The Second Battle of Crawford's Castle, a Nottingham Farce...

Moderator: ArthurWankspittle

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Re: The Second Battle of Crawford's Castle, a Nottingham Farce...

Post by Bungle »

ArthurWankspittle wrote: My reading is this:
Craig Crawford - arrested, released presumably on Police bail.

SgtGingerChris (livestreaming reporter) - arrested, released presumably on Police bail.

Jay? ? - first of rooftop supporters arrested, still in custody, presumably will appear before Magistrates on Monday.

Mark “Ceylon” Haining, Henry Kellie and Betty Berkeley - remaining rooftop supporters arrested, still in custody, presumably will appear before Magistrates on Monday.

I'm not sure if there is another supporter missing from my list who is also in custody, or whether the above is the complete list.
Henry Kellie lives in Market Harborough and here is a picture of him with 'Tom' (this video was also posted on his 'support' Tom Crawford page). ... -1-3651703
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Re: The Second Battle of Crawford's Castle, a Nottingham Farce...

Post by longdog »

Skeleton wrote:
Craig and the Ginger one have been released but charged, I do not think we know exactly what with though. The 6 who were on the roof were remanded in Custody to appear in Court on Monday. As Vampire and others have alluded to, for that to happen there going down the serious crime route
Not remanded in custody yet as that would be down to a magistrate this is more likely to be that they have not been given police bail which could be for a number of reasons including the Crawford Cottage Six 'losing the name', being of NFA, refusing to sign a bail form, or employing a lot of footler crap which gives the police reasonable cause to believe they will return to the house or fail to show in court.
JULIAN: I recommend we try Per verulium ad camphorum actus injuria linctus est.
SANDY: That's your actual Latin.
HORNE: What does it mean?
JULIAN: I dunno - I got it off a bottle of horse rub, but it sounds good, doesn't it?
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Re: The Second Battle of Crawford's Castle, a Nottingham Farce...

Post by Bungle »

ArthurWankspittle wrote:My reading is this:

Craig Crawford - arrested, released presumably on Police bail.

SgtGingerChris (livestreaming reporter) - arrested, released presumably on Police bail.

Jay? ? - first of rooftop supporters arrested, still in custody, presumably will appear before Magistrates on Monday.

Mark “Ceylon” Haining, Henry Kellie and Betty Berkeley - remaining rooftop supporters arrested, still in custody, presumably will appear before Magistrates on Monday.

I'm not sure if there is another supporter missing from my list who is also in custody, or whether the above is the complete list.

It is generally believed that 'Jay' is 'Jay Brad'. His real name is James John Bradley and from reading posts on another forum it reveals that he has been running an operation called 'Mary the Clamp Fairy'. He offers a service whereby if a car is clamped by a bailiff he will drive to the said location and will 'pick the lock' from the car clamp. He then invoices the enforcement company around £2000 for the retun of their clamps. The whole operation is highly illegal but he believes that as he has set the business up as a Limited Company that this somehow protects him from prosecution.

He knows the inside of a prison cell (spent 4 months in one a couple of years back). He also served time in a Manchester prison earlier this year. Maybe third time lucky (or unlucky as the case may be). ... fied-2922/
TUCO said to me:
“I envy you for the job that you do in helping advise people. If I could choose an occupation, this is what I would like to do. Much of the advice that I pass onto people is heavily influenced by your posts”.
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Re: The Second Battle of Crawford's Castle, a Nottingham Farce...

Post by AndyPandy »

AndyPandy wrote:
GH132 wrote:
Of course now Tom has six idiots sitting in jail because of him, possibly facing a longer spell in the pokey, all because he and his wife stopped paying their endowment policy. Tom has now managed to ruin lives other than his own while furthering his own downfall.
Tom is what is clinically defined as a "psychopath"; he has no feeling for anyone other than him and will do whatever it takes to achieve his goals.

For a long time he has lied to his supporters and allowed them to spend money they don't have.
I suspect the reason the house had no central heating is because they knew they'd lost so removed it all ... Hence why he doesn't care about the roof being damaged. He doesn't care about what happens to those that were on the roof.

I'm also guessing that all the furniture that was left in the house was old stuff and that's why he's not bothered about getting it back.

It's all done to manipulate those that support him.
It wouldn't surprise my if they arrested the whole damn family, seized computers / phones to see who knew what about 'the plan'. After all, they cynically added a 3rd Party (Ms N Crawford) to the proceeding in an attempt to manipulate the Civil Proceedings Rule and invoke the so called '48 hour rule' to produce court documents. The problem with that is they've forgotton about the number of service days required on an order (5) and the fact the CPR's give Ms N Crawford a redress in cases where the documents haven't been produced within the 48 hours which somewhat surprisingly, doesn't include the right to violent disorder !

