pigpot's Pot

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Re: Peter of England: A REal guru.

Post by YiamCross »

pigpot wrote:
YiamCross wrote:The WeRe facts are in, it's not a bank, it has no legal standing in fact it is illegal, it has no money nor any source of legal acceptable currency, there is no way a WeRe cheque could be used to settle any debt except between those who will accept Re.
And you've just demonstrated what I just typed above. Due to "YiamCross" typing the above quoted tract it doesn't become a fact. The way to demonstrate a fact in this case is to join Peter's on-line clan and ask for proof. If it doesn't come then a rat is smelt. Move on from there but making such a claim as the one above is akin to making the same opposite claim that they make. Ask them for proof and if it's not forth coming then begin from there.
It's a statement of the facts. It's based on the evidence. I don't have to jump off a cliff flapping my arms to prove I can't fly, the evidence is there for all to see. We know how gravity and aerodynamics work, we don't need to go down a path which we know can only end one way from the knowledge we have of how the system works. Pay £35 £10 per month, or whatever the current joining fee & ongoing "membership" is, then write out a cheque which will pay off £100,000 mortgage? It's not going to happen any more than if you or I jump off a cliff flapping our arms expecting to fly off into the sunset.

My claim is completely different from their claim because my claim is based on evidence of how the world works. I know they can't produce evidence for their claim because their claim is impossible. The jury is not out until they produce evidence which cannot exist and never will. The verdict is clear and simple, WeRe bank is a con which benefits only one man and those he chooses to share his booty with. Is that clear enough for you?
pigpot wrote:
YiamCross wrote:Since a Re can be produced by mowing your own lawn or as a by-product of doing your day job it should be obvious that it can never have any value except as an entertaining curiosity to those outside the asylum.
Of course a "Re" can be produced by any measure of the meeting of two or more minds. You mow my lawn for the price of a relatively cheap cutlery set and we have a meeting of minds. A contract. An agreement. Call them "Re's", "Spoons", "Plinks and Plonks", as it matters not what you think, it only matters to those in agreement. You fall into ad hominem when you attack people with words such as, "it can never have any value except as an entertaining curiosity to those outside the asylum."
You are confusing an exchange of value with no exchange. If you mow my lawn and I give you a cutlery set then we have agreed an exchange of value. I benefit from my lawn being cut while I do something else with my time and you benefit from a cutlery set which you consider to be of some use to you.

If you mow your own lawn and expect a cutlery set you have a problem.

You mow your own lawn and you benefit from using your time to do something you consider needs doing. You put down the hours you work at the job you benefit from by being paid in real money. There's no benefit to anyone else for mowing your own lawn, why would you expect to get paid in any currency of value to anyone else? Maybe your wife puts a gold star up on the chart and when you get enough you get lucky but who else is going to care? The only person who benefits from the work you do in your job is the person who's already paying you for that benefit, why would you expect to get paid again by a world which receives no benefit? Sounds suspiciously like this "double dipping" thing that freemen are always banging on about and that's fraud!
pigpot wrote:What bothers me a little is that you come across as if it's okay to lock people up if they don't think "straight". That idea that if people aren't following the herd then it's okay to use force against them to do so. I may be wrong but I'll let you set me straight on that before I make an assumption. I'll give you first response, due process, keeping it civil and all.
Please, you're the one who's so keen on evidence, where do I say anything about having people locked up? I didn't and you're making an assumption with no evidence. Sure, I believe you have to be mad to subscribe to WeRe bank and expect to pay off your debts in spite of all the hard evidence that it's impossible The parade of lunatics dancing to doom reminds me of the stories of Bedlam, it's truly amazing to me how crazy these people are acting but I've never at any point said they need to be locked up. Peter of England does because he's perpetrating a criminal act of fraud. Hope that sets you straight.
pigpot wrote:
YiamCross wrote:What part of that sounds foolish?
I don't know. It's not my role to tell you what is and what isn't.[/quote]

But that's exactly what you did in your post and I quote your words.
pigpot wrote: Every adult knows where assumptions lead. Same as opinions. They are worthless. :brickwall: Let's stick to the facts. Let's all get some "WeRE" facts first, otherwise we all sound foolish.
So there you go, I've produced the facts and you're the one with all the assumptions. You're the one who sounds foolish and that's not me saying that, they're your words.

