A Kingsport woman told police she was counterfeiting money because she read online that President Barack Obama made a new law allowing her to print her own money, according to a police report.
Unfortunately, it is not a hoax. It's the case of someone who is nine cents short of a dime believing something she saw on a satirical web site.
"We've been attacked by the intelligent, educated segment of the culture." -- Pastor Ray Mummert, Dover, PA, during an attempt to introduce creationism -- er, "intelligent design", into the Dover Public Schools
Does anyone know of this "rumor" about Obama permitting homebrew currency?? Got a URL for it?
This twit had two different explanations - a fake $5 from a gas station, and a fake $100 because Obama permitted it - she's clearly not a criminal genius. Her big mistake is that this involves a Federal crime - no friendly hometown jail convenient to visitors.
It would seem that at some point she had a $100 bill in order to xerox it. I suspect that somewhere she has other xeroxes of a $100 bill - and may have already passed some without being immediately detected.
Inside they found several items consistent with being used to print counterfeit currency including paper, scissors, glue and a printer.
This was not a "sophisticated" attempt.
If Obama had approved the private printing of money it didn't have to be sophisticated. Anything would do.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
I have to admit that this still just screams 'hoax' to me. Impossibly perfect story. No police report or other documentation. Doesn't appear in the same site's police blotter, even though there have been other entries since the incident. All the other sites running the story link back to this same original source, with none I can find that provide any new information or authentication.
A Kingsport woman told police she was counterfeiting money because she read online that President Barack Obama made a new law allowing her to print her own money, according to a police report.
Yes a whole new sum of stupidity.. some internet hoax or joke web site probably stated this. Or some Freeman/Sovereign moron web site made some delusional claim of the sort (see Peter of England, and how Banks Create Money scam). I looked around and found about 15 publications from various news / independent story locations about this woman. A complete Nutter, sadly the story isn't a hoax.
Judge Roy Bean wrote:I have deep sense of pity for the public defender on this one.
Actually, just based on her actions, and possibly letting her speak for a bit I'd say a really good and valid shot at diminished capacity, they don't have to know it wasn't there to begin with, and I think that would be a slam dunk. I really do think this woman is too stupid to be let loose without a keeper as it is, and suspect that she is so gullible that she'll believe anything.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.