The Crawfords post eviction liabilities

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Re: The Crawfords post eviction liabilities

Post by Bungle »

wanglepin wrote:
AndyPandy wrote:Solicitor as they're in danger of losing their home, the response 'I don't trust solicitors' and can I use the freeman garbage route - translates into 'I've already seen a Solicitor and it's not good news so I'm now grasping at straws'!!? ... cSqIIZ4WK0
I will be interested in any Goof reply's but I think those who normally advocate the freeman Goofer "path" will steer clear of this post. They have had a lot more than a bloody nose from Crawford's big "win". Not to mention the Ebert win eviction on top of it.

Well that was an interesting hour that I have just spent over on GOODF.

I followed the above link and was surprised to find that the post was made nearly two weeks ago and that there has been just one reply and just over 100 viewings. So I had a look around other sections of the site and it looks to me that this same pattern is evident. Are we seeing the slow death of GOODF?
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Re: The Crawfords post eviction liabilities

Post by wanglepin »

wanglepin wrote: ... cSqIIZ4WK0
I will be interested in any Goof reply's but I think those who normally advocate the freeman Goofer "path" will steer clear of this post. They have had a lot more than a bloody nose from Crawford's big "win". Not to mention the Ebert win eviction on top of it.
Bungle wrote:there has been just one reply and just over 100 viewings.
And that post was advising 'get a solicitor' .
Bungle wrote: Are we seeing the slow death of GOODF?
I would like to think so. But there are many gullible suckers in the world as there are as many people in genuine desperate situations and predators such as Mark Haining Ceylon, Roger Hayes and Guy Taylor know this. It's a numbers racket they play. Peter Smith of England and his con bank are a perfect example of the numbers game, which is simply another version of Roger Hayes' lawfulbank racket.Indeed Roger Hayes` motto was "We need numbers,numbers, numbers" and there will always be takers while there are people. So I doubt we will be seeing the demise of Goofville in the near future unless Witterick simply decides he's had enough of Ceylon and his antics and decides to pull the plug.

Looking forward to Monday. I hope Mark Haining Ceylon has the balls to plead not guilty.
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Re: The Crawfords post eviction liabilities

Post by Normal Wisdom »

wangle pin wrote: Looking forward to Monday. I hope Mark Haining Ceylon has the balls to plead not guilty.
I hope he has the balls to plead "no case to answer" and goes full freetard. I'm hoping for a contempt charge to seal the deal.
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Re: The Crawfords post eviction liabilities

Post by rumpelstilzchen »

Perhaps Ceylon will go into court clutching his birth certificate proclaiming he is a flesh and blood living man representing the crown copyright legal fiction and interrogate the judge in an endeavour to ascertain whether or not the judge is on his oath.
Or alternatively, he will be an obedient little slave. Yes Sir, yes Sir, three bags full, Sir.
BHF wrote:
It shows your mentality to think someone would make the effort to post something on the internet that was untrue.
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Re: The Crawfords post eviction liabilities

Post by wanglepin »

Normal Wisdom wrote:I hope he has the balls to plead "no case to answer" and goes full freetard. I'm hoping for a contempt charge to seal the deal.
Me too, I honestly do. But he started that crap just recently and backed down in a flash because he "was tired" lost his bottle, after he was threatened to be banged up until January next year.
Common sense would tell him to plead guilty and mitigate that he foolishly believed he was helping a friend who had been wronged. But that would fail because their excuse was they would come down ONLY when they had seen the warrant. Don't you just love these idiots, they paint themselves into a corner at every backward step of the way.
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Re: The Crawfords post eviction liabilities

Post by longdog »

Bungle wrote:Are we seeing the slow death of GOODF?
I posed the same question yesterday.

I've long been in the habit of looking in on the site for a daily dose of the stupids and I had a particular fondness for the A4V and copyright your name sections. It all seems very dead over there now compared to the endless streams of bullshit pre the Crawford's Cottage / WeaRy Bank fiascos.
JULIAN: I recommend we try Per verulium ad camphorum actus injuria linctus est.
SANDY: That's your actual Latin.
HORNE: What does it mean?
JULIAN: I dunno - I got it off a bottle of horse rub, but it sounds good, doesn't it?
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Re: The Crawfords post eviction liabilities

Post by Skeleton »

longdog wrote:
Bungle wrote:Are we seeing the slow death of GOODF?
I posed the same question yesterday.

I've long been in the habit of looking in on the site for a daily dose of the stupids and I had a particular fondness for the A4V and copyright your name sections. It all seems very dead over there now compared to the endless streams of bullshit pre the Crawford's Cottage / WeaRy Bank fiascos.
I would bet money if you could get into the PM system (not suggesting for one moment anyone try) over on Goofy, I think you would find a lot more recent traffic. They like to conduct their operations and "sell" their newest greatest idea in an environment that does not allow criticism. That is why i will not post on there, there not going to listen anyway and it just drives them to take the conversation away from prying eyes.
This Crawford and POE fiasco will also i would have thought had an affect, many knew they were the wrong horses to back and voiced that opinion (eventually in Toms case) hence the threads were locked.
When I looked up "Ninjas" in, it said "Ninja's can't be found" Well played Ninjas, well played. :lol: :lol:
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Re: The Crawfords post eviction liabilities

Post by slowsmile »

longdog wrote:
Bungle wrote:Are we seeing the slow death of GOODF?
I posed the same question yesterday.