Are you a member of WeRe bank? Can you produce some evidence that any debt has been paid off? I mean verifiable documentary evidence, not just something someone you know or someone who stood up at one of PoE's meetings stood up and said.

Or is the fact no one is flying their own fault for not flapping their arms hard enough, because that's what it sounds like PoE is saying to all who complain their cheques aren't clearing.
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Re: Peter of England: A REal guru.

Post by pigpot »

Thanks for the "grow up" but I'm not your "son". Push that back from where it came. How dare you think you can place parental stuff on others... OTHER THAN THROUGH RELIGIOUS WORDS (Which are truly rej
longdog wrote:You really need to grow up son.

I mentioned traffic laws earlier and I'll stick with that for the time being...

Lets say I get in my car after a bottle of gin and five bottles of Old Scrotum's Nutty Peculiar and set off down the road. Do the police have the right to use force to stop me despite the fact that I haven't... Yet... caused any "loss, injury, harm or fraud"? Too fucking right they do... Not just a legal right but a moral right.

As for your "far right wing" comments you can shove them up your arse... I would put myself way, way WAY over to the left politically but I'm not aware of any particular thread of left-wing philosophy which proposes an absolute right for individuals to do whatever the fuck they like without consideration for the people around them.

I don't have a clue what point you are trying to make about Anne Frank but if you are tip-toeing around Godwin's Law forget it. I have enough Jewish blood in me to have ensured a one-way train ride to the camps were I living in another time and place.
For left see right. Ooh! Different arms of the same body. You won't convince me to take as side as taking a side is what the PYRAMID is built upon. "I'm Christian, and I vote Labour, and I'm P.I. and I'm a Pentecostalist..."

Blah blah blah...

No different... Ooh! Different arms of the same body. You won't convince me to take as side as taking a side is what the PYRAMID is built upon. "I'm a Sikh, Muslim, Jew, Hindu, Zoroastrian, Atheist..."

Blah blah blah...

Show me the proof that you're right.
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Re: Dean Clifford - A Tale of Two Gurus

Post by LordEd »

pigpot wrote: Debating involves opinion and I'd rather stick to empirical evidence and facts thanks.
Here's My chat with the sock puppet of Menard. Is this the type of argument you're looking for?
http://www.tpuc.org/forum/viewtopic.php ... 369f4a417f

I hate opinion. Facts with support is the game.
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Re: Peter of England: A REal guru.

Post by pigpot »

longdog wrote:You really need to grow up son.
Talk to me like a grown up and I'll address you as such.

Don't speak down to me. I'll mess all over your speech. Carry on "BOY". :wink:
Boaz. It's a little like Shazam. It certainly meant a lot to Billy Batson.
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Re: Peter of England: A REal guru.

Post by longdog »

pigpot wrote: For left see right. Ooh! Different arms of the same body. You won't convince me to take as side as taking a side is what the PYRAMID is built upon. "I'm Christian, and I vote Labour, and I'm P.I. and I'm a Pentecostalist..."

Blah blah blah...

No different... Ooh! Different arms of the same body. You won't convince me to take as side as taking a side is what the PYRAMID is built upon. "I'm a Sikh, Muslim, Jew, Hindu, Zoroastrian, Atheist..."

Blah blah blah...

Show me the proof that you're right.

JULIAN: I recommend we try Per verulium ad camphorum actus injuria linctus est.
SANDY: That's your actual Latin.
HORNE: What does it mean?
JULIAN: I dunno - I got it off a bottle of horse rub, but it sounds good, doesn't it?
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Re: Dean Clifford - A Tale of Two Gurus

Post by pigpot »

LordEd wrote:
pigpot wrote: Debating involves opinion and I'd rather stick to empirical evidence and facts thanks.
Here's My chat with the sock puppet of Menard. Is this the type of argument you're looking for?
http://www.tpuc.org/forum/viewtopic.php ... 369f4a417f

I hate opinion. Facts with support is the game.
Hey, Robert was the man who stated that, "debating is for..." I'm not going to defend or attack anyone. I'm only here for getting stuff sorted.

