Reverend Belanger - "Physician Heal Thyself"!

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Re: Reverend Belanger - "Physician Heal Thyself"!

Post by ontobserver »

Burnaby49 wrote: - laws only apply to people who have classified themselves as persons. He hasn't. Interpretations Act says "Persons" only include corporations, dead things, he is a living breathing walking man.

- His income support is paid through his annuity so the money has been his all along. Apparently it is not welfare at all.

- All of your codes regulations and statues are applicable only to persons. Since I am not a person none of these relate to me. Laundry list of scripture citations proving this. Apparently Kerry is expected to look these up at her leisure.
Out of curiosity, I did a google search to see who is eligible for AISH and there is another possible reason for the reverend losing his AISH benefits. According to the Assured Income for the Severely Handicapped web page at ... /aish.html
Budget 2015

Funding has been maintained for AISH and programs for persons with disabilities.

The Assured Income for the Severely Handicapped (AISH) program provides financial and health-related assistance to eligible adults with a disability. The disability must be permanent and substantially limit the person’s ability to earn a living. AISH clients may also be eligible to receive supplemental assistance (a child benefit and personal benefits) through the AISH program.
(underline added)

So if Belanger isn't a person, wouldn't that exclude him from qualifying for benefits?
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Re: Reverend Belanger - "Physician Heal Thyself"!

Post by Burnaby49 »

ontobserver wrote:
Burnaby49 wrote: - laws only apply to people who have classified themselves as persons. He hasn't. Interpretations Act says "Persons" only include corporations, dead things, he is a living breathing walking man.

- His income support is paid through his annuity so the money has been his all along. Apparently it is not welfare at all.

- All of your codes regulations and statues are applicable only to persons. Since I am not a person none of these relate to me. Laundry list of scripture citations proving this. Apparently Kerry is expected to look these up at her leisure.
Out of curiosity, I did a google search to see who is eligible for AISH and there is another possible reason for the reverend losing his AISH benefits. According to the Assured Income for the Severely Handicapped web page at ... /aish.html
Budget 2015

Funding has been maintained for AISH and programs for persons with disabilities.

The Assured Income for the Severely Handicapped (AISH) program provides financial and health-related assistance to eligible adults with a disability. The disability must be permanent and substantially limit the person’s ability to earn a living. AISH clients may also be eligible to receive supplemental assistance (a child benefit and personal benefits) through the AISH program.
(underline added)

So if Belanger isn't a person, wouldn't that exclude him from qualifying for benefits?
I'm sure Belanger is willing to show some flexibility in the matter. He claims that no man-made law apply to him however he is quite willing, indeed he demands, that he be the beneficiary of AISH payments. As has been pointed out he has only received these payments in the past because they are authorized by of Albertan legislation. So he's apparently ok with some legislation, that which has direct benefit to him. Also keep in mind that there is one theme that overrides all others in his videos. His complete dedication and submission to Christ and the King James bible. Given these deep and sincere beliefs he would obviously indignantly refuse to accept AISH payments if meant violating his religious rules for a few paltry dollars each month. To do otherwise would be just sleazy hypocrisy.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Reverend Belanger - "Physician Heal Thyself"!

Post by Hanslune »

I'd vote for the ever popular, sleazy hypocrisy
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Re: Reverend Belanger - "Physician Heal Thyself"!

Post by grixit »

Hmm, i have a vision.

Scene in soft black and white.

A large room, perhaps an opera stage, furnished only with thick rugs and draperies.

Naked sovereign gurus draped artistically in random poses.

The camera zooms in, slowly traverses each body in turn.

As it does so, the subjects say a few enigmatic words like "I am not a corporation", "You failed to answer and must pay my fee", "They say i lost, but i actually won", etc.

The camera zooms back out. Cut to a perfume bottle. A voice says "Sleazy Hypocrisy: Somethings Smells Off".
Three cheers for the Lesser Evil!

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Re: Reverend Belanger - "Physician Heal Thyself"!

Post by LordEd »

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Re: Reverend Belanger - "Physician Heal Thyself"!

Post by LordEd »

Experience the truth* of vie du toilet.