I've long been in the habit of looking in on the site for a daily dose of the stupids and I had a particular fondness for the A4V and copyright your name sections. It all seems very dead over there now compared to the endless streams of bullshit pre the Crawford's Cottage / WeaRy Bank fiascos.
I know I've said this before but I'm sure it is symptomatic of the whole Sov / FoTL / Truther "movement" in the UK being in decline post "Occupy". Icke Forum appears to have lost half its traffic since the debacle of "The Peoples Voice TV", TPUC and UK Column Forums have been relaunched and are dead in the water to all intents and purposes. Local groups that a couple of years ago could have pulled in people eg Kent Freedom Movement have stopped meeting.

I see TC and WeRe as the final circling of the wagons before "the movement" goes back to being a handful of individuals posting on even more obscure websites.
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Re: The Crawfords post eviction liabilities

Post by Bones »

I am guessing this has been posted here before but if not, it makes interesting reading ... 30#p158852


"Hi tm619, the reason why we are going to instigate a claim against Bradford & Bingley, is we receive some advice that we should be counterclaiming against then. whether this is right or wrong, I was preparing myself for this event.
Come August Bradford & Bingley will be demanding £45,000 from us, as that is the sum that our endowment should have been paying to them, but unfortunately the endowment has gone missing and they deny everything. They put me on a interest only payments without our knowledge. So to cut a Long story short I'm in the middle of writing demanding letters to them to prove I owe them anything.
Following these series of letters I was going to claim back from them all the interest we paid over the last 25 years, hence the counterclaim.
I would be interested if you do have a templated that I may be able to use thanks once again for answering my post.

Three points hit me from the above post by Tom

1) Come August Bradford & Bingley will be demanding £45,000 from us
2) as that is the sum that our endowment should have been paying to them
3) I was going to claim back from them all the interest we paid over the last 25 years

Tom knew that the capital balance had to be paid at the end of the term.
Tom knew that the endowment policy was supposed to repay the capital balance
Tom knew that he had only been paying interest for the last 25 years.
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Re: The Crawfords post eviction liabilities

Post by Tml69 »

Bones wrote:
Tom knew that the capital balance had to be paid at the end of the term.
Tom knew that the endowment policy was supposed to repay the capital balance
Tom knew that he had only been paying interest for the last 25 years.
It's seems Tom has changed his story from time to time and his recollection of what happened with the endowment is somewhat confused.
I think he's listened selectively to different advice and been taken in by Ceylon, Guy and Ebert who have convinced him he doesn't have to pay anything.

Without sounding smug my advice to him below that post is pretty solid. If he had followed it back then and made a FOS complaint about the endowment issues he might have got a goodwill payment from B&B to offset some of the arrears and got into a decent payment plan to clear the balance.
fat frank
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Re: The Crawfords post eviction liabilities

Post by fat frank »

Tml69 wrote:
Bones wrote:
Tom knew that the capital balance had to be paid at the end of the term.
Tom knew that the endowment policy was supposed to repay the capital balance
Tom knew that he had only been paying interest for the last 25 years.
It's seems Tom has changed his story from time to time and his recollection of what happened with the endowment is somewhat confused.
I think he's listened selectively to different advice and been taken in by Ceylon, Guy and Ebert who have convinced him he doesn't have to pay anything.

Without sounding smug my advice to him below that post is pretty solid. If he had followed it back then and made a FOS complaint about the endowment issues he might have got a goodwill payment from B&B to offset some of the arrears and got into a decent payment plan to clear the balance.

why would he get a goodwill payment, it was BB job to pay the EP it was his and he didn't pay it
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Re: The Crawfords post eviction liabilities

Post by ArthurWankspittle »

I have suggested this previously. Tom seems to have some sort of memory problem or is being deliberately manipulative with the facts. Look at the timeline thread. Not only does he accuse B&B at various times of losing the endowment (when it wasn't theirs to lose anyway) but he accuses them of losing it at different times:
July 1992.
January 1999 by implication by Sue that the endowment was stopped in 1995.
April 2006.
April 2013 complaint to Ombudsman that endowment was paid up to 1999.
April 2013 Tom posts admitting that B&B will want £45k in 4 months.
February 2015 before HHJ Godsmark, Tom claims the payments to B&B included the endowment.

At no point does Tom ever acknowledge that Sue stopped paying it. So according to Tom the endowment finished in 1992, 1995, 1999, 2006 or was paid up to the end of the mortgage. That is either a serious memory problem or the man is a liar.
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Re: The Crawfords post eviction liabilities

Post by Skeleton »

Very telling on that first thread that it ends shortly after someone politely suggests Tom should seek legal advice through a Solicitor or contact the CAB, he obviously did not like that advice because he does not reply and the thread dies 2 posts later. I also just noticed by his 3rd post he was already referring to the bank as "scum". The more I read, the more I get the feeling he is a self-centered nasty piece of work.
When I looked up "Ninjas" in, it said "Ninja's can't be found" Well played Ninjas, well played. :lol: :lol:
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Re: The Crawfords post eviction liabilities

Post by Jeffrey »

So to clarify, they never posted the warrant and are now living presumably at Grandma's house which contains all their old furniture?
fat frank
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Re: The Crawfords post eviction liabilities

Post by fat frank »

Jeffrey wrote:So to clarify, they never posted the warrant and are now living presumably at Grandma's house which contains all their old furniture?
think they are living there, but in one of the vids on the day of the repo, once of the police says to him, we already have a place for you,

they have never shown the warrant
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Re: The Crawfords post eviction liabilities

Post by Colin123 »

The latest mutterings from Craig

Amanda Pike shared Craig Crawford's post.
2 hrs
I'm sharing Craig's status from his personal page in here because It true and its YOU guys who have not only made him see and feel this way but our whole family, be it us or YOU! heart emoticon

Craig Crawford feeling blessed
Going deep... Essay time! (maybe it's my hangover..ha)

Waking up and realising this country and world is fucking horrible! BUT.. It's also good...

Before this eviction stuff, I walked around happy... As they say "ignorance is bliss" I was just a normal bloke going about my business.. Until something snapped and I seen everything in a different light. I woke up!

Were led to believe we're being looked after.. But in reality. We're being milked like cattle. Shat on every step of the way! From taxation to being brainwashed without the slightest inkling it's even happening. (message me and I'll prove it if you don't believe me)

You're led to believe life's all about having the latest shit, watching the latest shit on TV and feel being popular as fuck/liked etc is what you need to be!!!

It's not even our fault.. We're led to believe this is the way to be!!

This leads some people into feeling the need to do drastic things.. Like cosmetic surgery, huge bank loans and working more than actually living life! Even as far as people committing suicide and picked on for how they are.

And don't get me wrong, I work hard and I'm successful/strive for success.. I go gym so I'm not a fat fucker and buy things that are a waste of money/useless etc..I'm still on a level where I care a bit more about needless crap than I should (maybe it's being a single bloke etc.. I dunno)

Well, I've come to meet people who see the world in a different light due to my parents situation getting their house stolen by Bradford and Bingley.. And amazing people stepping up to help... (at their own cost! Time, money and even jail time for doing the right thing and peacefully.. And oddly it 99.9% strangers we'd never met before, doing this)

These people don't give two shits about what they have and who thinks what about them... Some with lots of money and others with none... They're happier and more loving/friendly toward each other and other people than I'd ever of imagined.. More caring towards each other than families can be!!!

In fact, before I woke up... I'd of seen these people as just tree hugging twats...

But they're just people on a journey together and there's an energy about it, a unity.

In reality. They're not just tree hugging twats! Haha... They just care. They care more about helping people, making a difference and making people happy/improving the world we live in. They care about making the world a better place than what others think of them.. From fighting against pedophiles to saving people's houses.

I know which I'd sooner be, I know what I am... And my purpose! I'm happy to slot in with the tree hugging twats! wink emoticon

These people are a breath of fresh air to a world that's become stifling beyond belief!

I'm blessed to add these people to my life smile emoticon

I can't be in court to support our supporters as my shitty bail conditions won't allow it.. But I'll be there in spirit smile emoticon

If you want to support them. Monday at the magistrates court is the place to be.. The Facebook group: eviction fraud of the bank will update eve
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Re: The Crawfords post eviction liabilities

Post by slowsmile »

I take it Craig will be getting rid of the car and personalised number plate then.
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Re: The Crawfords post eviction liabilities

Post by Skeleton »

Pretty clear Craig had little idea of what was happening till late on, and if Amanda was not living at home i have little doubt she knew nothing either, pity they have both reacted in the way they have. Lashing out at anyone who dares to disagree, blaming everybody else and refusing to take any responsibility whatsoever. With Tom and Sue mentoring them though, hardly a surprise.
When I looked up "Ninjas" in, it said "Ninja's can't be found" Well played Ninjas, well played. :lol: :lol:
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Re: The Crawfords post eviction liabilities

Post by Jeffrey »

one of the police says to him, we already have a place for you,
I believe that was a reference to them being offered council housing. Which someone had stated, there is a waiting list for, so that means Nottingham bumped other people off the government housing waiting list to let the Crawford's be housed based on the belief they might not have another place to live in.

Truly tyrannical.
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Re: The Crawfords post eviction liabilities

Post by longdog »

I very, very, very much doubt that the Crawfords would have been offered council accommodation.

They weren't homeless prior to their eviction and they were only homeless afterwards for reasons that the council would consider to be intentional homelessness which puts them right down at the bottom of the list if that.
JULIAN: I recommend we try Per verulium ad camphorum actus injuria linctus est.
SANDY: That's your actual Latin.
HORNE: What does it mean?
JULIAN: I dunno - I got it off a bottle of horse rub, but it sounds good, doesn't it?