UK - Tom Crawford - Eviction

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Re: UK - Tom Crawford - Eviction

Post by GH132 »

letissier14 wrote:CA3 is a facebook group which uses the 3 letters to clear your debts - conditional acceptance - prove I own the debt and I will pay etc.

Started off quite well and lots of success, but has since been linked with response etc, as Ady Sutcliffe who runs Response was an admin on CA3 as well and gone down hill rapidly with most of the decent Admin leaving or getting booted.

Now turned into a Tom Crawford Appreciation page as you are not allowed to discuss Tom losing.

Someone tonight asked someone else if they thought Tom had won and was immediately bombarded with abuse with one member calling him a c**t for asking such a question. The lovely Amanda then weighed in with a comment about how pathetic he was for asking that question and it is because he has small testicles - The person who asked the question was booted from the page! - I know, you can't make this crap up!

I do have the screenshots somewhere lol

I was personally booted from there sometime ago after the judgment was released on their page and a few of us were having a very normal conversation, only for the judgment to be removed to respect Toms privacy!
That was me, the one who dared ask if Tom has won.

I spoke to the group admin who told me that I was out to gloat and cause trouble. When reminded about how a debate works by asking questions and discussing things she found it very difficult to deal with and said she had a child to deal with and left
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Re: UK - Tom Crawford - Eviction

Post by ArthurWankspittle »

PeanutGallery wrote:It may be because if they auction the property, the person buying gets everything left in or on the property as part of the auction process. If they have removed the Van it's because they can't sell the property with Tom's stuff on or in it.
I don't know the details exactly but I believe this is the case. Certainly if you buy a property, you get everything in/on it at the time - whether you want it or not. I don't know if the van counts as Tom's property which can be removed pending him getting it back from the storage company, or whether there are some specific laws relating to vehicles in this situation. I think it just counts as Tom's property. Of course the bailiffs may want to move it like they have with his household goods, to reduce the temptation for him to come back and load it up with stuff.
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Re: UK - Tom Crawford - Eviction

Post by GH132 »

letissier14 wrote:
Someone tonight asked someone else if they thought Tom had won and was immediately bombarded with abuse with one member calling him a c**t for asking such a question. The lovely Amanda then weighed in with a comment about how pathetic he was for asking that question and it is because he has small testicles - The person who asked the question was booted from the page! - I know, you can't make this crap up!
Amanda did actually make the statement that "his (my) testicles are exploding all over the place every time you reply to him" ... what a total lady ! ! ! and in that one comment she re-enforces just what a low life degenerate she is.
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Re: UK - Tom Crawford - Eviction

Post by JonnyL »

It's a name I've not come across before, Daryl Churchill? He's very entertaining over on 'response will make you homeless'.
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Re: UK - Tom Crawford - Eviction

Post by fat frank »

think its badda bing
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Re: UK - Tom Crawford - Eviction

Post by Syf »

JonnyL wrote:Great post on the CA3 page by simon finch, worth taking a look, one respondent is just spitting teeth 'the banks the banks' blah blah blah. Can't post link as my phone hates me :shrug:
it was me. i got shouted at for that. :lol: :lol:
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Re: UK - Tom Crawford - Eviction

Post by JonnyL »

Syf wrote:
JonnyL wrote:Great post on the CA3 page by simon finch, worth taking a look, one respondent is just spitting teeth 'the banks the banks' blah blah blah. Can't post link as my phone hates me :shrug:
it was me. i got shouted at for that. :lol: :lol:
Tut tut :naughty:
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Re: UK - Tom Crawford - Eviction

Post by arayder »

Somebody who knows a lot about cults ought to comment on what it means when a group like GOODF closes off contact with and input from the outside and starts to enforce a sort of internal discipline regarding what can be said, done and thought .

I think Tom's eviction must have been cathartic for some of the GOODFers. The screaming crew at the eviction really lost control of themselves. I suspect many think everything is different now. Some are saying they are at war.

The cult seems to have fixated on harassing or arresting every authority figure involved in Tom's case.

With nobody in the group to say, "How wait, guys, we're talking about arresting several police men and woman and bringing them before our common law courts! Don't you realize that means our courtroom is going be full of police tactical units before we get the first gavel down?"
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Re: UK - Tom Crawford - Eviction

Post by guilty »

arayder wrote:Somebody who knows a lot about cults ought to comment on what it means when a group like GOODF closes off contact with and input from the outside and starts to enforce a sort of internal discipline regarding what can be said, done and thought.
North Korea
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Re: UK - Tom Crawford - Eviction

Post by YiamCross »

arayder wrote:Somebody who knows a lot about cults ought to comment on what it means when a group like GOODF closes off contact with and input from the outside and starts to enforce a sort of internal discipline regarding what can be said, done and thought ....
Yes, but what you fail to realise is that they are right and we are wrong so of course it doesn't matter what we have to say. After all, we're only being paid by the banks and the Jews and the aliens to shill & troll, we're agents for the corporations or we're brainwashed sheep with no opinion of our own. Of course we're not worth listening to and we should watch quietly while they string up our evil masters and allow us to be free to help string up anyone else they don't like who's broken the common law. That's true justice.
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Re: UK - Tom Crawford - Eviction

Post by YiamCross »

guilty wrote:
arayder wrote:Somebody who knows a lot about cults ought to comment on what it means when a group like GOODF closes off contact with and input from the outside and starts to enforce a sort of internal discipline regarding what can be said, done and thought.
North Korea
I think I can honestly say I'd rather live in North Korea than in a country where the lovely Amanda, brain-free Craig, seal-on Ceylon and all the other blood thirsty loons could form grand juries to decide who is naughty and who is nice then hand their judgments on to peace keeping mobs to enforce their whims law.
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Re: UK - Tom Crawford - Eviction

Post by vampireLOREN »

And the fight goes on........
Young Craig is organising a meeting this Sat 2pm
The Tally Ho pub
Maybe the "Panama hat" is being passed to the next generation.
Its all rather hush hush.....nothing to be overheard by the PTB. :whistle:
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Re: UK - Tom Crawford - Eviction

Post by JonnyL »

Just seen this, nearly pissed myself laughing!!!