Let it be. Boaz. Shazam. Billy Batson. What a man he is / was / will be. 8)
Boaz. It's a little like Shazam. It certainly meant a lot to Billy Batson.
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Re: Peter of England: A REal guru.

Post by pigpot »

longdog wrote:
pigpot wrote: For left see right. Ooh! Different arms of the same body. You won't convince me to take as side as taking a side is what the PYRAMID is built upon. "I'm Christian, and I vote Labour, and I'm P.I. and I'm a Pentecostalist..."

Blah blah blah...

No different... Ooh! Different arms of the same body. You won't convince me to take as side as taking a side is what the PYRAMID is built upon. "I'm a Sikh, Muslim, Jew, Hindu, Zoroastrian, Atheist..."

Blah blah blah...

Show me the proof that you're right.

Boaz. It's a little like Shazam. It certainly meant a lot to Billy Batson.
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Re: Peter of England: A REal guru.

Post by pigpot »

Turning in certain ways. You know. Shake. Milk. Widdershins. Not the same eh! Something else Brethren. Never mind. Pericombobulation. :shrug:
Boaz. It's a little like Shazam. It certainly meant a lot to Billy Batson.
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Re: Peter of England: A REal guru.

Post by YiamCross »

If I'd read all of pigpot's ranting posts after s/he responded to my comment I wouldn't have bothered with a reply. S/he is clearly not the full shilling. In fact s/he is a perfect example of the kind of person who needs protecting from crooks like PoE, someone who obviously lacks the intellectual capacity to tell the difference between a legitimate business and a criminal con. Someone for whom it is morally okay to initiate force rather than wait for the inevitable evidence that loss, injury, harm or fraud has taken place to protect them from further harm.

I'm done with pigpot and, though I wouldn't be so presumptuous to tell anyone else what they should or should not do, I'm going to leave him/her to rant on and not feed their mania by responding to their nutty, and often offensive, ramblings. I hope s/he will get bored when no one rises to the bait and head off back to Goofy land where they'll find solace in like minded company.
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Re: Peter of England: A REal guru.

Post by daveBeeston »

What on earth have i just read in the last few posts :shrug:

pigpot please don't take this the wrong way(and by that i mean i don't mean to be rude or require a reply from you) but your not making much(if any)sense unless im missing the point of your post which is quite possible.

Can we please keep the thread on topic and not resort to personal agendas.
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Re: pigpot's Pot

Post by wserra »

pigpot seems to have the unfortunate practice of grinding his personal axes in every thread he posts to, regardless of the topic of the thread. I politely request that he not do that. Other posters have already requested him to start his own thread, which he has refused to do. Therefore, I'm doing it for him. I am deleting nothing, but I am moving off-topic stuff here. I also suggest that pigpot start his own thread, rather than hijacking someone else's.
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Re: Peter of England: A REal guru.

Post by longdog »

YiamCross wrote: I'm done with pigpot and, though I wouldn't be so presumptuous to tell anyone else what they should or should not do, I'm going to leave him/her to rant on...
I'll be joining you. Not because I don't think he should be encouraged but because I can't make head or tail of his gibberish.

All I've got so far is something about the nature of proof, something about the moon landings and the usual harm / loss / fraud cobblers.

If he has a point I don't have a clue what it is.
JULIAN: I recommend we try Per verulium ad camphorum actus injuria linctus est.
SANDY: That's your actual Latin.
HORNE: What does it mean?
JULIAN: I dunno - I got it off a bottle of horse rub, but it sounds good, doesn't it?
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Re: Peter of England: A REal guru.

Post by YiamCross »

longdog wrote:
YiamCross wrote: I'm done with pigpot and, though I wouldn't be so presumptuous to tell anyone else what they should or should not do, I'm going to leave him/her to rant on...
I'll be joining you. Not because I don't think he should be encouraged but because I can't make head or tail of his gibberish.

