Dean Clifford - A Tale of Two Gurus

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Re: Dean Clifford - A Tale of Two Gurus

Post by bmxninja357 »

Sounds like someone needs a few bucks for canteen. Jail sucks way worse without smokes and cokes. Fact is he has no time to really get any idea together in any meaningful way before the cruel gavel of justice pounds a hole in the bench. The least he could do is not insult everyone's intelligence as to what he needs money for.

I guess temporary employment never crossed his mind.

whoever said laughter is the best medicine never had gonorrhea....
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Re: Dean Clifford - A Tale of Two Gurus

Post by Jeffrey »

I'd rather be shot than getting another attempted "re-education"
This is the kind of thing someone due for sentencing should not be posting on Facebook.
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Re: Dean Clifford - A Tale of Two Gurus

Post by grixit »

"Earth Stewardship Cooperative" immediately conjures up a vision of naked hippies on an organic vegetable farm.
Three cheers for the Lesser Evil!

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Re: Dean Clifford - A Tale of Two Gurus

Post by schismatrix »

grixit wrote:"Earth Stewardship Cooperative" immediately conjures up a vision of naked hippies on an organic vegetable farm.
Exactly, because "Anarchist drug factory & gun club" sounds far less benign.
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Re: Dean Clifford - A Tale of Two Gurus

Post by Wake Up! Productions »

Update #1

I decided I would wait until we hit the 200 member mark to do the first update, which is barely 24 hours post creation of this group. Congratulations to Us, and thank you to everyone that got involved already.

At this time I wish to address the power and reality of small contribution crowd funding, or asset pooling among a group and/or coop. We actually blew past the $800.00 mark in the first 8 hours yesterday, and the number of contributors was less than 1 for every 10 that joined the group so far. Thank you to EVERYONE who has joined, contributed and helped promote Us.

A few people have mailed me donations lately, and those were added to the total, and a few people who gave me some money in person lately. That being said, we also now have the money for fencing and are just about at having enough for the new watering station so that I can install it with Dustin's help and have our two cows brought home from their current pasture.

In reality, with just the 200 members we have here from th elast 24 hours, and a commitment from those same people to simply donate $15 a month, the Coop could have $3000 cash to grow and expand, produce, sell, and put all profits back into the Coop. However, I have bigger aspirations. What could 10,000 people accomplish with a minimal commitment? What about 100,000? What about a Million? The same number of people that took place in the March Against Monsanto could asset pool and commit to $15 a month and have a monthly budget of $15 Million cash to buy farms, land, start businesses and farmers markets all over the world and grow exponentially. This is the power of crowd funding.

BE THE CHANGE YOU WANT. That is what Our Goal is. This was a very small experiment to prove to people what can be done in 24 hours with only a FEW people donating very small sums. The true scope of what I would like to accomplish will be on the new site, and if our adversaries want to know what we are doing, they can fund us to find out.

Does this mean we sit back and pat ourselves on the back? No, it means we move as fast as we can to get more people involved and go BIG before the powers that WERE can think of a way to shut it down, as 16 months in jail did not stop, but only delay, the inevitable.

We need a "Let's Roll 911" of the divestment world, a "Greenpeace" that does something with the donations, a "March Against Monsanto" that accomplishes something.

All of us here can do that by working together, and we are just over 24 hours old, imagine what we could do in a week, in a month, and then by this time next year if we all got involved, helped it grow, and got others involved to grow exponentially.

So, what's it going to be?

Dean Clifford
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Re: Dean Clifford - A Tale of Two Gurus

Post by bmxninja357 »

Imagine what we could do in a year? Send money to dean in jail and make excuses is my guess....

whoever said laughter is the best medicine never had gonorrhea....
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Re: Dean Clifford - A Tale of Two Gurus

Post by Wake Up! Productions »

bmxninja357 wrote:Imagine what we could do in a year? Send money to dean in jail and make excuses is my guess....

