Van Meter's Account of Reno's hearing

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Van Meter's Account of Reno's hearing

Post by gezco »

Supplied without comment
VanMeter writes "Renos hearing, NO BOND and OFF TO NEW HAMPSHIRE

Early this morning at 9 am the identification and detenition hearings for Cirino Gonzalez were held. Being brought to the courtroom they refused him to wear a suit, brush his hair and had him bounded by chains and shackeled, his defense lawyer asked if he could at least requested for the sake of dignity during the proceedure to remove the hand cuffs. Oddly the Marshalls went to start to remove them without direction of the judge, (which was proof enough that he was not a big scary monster they are trying to make him appear to be), the judge though lashed out to the men" I didnt command you to, but it depends on how safe you feel. at least loosen them during this hearing" so he remained cuffed. The US Marshalls are trying to use his myspace blogs, his supporters photos, videos, interviews on youtube to build a case against him. The Marshall involved in this investiagation got many of his facts wrong or straight out lied. while i will not go into more depth with detail where he screwed up his facts, the first piece of eveidence was a photo lifted off a supporters myspace page. the picture of Reno and Ed brown posing together. Renos defense lawyer questioned the marshall where he obtained and when it was taken. Marshalls also pulled up an old youtube video from some time during a visit of Randy Weaver. Trying to make a case out of nothing and for no reason for one to be on brought against Reno in the first place. the Marshalls proceeded to show video of him standing with Weaver on the front porch of eds HOME, (NOT A COMPOUND), Reno being armed with a weapon at ease, pointed down, and hearing a plane fly overhead taking a step back off the porch to look up and steping back on to the porch to carry on the conversation with Mr. Weaver. The Marshall could not give a date or an approximate time frame in which the video was created though in their presentation of this video in a particular way played censorship in not playing the interview in its entirety only showing the bits and pieces they wanted to show, by this taking his words out of context. the Marshalls went to the extent of calling Randy Weaver a white supremicist. an outlandish smear calling this man a racist. the Judge was not aware of whom Mr. Weaver was or the events in his life that he had to endured, Randy has been through enough with his losses, those Marshalls never brought the fact up that his family was murdered, his son and wife, by "authorities" which they never mentioned Of COURSE! they want to associate the image of Randy their propaganda created to associate the two men as anti american anti governmental types, and any others whom would support them.

when the marshall was asked about the day of the 12th, they got their facts wrong over and over again, they do admitt there werean influx of 14 special investigators on site that changed constantly while feds atf secret service the us marshalls and some local help. at lest 5-6 Marshalls were used to take and bust in the room. they claim Reno had barracaded the door put up a fight, but forgot to mentioned the abused they done to him while handcuffed. they painted Jose and Renos brother like criminals and conspiracy nuts, as well as co conspirators as well as reno with ed, elaine as well as all of their supporters.

Bringing up the guns there were ONLY 13, (which by the way a total of 10 in all have been given back to their original owners, his father Jose, his brother,Lee and the Premount(?) Police department where they were issued from for Renos younger brothers work. only 3 of those are being held, while they are perfectly legal to own, the Marshall wanted to scare people with the description of his 50 cal. but didnt feel comfortable in wanting to confessing how most of americans have the legal right to own even that weapon. Marshalls described the house to be something of a small armory of vairous weapons guns and knives. saying weapons were on the wall, and the floor and everywhere. while that is not true, they still forgot, it is legal to own guns and this is texas, as well as america where we as a matter still have the right to DEFEND OURSELVES, and to bare arms.

well on top of all of this Jose has a dire need to relay a messege to Renos lawyer nearing the ending of the proceedings, we requested the bailiff to please pass it on, being that it was important information. we had not had a chance to speak to his lawyer until basically walking into the courthouse minutes before, so we couldnt go over some important facts with him. well the bailif he refused to comply to help. The KEY info was that being months before Jose and his other son asked Marshall Monier what he can do as a father to save his son being either killed or going to prison for this, Monier reassured Jose all he had to do is to get Reno to leave the Browns home, so his father and brother wanted to see the condition of the situation that Reno was involved in, worried about his safety they went to NH to speak to Reno, fearing for him they wanted to ask Ed about security for the protection of not only Reno but Eds other supporters as well. Ed didnt want anything to do with Jose and asked the him and his two sons to leave. Reguardless of a falling out happening between Ed and Reno due to this visit by his family, Reno had left at Eds request, so Reno was no longer on the property.

