Guy Taylor - The Magna Carta Man of the UK

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Re: Guy Taylor - The Magna Carta Man of the UK

Post by wanglepin »

It seems then That Summers has now officially been declared a fully blown freeman goofer. Shouldn't he have his own thread? I believe one was started but was taken down some time ago?
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Re: Guy Taylor - The Magna Carta Man of the UK

Post by Bungle »

Normal Wisdom wrote:Anybody know what Micky's been up to then?
It does seem to be quite complicated and this is what I was able to glean from his facebook page today.

It would seem that he describes himself as Head Paedo Basher with the Nottingham CSA Inquiry Action Group and that since 2003 he has been 'relentessly trying to gain 'personal closure' over abuses the he personally suffered whilst he was in care in Nottingham during the 1960s. He claims to have exposed the fact that the current council (Nottingham) are 'in collusion with the police to mimimize the truth realities and lives destroyed'.

His post is confusing in that it is difficult to understand what the hearing was about yesterday but it would seem that he was represented by Guy Taylor and that he either has or had secured a hearing to contest what he considers is a 'fraudulent injunction'.

If it is the case that he was abused in the 1960s (and I have no intention of not believing him) then I do have a great deal of sympathy. My only concern is that being 'connected' with Guy Taylor may not be his wisest decision.
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Re: Guy Taylor - The Magna Carta Man of the UK

Post by NG3 »

Bungle wrote: If it is the case that he was abused in the 1960s (and I have no intention of not believing him) then I do have a great deal of sympathy.
I certainly know that abuses took place in said locations at said time.

I obviously can't speak for his personal experiences but knowing abuses were taking place I tend to hold the same position as you in that I have no intention of not believing him, unless evidence is presented to the contrary.
My only concern is that being 'connected' with Guy Taylor may not be his wisest decision.
It's not that it's just bad for him it's that it's also damaging for others seeking justice.
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Re: Guy Taylor - The Magna Carta Man of the UK

Post by wanglepin »

Bones wrote:
He is appealing an injunction granted to Nottingham City Council (as rumour has it)

This injunction was the result of Summers and Ceylon performing outside a councilors home address early in the morning with a megaphone and disturbing the neighbours I take it?
Edit to add. As I predicted, Ceylon, having had Summers on the back burner for a while has now got himself a new star attraction in Summers with Taylor thrown in to the mix now as Tom Crawford's popularity and support is fading rapidly.
he's always one step ahead is Haining when it comes to a new poster boy.
Last edited by wanglepin on Thu Aug 06, 2015 4:13 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Guy Taylor - The Magna Carta Man of the UK

Post by #six »

To refresh peoples memory... The injunction referred to is, I believe, the one the council took against him preventing him harassing members of Nottingham County Council, preventing him posting videos on line of said harassment and preventing him going to County Hall without prior permission. This is from memory so the actual details may be slightly different.

Filming outside the court, while probably on the right side of the law regarding the injunction does not seem to be the most sensible thing to do.
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Re: Guy Taylor - The Magna Carta Man of the UK

Post by PeanutGallery »

Skeleton wrote: Bones mate what was he actually in court for, i have read injunction and protest, but where and when?
I believe his argument is that he is in court to challenge the injunction and allow him to keep protesting about having been abused as a child. He wants the injunction lifted so he can continue to harass council workers who, in all probability have had nothing to do with the allegations he has made (most likely weren't in the council's employ at the time, or indeed may not have been born yet). Those people most likely say that they cannot comment on allegations, which (in part due to their nature and the length of time) are unfortunately going to be very hard to prove.

In reality though this is just an attempt to continue having a go at Nottingham Council and to get the allegations made in a court of law, where absolutely nothing will be done about them - because that court isn't their for that matter.

