UK - Tom Crawford - Eviction

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Re: UK - Tom Crawford - Eviction

Post by PeanutGallery »

Bones wrote:
PeanutGallery wrote: I've also been unable to check Green v Bartram because all the links I seem to find are wibbler sites full of woo and whatnot.
Can't find the original text but this case refers to it
Over on it sort of repeats the quote, again citing Foulkes, but importantly it provides some further clarification on Green v Bartram.

A debtor can lawfully use reasonable force in removing a bailiff without a levy that has refused to leave, the bailiff resisting is the person guilty of a breach of the peace, Green v Bartram [1830] 4 C&P 308. If police are present, the bailiff is the person that police should arrest, Foulkes v Chief Constable of Merseyside Police [1998] 3 All ER 705 and section 26(5) of the Criminal Justice and Courts Act 2015.

Notably the bolded text is absent from the Crawfords regurgitation of this claimed piece of case law (again without Green v Bartram we can't be 100%). However the missing text importantly provides that it is the opinion of the law that if the Bailiff does not have a levy, then the Bailiff would be no different to any other member of society and should be treated as such.

This therefore does not support the Crawfords case, as the Bailiff had placed a levy on the property in question.
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Re: UK - Tom Crawford - Eviction

Post by ArthurWankspittle »

Tom, 64. suffered from cancer, beat it but the operation was a failure because it caused damage! Tom has had major surgery MANY times due to negligence.. Not forgetting he has blood clots and needs to take a thinning agent for his blood causing him to be a hemophiliac when he takes the medication!!! They arrested him by force without any regard! In the video you can see they were told... But ignored..
Ah more Crawford family bullshit and lies. He isn't a haemophiliac it's the effect of taking blood thinning medication. My guess is he's on Clexane. Unless the Police were slashing at him with knives or beating the stuffing out of him to cause internal bleeding it wouldn't matter. Equally, if Tom had just "gone quietly" he would not put himself at anything other than normal risk. I also doubt the "major" surgery "MANY" times because that doesn't fit well with him having blood clots neither does it sit well with problems caused by prostate surgery. Further, the "major" surgery can't be that recent as he was driving a car. Also, if he has blood clots, could someone tell me if he had the medical OK to get his blood pressure up and go round assaulting people? Surely if he has blood clot(s), he shouldn't be risking any injuries in case the clot(s) move?
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Re: UK - Tom Crawford - Eviction

Post by BlueBurmese »

YiamCross wrote:Very convincing website. Not. I wonder how many will rally to the call? I get the impression that those who've been there, read the book and bought the tee shirt are catching on fast how they've been led up the garden path by Tom and his lies. Anyone dumb enough to fall for this crap website is going to be more of a hindrance than a help.
Tom's supporters have been spamming "celebrities"/politicians/anyone on Twitter all day today with details of his plight and links to that website - ... t&f=tweets

I think they're hoping that just one with a good few followers gives a retweet.
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Re: UK - Tom Crawford - Eviction

Post by Bones »

Bones wrote:I am hoping that this peaceful get together, after a few pints will turn into a drunk fueled attempt to retake Castle Crawford.

Shhhh don't tell anyone that is what Craig is secretly trying to organise
Only a 20 minute walk, pub to house - shhhh Craig is a clever one isn't he :sarcasmon:

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Re: UK - Tom Crawford - Eviction

Post by daveBeeston »

BlueBurmese wrote: Tom's supporters have been spamming "celebrities"/politicians/anyone on Twitter all day today with details of his plight and links to that website - ... t&f=tweets

I think they're hoping that just one with a good few followers gives a retweet.
That's just pathetic asking celebrities to get involved, any with a decent publicist wouldn't touch them with a barge pole I mean even the long hired jackass Russell Brand wouldn't respond to their pleas on Facebook for help(and that cretin rubbished the minutes silence for the victims of the Tunisian terrorist attack).
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Re: UK - Tom Crawford - Eviction

Post by Silly Ebert »

This is where it gets interesting... This is where the Police DO NOT enforce the law... See the evidence.. The "high court" were apparently taking the house... but the "high court bailiff" would NOT identify himself, or show the paperwork!

This means I can turn up with a blank piece of paper in a folder to someone's house and it gives me the right to take that persons house? NO! You need to identify yourself to the homeowners

None of the police have seen the warrant..

See how this is about to get interesting.. REMEMBER.. NO COURT can take a house without notice, the county court has to give notice.. A high court doesn't have to give notice (This is why they went to high court) BUT then.. A high court can only take items of value, not houses... You'll clearly see that this isn't the case...
Let me clear a few things up on this snippet from TC'S new site.
This was not a High Court action.
The county court bailiff does not have to identify himself if police present are aware of his identity.
The police had seen the warrant (not a high court writ 66)
The bailiff offered to show Tom Crawford the warrant.
Notice was given twice , first for the 23 July 2014 and then served again Dec 2014 for 23 Jan 2015 ( the second notice was an n54a that states the bailiff can come without notice at anytime if the booked date given cannot be completed due to obstruction) it was.
The high court however CAN take house and not just property as stated by TC, they can do this by using a writ 66.