Ever notice Dean's pattern: Build up false hopes of a utopian society, then claim that the only way to build it is for you to send him money? He pockets the money, and when nothing happens, he claims it was because not enough people were interested.
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Re: Dean Clifford - A Tale of Two Gurus

Post by bmxninja357 »

the only thing i can see that dean has done is turn a profit for dean. he has not really helped anyone. his hokum does not work. its not original and it varies by which ever "profit of woo" is handy. be it known whack-a-do kevin anette or all the other cameo appearances made by the whack-a-do woo crew throughout his self caused ordeal.

and as i have said before the title of this thread should be changed from 'a tale of two gurus' to 'a tale of [insert correct number] gurus.

and i must point out the all around profiteering and failure to acomplish anything but money for themselves. just like televangelism. (and in anettes case exactly like televangelism)

whoever said laughter is the best medicine never had gonorrhea....
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Re: Dean Clifford - A Tale of Two Gurus

Post by notorial dissent »

I'm still trying to figure out how all this is supposed to happen. Dean has never shown any indication that he is capable of managing himself, let alone anything else, else he wouldn't always be in all the trouble he is always in, he couldn't manage/maintain ANY of the businesses he supposedly owned/ran, so how is this going to come about? I really can't see him sharing power with anyone, so how is this going to happen with him in prison? All i can see is that he's found another batch of the gullible and really really stupid to hand him some free beer and chips money before he takes an extended vacation at her majesty's expense. I realize this has all the markers of a rhetorical question, but don't FOTL's EVER wise up?
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Re: Dean Clifford - A Tale of Two Gurus

Post by Wake Up! Productions »

Update #2.

I will probably have to keep track of these, or sort by date. Anyways, here we are less than a week later with 660 members. That didn't take long at all. The power of social media. We are going to capitalize on that over the next while to promote Ourselves and grow, if and as interest spreads, as it no doubt will.

So, what can 660 People do?
- 660 People are 657 more than is required for formal recognition of a new society with distinct cultural, social and economic values that they have the right to pursue.
- 660 People can pool resources and commit to the price of a pack of cigarettes, or a six pack of beer, once a month to a Group that uses the money to build farms, buy land, farmers markets, debt free businesses and to build equity and resources to become a Coop that they never stop benefiting from but benefit from MORE, all the time.
- 660 People can become 6600 People in very short order if those people commit to helping the organization grow by promoting it to friends, family and to peers.
- 660 People can print flyers from their home PC (that will be available soon) and distribute them.
- 660 People can do an awful lot. But the most important thing they can do is lead by example and show the rest of the world what 660 People can accomplish in a united cause with clearly stated goals for their distinct cultural, social and economic principles. We will get there.

It's been a long journey to get the point I am now at in my life. What does not destroy us makes us much stronger and far better suited for the tasks we choose to take on. Make no mistake, I chose this whether I intended to or not. I cannot abide injustice. We can make this Earth a much better place by creating our own World, and never confuse the two.

A World is a concept given life by the players who all agree to abide by the regulations of that World for a purpose separate and apart from their rights as a living man and woman. However, that should be a choice that You make based on all the facts, in a clear and precise manner, free from want and fear and/or deceit, coercion, threat, duress, misrepresentation, infancy, and outright manipulation and/or misrepresentation of the facts. Basically, a level playing field or an honest and forthright manner. I know, sounds crazy eh?

So, that is exactly what we are going to do, and what we are going to provide for everyone. A choice, a real choice, possibly for the first time in their lives. I believe that given the choice of becoming part of a just and fair system or staying part of a World that lies to them incessantly and steals their life, liberty and property for the benefit of a few, that MOST people would choose to join something fair and just where they would have a much better life and standard of living free from want and fear.

We can do this. We can provide this. In point of fact, We are the only ones that CAN. So, we will. I prefer to think of it as a true free market system. An informed choice determines what government will rise or fall, and not decide which of three useless pieces of garbage leads the same pile of shit for 4 more years. That is a trap, a rat maze, and we can do much better. If Coke had no competition, they dictate to the market and your only choice is to not buy it at all.....until they own the water and everything else and you are forced to buy from them just for the privilege of living. Well, we have the right to compete. Not just for products and services in the market, but what system of government we want, what government we want period, and what the market even is. We have that right, and that power.

At the ESC I will not be discussing or teaching law, at all. This is an action based initiative to build something new and leave the old to die. I will be teaching people how to leave the system, but not here. People need to understand that there is no law to learn once you understand The Game. It's all about getting you to play Their Game, and then nothing else matters, it is all a distraction, and endless hampster wheel where you think you will finally get to some solution of answer. No, that will never happen.

The only way to beat The Game, is to stop playing. The most effective way to do that is to be a part of something else. The reason for that is the same reason that labour unions played a big part of improving conditions for slaves in the past. You're still a slave, but now you are treated better because of unions. Now, I am not a fan of those kind of unions, but this is a different kind. It's the kind that says "We are not yours anymore, We built something for Us, our own World, and we are not part of yours anymore," and you have the numbers to back that up.

Remember, they have finite resources that took them many generations to build, and they rely on what they steal from us to keep their system of slavery operating. Divestment starves that machine, a process that is irreversible once it starts, a decline that cannot be stopped that picks up mementum and inertia as it falls. We, the more of us the better, can out produce these people day in and day out, and by first destroying their cash flow and then depleting and/or eliminating their influence and cash reserves that are finite, we marginalize them and they become a thing of the past.

They have a soccer stadium full of Gold? Okay, will that buy a loaf of bread in our society? No, then all that means nothing. Money is what WE say it is in OUR World. They have built a house of cards, a skyscraper of glass that can come down in the easiest of ways because it is built on lies, deceit, fear and want. That is a house whose foundation was built on sand, and the first small flood will wash it away as if it were never there.

THAT is the power that We have. When they have to come to Us for bread, or soup, or a place to live..... all the gold in the world is not a bargaining chip and a starving man will trade all the gold there is for a sandwich. That is the power of has none. Their power is in making you believe it has some form of power. I'm telling you the truth.

I suggest copying this, and pasting it to various places, chat rooms, Skype groups, make youtube video's, email it to people and link them to the ESC, because at some point they will likely shoot me, and that is also the truth. I also happen to not care. But I want the concept spread FAR and WIDE before and if that ever happens. When I am gone, and one day I will be, I want everyone else to continue with this initiative or one of their own.

Dear Her Majesty: "To the last, I grapple with thee; From Hell's heart, I stab at thee; For hate's sake, I spit my last breath at thee."

I was arrested in Hamilton for proposing this concept to a group of 225 people that all wanted to start it that day. I spent 16 months in jail for nothing, I was abused in solitary confinement, I was visited and told I have better shut my "fucking" mouth, and I was told that to pursue this would be a very bad idea. Well.....I've been full of bad ideas my whole life I guess, and I REALLY don't like being told to shut my mouth or threatened. I am.

When We create a New World, they must come begging to us if they want to eat and it will be under Our Terms and Conditions, and they better have some work boots, because they are going to need them. Of course, I'd be more than happy to issue them some from the Company Store at 1000% their value, on credit, with 1000% interest attached.

THAT is power, the power that we possess when we stop playing Their Game, and create one of Our Own.

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Re: Dean Clifford - A Tale of Two Gurus

Post by schismatrix »

Wake Up! Productions wrote:FACEBOOK:
Update #2.
Ah, at last a free utopia for free people: all free of the slavery of TBTB; all equal; all with distinct economic principles; all committed to justice; free from want and fear; free from coercion, threat, duress; free to confuse games with reality ; free to have no idea about economics; free do exactly as paranoid Dean tells them like good little sheeple; free to pointlessly quote Moby Dick but probably think they're quoting The Wrath of Khan; free to believe any self aggrandising crap that spews from Dean's lying mouth; and of course, like a well indoctrinated scientologist, free to behave in all the ways they allegedly despise towards anyone they don't agree with.
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Re: Dean Clifford - A Tale of Two Gurus

Post by Jeffrey »

Well, we have the right to compete. Not just for products and services in the market, but what system of government we want, what government we want period, and what the market even is. We have that right, and that power.
You literally do not have that right.
notorial dissent
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Re: Dean Clifford - A Tale of Two Gurus

Post by notorial dissent »

What I see is Deano has found a way to get 660 dupes to do all the work of getting Deano a bunch of free money that he can spend as long as he is free, and then he'll come up with some excuse as to why none of the grand design will ever happen, just like he always has, something along the lines of it's really all their fault.

What keeps coming to mind, I know, like I don’t have other more worthwhile things to dwell on, but...., as I read these fantasy bursts is that it all sounds well and wonderful, on paper, but how are they going to actually carry out ANY OF IT? It is conceivable that enough people can be found with enough loose change in their sofas to float the purchase of property somewhere, and then they'd have to have enough money to build some kind of living quarters as well as having some means of making a living for the community and the inhabitants. Then there is the little probably of governance. FOTL’s as far as I have seen are constitutionally, pun intended, incapable of agreeing to or on anything other than that they are an oppressed minority. I just cannot see ANY group of them getting together and agreeing on anything long enough to form a community, let alone a functioning one simply because each one of them would have an idea of how it was supposed to work that would be in opposition to the rest of the group. The only way it would even come close to working is if there was one personality strong enough to essentially order the rest about and have things done his way. Which is what I am imagining that good ole self effacing concerned for his fellow FOTL’s Deano is plotting. He think he is going to get all these willing schlubs to pool their money and effort and build this with his being the guiding hand and then he will “rule” benevolently over them for their own good. That way he’ll really get to live for nothing off the labor and effort of someone else. The biggest problem I’ve seen with the FOTL crowd aside from their lack of contact with reality, is their ability to follow through ON LIKE ANYTHING.
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Re: Dean Clifford - A Tale of Two Gurus

Post by Hanslune »

Jeffrey wrote:
Well, we have the right to compete. Not just for products and services in the market, but what system of government we want, what government we want period, and what the market even is. We have that right, and that power.
You literally do not have that right.
Correct and historically nation states take a poor view of rebellion. Now if they would scale it back could they create a commune or community that exists within Canada - pays Caesar's his due, but run things internally their own way?

Theoretically yes, practically no. Religious groups have done so because of a strong shared belief, hippies did so also but suffered many failures, other special groups have done so too. However, FOLT is not an organization filled with joiners and cooperators - they are all rebels and against any type of organized structure - of any type.....which I think they must realize yet they don't.

Nothing will happen but if it did I would like to be the anthropologist who would be in on the start of this social experiment just to watch the chaos and internal strife. Think Jones Town with them not drinking the kool-aid but all seeing every other as an agent of suppression.
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Re: Dean Clifford - A Tale of Two Gurus

Post by notorial dissent »

If they were actually organized, and actually had a real work ethic, and an actual achievable goal, plus lots and lots of money, they could, at least here, I don't know about Canada, form a nonprofit communal organization and go about their business, of what, subsistence farming and maybe stringing beads until they all starved to death, although considering the MO of most of this group it would be trying to cultivate pot, and we know how well that goes over in the upper reaches, so probably not too well for too long. Their problem is that they can go off and do whatever they want as long as it isn't in breach of any of the laws that society currently goes by, and I don't think this bunch could do that. Deano certainly hasn't shown any indication of the ability. The problem still being that they would have to have the goal, the organization, and the money to do it, and as far as I can tell they have none of the above or are likely to achieve same. They'd also ALL have to agree to terms under which they would do this and live, and I don't see that ever happening.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: Dean Clifford - A Tale of Two Gurus

Post by Jeffrey »

I mean the concept baffles the mind. Dean is honestly trying to posit that you have the right to individually select what type of Government you want to live in, I guess kind of like cell phone providers.

You want to live in a representative democracy? Check off that box and that's what you're living in. Your neighbor prefers totalitarianism? He can just opt for that, pay taxes to the separate totalitarian government that operates simulataneously and simply co-exist.

On your morning drive to work, if a cop working for the other governments pulls you over, you can tell them, "Oh no, I chose your competing government so you can't pull me over". Or will they have a dozen separate highways built by each different government that people who volunteered to be governed by them can only use?


I mean obviously no, you can't secede. But should he even be allowed to? Deanotopia would depend exclusively on importing food and basic necessities from Canada. Assuming it exports only Cannabis, it would depend on access to Canadian markets and consumers. Dean would be benefiting from territorial protection provided by Canadian Armed Forces, funded by Canadian taxpayers.