Apologies, you commented on a post I made yesterday about serving of an order, in response, yes, an Order needs to be served and that's 5 working days on the day after the Order was granted. It doesn't come into effect until Tuesday and the 48 hours to produce documents only applies when a 3rd party is joined in proceedings - so they added Ms N Crawford in attempt to invoke this '48 hour rule' under the CPRs.

So of course, when papa Tom turns up at the Court demanding the papers under the 48 hour rule they won't give them to him 1. Because the Order isn't deem served until Tuesday AND 2. It should have been Ms N Crawford who asked for them as the newly appointed 3rd Party to the proceedings !

That's what this whole debacle over the past 3 days has been based upon their lack of understanding / attempt at manipulation of the Civil Procedure Rules


Last edited by AndyPandy on Sun Jul 26, 2015 12:25 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: The Second Battle of Crawford's Castle, a Nottingham Farce...

Post by Colin123 »

So poor innocent Craig has finally posted

Craig Crawford feeling pained
7 mins ·
So I was arrested at like 5am Saturday morning.. For throwing a fleece blanket up onto MY PARENTS roof. And as we all know the police had no paperwprk to prove it wasn't theirs.. Where as I did...
I told the police I feared the people.on the roof were getting too cold and hungry and may fall off. We refused to leave them as we were the only witnesses left there and the only reason why we were still there is because i positioned my car in a point where they could be seen! And couldn't move us!!!
The police stood infront of the car for quite a while and blocked our view purposely. (so there were no witnesses when they tried to push them down from underneath in the loft space)
They didn't care if they fell, and had no duty of care to those brave souls! So we made it our mission to get food and dry warm clothing to them...
When they arrested us..for throwing up food and normal, non dangerous items... I asked what for..? The response was "errrr I dunno yet..(said Constable Craig pole) I'll think of something in a minute" they then told me it was conspiracy to commit violence???????
They didn't even know my name when this alleged offence was said to me.. So how the he'll can they pull that one out??
I was there ALL day, peacefully they could've grabbed me at any time.. But throwing a blanket with food in, ontop of a roof was committing conspiracy to commit violence??? And without even knowing who I was (they were asking my name)
Well, anyways. They have taken my phones.. Which has criminal evidence on from the second of July, business contacts and I'll need it for general use... There was a law passed that if someone stole a mobile phone.. They could get up to five years (if I remember) as it's classed as a life line..
And theyve been made aware of that there's criminal evidence on.. And I also told them I do not consent to them taking them...
A little short of 24 hours I was released... Now.. This is even weirder.. I was charged with breaking the skylight window... Criminal damage. And correct me of I'm wrong.. And unless I can fucking levitate and/or teleport... I didn't I even go near that window!!! Not even close!!
Someone was apparently assaulted.. Inside the house too... Which perhaps is where the alleged original violence reference was included... And forgive me if I'm wrong.. But the people were in the LOFT. Where it was only them.. How did ANYONE manage to pass through the loft floorboards and the ceiling plaster boards below somehow passing through solid objects to assault someone in there????
Everyone's super heroes to me in this.. But seriously... How did they grace us with super hero powers???
Now.. It's going to a criminal court... Let's see these fuckers produce the actual evidence to say that my parents don't own the house. WHICH THEU FAILED TO DO ON THE DAY!! Confirming out suspicions!
I feel terrible for the brave supporters who showed heart, resilience and passion for the greater Cause!! Everyone supoorting were 1100000 times more human than those robots who assaulted us.
Here's a twist.. NO ONE CAN BE DONE WITH BURGLARY OR TRESSPASS...WHY???? Because the police say that because my parents name is still on the bloody land registry deed!!!!
Love to everyone who's been supporting this movement! Again, we've proven that the police aren't here for us.. Only for corporations in this Case! This is growing bigger and bigger. We must push on and ensure this doesn't happen in the future for others. Even if they're shitting on our human rights!
I still feel terrible for the super six who are still in custody. We're working on getting them help ASAP!!
Bless them! Thanks for your support everyone! Now it's criminal.. Let's take it to these fuckers!!!! X
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Re: The Second Battle of Crawford's Castle, a Nottingham Farce...