Tom Crawford is unable to tell the truth , he just spins these lies all day.
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Re: UK - Tom Crawford - Eviction

Post by BlueBurmese »

daveBeeston wrote:That's just pathetic asking celebrities to get involved, any with a decent publicist wouldn't touch them with a barge pole I mean even the long hired jackass Russell Brand wouldn't respond to their pleas on Facebook for help(and that cretin rubbished the minutes silence for the victims of the Tunisian terrorist attack).
Well, they had one retweet from a "celebrity" - White Dee from Benefits Street! Hahahahaha! :haha: :haha: :haha: :haha:
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Re: UK - Tom Crawford - Eviction

Post by Hercule Parrot »

Bones wrote:I am hoping that this peaceful get together, after a few pints will turn into a drunk fueled attempt to retake Castle Crawford.

Shhhh don't tell anyone that is what Craig is secretly trying to organise
I think you're probably right. Get everyone riled-up with a few drinks down them, make some speeches about magna carta and every Englishman's right to steal houses, and then set off marching up the road.

However I also think that the police will be ready for this. I don't think they'll try to manage a wide perimeter this time, they'll just put a few van-loads of public order cops at the house and defend it from violent, unlawful entry. PAVA spray and batons may be more prominent in this scenario.

But I don't know - equally possible they'll stand back and let it happen, then come back in a few days and arrest the unlawful occupants for criminal trespass or burglary, get them remanded to custody while things cool down.
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Re: UK - Tom Crawford - Eviction

Post by JonnyL »

Where's the fresh prince of bellend? Has he made an appearance yet??? Not seen anything of the response guru with his poxy banner. Ever wondered if he's in on the whole thing and filters info to the power's that be? He was apparently 'warned' to not attend, but surely getting nicked in the name of response gets you some serious ranking points in the eyes of the deluded.
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Re: UK - Tom Crawford - Eviction

Post by PeanutGallery »

Hercule Parrot wrote:
Bones wrote:I am hoping that this peaceful get together, after a few pints will turn into a drunk fueled attempt to retake Castle Crawford.

Shhhh don't tell anyone that is what Craig is secretly trying to organise
I think you're probably right. Get everyone riled-up with a few drinks down them, make some speeches about magna carta and every Englishman's right to steal houses, and then set off marching up the road.

However I also think that the police will be ready for this. I don't think they'll try to manage a wide perimeter this time, they'll just put a few van-loads of public order cops at the house and defend it from violent, unlawful entry. PAVA spray and batons may be more prominent in this scenario.

But I don't know - equally possible they'll stand back and let it happen, then come back in a few days and arrest the unlawful occupants for criminal trespass or burglary, get them remanded to custody while things cool down.
Given the likelihood for civil unrest I am surprised that Notts police haven't gone and had a quiet word with the pub and had the event cancelled. I would also suggest that Tom is probably getting perilously close to violating his bail conditions (which will probably say that he is not allowed within the vicinity of Fearn Chase, though I doubt they will have strictly defined 'vicinity', certainly I would say being within a short walk would meet that criteria).

It would of course be hilarious if Tom got picked up for violating his bail before the mob had a chance to get the beers in.

Given that we know that Castle UKAR (formerly Crawford) is currently occupied by a small security force, I would wager that any attempt to retake would involve a police response, ideally before anyone gets the idea to do anything stupid to the guards. Certainly it has the ingredients for major disruption (although if that were to happen the Crawford bunch could probably kiss goodbye to whatever sympathy they might have had remaining from the surrounding neighbours).
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Re: UK - Tom Crawford - Eviction

Post by Jeffrey »

Anyone listen to this already so I don't have to? ... 8_30-07_00
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Re: UK - Tom Crawford - Eviction

Post by pigpot »

Hercule Parrot wrote:
Bones wrote:I am hoping that this peaceful get together, after a few pints will turn into a drunk fueled attempt to retake Castle Crawford.

Shhhh don't tell anyone that is what Craig is secretly trying to organise
I think you're probably right. Get everyone riled-up with a few drinks down them, make some speeches about magna carta and every Englishman's right to steal houses, and then set off marching up the road.

However I also think that the police will be ready for this. I don't think they'll try to manage a wide perimeter this time, they'll just put a few van-loads of public order cops at the house and defend it from violent, unlawful entry. PAVA spray and batons may be more prominent in this scenario.