All I've got so far is something about the nature of proof, something about the moon landings and the usual harm / loss / fraud cobblers.

If he has a point I don't have a clue what it is.

And he just to highlight how desperately pigpot rushes to hoist him/herself up by their own petard, s/he says in the first post in this new thread of madness:
pigpot wrote: As for anyone of standing and credibility I wouldn't be going anywhere near someone who can hardly spell and whose grammar is around 3rd grade. Talking about low level stuff, man this bottom scraping alright.
Is it just me or does that 1st sentence alone fail to reach reach the giddy heights of 3rd grade grammar? The second one certainly qualifies as meaningless gibberish well below anything I'd imagine a 1st grader could produce and yet poor old pigpot has to spend every minute of day near him/herself. Tragic.
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Re: Peter of England: A REal guru.

Post by pigpot »

YiamCross wrote:In fact s/he is a perfect example of the kind of person who needs protecting from crooks like PoE, someone who obviously lacks the intellectual capacity to tell the difference between a legitimate business and a criminal con.
This is just one of the issues at stake here. Who get's to decide the legitimacy of things. One man's rubbish is another man's gold.

And then this. I did think someone would go down this route and it's happened here below. The belief in the initiation of force has been truly shown. Well that's okay at least I know I can't argue with someone that believes that is the best way to settle things before anyone else has claimed loss, injury or harm. Initiate force. Oh! Well.
YiamCross wrote:Someone for whom it is morally okay to initiate force rather than wait for the inevitable evidence that loss, injury, harm or fraud has taken place to protect them from further harm.
YiamCross wrote:I'm done with pigpot and, though I wouldn't be so presumptuous to tell anyone else what they should or should not do, I'm going to leave him/her to rant on and not feed their mania by responding to their nutty, and often offensive, ramblings. I hope s/he will get bored when no one rises to the bait and head off back to Goofy land where they'll find solace in like minded company.
I agree that you left no assumptions. You were quite clear about using force and that was saying that you would do so (use initial force upon someone).

And more comedy gold when I'm assumed to be heading back to "goofy land" because I have the temerity to disagree. Well nothing has been argued away. I disagreed and then get insulted. I thought as much. Cheers for that. The Randiness is strong in this one. :wink:
Boaz. It's a little like Shazam. It certainly meant a lot to Billy Batson.
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Re: Peter of England: A REal guru.

Post by pigpot »

longdog wrote:
YiamCross wrote:All I've got so far is something about the nature of proof, something about the moon landings and the usual harm / loss / fraud cobblers.
Why is harm, loss and fraud "cobblers"? I assume you can't produce and ethically sound answer. From that response I can only assume you are another one of the hit first brigade. Care to prove me wrong on the "cobblers" part?
Boaz. It's a little like Shazam. It certainly meant a lot to Billy Batson.
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Re: pigpot's Pot

Post by LordEd »

pigpot wrote:I'm certainly not "Freeman" minded but here's my input into this particular thing, stuff, idea (whatever)...
Here in the den of soulless lawyer government troll sheeple shills the term "freeman" is used liberally to give the sense of a general belief system and not necessarily a specific title. It can include everything under meads from 'not a person', to unilateral contracts, Menard and Nanaimo crew's peace officer schemes, escape debt without paying with 3 letters, or any number of other things that share the similar theme of using some secret law or words to become immune or gain advantage in something.

Here is a checklist I made to try to classify freemen back on JREF. Not sure who I was discussing at the time, so ignore the 'x' values.