Post by longdog »

They didn't even know my name when this alleged offence was said to me.. So how the he'll can they pull that one out?
As opposed to those real criminals who email the police with their full name, address and date of birth before they commit a crime. :haha:

Here's a twist.. NO ONE CAN BE DONE WITH BURGLARY OR TRESSPASS...WHY???? Because the police say that because my parents name is still on the bloody land registry deed!
Yeah... Good luck with that one in court. Apart from the fact that the B&B have legally taken possession of the property and your father is banned from even approaching the place I can't see any reason why that line of defence shouldn't be a winner.
JULIAN: I recommend we try Per verulium ad camphorum actus injuria linctus est.
SANDY: That's your actual Latin.
HORNE: What does it mean?
JULIAN: I dunno - I got it off a bottle of horse rub, but it sounds good, doesn't it?
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Re: The Second Battle of Crawford's Castle, a Nottingham Farce...

Post by arayder »

GH132 wrote:
Of course now Tom has six idiots sitting in jail because of him, possibly facing a longer spell in the pokey, all because he and his wife stopped paying their endowment policy. Tom has now managed to ruin lives other than his own while furthering his own downfall.
Tom is what is clinically defined as a "psychopath"; he has no feeling for anyone other than him and will do whatever it takes to achieve his goals.

For a long time he has lied to his supporters and allowed them to spend money they don't have.
I suspect the reason the house had no central heating is because they knew they'd lost so removed it all ... Hence why he doesn't care about the roof being damaged. He doesn't care about what happens to those that were on the roof.

I'm also guessing that all the furniture that was left in the house was old stuff and that's why he's not bothered about getting it back.

It's all done to manipulate those that support him.
The really telling thing is that Tom has known for some time that he and Sue would have access to his mother in law's house as the Nottingham bungalow became a lost cause. By manipulating others and finding himself a warm place to live Crawford has managed to get the attention he has learned to love while not risking the roof over his head.

I can't tell you how little I think of a guy who throws away a house his children could have eventually lived in just so he could be "the movement's" cause du jour.

Real men make their way in the world, imperfect as it is. Cry babies, like Crawford, take, lie and blame everyone but themselves for their mistakes.
Last edited by arayder on Sun Jul 26, 2015 12:11 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The Second Battle of Crawford's Castle, a Nottingham Farce...

Post by vampireLOREN »

Nice pic of "Our 'Enery and Betty (not the chicken sadly :violin: )
Two of the alleged ......Ummm heroes?
on the Henry Kellie facebook.
If people from Poland are called Poles Why are aren't people from Holland called Holes?
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Re: The Second Battle of Crawford's Castle, a Nottingham Farce...

Post by vampireLOREN »

longdog wrote:
They didn't even know my name when this alleged offence was said to me.. So how the he'll can they pull that one out?
As opposed to those real criminals who email the police with their full name, address and date of birth before they commit a crime. :haha:

Here's a twist.. NO ONE CAN BE DONE WITH BURGLARY OR TRESSPASS...WHY???? Because the police say that because my parents name is still on the bloody land registry deed!
Yeah... Good luck with that one in court. Apart from the fact that the B&B have legally taken possession of the property and your father is banned from even approaching the place I can't see any reason why that line of defence shouldn't be a winner.
Unfortunately Craig...Mum&Dad have never owned the bungalow, since the mid 1980s it has had a charge on it.
If people from Poland are called Poles Why are aren't people from Holland called Holes?
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Re: The Second Battle of Crawford's Castle, a Nottingham Farce...

Post by vampireLOREN »

Bungle wrote:
ArthurWankspittle wrote:My reading is this:

Craig Crawford - arrested, released presumably on Police bail.

SgtGingerChris (livestreaming reporter) - arrested, released presumably on Police bail.

Jay? ? - first of rooftop supporters arrested, still in custody, presumably will appear before Magistrates on Monday.

Mark “Ceylon” Haining, Henry Kellie and Betty Berkeley - remaining rooftop supporters arrested, still in custody, presumably will appear before Magistrates on Monday.

I'm not sure if there is another supporter missing from my list who is also in custody, or whether the above is the complete list.

It is generally believed that 'Jay' is 'Jay Brad'. His real name is James John Bradley and from reading posts on another forum it reveals that he has been running an operation called 'Mary the Clamp Fairy'. He offers a service whereby if a car is clamped by a bailiff he will drive to the said location and will 'pick the lock' from the car clamp. He then invoices the enforcement company around £2000 for the retun of their clamps. The whole operation is highly illegal but he believes that as he has set the business up as a Limited Company that this somehow protects him from prosecution.

