DHS letter regarding the Browns

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Post by Duke2Earl »

I agree, Sybil wouldn't take crap...he'd be too busy shoveling it out. Like always, he's totally devoid of any understanding or of history. Yes, there is a lot of corruption in and around government. Is this a new development?... of course not. There has always been corruption as long as there has been government and probably there always will be. When there are large amounts of money at stake some people will "bend" things to put it in their pockets. But the real question is what can we do better to limit the corruption? Actually on the corruption scale we are probably now cleaner than ever in the past. Want to talk about Teapot Dome? And like all true believers he has no desire whatsoever to work on actual fixes to the problems that exist...no, let's tear it all down instead. Sometimes, he talks about it would be better if government was done at the State level... ahh yes, let's get back to the State level where corruption is totally unchecked. Like his local Texas legislature where lobbiests have been known to pass out cash for votes right on the floor of the legislature while it is in session. Yes, I think having a avowed anarchist in government ought to help....NOT! Or perhaps what you have in mind is an all idiot adminstration where he would fit in beautifully.
My choice early in life was to either be a piano player in a whorehouse or a politican. And to tell the truth there's hardly any difference.

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Post by Quixote »

Like his local Texas legislature where lobbiests have been known to pass out cash for votes right on the floor of the legislature while it is in session.
Our accents are the drawliest, our howdies are the y'alliest
Our lone star flag's the waviest, our fried steak's the cream-graviest
Our rattlesnakes the coiliest, our beaches are the oiliest
Our politicians most corrupt, our stop signs most abrupt
Another Stupid Song about Texas by The Austin Lounge Lizards
"Here is a fundamental question to ask yourself- what is the goal of the income tax scam? I think it is a means to extract wealth from the masses and give it to a parasite class." Skankbeat
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Post by Prof »

Duke2Earl wrote:I agree, Sybil wouldn't take crap...he'd be too busy shoveling it out. Like always, he's totally devoid of any understanding or of history. Yes, there is a lot of corruption in and around government. Is this a new development?... of course not. There has always been corruption as long as there has been government and probably there always will be. When there are large amounts of money at stake some people will "bend" things to put it in their pockets. But the real question is what can we do better to limit the corruption? Actually on the corruption scale we are probably now cleaner than ever in the past. Want to talk about Teapot Dome? And like all true believers he has no desire whatsoever to work on actual fixes to the problems that exist...no, let's tear it all down instead. Sometimes, he talks about it would be better if government was done at the State level... ahh yes, let's get back to the State level where corruption is totally unchecked. Like his local Texas legislature where lobbiests have been known to pass out cash for votes right on the floor of the legislature while it is in session. Yes, I think having a avowed anarchist in government ought to help....NOT! Or perhaps what you have in mind is an all idiot adminstration where he would fit in beautifully.
Some random observations:

Actually, there are states where the legislators are more corrupt than here in Texas. However, our politicians are CHEAPER.

As Steviepoo does not seem to recognize, but most of us do, the best we can hope for is that our politicians are honest -- that they stay bought, and don't change sides.

The two most corrupt Presidential Administrations appear to have been Grant and Harding (both Republican).

Every government in history has been corrupt -- some more than others. I'm sure the Priests (or some of them) in Ur took bribes.
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notorial dissent
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Post by notorial dissent »

The wit wisdom, and all encompassing historical knowledge of Stevsie not withstanding, or even really coming into question. I think politics are less corrupt now than they were even 50 years ago, Teapot as a good example of good early 20's scandal, and things are certainly better than they were during Grant’s tenure when Jay Gould and Co tried to buy up the country’s gold supply and any number of other things in the process.
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Post by Famspear »

SteveSy wrote:
Of course I do not like how the government operates nor do I like the government in its current form. Your babble is akin to saying "You just don't like the idea we have a dictator so you attack his supposed illegal activities upon the people. Which of course are perfectly legal because he makes the laws and anyone who has challenged his right to do the things he's done has lost miserably. Most are in prison to today so obviously they were wrong."

Let's make this clear for the very slow one's [sic] here....which appears to be most of you. Every entity that is loathed by the people will claim it is justified in its actions. It will also successfully prosecute and imprison those who attempt to prove otherwise. It's not likely, simple common sense to most but not to you apparently, that someone will not like something they feel is acting unjustly or illegally.
No, Steve, based on your reply, you have confirmed that the "babble" I wrote is basically correct -- not just for certain other tax protesters, but for you as well. You obviously "loathe" the government "in its current form" to use your words. You even use the word "dictator" to describe the government. You feel that the government acts "unjustly or illegally." I'd say just about everyone here has nailed you, dead on.

I wonder whether your strong feelings are based on some specific unfortunate incident that happened to you (or someone you know personally) or not.
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Post by The Observer »

Famspear wrote:I wonder whether your strong feelings are based on some specific unfortunate incident that happened to you (or someone you know personally) or not.
More or less a series of unfortunate incidents have plagued Steve, some of his own doing and some just the result of having to deal with the realities of life and the misfortune that occasionally happens.

Most people try to observe the maxim of "making lemonade when life gives you lemons." In Steve's case he has chosen to see himself as a victim of government and acted accordingly, at least on a emotional level. Thankfully, he is sane and reasonable enough to recognize that taking further steps along the victim highway is going to result in far more negativity for him than the government. Primarily, this is because Steve has a going concern as a small businessman and is far more successful than the typical TP lout; because he has far more to lose, he isn't going to the Kool-ade barrel and asking for a refill.
"I could be dead wrong on this" - Irwin Schiff

"Do you realize I may even be delusional with respect to my income tax beliefs? " - Irwin Schiff

Post by silversopp »

I think government only appears to be more corrupt "in the past" because we know more about what went on, than what is going on. As time goes on, more people speak and more documents get released. And I think that there are certainly many scandels that never see the light of day.

Here's the problem, to which there is no perfect solution.

The more power that government has, the more opportunity public officials have to be corrupt. The less power government has, the more incentive individuals have to be corrupt (under anarchism, the strongest can do whatever they like).

We never had, and never will, have that "perfect" balance, since that definition varies between people. We have a system that functions better than most other governments out there though.

TPs would be much better off participating in the political process so that their views are heard. Look at the impact the environmental whackjobs have had - proof postive that insane people can impact public policy.