UK - Tom Crawford - Eviction

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Re: UK - Tom Crawford - Eviction

Post by JonnyL »

daveBeeston wrote:I've had a conversation with an former auctioneer from John Pye's today about this situation and what would happen should there be disruption and they said they have heard of it happening before and that caused the lot to be withdrawn and then sold via closed biding which saw the seller accept just 60% of the price they wanted.

If they do disrupt the auction not only will they get themselves into trouble/arrested but they will cost Tom even more money(unless B&B decide to write off any losses from the auction).
Ouch! :shock: :shock: :shock:
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Re: UK - Tom Crawford - Eviction

Post by arayder »

Hercule Parrot wrote:Hilarious - over on "Eviction the fraud of the bank" the muppets are discussing obstructing the auction and harassing bidders. They don't seem to realise that they're acting directly against TC's interests. If they drive the sale price down then the bank will still get most of what it's owed, but there will be nothing left for Mr & Mrs C.
daveBeeston wrote:I've had a conversation with an former auctioneer from John Pye's today about this situation and what would happen should there be disruption and they said they have heard of it happening before and that caused the lot to be withdrawn and then sold via closed biding which saw the seller accept just 60% of the price they wanted.

If they do disrupt the auction not only will they get themselves into trouble/arrested but they will cost Tom even more money(unless B&B decide to write off any losses from the auction).
One GOODFer has already showed up at the moving company that carted off Crawford's furniture to harass the owner. It would be true to form for the dysfunctional little cult to mess with the auction and its bidders.

If it all comes back badly on Crawford, they will say it isn't their fault, but rather the fault of yada. . . yada. . . yada powers that be.
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Re: UK - Tom Crawford - Eviction

Post by PeanutGallery »

If that happened to Tom's bungalow, for one it would be a ridiculous steal and for two I would think it wouldn't cover the amounts owed to UKAR by the Crawfords. Tom's helpers could get him to be bankrupt on top of being homeless. Of course this won't stop them from doing it because they are so set in the stupid that they can't see that the consequences of what they are doing won't help Tom.

It's a bit like watching Lemmings hurl themselves off a cliff (except for the fact that Lemmings are smart enough to know better than to hurl themselves off cliffs - that was a rumour started because of a film shot by the Disney corporation).

What exactly do they think would happen if they stopped the auctioneers from selling Tom's place in an open auction? That the bank will just go "Oh well, we can't possibly sell this place for any amount of money, why don't we give it back to that poor couple?" instead of "We don't care what price, ditch the reserve and just get rid of it, it's toxic and has cost us enough already".

My guess is they will always take B because B gets them something while A gets them screwed.
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Re: UK - Tom Crawford - Eviction

Post by Origen »

Silly Ebert wrote:Someone on facebooks efotb has had the cheek to ask weather Tom won his case or not.

Just wait guys Tom has maybe a new revelation

Tom Crawford. :snicker: Hi Mark, your post is so of the mark it's so untrue. just wait 24 hours and then let me know if you hold the same opinion - You'll get a great insight into it all:)
The 2 things i can think off, all filmed at a pub no less, a short clip showing that the paperwork used by the bailiffs was illegal so it was an unlawful eviction or Tom going through every bank statement show that they paid all 300 interest payments so the eviction was unlawful.

You can 100% guarantee that they will say unlawful eviction or illegal eviction.
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Re: UK - Tom Crawford - Eviction

Post by wanglepin »

#six wrote: It was definitely tom. I watched another video from a different angle and most def Tom in the driving seat. I'll see if I can track down the video.Here you go.
In this video Crawford (after a little snivel over his dog) tells us he was two hours into his journey when he got the phone
call about the removal van and bailiffs.
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Re: UK - Tom Crawford - Eviction

Post by YiamCross »

PeanutGallery wrote:If that happened to Tom's bungalow, for one it would be a ridiculous steal and for two I would think it wouldn't cover the amounts owed to UKAR by the Crawfords. Tom's helpers could get him to be bankrupt on top of being homeless. Of course this won't stop them from doing it because they are so set in the stupid that they can't see that the consequences of what they are doing won't help Tom.

It's a bit like watching Lemmings hurl themselves off a cliff (except for the fact that Lemmings are smart enough to know better than to hurl themselves off cliffs - that was a rumour started because of a film shot by the Disney corporation).

What exactly do they think would happen if they stopped the auctioneers from selling Tom's place in an open auction? That the bank will just go "Oh well, we can't possibly sell this place for any amount of money, why don't we give it back to that poor couple?" instead of "We don't care what price, ditch the reserve and just get rid of it, it's toxic and has cost us enough already".

My guess is they will always take B because B gets them something while A gets them screwed.

The next act in this farrago of idiocy is inevitable, pointlessly bankrupting yourself is the final stage in the process of qualifying for the Goodfernowt legal team. It proves commitment to the cause and frankly it couldn't happen to a more deserving bloke. He's proved beyond all reasonable doubt that he's not just an amiable old fool being led around by devious morons but a culpable part of the whole bloody con. That harpy of a daughter of his will be screaming fraud and all the other sad sacks rallying to the flag will be canon fodder for the crooks trying to usher in the revolution to bring down the banks and the police so love and honour are free to ensure no one ever has to suffer like this again. That seems to be the illusion which rattles around their empty little heads in between bingo and the pub. I'd like to see their faces if it ever did come about only to find their leaders have started walking on two legs and moving into the old boss' mansions.

What shouldn't be inevitable but is looking increasingly likely is that someone will get hurt and hurt badly.

They're whipping up the rabble and they don't care what happens, in fact I think they'd love to see a few people seriously injured & a fatality or two would be like winning the lottery in the bid to light the fire that will raze the system. And these idiots think they've got what it takes to make the world a better place. The same people who delete and block anyone who tries to post the truth on any of their forums. Imagine what would happen to anyone who stood up at one of their meetings and pointed out the lies Ceylon, O'Bernicia , Taylor et al are feeding them. I doubt they'd get out without a good kicking. Lovely people.
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Re: UK - Tom Crawford - Eviction

Post by PeanutGallery »

Lets also not forget that Tom Crawford probably enjoys being relatively famous, up until now he's led a life of obscurity, can any of us name any other famous carpet fitters from north of the Watford Gap? I can't.

Being a GOOF cause must make him feel important and that can be both a boost to the ego and also a very destructive influence. To some extent if he were to suddenly realise that it's all his fault, he'd have to abandon all the people who now claim to be his comrades in arms in his struggle, and that would send him back into obscurity. To some extent he'll feel a pressure to keep following the GOOF advice because if he stops, then who will care what happens to him. At the same time people are taking an interest in what happens to him and (in my opinion very mistakenly) asking his advice.

We can't escape the fact that Tom is a famous figure in this part of the internet, we've had two threads on him and his battle and both have racked up a huge number of posts and views. He won't abandon that fame (or infamy) without a good reason and I think he'll soon be trying to write an ebook to sell his recipe for financial freedom and giving talks up and down the country.

Tom I think started out as a cause and followed some other Guru's learnings but now has come full circle and reached the level of failure where he is looked at as someone who must know what he is talking about, because of how rough a time he's had it. In itself that is a very strange metric to judge the ability of an expert, akin to asking a heart surgeon how many heart attacks they've had. But it seems to be one that GOOFs are drawn towards. Perhaps it's the spirit of some revolution they never took part in, perhaps this is what happens to people who would be communists if that was still a thing in the world, but they seem to mistake the failure of their crackpot theories for an assault by an authority that doesn't actually care if they exist.
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Re: UK - Tom Crawford - Eviction

Post by YiamCross »

PeanutGallery wrote:Lets also not forget that Tom Crawford probably enjoys being relatively famous, up until now he's led a life of obscurity, can any of us name any other famous carpet fitters from north of the Watford Gap...

... a good reason and I think he'll soon be trying to write an ebook to sell his recipe for financial freedom and giving talks up and down the country.

Tom I think started out as a cause and followed some other Guru's learnings but now has come full circle and reached the level of failure where he is looked at as someone who must know what he is talking about, because of how rough a time he's had it. In itself that is a very strange metric to judge the ability of an expert, akin to asking a heart surgeon how many heart attacks they've had. But it seems to be one that GOOFs are drawn towards. Perhaps it's the spirit of some revolution they never took part in, perhaps this is what happens to people who would be communists if that was still a thing in the world, but they seem to mistake the failure of their crackpot theories for an assault by an authority that doesn't actually care if they exist.
No famous carpet fitters north of the Watford gap but there's a few I could mention dahn sarf.

On the plus side Tom and his ilk provide hours of entertainment with their bewildering behaviour, like Bedlam but without the entry fee and the horrible smell. Plus the many bargain basement investment property opportunities they offer the entrepreneurial investor, and for all of these things we should be grateful.
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Re: UK - Tom Crawford - Eviction

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

Thanks to our dear friend Hannah Shotbolt (now very stuffed with baby), we have this: ... e-33368398
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Re: UK - Tom Crawford - Eviction

Post by grixit »

PeanutGallery wrote:Lets also not forget that Tom Crawford probably enjoys being relatively famous, up until now he's led a life of obscurity, can any of us name any other famous carpet fitters from north of the Watford Gap? I can't.