He knows the inside of a prison cell (spent 4 months in one a couple of years back). He also served time in a Manchester prison earlier this year. Maybe third time lucky (or unlucky as the case may be). ... fied-2922/
He has a web page called Mary the clamp fairy.....complete with a mobile number, not much point in calling just yet :haha: .
If people from Poland are called Poles Why are aren't people from Holland called Holes?
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Re: The Second Battle of Crawford's Castle, a Nottingham Farce...

Post by Skeleton »

When I looked up "Ninjas" in, it said "Ninja's can't be found" Well played Ninjas, well played. :lol: :lol:
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Re: The Second Battle of Crawford's Castle, a Nottingham Farce...

Post by GH132 »

vampireLOREN wrote:
longdog wrote:
They didn't even know my name when this alleged offence was said to me.. So how the he'll can they pull that one out?
As opposed to those real criminals who email the police with their full name, address and date of birth before they commit a crime. :haha:

Here's a twist.. NO ONE CAN BE DONE WITH BURGLARY OR TRESSPASS...WHY???? Because the police say that because my parents name is still on the bloody land registry deed!
Yeah... Good luck with that one in court. Apart from the fact that the B&B have legally taken possession of the property and your father is banned from even approaching the place I can't see any reason why that line of defence shouldn't be a winner.
Unfortunately Craig...Mum&Dad have never owned the bungalow, since the mid 1980s it has had a charge on it.
I doubt if it was ever the Crawfrauds house in the first place. After all the bank never lent real money so they obviously didn't pay the previous owner what they should have done.
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Re: The Second Battle of Crawford's Castle, a Nottingham Farce...

Post by Skeleton »

With the tirade and accusation posted by young Craig, my hope he would engage the services of a proper Solicitor have obviously come to nothing.

Deserves all gets but thats what happens when you listen to asshats, his antics will not be helping his Company profile though.
When I looked up "Ninjas" in, it said "Ninja's can't be found" Well played Ninjas, well played. :lol: :lol:
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Re: The Second Battle of Crawford's Castle, a Nottingham Farce...

Post by Colin123 »

The reason Jay Brad was the first one arrested is simple

He is not stupid, and he wasn't up there for Tom, he was up there for the self serving, self promoting reasons that are behind everything he does

He would have known he would be arrested at the end of it, so get arrested early on, no stuck on a wet roof all night

Job done !!
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Re: The Second Battle of Crawford's Castle, a Nottingham Farce...

Post by IDIOT »

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Re: The Second Battle of Crawford's Castle, a Nottingham Farce...

Post by Skeleton »

Colin123 wrote:The reason Jay Brad was the first one arrested is simple

He is not stupid, and he wasn't up there for Tom, he was up there for the self serving, self promoting reasons that are behind everything he does

He would have known he would be arrested at the end of it, so get arrested early on, no stuck on a wet roof all night

Job done !!
Agreed, same with Ceylon, no point being anonymous on a roof when you have your own interests to look after.

Do we know who the other two were? Im half watching the F1 if this has already been answered, apologies.
When I looked up "Ninjas" in, it said "Ninja's can't be found" Well played Ninjas, well played. :lol: :lol:
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Re: The Second Battle of Crawford's Castle, a Nottingham Farce...

Post by Colin123 »

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Re: The Second Battle of Crawford's Castle, a Nottingham Farce...

Post by daveBeeston »

IDIOT wrote:

Super Six v police.
Oh dear god :lol: :lol:

I love this bit
How is it burglary i came in through an open window
There you go all those those convicted of burglary can now have their convictions overturned if they entered through an open window :brickwall:
Never argue with an idiot,they drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
fat frank
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Re: The Second Battle of Crawford's Castle, a Nottingham Farce...

Post by fat frank »

Colin123 wrote:this is interesting
listen to 5.18 onwards
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Re: The Second Battle of Crawford's Castle, a Nottingham Farce...

Post by Skeleton »

daveBeeston wrote:
IDIOT wrote:

Super Six v police.
Oh dear god :lol: :lol:

I love this bit
How is it burglary i came in through an open window
Closely followed by

"Its not burglery or Tresspass, we aient nicked anything"

Im sure the Judge will completely agree madam, looking at her Facebook page the inside of a HMP may come as something of a shock to her :haha: :haha: :haha:
When I looked up "Ninjas" in, it said "Ninja's can't be found" Well played Ninjas, well played. :lol: :lol: