weeks.

On the FB eviction page (I'm banned) she states that all auction houses must be contacted to let them know it's stolen property and they will also attempt to block any purchase and will seek damages against any purchaser
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Re: UK - Tom Crawford - Eviction

Post by JonnyL »

Tom's not going to have any money left at the end of all of this. They will disrupt the auction for sure, buyers will know it's going to be a huge risk to buy it regarding the certainty of future hassle at the house, and they'll only part with peanuts for it. It's in Tom & Sue's best interests now that they simply accept it's gone and hope UKAR get the best price possible. BTBATB this morning is hilarious, some complete idiot posted a video filmed at 3:15am this morning questioning the official line of which direction the sun rises. He's got it in his head that it rises 'exactly East' in every single country on earth across all season's. Unfortunately this is what you're up against when trying to get people to listen to reason, It's impossible to do so. The video is below. ... e=55992D07
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Re: UK - Tom Crawford - Eviction

Post by exiledscouser »

rumpelstilzchen wrote:
bertiebert » Fri Jul 03, 2015 11:59 am
Amanda Pike‎Eviction the fraud of the bank
we needed to know ie the chickens. We were told yesterday they were being taken to a free hold farm
A "free hold" farm? Would that be opposed to a leasehold farm?
This would be, if ever there was one, a clear case of the chickens coming home to roost.

Now, back to Goodf, the gift that just keeps on giving.

This one is great, a cunning plan to prosecute those they feel have offended against them ... Zj703hH_0c

It's a soundless Youtube scrolling through what appears to be some sort of summons or charge sheet but for the life of me I can't understand it - it being written in legalese you see; maybe those with an LLB can make sense of it. In the meantime you'll have to forgive my inept Scouse interpretation, we Merseysiders rarely come into contact with the Criminal Law after all.

They quote various statutes over and above Magna Carta including S6(1) Criminal Law Act 1977 and the good old Fraud Act 2006. Well that's easily disposed of Mr. B & B - just opt out of consenting.

The last part threatens the court clerks that if they don't bow to the will of the people they will themselves be hauled before a "Common Law Court" (read Star Chamber).

When will it ever sink in that this mumbo-jumbo is just gentlemen's vegetables and that, in the real world folk just get on with things and ignore them? They ride the horse of common law and statute at the same time in the mad belief that they can pick and chose from the smorgasbord of available legislation or other legal-sounding avenues they think ought to do the trick. They wholly ignore the logical fallacy that if it were to work for them it would work equally well for their enemies.

I also have to laugh when they bang on about arresting folk, particularly cops.

To where would they take their detainees - the Common Law nick and before the Common Law Custody Officer? haha:

Would you get Common Law bail (statutes don't apply apparently) or get remanded into a Common Law jail (Bertie Bert's hay barn). Or would it be a quick trip to The Common Law Court of Record (in the back of PoE's dodgy camper van) whereafter the accused would be taken out and hung, as Goofers so often advocate, as the usual fate awaiting those 'who trespass against them'. They just fail to think these things through, even a little bit. The first Goofer type to lay hands on the police in this way will discover there is a parallel system, one which is much better equipped and which they will experience first hand.

A US commentator upthread took the view that, in his country in similar circumstances shots would have been fired by now and lives lost.

I am quite seriously concerned that as positions become further entrenched and as the cultish mindset takes an ever greater control over what remains of sanity and reason, that someone is going to get badly hurt over this. I suspect that in the run-up to the eviction the police were trawling social media boards for intelligence (hmmmm - wonder how they knew Tom was off to London the day they turfed him out....?) and I suspect they pay us a visit here too from time to time.

That being the case, I hope they are taking note that this has the possibility to get ugly before the end. I'm just thankful that the various narcissistic personalities concerned can't stay off Faceache, trumpeting their intentions.
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Re: UK - Tom Crawford - Eviction

Post by FatGambit »

JonnyL wrote:Tom's not going to have any money left at the end of all of this. They will disrupt the auction for sure, buyers will know it's going to be a huge risk to buy it regarding the certainty of future hassle at the house, and they'll only part with peanuts for it. It's in Tom & Sue's best interests now that they simply accept it's gone and hope UKAR get the best price possible. BTBATB this morning is hilarious, some complete idiot posted a video filmed at 3:15am this morning questioning the official line of which direction the sun rises. He's got it in his head that it rises 'exactly East' in every single country on earth across all season's. Unfortunately this is what you're up against when trying to get people to listen to reason, It's impossible to do so. The video is below. ... e=55992D07
Oh my, even my 11 year old son understands the sun doesn't 'rise' or 'set' ever.
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Re: UK - Tom Crawford - Eviction

Post by JonnyL »

FatGambit wrote:
JonnyL wrote:Tom's not going to have any money left at the end of all of this. They will disrupt the auction for sure, buyers will know it's going to be a huge risk to buy it regarding the certainty of future hassle at the house, and they'll only part with peanuts for it. It's in Tom & Sue's best interests now that they simply accept it's gone and hope UKAR get the best price possible. BTBATB this morning is hilarious, some complete idiot posted a video filmed at 3:15am this morning questioning the official line of which direction the sun rises. He's got it in his head that it rises 'exactly East' in every single country on earth across all season's. Unfortunately this is what you're up against when trying to get people to listen to reason, It's impossible to do so. The video is below. ... e=55992D07
Oh my, even my 11 year old son understands the sun doesn't 'rise' or 'set' ever.
:haha: :haha: :haha: :haha: that's very true! lol
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Re: UK - Tom Crawford - Eviction

Post by daveBeeston »

If the house is going to be up in 2 weeks for auction that would imply that UKAR and B&B have pre listed it knowing full well that possession would be gained on the 2nd or are looking for a very quick sale.

I must admit i am tempted to put in a bid as the property is in a decent area and could well be a good investment despite the controversy surrounding it.
i'll have to try to find who is selling it and if they will accept private bids before the auction date.
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Re: UK - Tom Crawford - Eviction

Post by wanglepin »

JonnyL wrote: some complete idiot posted a video filmed at 3:15am this morning questioning the official line of which direction the sun rises. He's got it in his head that it rises 'exactly East' in every single country on earth across all season's. Unfortunately this is what you're up against when trying to get people to listen to reason, It's impossible to do so. The video is below. ... e=55992D07
So it’s not only their moral compass freeman goofers are missing. Someone should tell his to ask a pigeon, he seems stupid enough to ask one.
Mind you, I suppose the sun never sets in Goofsville. Ask Syco Salli, she will be happy to tell you the sun takes it's own "path"
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Re: UK - Tom Crawford - Eviction

Post by ArthurWankspittle »

daveBeeston wrote:I must admit i am tempted to put in a bid as the property is in a decent area and could well be a good investment despite the controversy surrounding it.
i'll have to try to find who is selling it and if they will accept private bids before the auction date.
Seriously, if you could put up with the hassle off the morons, this will go for a good discount off the market value. I bet the neighbours would be glad of someone sorting it out and the street getting back to normal too. You might want to start breeding Dobermans though, or replace the chickens with geese.
Edited to add - They (B&B) have to be seen to be open about disposal of the property at the best price, which means public auction. On the other hand, they might go for it to avoid the hassle of the morons turning up at the auction and save fees and costs. Someone might require a professional valuation though to show that what was paid was reasonable.
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