so Jose seeing his son reno demonized dehumanized and his words disfigured twisted and deformed by the US Marshall, and knowing that he wanted to protect his eldest son while wishing that he could be tried here in Texas, and a bond setted, he seen that they were going to ship him off to NH to be tried. Jose being a loving and supportive father made a bold move, he STOOD UP AND SPOKE OUT, the marshalls didnt appreciate him interuppting their wrongful condemnation of a man, at first when he stood he tried to be civil and excused him self to make the statement when they all stood up to silence him, he sat down, and we looked looked each other in the eye and i said to him just say it, you made that step im right here with you, so he stood right back up and BLURTED IT OUT, upsetted the courtroom and he was aksed to leave when they were going to get touchy feely with Mr. Gonzales, his younger son took him and told the officers hes got it and told me to come along, refusing to do so i watched the few last moments when Reno looked at me to see what was going on and was taken from the room when i asked the Marshalls there the same ones mind you that beatened Reno while in handcuffs, is this thing over yet? the man said yes, so i asked so if i say anything to you will i be under arrest and he said yes, so i looked at the head of the whole deal whome was sitting in the back by the doors and looked at him on my way out and said YOU KNOW MONIER MADE A DEAL, LIARS!and left the room to the hall where they all were pegging Jose with questions as i approached the marshalls they wanted nothing to do with me, and one wanted to stand behind me and i made it a point to tell him do not stand behind me, and moved where he could not, i looked at the one officer that questioned me about the Browns and the guns at Renos home on the morning of the arrest, he was asking me why i was involved on that day as i told him like i have posted on one of eds blogs, that "i know that you guys killed the Weavers kid, and his wife, i remember Waco, i remember" and named their crimes off to his face. so standing there in the hall i gave him a glance over and he immediately said I dont want to talk to you, and i said well i dont want to talk to you either. well i was asked to go down stairs by Renos lawyer. this is what happened. together we spoke out in a federal court and we had no fear. this is my account of the days events.


Donna VanMeter.
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Re: Van Meter's Account of Reno's hearing

Post by wserra »

gezco wrote:Supplied without comment
the right to DEFEND OURSELVES, and to bare arms.

Heroic Constitution Ranger exercising his right to bare arms.
"A wise man proportions belief to the evidence."
- David Hume

Post by RyanMcC »

CaptainKickback wrote:F that I am working to make sure we can arm bears! That's right, grizzlies packin' heat......
OMG, Stephen Colbert was right all along..
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Post by Demosthenes »

More from Reno's girlfriend.
September 20, 2007 - Thursday


i have spent a good portion of the day broken down laying in bed not wanting to do anything but just sleep but couldnt so i just laid here in Renos bed in his room surrounded by all his stuff, his family has been super great to me which im very grateful for such sweet people, no wonder Reno is such a great kind compassionate dedicated person, he has a loving family, his mother came and picked me up so i wouldnt be here all of the day focusing on Reno and his case, cause i have been spending my a majority of my time trying to find any info news articles videos just anything on him. so they have been concerned for me, even last night went and spent time with his mothers family with a big dinner wiht all the cousins and tias y tios, even helped cook dinner, these are very sweet people. i can see where they are concerned for me, but i am more concerned with Reno and care about his well being. im also posting other blogs about police brutalities in the meantime cause Reno had me working on a project before i left indiana which i never got the video sat up on youtube, but i will one i hope cause he had me reading tons and tons of info for such a short project but i did it cause i know it had to be done.

About 10 pm he called here, i didnt even here the phone cause i was in hte back of the house half asleep and in my own little world where i was talking to him in my head, i know i sound crazy but that is what i do to keep from going insane.

i got to talk to him for a few minutes around 10:25pm after he got what info he needed to speak to his father about. when lee came into the room and said he was on the phone i jumped straight out of the bed forgetting i was only wearing a t shirt and my jammy shorts freaking lee out he thought i was naked lol, kinda freaked me out too cause i didnt know what he was freaking out about but anyways. we just got to say our hellos and expressed our sentiments to one another and then he had to go.

His father said Reno feels good about his defense lawyer, but we really need help and find some law students, as well as some parallegals and the ACLU we need all kinds of help but dont know how too go about getting it, especially now since what happened today when he was speaking to his lawyer about why he was involved in this, and then explained that his father had spoken previously to Monier, at that time Marshal Monier entered the room shook hands with him and flat out denied ever speaking to jose or having such a deal worked out when Jose went to speak to Reno up in New Hampshire to convince his son that it wasnt safe there and to return home. well today Reno had another hearing he is still denied bond.

he was taken into Stratford Co.(?) New Hampshire but it is overcrowded and without noticed moved him to Essex Co. Mass. where i guess either jason or i think robert one is being held there as well. Reno as always sounded good and in good spirits, i cant see how so as much B.S. all of this is, but hes a strong man, and will become an even stronger through this whole ordeal.

i dont know if there is any plan for us to go head out there yet or not, but i am glad he is doing well and sounds good despite being in jail.

thank you everyone for the support you have been showing me jose the family and of course for RENO!