* may not contain actual truth.
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Re: Reverend Belanger - "Physician Heal Thyself"!

Post by LordEd »


Hello, ladies, look at your man, now back to me, now back at your man, now back to me. Sadly, he isn’t me, but if he stopped consenting to ladies scented body wash and switched to Old Law, he could smell like he’s me. Look down, back up, where are you? You’re on a boat with the man under admiralty law. What’s in your hand, back at me. I have it, it’s an oyster with two birth certificates and a SIN. Look again, the tickets are now a birth bond. Anything is possible when your man consents to Old Law and not a statute. I’m on a horse.
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Re: Reverend Belanger - "Physician Heal Thyself"!

Post by Burnaby49 »

On to the last batch of Belanger's new videos. New as in newly posted, not when produced. These were done in 2011. As I've said, a garbage dump of new and old material to let us all know that Belanger, unfortunately, is still around.

It's a five-part series where the Paraclete appears in Edmonton Provincial Court, apparently on Aug. 18, 2011. Note that these are actually filmed in the courtroom, a prohibited practice in Alberta as it is in British Columbia. So how did Belanger get special permission to film his own nitwit babbling? He didn't. These are apparently filmed illegally through the use of a fountain pen camera. Really! He's commented before about owning such a device and it sure looks like it watching the videos. From the camera angle I assume it is clipped to his belt.

I'm not going to go into the same detail as my last two Belanger reviews. I've had enough of him so you get it in point form only. Feel free to watch them yourselves. Be careful with the video. The camera acts like a drunken yo-yo when he walks around with it. I got vertigo. Watch Part 5 from 14:30 on if you want to see what I mean.

Part One - Bondservant Edward-Jay-Robin in Edmonton Alberta August 18th 2011 Fail to appear:

- Ed skulks at the courtroom door - and dashes in.

- Ed won't cross the bar! "It does violate my sincere religious beliefs." Everything except being given free money seems to violate his religious beliefs, I hope it's not your intent to intimidate me. Judge tells Ed to shut up so that he can speak but Ed keeps yammering.

- "My given name is Edward Jay Robin. I am in no possession of the family name Belanger therefore I cannot give it to you". Judge asks "Are you Edward Belanger". Ed babbles how the name is not his to possess. End result is that Ed refuses to identify himself. Judge says that since Mr. Belanger isn't present they will adjourn until 2:30 then convict Mr Belanger in his absence. Judge tells Ed he has until 2:30 to decide if he is Edward Belanger or not. Ed yammers gibberish. Ed wants the Judge to assume he's Ed without Ed saying so. Judge tells Ed that if he doesn't shut up the two officers standing beside him will toss him in jail for the night. The judge adjourned to 2:30 to let him think about whether he'd rather spend the night in jail.

- Ed leaves the courtroom muttering darkly about intimidation then has a little chat with a couple of Edmonton Police Service officers who agree that they would be delighted to act as witnesses to verify that Ed is an idiot.

Part 2 - Bondservant Edward-Jay-Robin August 18th 2011 Edmonton Failure to appear:

- Ed chats with the Crown Prosecutor, and demands disclosure.

- But disclosure was already picked up by Ed's lawyer. ED's LAWYER! A "Mr. Lister", though Ed explains Mr. Lister is not acting on this file.

- Who's Lister? He's a well known Edmonton criminal defense lawyer, Phil(ip G.) Lister:

Philip G. Lister Professional Corporation
Suite 290, 6005 Gateway Blvd
Edmonton, AB
T6H 2H3

Part 3 - Bondservant Edward-Jay-Robin August 18th 2011 Edmonton Failure to appear:

- Who's this guy who's crotch is recorded as he puts on his belt?! A Crown official of some kind? Ed whines about disclosure. I walked into this courtroom holding up this bible and claiming my rights under God's law and I WAS INTIDATED! Ed must have the courage of a mouse to find intimidation in so many places.

- I'm a legal researcher! All judges in Alberta have a false oath!

- Ah, I think crotch man is some poor articling student who drew the short straw at Lister's firm and is now the unfortunate recipient of a classic Belanger rant.