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Re: UK - Tom Crawford - Eviction

Post by fat frank »

should say I am tom Crawford, homeless
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Re: UK - Tom Crawford - Eviction

Post by daveBeeston »


Im not sure what the orignially used font was so i improvised.
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Re: UK - Tom Crawford - Eviction

Post by JonnyL »

daveBeeston wrote:Image

Im not sure what the orignially used font was so i improvised.
the not-so artful dodger :)
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Re: UK - Tom Crawford - Eviction

Post by PeanutGallery »

arayder wrote:Somebody who knows a lot about cults ought to comment on what it means when a group like GOODF closes off contact with and input from the outside and starts to enforce a sort of internal discipline regarding what can be said, done and thought .

I think Tom's eviction must have been cathartic for some of the GOODFers. The screaming crew at the eviction really lost control of themselves. I suspect many think everything is different now. Some are saying they are at war.

The cult seems to have fixated on harassing or arresting every authority figure involved in Tom's case.

With nobody in the group to say, "How wait, guys, we're talking about arresting several police men and woman and bringing them before our common law courts! Don't you realize that means our courtroom is going be full of police tactical units before we get the first gavel down?"
The Amish call it shunning, Scientologists refer to it as disconnection, they police this through a means of auditing, I believe North Korea's isolationism comes from a philosophy they call "Juche" which is supposed to mean self reliance (in reality it's aim is to stop the general population from rising up against Pyongyang, this is done through a citizen spy network that basically reports on each citizen if one is witnessed to do something incorrect, in addition each citizen attends regular meetings in which they are expected to receive and offer criticism of things that they have been involved in.

While the GOODFs haven't gone so far as to start monitoring the thoughts of others, they do take steps to deal with information that contradicts their perceptions. They call those posting it 'trolls' or 'shills' and even allege that they are paid to do this by a secret tranche of the government. It's notable that their accusations aren't based on any factual record, certainly I can find no credible source which indicates that GCHQ would be especially interested in a 64 year olds fight in regard to a rather ordinary bungalow in the midlands and I would suggest that the spy agencies have better things to be doing.

But they won't accept anything except evidence that disproves their allegations, which is unlikely to be forthcoming because they don't have any evidence in support of their allegation.

In this case it seems to be cognitive dissonance, in that they perceive Tom being evicted, which is a sign that he has lost his fight for possession, as a sign that he is in fact in the right. They have formed their own narrative and this story, this account is not going to be consistent across the group however any deviation from the central theme would be considered a personal attack on the masses involved. This is because they have formed an emotional bond to the narrative, look at the postings and see how many are talking about feeling angry, or outraged, or hating that this had happened to poor old Tom.

In some ways, to go back to North Korea and perhaps more accurately Orwells 1984, they need a war and an enemy to be fighting against and they must consider themselves the plucky few rebels that bring down the bigger force. They consider their enemy to be the Star Wars Empire against their rag tag Rebel Alliance. They like being the little guys because Hollywood has taught them that the little guys always win (the real world however often teaches us the opposite of this fantasy).

All of these things combine to allow them to build up a comprehensive number of walls against looking at the facts because firstly they filter the facts they will allow themselves to see, any contradictory facts are considered lies, disinformation and propaganda, they attack anyone who steps outside of the groupthink and reinforce each others views to keep the fantasy running (this in turn leads them to agree with the wilder propositions), they have an enemy (largely imagined) who they are involved in the direst of struggles against, but most importantly they view themselves as a rebellion or a revolutionary movement.

That is most important because it justifies them as being in the right, it tells them that they are fighting the good fight and trying to help.

I don't doubt for a second that the people posting up about being Tom Crawford and attending his eviction are all convinced that they are helping him. But the truth is, they aren't. They are feeding into a delusion and driving Tom further from the truth and further from being able to cope with what happens next. Tom is homeless and they certainly helped.
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Re: UK - Tom Crawford - Eviction

Post by guilty »

Fantastic stupidity! ... 304029899/
The bank fraudulently changed their mortgage to an interest only mortgage...from an endowment mortgage.
:haha: :haha: :haha: :haha:
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Re: UK - Tom Crawford - Eviction

Post by PeanutGallery »

I also see the amount the Crawfords paid has shot up again, now it's "four times!!!". I also noticed that the poster uses multiple different fonts (which actually seriously affects how easily it can be read).

It's shockingly poor, which is to say about the level I expected.
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Re: UK - Tom Crawford - Eviction

Post by Jeffrey »

Hey I saw an ad for those reverse mortgages today and here's an idea. Tom owes £47,000 but the house is worth over £100k. Couldn't he refinance the mortgage to switch it to a reverse mortgage on the ~£50k he has in equity in the house, that way there's no eviction and he gets money every month?