UK - Tom Crawford - Eviction

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Re: UK - Tom Crawford - Eviction

Post by PeanutGallery »

wanglepin wrote:Ok If we say Tom was away when the van turned up and Tom arrived hours later, why hadn't the removal men started to load the van in that time? That is a long wait seeing that everything (paperwork etc) was in order and the police were on hand to make sure they were not accosted or harassed in any way. and what was the delay?
The cars are a minor point.
They probably had to inventory and box up the Crawfords stuff, so not having started loading until later is understandable. The Crawfords most likely hadn't left their property all neatly boxed up and ready to be moved, after all they thought they had won the court case and would be remaining in the property for ever.

I would say that doing a thorough and independent inventory is essential in these circumstances and that also would have taken time.

So it's quite believable that they wouldn't start loading until much later in the day, after they had inventoried everything and then after they had packed it securely. They also likely would try to leave the property open and accessible for as small an amount of time to prevent reoccupation or rather to prevent someone from being tempted to reoccupy.
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Re: UK - Tom Crawford - Eviction

Post by wanglepin »

PeanutGallery wrote:
They probably had to inventory and box up the Crawfords stuff,
There is that possibility but I think I remember one of the family or tom himself saying they have taken the stuff and there has been no inventory. And I would have thought that they and the police knowing this to be high profile situation would have wanted to be in and out asp.
I believe he was there all along. It was early in the morning she was walking her dog. But like you have said he is out now, but I get the feeling he was attempting to dupe his supporters into looking after his home while he was supposedly "away", but they didn't take the bait first time around. So he had to go and drag them there almost.
Besides, who in there right mind would take a long trip knowing those nasty bankers were waiting for their chance to pounce and steal their property leaving the wife to fend them off?
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Re: UK - Tom Crawford - Eviction

Post by YiamCross »

wanglepin wrote:
PeanutGallery wrote:
They probably had to inventory and box up the Crawfords stuff,
There is that possibility but I think I remember one of the family or tom himself saying they have taken the stuff and there has been no inventory. And I would have thought that they and the police knowing this to be high profile situation would have wanted to be in and out asp.
I believe he was there all along. It was early in the morning she was walking her dog. But like you have said he is out now, but I get the feeling he was attempting to dupe his supporters into looking after his home while he was supposedly "away", but they didn't take the bait first time around. So he had to go and drag them there almost.
Besides, who in there right mind would take a long trip knowing those nasty bankers were waiting for their chance to pounce and steal their property leaving the wife to fend them off?
Er, who in their right mind could possibly believe they'd won their court case and thei4 house couldn't be repossessed?
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Re: UK - Tom Crawford - Eviction

Post by ArthurWankspittle »

wanglepin wrote:
PeanutGallery wrote:They probably had to inventory and box up the Crawfords stuff,
There is that possibility but I think I remember one of the family or tom himself saying they have taken the stuff and there has been no inventory.
How could they give Tom an inventory when 1 they hadn't finished and 2 they had no idea who Tom was at that point? PeanutGallery makes a sensible point that, given the circumstances, they probably itemised and packed all the stuff behind closed doors, then moved it in the minimum amount of time into the van(s). That's certainly how I'd do it. I wouldn't want the morons trying to run in and out of an open door nor want them accosting anyone moving a box of Tom's stuff.
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Re: UK - Tom Crawford - Eviction

Post by Origen »

Best asking the police or bailiffs, they could have been waiting for both of them to be out of the way before removing the goods as they would have interfered though yes i will totally believe that with the amount of shouting about due process and interest in this case that the bailiffs would have failed to take an inventory, we know the Crawfords are that stupid but the bailiffs?

It is safe to say that a couple of hours had passed from when Tom is on film arriving back until the van left as there are way more people at the cordon when it leaves, the neighbours video would have provided better information if she had walked up to the top of the road and filmed to the left, also look at the amount of people that are around the cordon when she leaves.

At the time they thought they had won and their house was safe so why wouldn't they plan the trip to London plus i doubt Sue tags along to all the wonderful adventures Tom has.
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Re: UK - Tom Crawford - Eviction

Post by AiusLocutius »

It's become quite clear as to the cause of all this. But I feel the focus really should be shifting to how this ridiculous case gained traction.
Yes, Tom has been very stupid for not questioning the surrender of the policy years ago. This after all is the start of the whole thing and was buried from everybody’s view.
There have been other private matters in Tom's life which would effect anyone’s judgement.
This brings me to those around him that have provided Tom with a "safe haven", who have been happy to take over Toms case whilst pushing their own "Paperwork" agenda.
On the day this occurred Tom, apparently, was on his way to London to attend another mortgage matter in the hands of Michael of Bernicia. Would be interesting to discover if he is actually addressing these matters, or if he just using the poor individuals as a vehicle to push his "Paperwork" agenda in the hope that if he does it enough times, he may just get a win by sheer luck.
This is the route of the desperate and peoples desperations appear to be being taken advantage of here.
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Re: UK - Tom Crawford - Eviction

Post by BillKintyre »

Yes, and that is what makes it all so cruel.
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Re: UK - Tom Crawford - Eviction

Post by Origen »

AiusLocutius wrote: But I feel the focus really should be shifting to how this ridiculous case gained traction.
It had the main ingredients to tug at heard strings.

