It's what basketball players call a "flop". And true to GOODFer subculture, the Youtube and its comments make the push out to be akin to an assault with a deadly weapon.
I've said it before and I'll say it again. . . decent folks don't want GOODFer losers anywhere around them. Ya' gotta figure that given a job and they'll pay back with phonied up workplace accidents. Give 'em a place to gather and they'll return the favor with fake injuries at the community center. Try to do business with 'em and they'll use GOODFer/freeman/sovcit legal theories to mess you over.
They're self-entitled, me-first eater/takers who never grew out of their over-indulged childhoods.
They write bad WeRe bank checks. They duck out on their mortgages, leave the power and light bill unpaid and pass the cost on to the rest of us.
But you have to give them credit, they are just smart enough to realize that a civil English society won't pistol whip their lazy arses and leave them in the gutter.
What they don't understand is that just because their society treats them with patience and restraint it doesn't follow they won't have a day of reckoning.
It's coming.
There is a case here.