Belief System
[x] Separation of "living person" and "fiction"
[ ] Human rights laws mean that "person" is an optional title
[x] Government only applies to government employees
[?] Statute law is overruled by "common law" or other
[ ] We all have a 'hidden trust' full of money
[ ] Courts runs on maritime/admirality law
[x] Right to travel means no driver's license
[ ] Can "opt out" of the country
[ ] .. but can still access support/welfare/health services
[?] Country is a corporation
[x] Courts are a corporation
[ ] Debts are not real so I don't have to pay them back
[ ] Banks create money, so I don't have to pay them back
[ ] "Accepted for value" written on a bill can be cashed at a bank for money
[ ] Taxes are illegal
[ ] God's laws trump all others
[x] Everything is a contract / consent is required
[x] Courts do not have authority
[ ] Uses word-play to change meanings of words or phrases to better suit theories
[x] Believes they have taken an oath to be a "peace officer"
[x] Can arrest judges/lawyers

[ ] Uses outdated law dictionaries as basis of facts (eg. Black's 5th)
[ ] Uses law dictionaries from incorrect jurisdiction as basis of facts (Black's not in US)
[ ] Uses laws in non-relevant country as fact (ie UCC out of US)
[ ] Claims not to pay taxes
[x] Claims not to have insurance or license, but still drives
[ ] Cites "evidence" from non-mainstream sources
[ ] .. and source uses strange font and color choices
[ ] .. and source does not say what they claim it says
[ ] .. and source is a video with an untrue statement within first few minutes
[ ] .. and a search reveals result of source/video was actually a clear loss
[ ] Cites "evidence" by posting large documents, but does not point to relevant parts
[ ] .. and large document has statements inserted with no basis
[ ] Has "trademarked" their name
[ ] Has "fee schedule"
[ ] Uses unusual punctuation in their name
[ ] Sells material to others about their system
[ ] .. while never actually using their own system
[ ] .. while already being convicted for using the system
[x] Asks judges to see proof of their 'oath'

Also believes...
[ ] Posters in thread are shills paid to counter them
[ ] Government is plotting against them

[x] Unable to grasp reality
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Re: pigpot's Pot

Post by Dai Kiwi »

I like that checklist ! Can I steal it? (I don't lurk on jref so haven't seen it before)
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Re: Peter of England: A REal guru.

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

pigpot wrote:
longdog wrote:You really need to grow up son.
Talk to me like a grown up and I'll address you as such.

Don't speak down to me. I'll mess all over your speech. Carry on "BOY". :wink:
Pigpot, you need to know a bit more about American figures of sppech before you respond to them -- son. Pal. Mac. Buddy. Jack.
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Re: Peter of England: A REal guru.

Post by pigpot »

Pottapaug1938 wrote:
pigpot wrote:
longdog wrote:You really need to grow up son.
Talk to me like a grown up and I'll address you as such.

Don't speak down to me. I'll mess all over your speech. Carry on "BOY". :wink:
Pigpot, you need to know a bit more about American figures of sppech before you respond to them -- son. Pal. Mac. Buddy. Jack.
Well many thanks. That's far more civil "Pottapaug1938". I respond far better to explanations rather than what I believe to be meaningless rubbish thrown at me because I'm seen as a threat to the status quo. As said I've not come here to agree with anyone or anything but to challenge opinions as if they WERE facts. I am however knowledgeable of those terms you describe but I find them a little like going back to the plantation, if you will. You might include, 'Boss' as well, a term of reference I particularly loathe. Let's see who uses it first. :whistle:

I'll challenge one thing here and that is Freemanism (as defined by the WFS moronic administration team) is not oxy-moronic. They want Government but want to remain free of controls. Freeman-on-the-land is as much rubbish as it has always been. Same as Sovereign Citizens and Montana Freemen. Claptrap the whole lot. Can't not want it and want it at the same time.

Thanks again for your post "Pottapaug1938". :wink:
Boaz. It's a little like Shazam. It certainly meant a lot to Billy Batson.
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Re: Peter of England: A REal guru.

Post by Hyrion »

pigpot wrote:because I'm seen as a threat to the status quo

You're not a threat, to the status quo or otherwise.

An annoyance certainly - for many things including claiming to want facts when all you've done is provide assumptions.

But a threat? Most in society would recognize the primary person you're a threat to is yourself. Not for your thoughts, ideas and beliefs - but because some day you might try to put those into action against Society's laws and that'll likely lead to the obvious forseeable results.

Such as loosing your home to pay for your outstanding taxes.