Mickey may well have been abused as a child, it is a terrible thing that sadly does happen. But he's not being advised on the best way to deal with this. It seems that Ceylon and Taylor are more interested in dredging up the alleged horrors of Mickeys past than helping him move towards a better future.
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Re: Guy Taylor - The Magna Carta Man of the UK

Post by PeanutGallery »

rumpelstilzchen wrote:
At 5.56 Guy Taylor had to ask his own client what date his client's witness list has to be in by. With representation as slick as that what could possibly go wrong? :lol:
I much prefer Guy's statement at 5:00, surely the mark of a great legal mind.
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Re: Guy Taylor - The Magna Carta Man of the UK

Post by YiamCross »

NG3 wrote:
I see Mark's liked his videos from all his other accounts. I always find that a bit weird, but there you go.

How can you tell? I can see 19 or so likes on the YouTube channel but no way to tell who they're from.
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Re: Guy Taylor - The Magna Carta Man of the UK

Post by NG3 »

YiamCross wrote:
NG3 wrote:
I see Mark's liked his videos from all his other accounts. I always find that a bit weird, but there you go.

How can you tell? I can see 19 or so likes on the YouTube channel but no way to tell who they're from.
To be fair I can't for certain, but if someone's likes to views ratio is abnormal, and they have multiple accounts it's usually indicative.

Say for example I had 5 YouTube accounts and every time I uploaded a video, within 5 minutes it had 5 views and 5 likes, before ending up with 250 views and 10 likes what would you suspect I was doing?
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Re: Guy Taylor - The Magna Carta Man of the UK

Post by Pox »

NG3 wrote:
Bungle wrote: If it is the case that he was abused in the 1960s (and I have no intention of not believing him) then I do have a great deal of sympathy.
I certainly know that abuses took place in said locations at said time.

I obviously can't speak for his personal experiences but knowing abuses were taking place I tend to hold the same position as you in that I have no intention of not believing him, unless evidence is presented to the contrary.
My only concern is that being 'connected' with Guy Taylor may not be his wisest decision.
It's not that it's just bad for him it's that it's also damaging for others seeking justice.
Correct me if I am wrong, but isn't there an ongoing investigation into the alleged abuse?
Is it the case that Mickey et Al are a tad frustrated that the investigation is taking so long?
I would imagine that such investigations would take a while, so for those with local knowledge, how long has the investigation been going on?
If the investigators do seem to be dragging their feet, I can understand the frustration but agree that Mickey is getting himself involved with the wrong crowd and taking the wrong options to keep the pressure on.
Maybe not PC but why does Ceylon have such a fixation with pedos? Two theories spring to mind, but probably neither of them should be aired in public.
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Re: Guy Taylor - The Magna Carta Man of the UK

Post by NG3 »

Pox wrote: Correct me if I am wrong, but isn't there an ongoing investigation into the alleged abuse?
The police and council are currently conducting an internal enquiry
Is it the case that Mickey et Al are a tad frustrated that the investigation is taking so long?
They are demanding a public enquiry.

It's been suggested to me that the internal investigation is on legal advice for privacy reasons and that depending on results that may then lead to a more public enquiry, but obviously nothing can be definite in that regards until everything's been examined.

I said earlier I'm aware of certain information relating to said locations (sorry about the vagueness but I'm sure you understand given the sensitivity of the subject and my desire to respect those who were victims) so I have a lot of sympathy in this case and I do hope there is a full, impartial and transparent enquiry at some stage.
Maybe not PC but why does Ceylon have such a fixation with pedos? Two theories spring to mind, but probably neither of them should be aired in public.
Yeah, I don't think we should go there (although I know others, away from this forum, are asking questions).
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Re: Guy Taylor - The Magna Carta Man of the UK

Post by Pox »

How long has the internal enquiry been going on?
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Re: Guy Taylor - The Magna Carta Man of the UK

Post by NG3 »

I honestly couldn't tell you. I will try and check dates etc. when I get a chance (I'm lousy with dates)
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Re: Guy Taylor - The Magna Carta Man of the UK

Post by Pox »

NG3 wrote:I honestly couldn't tell you. I will try and check dates etc. when I get a chance (I'm lousy with dates)
remembering dates or being on one? Or both? :mouthshut:

However long the internal enquiry has been going on, it will be too long for those that protest.(Mickey and those that are winding him up and trying to muddy the waters for their own means!)
Unless in the full public eye, which this is not, the wheels will grind very slowly, because that's just how it is - rightly or wrongly.
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Re: Guy Taylor - The Magna Carta Man of the UK

Post by slowsmile »

Pox wrote: Maybe not PC but why does Ceylon have such a fixation with pedos?
It's a common theme among UK conspiracy theorists. Post Savile it has replaced 9/11, 7/7, chemtrails etc etc as their number one obsession.

I think its;
a) because there has been some cover up of paedophilia in high places, they see this as proof that all their other conspiracy theories are true and covered up by TPTB / NWO/ Illuminati.
b) They've found people held in lower public regard than Sovs / truthers and they think it gives them some sort of moral high ground.
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Re: Guy Taylor - The Magna Carta Man of the UK

Post by NG3 »

slowsmile wrote:
Pox wrote: Maybe not PC but why does Ceylon have such a fixation with pedos?
It's a common theme among UK conspiracy theorists. Post Savile it has replaced 9/11, 7/7, chemtrails etc etc as their number one obsession.

I think its;
a) because there has been some cover up of paedophilia in high places, they see this as proof that all their other conspiracy theories are true and covered up by TPTB / NWO/ Illuminati.
b) They've found people held in lower public regard than Sovs / truthers and they think it gives them some sort of moral high ground.
The trouble is, whatever reason they're doing it for, they've caused the collapse of at least three investigations, been involved with the Hampstead Satanic child abuse hoax, and are fast leading Mickey Summers to a place where he'll be permanently discredited as a witness, and that's just what I know about without even digging, so it could possibly be worse.

They are doing a lot of damage and actually achieving the exact opposite of what they claim they are trying to achieve.
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Re: Guy Taylor - The Magna Carta Man of the UK

Post by Dr. Caligari »

They are doing a lot of damage and actually achieving the exact opposite of what they claim they are trying to achieve.
Just like the Crawfords' supporters.
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Re: Guy Taylor - The Magna Carta Man of the UK

Post by ArthurWankspittle »

OK this is all speculation from stuff I have read about this. Mickey, IIRC, has some learning type difficulties or is at least not the sharpest knife in the block. While he may have a case for some things that have happened in the past, the average real solicitor realises that he isn't the most credible or potentially consistent witness. Consequently, were it to come to a trial or court hearing, the opposing counsel will badly undermine his credibility. Therefore, in the real world, no one is interested in taking up the cause without money up front. Along comes guru-loser Guy promising him the earth, plus setting all wrongs right and loads of compensation.
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Re: Guy Taylor - The Magna Carta Man of the UK

Post by YiamCross »

NG3 wrote:
slowsmile wrote:
Pox wrote: Maybe not PC but why does Ceylon have such a fixation with pedos?
It's a common theme among UK conspiracy theorists. Post Savile it has replaced 9/11, 7/7, chemtrails etc etc as their number one obsession.

I think its;
a) because there has been some cover up of paedophilia in high places, they see this as proof that all their other conspiracy theories are true and covered up by TPTB / NWO/ Illuminati.
b) They've found people held in lower public regard than Sovs / truthers and they think it gives them some sort of moral high ground.
The trouble is, whatever reason they're doing it for, they've caused the collapse of at least three investigations, been involved with the Hampstead Satanic child abuse hoax, and are fast leading Mickey Summers to a place where he'll be permanently discredited as a witness, and that's just what I know about without even digging, so it could possibly be worse.

They are doing a lot of damage and actually achieving the exact opposite of what they claim they are trying to achieve.
They are remarkably consistent. I can't understand how they dont' self destruct, they should by all rights have Darwinded themselves out of existence by now. Life is one big mystery.
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Re: Guy Taylor - The Magna Carta Man of the UK

Post by Normal Wisdom »

My approach has been to cut Mickey some slack (unless he gets really silly) and focus on those that encourage and direct him and are thus more deserving of criticism for getting him into the mess with the injunction.

My heart sank when the first thing I heard Guy say in one of the videos about Mickey's case was "I don't think a fee has been paid ..."
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