Part 4 -Bondservant Edward-Jay-Robin August 18th 2011 (incorrectly identified as 2001 in the video title) Edmonton Failure to appear

- ooh, now we have a long one, 30 minutes!

- It's back to the articling student

- at long last the secret of the lower case "minister" is revealed - that's because "Minister" is a noun and a title, while "minister" is a VERB! Oooh...

- it looks like Ed's main scheme is that he wants his lawyer to claim that his remand detention was cruel and unusual punishment, and therefore miracle himself to freedom.

- the Crown Prosecutor and the articling student, who appears to be from Phil Lister's office, really don't seem to want to talk to Ed.

- back to court! Waving his Bible! A gift of god and his law!

- wait ... wait Ed, why are you leaving?! Oh, had to run away from the judge.

- Ha ha! The judge will NOT accept Ed identifying himself as Edward Jay Robin of the Belanger family. It's Edward Jay Robin Belanger or the slammer! "What you're doing here is what I call double-talk." And if you don't answer, it's arrest time.

- I'm Intimidated! I don't understand! - Judge: a date was set, you didn't show. "You might lack mental capacity if you don't understand that."

- uh oh! Ed's willing to swear on a King James Bible! But he's gotta look at it first to make sure it's acceptable.

-Ed will pray for the judge, though... I find you in contempt!

- Apologies! Groveling! Apologies!

- I gave a lawful notice for my failure to appear, Neil Wittmann, Gail Vickery, "AND A MAN NAMED ROOKE"!

- the court does not need Ed's copy of Black's Law Dictionary to define words...

Part 5 Bondservant Edward-Jay-Robin August 18th 2011 failure to appear:

- The Trial continues...

- my lawyer's not here?! he has failed in his duty! I am intimidated!

- minister Cathie is here as a witness that I served my magic paperwork

- but what about my lawful excuse?

- I telephoned those guys! They were supposed to tell me if my lawful excuse was not accepted! Chief Judge Gail Vickery's assistant even said they were at a meeting about my lawful excuse!

- no no, minister Cathie has to get on the stand.

- and off we go on the Oath of Allegiance Act

- and it's inconsistent with the Alberta oath.

- if I show up I'll be aiding and abetting a criminal offense if I appear in front of the False Oath judges and lawyers!

- 12:35 "I am on income support at this time". Ah, the halcyon milk and honey days of his AISH payments.

- he's sentenced - though I couldn't make out the sentence

- as the judge leaves Ed says: "Does the court honor the bills of exchange act?"

- and off Ed goes out of the courtroom, down to visit the clerks. Bitch bitch bitch...

- Ed comes across as a total jackass in these videos. So what else is new?
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Reverend Belanger - "Physician Heal Thyself"!

Post by Bill Lumbergh »

Looks to me like he was sentenced to a fine.

Thank you for slogging through these Burnaby - I needed a good laugh today :lol:

EDIT: To be exact, a $150 fine.
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Re: Reverend Belanger - "Physician Heal Thyself"!

Post by Burnaby49 »

Bill Lumbergh wrote:Looks to me like he was sentenced to a fine.

Thank you for slogging through these Burnaby - I needed a good laugh today :lol:

EDIT: To be exact, a $150 fine.
And, happily, they are done. At least until Ed dredges up another pile of detritus from his pathetic past. They were a trial. Not as bad as Glenn Fearn though. I'm not watching another of those.

Back to real life court work next week. Jury selection for Millar and Lawson and a trial hearing about something or other for Gregor Jahn.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Reverend Belanger - "Physician Heal Thyself"!

Post by Burnaby49 »

I've uncovered a Belanger cornucopia. But first some sad news that obviously reflects on the dire financial straits that Belanger must be suffering. His personal blog "All Creators Gifts" is gone.

It has been down for at least a week. I think it's kaput. If I'm not mistaken that was the single oldest OPCA website in Canada. Ed must be REALLY short on cash. He's kept this going from the start so I can only assume he was faced with the heartbreaking choice of keeping his blog alive or maintaining his pot habit.

Well, at least the Internet Archive has preserved it from 2006 onward: ...