Merely being located physically in Canada is a benefit which Dean would not be paying for. Dean isn't setting up his commune in Libya or Haiti or Somalia. He wants all the benefits of being in a first world country without paying any of the costs or being subject to any of the laws.
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Re: Dean Clifford - A Tale of Two Gurus

Post by Hyrion »

Jeffrey wrote:
Well, we have the right to compete. Not just for products and services in the market, but what system of government we want, what government we want period, and what the market even is. We have that right, and that power.
You literally do not have that right.
I guess that depends on your perspective.

If you take the position they have that right - then it's the same right shared by the rest of Society - say.... in the form of votes by each and every member of Society.

In that sense, he does have the right he's saying - but he appears to be ignoring the reality that 99.999999% of Society (minus the 1 out of 1 million) appears to not agree with him or his "elite" group where they apparently believe either:
  • a) the rest of us should work to provide them with free whatever-they-want
  • b) live in some magical place where grain gets planted, grows without interference, harvests itself, processes itself into bread without any human involvement along the way
Ironically, in the future if/when we get to the point of machines building and maintaining machines while those other machines handle all the human labor - that's a possible future. But that's a long, long way off given the various complexities inherent in setting up such a system. And you'd still want a token section of Society to know how to build and maintain all those machines otherwise Society sets itself up for an eventual fail that will be amazingly disastrous.
Elder wrote:How will we get our water? The machines that bring the water have broken down and the machines that fix them can no longer fix them and we don't know how to either fix the water or fix the machines.....
I've been thinking for some time they have no sense of societal-responsibility.... but now I'm beginning to think they have no sense of personal-responsibility either.
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Re: Dean Clifford - A Tale of Two Gurus

Post by notorial dissent »

But but but Deanocracy, he said so, so it must be true.....
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: Dean Clifford - A Tale of Two Gurus

Post by Wake Up! Productions »

Jail time? jail time for what? Do people not understand what in the fuck guilty of the facts means? If I was going back to jail and that was a real court with REAL jurisdiction then I would BE IN JAIL RIGHT NOW, not going back for an unknown hearing 4.5 months from now. Does that even make sense!?!?!?

Dean Clifford, Facebook, June 23, 2015
Dean has already denied to his cult groupies that has is going to be sentenced to prison in November. The question is, does he really believe this, or was this a carefully constructed denial in preparation for latest donation scam? An even larger question is, how can people know that he has been CONVICTED of 14 gun/drug charges, yet simultaneously hold the belief that he is not going to prison, and that he is the big daddy who is going to build a Utopian society for them? This smacks of Orwellian doublethink:
To know and not to know, to be conscious of complete truthfulness while telling carefully constructed lies, to hold simultaneously two opinions which cancelled out, knowing them to be contradictory and believing in both of them, to use logic against logic, to repudiate morality while laying claim to it ...

George Orwell's Nineteen Eighty-Four
Perhaps I am reading too much into this, but I don't honestly believe that Dean is a wise enough conman to construct a master plan on how to sucker people. He merely flies by the seat of his pants. Having said that, I must conclude that Dean actually really does believe that he is not going to prison. The only question that remains is, what is at the core of this belief - denial, delusion, or premeditated knowledge of becoming a fugitive on the run? The recent "donation" drive seems to point to the latter, a possible slush fund for his timely escape ("ESC")?
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Re: Dean Clifford - A Tale of Two Gurus

Post by The Observer »

notorial dissent wrote:...[T]hey could, at least here, I don't know about Canada, form a nonprofit communal organization and go about their business, of what, subsistence farming and maybe stringing beads until they all starved to death...
Which is what happened about 400 years ago in an American colony set to operate as a religious commune. The end result was squabbling, people taking more food out than they put in, and the commune on the verge of starvation (as most of the colonists concentrated on cash crops like tobacco instead of subsistence crops). This examples demonstrates what would happen in a place like Deanworld, but even more dramatic, since he is probably recruiting 664 people that thinks the way he does.
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