Being a GOOF cause must make him feel important and that can be both a boost to the ego and also a very destructive influence. To some extent if he were to suddenly realise that it's all his fault, he'd have to abandon all the people who now claim to be his comrades in arms in his struggle, and that would send him back into obscurity. To some extent he'll feel a pressure to keep following the GOOF advice because if he stops, then who will care what happens to him. At the same time people are taking an interest in what happens to him and (in my opinion very mistakenly) asking his advice.

We can't escape the fact that Tom is a famous figure in this part of the internet, we've had two threads on him and his battle and both have racked up a huge number of posts and views. He won't abandon that fame (or infamy) without a good reason and I think he'll soon be trying to write an ebook to sell his recipe for financial freedom and giving talks up and down the country.
A guru bit him deep, the bite has festered, and now, under the quickening influence of the full moon, he has become one of them! SFX: lightning flash, Vincent Price laughing.
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Re: UK - Tom Crawford - Eviction

Post by fat frank »

its prob the same reason that (was it) john harris give, its his ego, as otherwise he is a no body,
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Re: UK - Tom Crawford - Eviction

Post by letissier14 »

Had an pm from someone I don't know on Facebook and despite Tom losing his court case and then losing his house, people are still not sure what to do!

Facebook user
Hi gordon what is your opinion on the events in Nottingham regarding to crawford

Gordon Letissier

Very sad. No one likes to see someone lose a house

Facebook user
I have been told that this was not actually fraud by the bank and told that you might be able to shed some light on the events leading to this evection

Gordon Letissier
have a read on quatloos - google it

Facebook user
OK thank you for your time pal did message guy taylor with no reply

Gordon Letissier
I doubt if he would reply

Facebook user

He seems to be advising on issues thought he would help me as I dnt know the story of tom and his family

Gordon Letissier
If you need proper legal advice, contact a solicitor

Hamid Rashid
OK thank you just dnt want to fight for somthin I know nothing about as there are ppl telling me not to go to Notts as the crawfords have not be honest

Gordon Letissier
Tom lost his court case but told everyone he won. Have you seen the court judgment

Facebook user

Yes but he said he won and the house was safe for the time being

Gordon Letissier
He was evicted yesterday. take from that what you can
I don't take sides, I read all the facts and then come to my own conclusions
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Re: UK - Tom Crawford - Eviction

Post by letissier14 »

Betie Bert on UK column news saying there was no JUDGMENT
I don't take sides, I read all the facts and then come to my own conclusions
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Re: UK - Tom Crawford - Eviction

Post by FatGambit »

Now we can put a face to that name.
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Re: UK - Tom Crawford - Eviction

Post by Losleones »

letissier14 wrote:Betie Bert on UK column news saying there was no JUDGMENT
Is he taking a shit whilst talking shit?
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Re: UK - Tom Crawford - Eviction

Post by Losleones »

The great man has spoken. No, no, no Mr. pony tail you're as culpable as the other clowns.
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Re: UK - Tom Crawford - Eviction

Post by littleFred »

FatGambit wrote:Now we can put a face to that name.
No, because that is Mike West from Bastion Radio, not BertieBert. Doazic got it wrong.

BertieBert's voice is very different. Listen to him being interviewed on ... d-02062015
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Re: UK - Tom Crawford - Eviction

Post by slowsmile »

Losleones wrote:The great man has spoken. No, no, no Mr. pony tail you're as culpable as the other clowns.
:beatinghorse: ... ZpYzXCkqrU
Haining is in deep denial mode regarding Tom.

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Re: UK - Tom Crawford - Eviction

Post by FatGambit »

Ah thanks littlfred.
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Re: UK - Tom Crawford - Eviction

Post by rumpelstilzchen »

It is quite interesting to observe how the GOOFs will allways revert to default position as soon as they realise they are beat. They know for a fact the Crawfords had mortgage arrears but they have no argument to rebut that so they handwave that one away. They also know that Mrs Crawford stopped making the endowment policy payments. Again, impossible to rebut so more handwaving. The two main reasons the Crawfords lost their home and the GOOFS have nothing to counter them with. So what can they do? They need something. And up pops default mode.. "All mortgage is fraud" "How can you repay a debt with a debt" "Any demand for payment is fraud" etc etc. They completely ignore the pertinent points of the Crawford's court case and instead they rely on the FOTL mantra.
BHF wrote:
It shows your mentality to think someone would make the effort to post something on the internet that was untrue.