Hold on! I've never looked at the archived version of the website! There's a bunch of stuff I've never seen before here. It looks like Ed was 'ed'iting his materials ... that can't be right!? I mean, really ... look at this account of his foreclosure on the front page:
It wasn't the last time Belanger would be involved in controversy with the police and authorities. In March of 2000, he refused to pay property taxes because some of his tax money was going to schools that allowed junk food machines. Harmful junk foods, said Belanger, contravene the Schools Act, which clearly states that schools should protect the welfare of children. When the city threatened to seize his home for unpaid taxes, Belanger wrote a letter to the Lieutenant Governor, saying that the minister was prepared to defend his home even if he had to "martyr himself to the death."

Shortly afterward, the RCMP arrested him on a complaint from the Lieutenant Governor's office, and searched his house with a warrant for guns. While in his home, says Belanger, they threatened his wife that if they found cannabis, they would arrest her and seize their children. When the case finally came to court, Belanger was found innocent, and the RCMP were reprimanded for searching the house. The RCMP officer in charge of the raid walked out of the court room, said Belanger, and resigned.

"It's an ancient message that I am teaching," Belanger told Cannabis Culture. "All things that people do aside from hurting other people or their property is acceptable. That gives you the liberty to do whatever you wish without hurting others. That's ancient common law."
And here I thought his house had been foreclosed, seized, and sold! I must be wrong since he said he'd die first and he's manifestly still with us. I guess he's living in squats rather than his own home because he prefers the lifestyle.

Well, here's something fun - Ed in 2000 describing his techniques;

( ... 8/site_id/)

Pot! Pot! Magic Pot!
Has there ever been valid bonifide proof that the holy annointing oil of the old testament for the annointing of Kings and preists contained kanehbosm(Hebrew for cannibus)Sweet smelling cane Exodus 30:23 New King James Version Her Majesty's Bible.

Was Jesus the annointed one? The Holy oil was used to annoint Kings!
Is cannibus seed the most perfect food of God's creational gift to man?
Is the oil of the seed the most perfect lubricant for engines and body?
Doe the fibre make the most perfect clothing and textiles?
Will the use of this plant for building products and paper save our forests the lungs of the planet?
Did Henry Ford Plan to build and run his cars with the products of this plant?
Is Ed telling us to 'lubricate our body parts' with marijuana oil? That's something that never occurred to Alexander Ream, with his medicinal oils for internal and external application!

Then there's the saga of Belanger's 2010 arrest and detention ...
March 1, 2010

NOTICE: Robin and Don incarcerated.

The de facto government and the fraudulent court system have kidnapped our Proctor and one of our ministers.

While traveling home from British Columbia, our Proctor Edward J. Robin Belanger and one of our ministers Gordon Donald Friske were stopped by an R.C.M.P. officer because the officer did not like the look of the plate on the church property they were traveling in at the time. They have been detaining them at the Edmonton Remand Centre. At first they were denied clean water so Proctor Robin and minister Donald did not drink the tap water for 5 days. We wrote a letter to the central MLA Laurie Blakeman telling her that they were being discriminated against because they believe their body is a holy sacrament for God and does not want anything dirty in it, which they have every right to have their faiths and beliefs.

Our Proctor and our minister were charged with Driving without a license, Insurance and Registration and they had God’s gift (Genesis: 1:29; Romans 11:29) on them which is known today as marijuana. We know that to travel we don’t need a license, registration or insurance. They are breaking so many of God’s laws in that prison and they have no respect for man or woman.

Some of us from Proctor Robin Belanger’s congregation are going down to the Courthouse on Monday March 1, 2010 to fill out Personal Information forms on the Minister of Justice Allison Redford and the Minister of Transportation Luke Oulette and anyone whom was involved in the arrest for Breech Of Trust , discrimination, kidnapping, torture, sections 176, 180, 423 and 431 of the Canadian Criminal Code and whatever charges we can think of. There are 7 of us.

While incarcerated they are calling our Procter and our minister crazy. We know that Proctor Robin is NOT crazy. They just don’t want the truth to get out about their fraudulent system. It will crush them.
Most of you that know Proctor Robin Belanger know that he is NOT crazy and neither is the rest of his congregation, we just know the truth.

I also know that most of you have been wondering where Robin has been.

If any of you would like to give Robin support then please phone the Edmonton Police, the Edmonton Courthouse or anyone you can think of and tell them that you are a supporter of Robin’s, and you believe his faith’s and belief’s are being infringed upon. The more people that call the more they will see the support he has.

All we want is our Proctor and minister back, they are holding them against their will, under threat duress and intimidation.
Subsequent announcements are just titles:

August 2010
Minister Edward-Jay-Robin: Belanger's trial rescheduled to October 2011, past the statute of limitations. Charges against minister Donald: Friske dropped.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Reverend Belanger - "Physician Heal Thyself"!

Post by Burnaby49 »

Belanger posted a new video;
special message to Terry Matchett the man acting as head judge Alberta

Published on Jul 8, 2015
This specific message to Terry Matchett is a sincere attempt to gain freedom from the registered enslavement the auspice of federal and provincial governments are engaged in with the bonding for value of registered children and using their flesh as surety.
This time Belanger is directing the message to Terry Matchett, Chief Judge of the Provincial Court Alberta. That's the judge who allegedly disqualified those notorious five judges who had INTIMIDATED HIM!

He's complaining as usual about nasty government lawyers who are using "verbatim" a "rant" by a MAN NAMED ROOKE! Rooke labelled Belanger an OPCA litigant in Meads v Meads because he (Rooke) does not respect god. It's ok to call Menard an OPCA guru, however.

Belanger seems obsessed by his inclusion in Meads. He can't seem to stop ranting about it in various videos although all of his past videos have been totally ignored by the powers-that-be.

Bonding babies for money is a theme this time. Blah blah blah corporations are dead entities blah blah blah King James Bible! blah blah blah no respecter of persons blah blah blah slavery of the flesh of children, all capital letters, includes means "includes only", coronation oath. He's running through a Belanger's Greatest Hits list here. One new piece of information is that he can't be a queen because he doesn't have any breasts.
Now Terry, the problem I'm having is the lawyers working for your justice department have taken this man who works under you, Rooke, verbatim and they are using that decision to smear and corrupt the ability of men and women to take up their faith in Christ.
Apparently Belanger seems to think Matchett is ACJ Rooke's boss. Sorry parakeet, wrong court.

Belanger says he's worked hard to research his position so he doesn't sound like a lunatic. Unfortunately that boat sailed long ago.

Rooke is coming close to TREASON! Overthrowing Her Majesty's Government! RENEGADE!

Now we get down to the nut of it. Belanger wants Matchett's lawyers to run over to the Health Minister and the Minister for Human Services, income support, and tell them that he qualifies to receive those annuities, in otherwords his AISH payments. He also wants to meet with these lawyers to brief them how to go about getting his AISH back. In other words;


For those of you not familiar with the AISH (Adult Income for the Severely Handicapped) issue it is Alberta government welfare and Belanger was getting it for years. Then they cut it off and have not reinstated it. Belanger is desperate to get it back because obviously working is out of the picture for a man of God following the King James bible so somebody has to support him.

Belanger's buddy Minister Donald Friske is apparently being held at the Edmonton Remand Centre! We've discussed Friske here;


So, in addition to turning the welfare tap back on Belanger ordered Matchett to release Friske.

He wants his name expunged from all records in the corrupt false god government of Alberta but, at the same time, he's demanding that that government resume his welfare. "I'm not in need of a false god government telling me what to do, how to do, and when to do it" but I demand that that false god government support my worthless ass. I have difficulty reconciling those positions,

Expunge me from association with Meads v Meads and Menard! Remove me from the Fraud! I cannot work - I am ill - I am severely handicapped by my internal problems ... GIVE ME AISH! GIVE ME AISH! NOWWWW!!!!

He said that Rooke and Meads v Meads were the reason he lost his AISH. He is just trying to sincerely follow what he believes in and he apparently sincerely believes in being a deadbeat government funded parasite. Then he brought out the big guns and made the ultimate threat against Matchett. If he doesn't get his welfare NOW he's going to spew out more videos! This is a man pushed past his limits! He said that his producing more videos is like a man running into a crowded room and shouting FIRE! But it's not fire he's going to yell it's "FRAUD! I'm yelling FRAUD! VERY LOUD!". The guy is definitely becoming unhinged. By this point (about 16 minutes in) he was shouting and ranting. The loss of his welfare cut deep.
"But that's what your lawyers and various justice department participants have been doing. That is not an assumption Terry, that is an actual fact. They have been intimidating men and women to violate their faith, and they are doing it freely, with a smile and laughter upon their face! So I hope you don't feel good about that Terry."

"This video is a Fact of Sincerity!" He seems to think that this video will be viewed to a huge audience who will be aghast at the information he has revealed, that the government of Alberta is a fraud and that he has lost his welfare because of his sincere belief in god. He threatened both Matchett and Rooke with the loss of their pensions if they don't act. He didn't say how he could effect this.
"Well Terry, if you decide to do nothing, indeed you may be brought into this fraud and be exposed because I intend to take this to the Vatican! The Pope has made an offer, September 29 I believe, 2014, he said that if any of these corrupted officials are not following the code and they are violating human rights, well then you can bring them before the Vatican courts, the Roman Curia. And they WILL be adjudicated according to the law. So this isn't a threat Terry. This is how sincere I am in exercising my and defending my faith. If I have to take it to the Vatican, the Pope, to have you and your lackeys adjudicated I will, because the Pope has already invited every man, woman, and child on the planet to do just that. And I think he was serious because he has had so many complaints about the corrupted officials acting within the judiciary that he had to do something."
Should we advise the Pope to clear his calendar?

Its brightened my day and made me feel a bit cheerier to know that Belanger hasn't got his AISH back and that the loss of his welfare is consuming him.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Reverend Belanger - "Physician Heal Thyself"!

Post by eric »

Burnaby49 wrote: Now we get down to the nut of it. Belanger wants Matchett's lawyers to run over to the Health Minister and the Minister for Human Services, income support, and tell them that he qualifies to receive those annuities, in otherwords his AISH payments. He also wants to meet with these lawyers to brief them how to go about getting his AISH back. In other words;
For those of you not familiar with the AISH (Adult Income for the Severely Handicapped) issue it is Alberta government welfare and Belanger was getting it for years. Then they cut it off and have not reinstated it. Belanger is desperate to get it back because obviously working is out of the picture for a man of God following the King James bible so somebody has to support him.
Its brightened my day and made me feel a bit cheerier to know that Belanger hasn't got his AISH back and that the loss of his welfare is consuming him.
Belanger's failure to receive AISH makes me happy as well. :snooty:
I'm intimately familiar with the AISH program (my wife is an AISH recipient) and it should not be viewed as welfare. It's a program for those who are totally unable to work at any sort of job because of mental or physical disability and have insufficient private pension or family assets to support them. I have followed through all of Belanger's posts and the basic reason why he was cut off AISH is his failure to follow the reporting rules - once a month tell AISH any money you made and what your immediate family financial assets are. Perhaps he thinks he is too above such mundane matters. :sarcasmon: I can't give an opinion as to why Belanger was on AISH in the first place, I'm not a physician. In my wife's case, she was a librarian for many years and then at the age of 45 had a debilitating stroke. We report every penny of my earned income and regularly, if I make too much money that month, have her benefits reduced so there is something personal here.
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Re: Reverend Belanger - "Physician Heal Thyself"!

Post by Jeffrey »

Just as I suspected. Only persons are eligible for AISH per the statute: ... splay=html
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Re: Reverend Belanger - "Physician Heal Thyself"!

Post by Burnaby49 »

Belanger has never been specific about why he was on AISH. He'd sometimes babble about how stress was debilitating him and destroying his internal organs. It didn't seem to stop him from leading a fairly normal life as far as I could tell. He may have been kicked off it for not meeting the reporting requirements. He had a video a while back saying how, as a Christian minister and a follower of the King James bible he could not fill out the required forms. As I wrote in previous postings;
Then to the heart of it. Heather's office is discriminating against him because he is supposed to receive his AISH payments but since his religious beliefs prohibit him from filling out income tax or Canada Pension Plan information he has had his AISH terminated. By this time he had his face virtually stuck in the camera lens like he was going to swallow it and was shouting, ranting that he wanted the money he was entitled to while having his beliefs respected. I have no personal knowledge of why he lost his AISH but, if his story is true, it at least shows he is willing to pay a significant financial price for his demented beliefs. Other Christians seem to have no problem paying taxes and contributing to CPP but I suppose they are not as true to Christ as Belanger is.
- Can't get AISH because he is require to file consent forms for CRA and Canada Pension. Against his religious beliefs. Apparently his profoundly felt belief that his role is to take money from the government but not give anything back.
- Based on this he expects letters from Finlay and Heather Klimchuk telling him he is entirely right, he doesn't have to fill out any forms, and he is getting his AISH back. He goes on and on for a few minutes how nobody has to pay taxes if they profess to a belief in Christ and claim that taxes are against this belief but the government is hiding this fact. That one hasn't exactly worked as advertised for Thomas Peterson, another Belanger sucker;
However he might just as likely have been kicked off because of all his activities and videos which demonstrated that he was not in fact severely handicapped. I hope that is the real reason. He might eventually break down and fill out forms but if he was scamming and was kicked off because he was not actually disabled then he's screwed no matter what he does.

Sorry about the incorrect terminology eric. Clearly not welfare in your wife's case. She has a valid entitlement under a government program established to cover situations like hers. However since Belanger seems pretty fit and spry for a guy in his early 60's I'll still consider it welfare in his case. Perhaps he qualified under mental illness.
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Re: Reverend Belanger - "Physician Heal Thyself"!

Post by Burnaby49 »

I had a thought about Belanger and AISH. He says he can't collect it because he won't fill out the required forms since they violate his religious beliefs. However he was collecting at one time and got kicked off. I assume the requirement to fill out forms always existed while he was collecting it. As far as I can see there are only three scenarios;

1 - The requirement to fill out the forms has always been there but, until recently, they put up with him not doing it correctly. Then they clamped down and gave him the boot when he refused.

2 - The requirement to fill out the forms is recent. He refused to agree with the new requirement and lost his AISH because of it.

3 - Belanger's claim that he lost his AISH because his religious beliefs prohibited him from filling out the forms is just bullshit and he always filled the forms out whatever way the government required which is why he was able to collect AISH for years. He was instead kicked off of AISH because they did a review of his disability standing and determined that he did not qualify.

I'm voting for number 3.
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Re: Reverend Belanger - "Physician Heal Thyself"!

Post by notorial dissent »

I'd go with 3 too, but I wouldn't be surprised if he also refused to provide information and documentation and so added to the shooting of himself in the foot.

You do have to keep in mind that Belanger really is a liar.
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Re: Reverend Belanger - "Physician Heal Thyself"!

Post by Jeffrey »

Seems like the level of anger is higher than normal. Is there any suggestion that he's being asked to return previous AISH payouts? Could he have filled them out fraudulently claiming a disability and is now being asked to return what he got?
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Re: Reverend Belanger - "Physician Heal Thyself"!

Post by The Observer »

Well, Belanger's hypocrisy is evident, because he most likely had to fill forms in the beginning to get on to AISH. So apparently it is all right for a "true" Christian to initiate commerce with Mammon, you just can't continue the commerce, even thought you have the right to continue to receive the monthly stipend.
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Re: Reverend Belanger - "Physician Heal Thyself"!

Post by Burnaby49 »

Jeffrey wrote:Seems like the level of anger is higher than normal. Is there any suggestion that he's being asked to return previous AISH payouts? Could he have filled them out fraudulently claiming a disability and is now being asked to return what he got?
I doubt it. He has nothing so it would be a waste of time. I think AISH is his only income (at lest I'm not aware of anything else) so he's desperate to get it back. He also has a massive sense of self-entitlement and I'm guessing he truly believes that he is being robbed of his own money.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".