A man who had brought a house with his lovely wife, raised kids there, worked all his life and even won a battle against cancer, then suddenly the big evil B&B were knocking at his door demanding more cash otherwise they will take his house, move onto the eviction, they couldn't wait until he had buried his mother in law, they wouldn't allow him to take his dying dog to the vets and finally post eviction they stole my poor chickens.
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Re: UK - Tom Crawford - Eviction

Post by FatGambit »

There's a video further up thread I think where Guy Taylor said Tom phoned him in the morning while he was on his way to London and said the bailiffs were there doing the repo, so I don't think Tom had actually left home to goto London that morning as suspected, which would explain why he was in the Close quiet early.

I didn't watch past the attempted ram-raid on the coppers, but are we sure that was Tom driving that car, and it wasn't Taylor or Ceylon? Up to the point where I stopped watching the only indication as to who was driving was the person filming who asks 'is that Tom?'.
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Re: UK - Tom Crawford - Eviction

Post by #six »

FatGambit wrote:There's a video further up thread I think where Guy Taylor said Tom phoned him in the morning while he was on his way to London and said the bailiffs were there doing the repo, so I don't think Tom had actually left home to goto London that morning as suspected, which would explain why he was in the Close quiet early.

I didn't watch past the attempted ram-raid on the coppers, but are we sure that was Tom driving that car, and it wasn't Taylor or Ceylon? Up to the point where I stopped watching the only indication as to who was driving was the person filming who asks 'is that Tom?'.
It was definitely tom. I watched another video from a different angle and most def Tom in the driving seat. I'll see if I can track down the video.

Here you go.
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Re: UK - Tom Crawford - Eviction

Post by AiusLocutius »

Origen wrote: It had the main ingredients to tug at heard strings.
I very much agree that he covered up the basic facts and portrayed his position completely in the incorrect light.
How this became a case at all is because of those around him. Left to his own devices Tom would have come to some agreement long ago or would have been repossessed long ago. Either way, he would be in a much better position than he is now.
Tom is now insignificant, and may now only become another fool in the parade if he allows himself to.
How the parade is being maintained is the issue that I'm trying to look at I guess.
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Re: UK - Tom Crawford - Eviction

Post by Silly Ebert »

Amanda Pike is really pilling it on thick today, this is about the third post today trying to tug at the hearts and minds of the un-washed.
She and her Dad are quite good at using people for her own gain and means she really seems to have no shame what so ever.
These posts in my mind are tantamount to insightment she is trying to whip them up in to a frenzy, I have to say she is actually quite good at it.
It also seems to be working but I not sure with most of these freaks it would take that much, just crying foul regarding the chickens was enough. :lol:

Another disturbing thing we have discovered is

.....MOST of my families possessions are still in that house, some of a high value and a lot are priceless to us but worth nothing.

Clothing, jewellery money, photos, all the videos from my child hood and my Dads Mum, my Granny who died many years ago, a tape of her voice a hard drive with all the last 10 years pictures on and videos again of us and my nanny we took even in the hospital afew short weeks ago and popped them on there to keep safe, a lock of my recently passed away Nanny's hair, childhood mementos, ie my first ever teddy bear (crying now :'-() along with some of my Nan and Granny's treasured possessions that are of no value at all but that we have always known and are of a comfort to my (least we forget) grieving Mum, and Dad memories, old toys from my child hood, letters and cards you put away to look back upon one day, so many things to many to list but its likely you all have similar things in your homes.

These things are what make little journey through life our memories things we hold dear, I know you'll understand because we all have that stuff.

Things that can never ever be replaced, sentimental and needed nic nacs....but its OUR stuff our nic nacs and guess what they plan to do??

They plan to shift through it and make a yes pile and a no pile and the no pile will just be binned, they whoever THEY are will decide what is to get kept, we will have no say what so ever.

How cruel can they be? how low and depraved how despicable .

They got the house so why steal our things?

Under the (tort) The control of goods act 1977 (which is a LAW) we should have been permitted a minimum of 6 ( or 12 I forget) weeks to remove the contents of our home, after that time they can then remove it all and then they are supposed to insure it all, catalogue every item, put them in a safe place, packaged properly and ensure they are safe.

ALL they were lawfully permitted to do ( even if this was real which it bloody well is NOT!!!!!!!) was take the house and lock it up changing the locks, but then giving us that time to remove our it happens now, we have all these men and dogs in our little home, going through our things, breaking stuff, the neighbours are all talking about hearing smashing glass through the night and a lot of banging around, they are trashing they place.

I don't know about you but this is NOT on. I go back to the question...why? why is that okay? and why wont the police listen? the issue is with the house NOT its contents its theft and criminal damage on top of all the rest of it. who in their right mind would think that this is okay!? its all just to much but I expect this is there design to get us down, to get into our minds and stop us that going to happen? what do you think! when you have nothing else to loose you stop at nothing[/quote]
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Re: UK - Tom Crawford - Eviction

Post by FatGambit »

Well maybe they should have packed them into storage then they wouldn't be locked away, since they knew the repo was coming since May.....

@#six thanks, wasn't sure, perhaps he had gone down the road for some Milk, just shows how naive Tom is if he thought they'd let him back inside the ring of coppers once he's left...
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Re: UK - Tom Crawford - Eviction

Post by arayder »

ArthurWankspittle wrote:How could they give Tom an inventory when 1 they hadn't finished and 2 they had no idea who Tom was at that point? PeanutGallery makes a sensible point that, given the circumstances, they probably itemised and packed all the stuff behind closed doors, then moved it in the minimum amount of time into the van(s). That's certainly how I'd do it. I wouldn't want the morons trying to run in and out of an open door nor want them accosting anyone moving a box of Tom's stuff.
Oh, here we go again. . .the GOODFers working over time to find some way to be victims!

At the eviction they complained about the cops talking too loud to them, not talking to them, touching them, putting their hands on Crawford while they arrested him, male cops arresting females. . .and on and on. . . frankly I lost count.

Now the slight is that they don't think Crawford's possessions where properly inventoried, not that single on of them seems to know how evictions are supposed to work, much less what was actually done at the eviction.

This may seem crazy to the reader, but the explanation is very understandable. In the GOODFer subculture coming up with these imagined slights and injustices gives other GOODFers something to whine about and raises the status of the individual who thought up the whine.

In the attempt obtain evidence of the with new slight GOODFers are entranced with the notion that they will video something during an encounter with the police which will go viral in GOODFerland. I am going to scream if I see one more video of a GOODFer verbally hassling a cop while several GOODFers in the background video the scene, including panned shots the 3 or 4 co-videografters likewise holding up their cell phones.

It all gives new meaning to the phrase, "Get a life!"
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Re: UK - Tom Crawford - Eviction

Post by Normal Wisdom »

The business of the house contents has echoes of the eviction of Paula Jayne Campbell. After her eviction, she was offered opportunity to remove her possessions but her refusal to accept the validity of the eviction and efforts to obstruct it led to the same issues we are starting to see played out by Tom and his family (see paragraphs 59 - 75 of the transcript of the Court hearing).

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Re: UK - Tom Crawford - Eviction

Post by JonnyL »

look at this lot, looks like someone left the gents bog window open.

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Re: UK - Tom Crawford - Eviction

Post by Silly Ebert »

Someone on facebooks efotb has had the cheek to ask weather Tom won his case or not.

Just wait guys Tom has maybe a new revelation

Tom Crawford. :snicker: Hi Mark, your post is so of the mark it's so untrue. just wait 24 hours and then let me know if you hold the same opinion - You'll get a great insight into it all:)
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Re: UK - Tom Crawford - Eviction

Post by Hercule Parrot »

Hilarious - over on "Eviction the fraud of the bank" the muppets are discussing obstructing the auction and harassing bidders. They don't seem to realise that they're acting directly against TC's interests. If they drive the sale price down then the bank will still get most of what it's owed, but there will be nothing left for Mr & Mrs C.
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Re: UK - Tom Crawford - Eviction

Post by #six »

Hercule Parrot wrote:Hilarious - over on "Eviction the fraud of the bank" the muppets are discussing obstructing the auction and harassing bidders. They don't seem to realise that they're acting directly against TC's interests. If they drive the sale price down then the bank will still get most of what it's owed, but there will be nothing left for Mr & Mrs C.
B&B will never back down as it would create a dangerous precedent. So if these people continue their doomed path, I would think that B&B would prefer to demolish the building, let it remain unused and write off the debt.
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Re: UK - Tom Crawford - Eviction

Post by daveBeeston »

I've had a conversation with an former auctioneer from John Pye's today about this situation and what would happen should there be disruption and they said they have heard of it happening before and that caused the lot to be withdrawn and then sold via closed biding which saw the seller accept just 60% of the price they wanted.

If they do disrupt the auction not only will they get themselves into trouble/arrested but they will cost Tom even more money(unless B&B decide to write off any losses from the auction).
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