But I don't know - equally possible they'll stand back and let it happen, then come back in a few days and arrest the unlawful occupants for criminal trespass or burglary, get them remanded to custody while things cool down.
I do fear that one day, it may come to the point where the people get tooled up and hit back at the Police, like never before. It's never happened yet, to the extent that regular people have the capacity to produce retaliatory force, (if they see it that way) as most protests (that I've seen) if not all have been carried out by these protestors (call them what you will) peacefully. But it would be a shame that Police Officers who were simply carrying out the orders of the people they considered superiors were hurt (if not worse) in the process.

A shame. A happy working team is a productive working team. The idea of a team that is whipped into working should be consigned to the 1800's as should slavery.
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Re: UK - Tom Crawford - Eviction

Post by pigpot »

Bones wrote:I am hoping that this peaceful get together, after a few pints will turn into a drunk fueled attempt to retake Castle Crawford.

Shhhh don't tell anyone that is what Craig is secretly trying to organise
Why would anyone want that? Peverse... wanting peaceful things to turn ugly.

Sorry I forgot where who I was referring to here. If I'm straying from logic here, "Wes" / "Burnaby", can someone show me how and why and point me back on the straight and narrow please (so I can join in and poke fun at others) as I'm lost with this at the moment. Please show me where I can delight in others misfortune.

Cheers. :lol: :haha: I'm trying to get it real hard. Honestly. :D
Boaz. It's a little like Shazam. It certainly meant a lot to Billy Batson.
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Re: UK - Tom Crawford - Eviction

Post by pigpot »

daveBeeston wrote:That's just pathetic asking celebrities to get involved,
I for one quite agree "davebeeston". Entirely true. That bloody Gary Barlow supporting Cameron and obviously as you quite rightly point out Russell Brand supporting Labour. Makes me sick. Conventional politics is riddled with it and it seems to be spilling out into the wider community. What's good for one is good for all I say. Celebrities for none or for all, not for the select.

I want my celebrity now and I want it to be......... Wait.... Wait for it....... "George" from "Rainbow". Hippo glove puppet thing.
Boaz. It's a little like Shazam. It certainly meant a lot to Billy Batson.
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Re: UK - Tom Crawford - Eviction

Post by vampireLOREN »

Sorry I forgot where who I was referring to here. If I'm straying from logic here, "Wes" / "Burnaby", can someone show me how and why and point me back on the straight and narrow please (so I can join in and poke fun at others) as I'm lost with this at the moment. Please show me where I can delight in others misfortune.

Cheers. :lol: :haha: I'm trying to get it real hard. Honestly. :D[/quote]

Welcome PigPot,
It is one of the delights of this forum one can share their opinion freely, it is full of many varied things... Scammers...tricksters....conmen etc please enjoy the time here.
Crawford and the supporters are at the moment in shock, it is to be expected in time the reality will sink in.
This whole stupid saga was fake from day 1, while I feel no delight in their misfortune I really could not give a tinkers fart what happens to them. :shrug: :thinking: :shrug:
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Re: UK - Tom Crawford - Eviction

Post by Normal Wisdom »

Jeffrey wrote:Anyone listen to this already so I don't have to? ... 8_30-07_00
I've listened to some of it. An abbreviated version of the "facts" according to Tom but now he's so confused between the truth and his version of events that he changed the story again.

This time he says that from 1988 they paid the mortgage including the endowment until 1992 when his wife found out that it had been changed to a "part capital, part interest" mortgage, B&B apologised, wine and flowers etc. He then jumps straight to 2006 (or maybe it was 2002) when they apparently discover that the mortgage had been changed to "... a repayment only. That meant that everything we had already paid was just going to capital"! There's no mention of anything happening in 1999 as he previously claimed and as the judgement showed.

He also now admits that they were "three payments" behind when B&B sought a possession order in 2012. He has previously said that there were no arrears and indeed this was the subject of the infamous paragraph 91 in the judgement regarding the computer figures.

He says that the possession order was suspended provide they continued making payments and eliminated the arrears. This wasn't the real terms of the suspension - they only had to maintain normal interest payments. There is nothing to suggest that they actually cleared their arrears of interest. He even says that they made an extra payment at the end of the mortgage term "because we know how skullduggery they can cook up" He believes that they upheld their side of the "contract" (presumably by making payments until the end of the term of the loan). He doesn't now seem to dispute that he owes the capital but says that at the end of the contract this "becomes a debt not arrears, and you can't take property on a debt". He doesn't mention and obviously fails to recognise that until he repays the capital he must continue to make interest payments so in fact he already owes about 22 months interest since the date he was supposed to repay the capital. Plus of course any outstanding interest due from within the original loan period. We then get into the usual stuff about the wonderful Michael O'Bernicia, Mr Ebert, the judge not listening, corrupt courts etc.

After that he starts the diatribe against the police and bailiffs for the eviction ... and I switched off.
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Re: UK - Tom Crawford - Eviction

Post by rumpelstilzchen »

Well, now I really am confused. If he does not dispute that he does now owe the original sum he borrowed, why does he believe that he does not have to repay it?
BHF wrote:
It shows your mentality to think someone would make the effort to post something on the internet that was untrue.
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Re: UK - Tom Crawford - Eviction

Post by #six »

Slightly off topic...

I was giving some thought to exactly how much support Tom Crawford has. On the face of it the impression I would have is that it would be quite a lot. 4000+ members of the ETFOTB facebook page, 120,000+ views of the most recent video. Lots of activity by his supporters. However, most of my friends on Facebook are from Nottingham. Most are left wing and lean towards anti-capitalism, Most support the underdog, many are involved in political & social campaigning. Many share stories of injustice to my page. One is even a member of the ETFOTB page. And the number of times I have seen a story about Tom Crawford shared to my page on Facebook.... A Big Fat ZERO!

One person did change their profile picture. But that lasted all of 2 minutes before they changed it back again. Maybe they were advised by another of the true story behind the eviction?

None of my friends that I socialise with know much about the story. Many didn't even know the name Tom Crawford despite the story being covered on National and Local media. None are interested enough to look for information themselves, instead, they are happy for me to keep them abreast of the situation over a pint or two of Nottinghams finest real ales.

So, I realise its totally unscientific, No better than a strawpoll. But it does suggest to me that most of Nottingham is either unaware of the iamtomcrawford campaign or they are aware but believe the eviction was right and proper.

It's very easy when investing time and effort in this situations, weather for or against, that one has tunnel vision and expects everyone else to also be aware of the situation. I would suggest we on Quatloos are as guilty as those on GOODF or on ETFOTB in believing there is a large movement behind all of this.

So regarding the members on the ETFOTB facebook page, the most likely situation is that that there is a minority vocal hard core of Crawford supporters. They are the ones making all the noise. Behind them there are people who are anti establishment who will jump on any band wagon. They are the one who come out to the eviction to give the police hassle, just for the crack - a "rent-a-mob" if you will. Then you have people who who were invited to the page and thought they would post just once to support an old man being evicted. These people won't have looked any further into the truth and will play no more part in what happens next. Finally, you have people in the group who are interested but for all the right reasons - I'm sure that includes many on here ;)

My view is that this whole thing will fizzle out. Tom will become a certified Guru who teaches others how to prevent their eviction but outside the FMOTL movement he will be a nobody once more. Life will go on. Banks will issue mortgages. People will pay them. Homes will be owned. Nothing will change.
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Re: UK - Tom Crawford - Eviction

Post by hardcopy »

Bones wrote:
vampireLOREN wrote:
Bones wrote:I am hoping that this peaceful get together, after a few pints will turn into a drunk fueled attempt to retake Castle Crawford.

Shhhh don't tell anyone that is what Craig is secretly trying to organise
Bones, I hate to be a ponce....but could you possibly some happy chance find a photo of that nice
Mr David Caress EnforcementOfficer/Bailiff Retired.
Young Jon "the para legal ninja" Dow tells everyone and is firmly convinced that the said Caress and I are one and the same.
I wish to use as an avatar photo......and it will have to be a large-ish photo please.
Just to make this post legal......what else does Young Crawford have to offer?.... :thinking:
Is this him ?



Yes that's vampire Loren.
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Re: UK - Tom Crawford - Eviction

Post by hardcopy »

ArthurWankspittle wrote:
Tom, 64. suffered from cancer, beat it but the operation was a failure because it caused damage! Tom has had major surgery MANY times due to negligence.. Not forgetting he has blood clots and needs to take a thinning agent for his blood causing him to be a hemophiliac when he takes the medication!!! They arrested him by force without any regard! In the video you can see they were told... But ignored..
Ah more Crawford family bullshit and lies. He isn't a haemophiliac it's the effect of taking blood thinning medication. My guess is he's on Clexane. Unless the Police were slashing at him with knives or beating the stuffing out of him to cause internal bleeding it wouldn't matter. Equally, if Tom had just "gone quietly" he would not put himself at anything other than normal risk. I also doubt the "major" surgery "MANY" times because that doesn't fit well with him having blood clots neither does it sit well with problems caused by prostate surgery. Further, the "major" surgery can't be that recent as he was driving a car. Also, if he has blood clots, could someone tell me if he had the medical OK to get his blood pressure up and go round assaulting people? Surely if he has blood clot(s), he shouldn't be risking any injuries in case the clot(s) move?
There were quite a few clots running around on eviction day