Post by Nikki »

Is she channeling James Joyce?
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Post by BBFlatt »

I was thinking Jack Kerouac
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Post by Joey Smith »

I presume that Ed and Elaine will be taken down very shortly now.
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Post by ErsatzAnatchist »

Joey Smith wrote:I presume that Ed and Elaine will be taken down very shortly now.
I'll take the over on that bet. I predict that it will be a few more months now. There are still "supporters" in the house that need to be picked up when they leave the property. Plus the Marshals will probably do something to knock out the power system. There is more room for slow steps here. :?
Agent Observer

Post by Agent Observer »

Well, it's nice to see that she "dun gradiated tha therd grayde" with stellar grammatical abilities. My eyes are bleeding after reading that, and I think I lost some IQ points...
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Post by Prof »

Agent Observer wrote:Well, it's nice to see that she "dun gradiated tha therd grayde" with stellar grammatical abilities. My eyes are bleeding after reading that, and I think I lost some IQ points...
She reminds me of the character in the attached Billy Joe Shaver song:
"My Health is Better in November."
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Post by Demosthenes »


i need help but i have never been too good for asking for it, and i would feel bad cause all the money that could be sent to me i would want Reno to have it for his defense and commensary.

thus far Reno told me to stay with Jose until he sends word to go there, i really dont have any contacts in that region, so if jose cant go or make it up there i will be doing this all on my own to make sure that when Reno is in Court he can look back and see me standing right behind him, and to visit him in while he is in jail awaiting trial.

this maybe some difficult feat for me to pull but i have only $75 and some change to my name, i have to find away to maintain the cell phone & get a way to NH area. Food and sleeping is something i will worry about when i get there, since i have been a homeless person more than a few times in my life it shouldnt be difficult to find a safe spot to hide for a few moments of sleep and food... well that shouldnt be that difficult, i have had to manage with less. but i will do what i can so i can be there, i want to be there, and i have never let the lack of money keep me from doing anything. i maybe able to go to NY. and stay with a friend but i dont like imposing and will be considering hanging out in the Boston area cause i am familar with it cause of living there before. im not asking for symapathy im just saying this is my reality, if i must i will walk and hitchhike (just dont tell reno, ok everyone? he would freak out if he found out) i can cover a good distance on foot per a day, and since it is getting to be cooler out now it will be alot more easier.

Posted by VANMETER SAYS FREE RENO NOW on September 21, 2007 - Friday at 7:56 AM

Post by ErsatzAnatchist »

Maybe the Illuminati should set up a Kool-Aid stand to help raise money for Reno's girlfriend. Reno has some tough times ahead and no doubt a friendly face in Court will be a big help. :?
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Post by Demosthenes »

My advice to Donna. Go home and take care your young daughter. Stop being stupid.

Post by silversopp »

and left the room to the hall where they all were pegging Jose
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Post by grixit »

silversopp wrote:
and left the room to the hall where they all were pegging Jose
Keyboard warning please!
Three cheers for the Lesser Evil!

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Post by jcolvin2 »

and left the room to the hall where they all were pegging Jose
"Peg" and "Josie" are both names of Steely Dan songs. There must be some hidden meaning here ...
Harrison Bergeron

Post by Harrison Bergeron »

Is Donna VanMeter actually Reno's girlfriend?

How old is her child, and who is taking care of this child? Is it Reno's child, or some other guy's?

Stripping for money to make the trip is a possibility, if it's a lower-class strip joint. From her myspace page:

VanMeters Revenge

Post by VanMeters Revenge »

Not Cirinos child, and its none of your business how old my child is, you sick pervert.
No stripping either, lol i dont give care what your opinions are of me, but you really should check out some of Cirinos ex girlfriends before you start making fun of me.
Not that I owe any of you losers an excuse or anything but my grammar is due to total laziness and lack of time to editing.
Your the ones whom are paying into the Federal Income Tax scam, i may not always be the brightest person, but at least im not stupid enough to believe the government and the IRS BS that they feed you all.
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Post by Demosthenes »

VanMeters Revenge wrote:Not Cirinos child, and its none of your business how old my child is, you sick pervert.
No stripping either, lol i dont give care what your opinions are of me, but you really should check out some of Cirinos ex girlfriends before you start making fun of me.
Not that I owe any of you losers an excuse or anything but my grammar is due to total laziness and lack of time to editing.
Your the ones whom are paying into the Federal Income Tax scam, i may not always be the brightest person, but at least im not stupid enough to believe the government and the IRS BS that they feed you all.
Do you earn enough to have to pay income taxes, Ms. Van Meter?

Have you ever accepted disability or any other government subsidy?

You ever held a government job?
Agent Observer

Post by Agent Observer »

Not that I owe any of you losers an excuse or anything but my grammar is due to total laziness and lack of time to editing.
Sounds to me like you hit your problem on the head; "laziness." Much like it's the root of your grammatical problems, it's probably at the root of a number of your other "issues." Perhaps if you took a moment to do a reality check, you'd see how ridiculous the bill of goods you are being sold really is.. But then again, that'd take some effort. Being lazy is so much easier... :roll: