Peter of England: He's going to be in REal trouble

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Re: Peter of England: He's going to be in REal trouble

Post by Bones »

I want to make a public apology to marukee of GOODF for the posts I made about him yesterday. :sarcasmon:

I am sorry, I did not know you was of a sensitive disposition and that the posting of the truth about you would cause you to have some kind of breakdown today, spamming the were forum about Quatloos. :sarcasmon:

If I knew you would be so upset, I would not have shown everyone your posts proving your claims about paying a bill with a were cheque were false. I also would not have posted you post where you openly admit that you want people to only post good things about Were bank on GOODF instead of the more honest failures. :sarcasmon:

Now, I have apologised marukee, grow a pair and sign up here and we can have a proper discussion about WeRe bank and not the ceylon edited version that happens on GOODF. Step up to the mark marukee, lets see if you are anything more than all talk and no action :Axe:


*if any one believes the idiots claims about his posts being photo shopped, just log on the were bank forum and read them for yourselves. :snicker:
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Re: Peter of England: He's going to be in REal trouble

Post by timcurgenven1 »

What you have to love about the were bank lot is they believe he likes of sterling is going down he pan and only they will servive.

They also think no money is actually transfered between banks and don't realise the bank of england settle everything.

Oh one pratt did a video about how he paid 3k to a housing association and was on a suspended possession, with dates of payment and amount, and housing association name.

A phone call to the housing association to alert them and to speak to their bank ASAP :)
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Re: Peter of England: He's going to be in REal trouble

Post by NG3 »

timcurgenven1 wrote:What you have to love about the were bank lot is they believe he likes of sterling is going down he pan and only they will servive.
Scammers been scamming with that line for decades, though no ones got close to how the Hunt's played it.
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Re: Peter of England: He's going to be in REal trouble

Post by NYGman »

From GOODF - ... cub1PlViko

Take a look at Tiggercat's post, questioning PoE's sanity...
Coming soon: Prepare to be ReMoved!
Postby Tiggercat » Wed Aug 12, 2015 10:02 am

Crazy or is he on to something? Peter of England from his facebook page ... 9179700768
Coming soon:

Prepare to be ReMoved!
COMING soon!

Know Your Enemy…..
“Global Banking Parasitic Parliamentarianism”
from ReMovement

1. Dissolution of Parliament and abandonment of Parliamentary Democracy as the social control cul-de-sac of the masses.
2. Consensual natural "election by the people" of a truly democratic,compassionate, trustworthy & accountable spiritual leader
3. Impeachment and ReCall of all 650 Westminster MP's and arrest of David Cameron, William Hague, AG Dominic Grieve and Cabinet, arrest of Gordon Brown (“accessory before the fact”) and Tony Blair, Ian Blair, John Stevens, Lords Goldsmith & Falconer, Hutton for their criminal involvement in the invasions Iraq/Afghanistan, cash for honours, David Kelly’s murder and the 7/7/2005 “False Flag” (London) state sponsored terrorist attacks and state sponsored terrorism against their own people - for promises of money, power and title.
4. Issue of arrest warrants under the “1984 Convention Against Torture” for 3 (supra) plus Bush 44 & 41, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Powell, Rice, Libby, Wolferwitz, Rove the Clintons, Obama - aka Barry Sotero, Pelosi and many others.
5. Imposition of written constitution outlining the fundamental and in-violable rights of every planetary citizen. Introduction of IHS and LOUP
6. Dissolution of the monarchy along with seizure of all Crown property and liquidation of all assets along with its commonwealth property**.
7. Dissolution of the Vatican controlled Church of England and seizure of all church assets
8. Seizure of Masonic Vatican/Catholic church land and assets on UK territories.
9. Trials of accountability for the Monarchy for its past criminal behaviour & enslavement of its subjects.
10. Warrants of arrest to be issued for all 544 members of the Privy Council.
11. De-centralisation of all authority by re-introduction of local and regional community consensual elder-led fully transparent governing communes.
12. De-criminalisation of the very fact of just trying to “live”.
13. Abolition of the 2nd greatest lie offered to mankind i.e. that “Capitalism Works,” the first being that man is inherently un-trustworthy & must be controlled.
14. Re-nationalisation of all the UK natural and intellectual assets (coal, gas, oil, minerals etc) shared with the people of the UK & distribution of profit..
15. Nationalisation of the Bank of England and Introduction of Debt Free money and criminalisation of usury and Fractional Reserve Lending {the goldsmiths trick}.
16. Imposition of Zero Rate Inflation as an economic principle - UK becomes and Inflation free zone
17. Introduction of FCUKTT - a 1% Financial Commercial UK Transaction Tax to raise £1.84 trillion per annum -
18. Seizure of all UK commercial clearing banks’ assets and reserves.Barclays, HSBC, Nationwide,Nat West, Santander,Co-Op,Lloyds, NRAM
19. Disconnection of domestic stock-exchange from Intl Stock Market capital via FCUKTT
20. Temporary re-introduction of “Gold Standard” to valuate all bills of exchange. Local barter/currency options - WeRe Bank
21. Introduction of ReGold (ReG) and ReTime(ReT) as the planetary ReServe Currency via WeRe Bank
22. Cost transparency on goods and services pricing – cost price disclosure with power, food and shelter & healthcare provided to all UK nationals at cost.
23. Immediate boycott by all children of school attendance to protect their minds from on going propaganda & UIR global mind-control (Project MK Ultra).
24. Voting rights along with social responsibility offered to all from the age of 7.
25. Free tertiary stage state education henceforth with waiver of all student loans.
26. Complete restructuring of UK education system aligned with principles of moral philosophy and “The Teachings of The Sacred Law of One”. Steiner “type” schooling.
27. Sanitisation of press and removal of its obsession with propaganda and useless time-wasting drivel, non-sense and throwing up of deliberate “blinds”.
28. Free health care with introduction of alternative Ayurvedic and Sacred science healing techniques.
29. Abolition of Army, Air Force and Navy and recall of all overseas garrisons and abolition of defence spending budget.
30. Re-establishment of local policing under supervision of 22 Regt S.A.S. and cadre.
31. Re-introduction of National Service under supervision of 22 Regt S.A.S.
32. Full pension rights and unlimited care provision for all retired members of the community.
33. Re-establishment of Councils of The Elders – giving back the wisdom of age to the youth.
34. Removal of ALL camera and satellite surveillance devices from UK mainland and which pass overhead
35. Abolition and dissolution of all spy agencies and military secret networks MI5, MI6, GCHQ etc.
36. Full disclosure of all state files and documents - and STASI reporting tactics
37. Re-establishment of workers rights as to hours, pay and equi-partition of profit share on company/workplace profits.
38. Draconian control, expedition and sanitisation of all terrestrial and cable/satellite media propaganda. Hygiene controls on all BBC, TV radio and satellite output - Trails of accountability of the "presstitutes".
39. Abolition of all food tax, vat and livelihood taxes via 1% FCUKTT.
40. Abolition of homelessness and hunger for all UK populace – free medical care and 100% at Point of Treatment NHS.
41. Establishment of joint co-operative councils with forward thinking countries and Higher Civilizations.
42. All fuel, power and energy delivered freely until delivery of alternative Free Energy Device (F.E.D.) in place paid for via 1% FCUKTT
43. F.E.D. deliverable to all UK domestic dwellings with 24 months; implicitly refused if non-compliance with 44 below.
44. De-commissioning of all nuclear power stations and neutralisation of all waste to pevent 4D "future time photonic dumping of waste material" into our reactors
45. Addressing of issues of culture and race in the UK as a result of Bilderberg/Masonic/Teutonic/Zionist poisoning of national cultures in Europe
46. Up-rooting of all Masonic lodges and outing of Royal Arch Masonic control mechanisms of retail, banking, food and power distribution networks.
47. Exposure of satanic, child-abduction rings and esoteric black-arts protagonists working both in government and Baal cult networks ( “The Wheel”)
48. Re-floating of the US economy - waiver of its debt, nationalization of the Federal Reserve and restoration of civic rights to all US Citizens via dissolution of Virginia Trust Co.
49. Full disclosure on Projects: Manhattan, Philadelphia, Montauk, CERN, Blue Book, MK-Ultra, Paper- Clip and MJ (Majestic) 12.
50. Seizure of all mobile phone transmitter stations and termination of all mobile phone networks with disconnection of internet traffic monitoring software to UK territory within the UK mainland.
51. Initiation of full protective mind software against impending Holographic Insert Technology and Virtual Reality - Holodeck Programs
52. Immediate cessation on restrictions for delivery of pharmaceutical drugs, food, and social health aid to all 3rd world countries – unlimited funds to be made available immediately via hypothecation of the Global Collateral Accounts into WeRe Bank.

*Funding of all the above through re-seizure of the national assets of The People of The United Kingdom and Ireland, seizure of the assets of the House of Rothschild & Marquis de Lisbeaux as well as the assets of the Virginia Trust Company.

**Justified by the abandonment and betrayal of ruler/subject societally implied contract to protect the citizen and be truth-full in return for taxation rights.
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Re: Peter of England: He's going to be in REal trouble

Post by exiledscouser »

I howled at the point about disbanding the army. Then giving policing responsibility to the SAS which've just disbanded.

Great entertainment.
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Re: Peter of England: He's going to be in REal trouble

Post by NG3 »

24. Voting rights along with social responsibility offered to all from the age of 7.
I'll just leave that there and let people think about what that means...

This guys not right
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Re: Peter of England: He's going to be in REal trouble

Post by Pox »

NG3 wrote:
24. Voting rights along with social responsibility offered to all from the age of 7.
I'll just leave that there and let people think about what that means...

This guys not right
I do wonder if he is laying the way for an insanity plea for when he eventually has to make a plea?

If so, very convincing.
God help the poor psychiatrist who will be given the task of 'examining' him!
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Re: Peter of England: He's going to be in REal trouble

Post by Jeffrey »

Initiation of full protective mind software against impending Holographic Insert Technology and Virtual Reality - Holodeck Programs
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Re: Peter of England: He's going to be in REal trouble

Post by NYGman »

exiledscouser wrote:I howled at the point about disbanding the army. Then giving policing responsibility to the SAS which've just disbanded.

Great entertainment.
Makes #31 impossible too, doesn't it?
31. Re-introduction of National Service under supervision of 22 Regt S.A.S.
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Re: Peter of England: He's going to be in REal trouble

Post by timcurgenven1 »

Peter a typical freeman with a chip on his shoulder.

Has he ever won a court case that we know of?
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Re: Peter of England: He's going to be in REal trouble

Post by NYGman »

If you go to there is a very nice background image. I seriously doubt PoE would pay for original art, and was able to find the shot here: Image credit: Dom Crossley via Compfight.

I wonder if Dom gave permission for Peter to use this image?? Who can find Dom and ask?
The Hardest Thing in the World to Understand is Income Taxes -Albert Einstein

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Re: Peter of England: He's going to be in REal trouble

Post by NG3 »

45. Addressing of issues of culture and race in the UK as a result of Bilderberg/Masonic/Teutonic/Zionist poisoning of national cultures in Europe
Didn't some Austrian guy run for office in Germany on that ticket?
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Re: Peter of England: He's going to be in REal trouble

Post by timcurgenven1 »

NYGman wrote:If you go to there is a very nice background image. I seriously doubt PoE would pay for original art, and was able to find the shot here: Image credit: Dom Crossley via Compfight.

I wonder if Dom gave permission for Peter to use this image?? Who can find Dom and ask?

That's the bloke I think, sign up to Flickr, and leave a comment on one his pics......
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Re: Peter of England: He's going to be in REal trouble

Post by NYGman »

Can't do so from work, but wouldn't object to someone else drooping him a line
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Re: Peter of England: He's going to be in REal trouble

Post by ArthurWankspittle »

NG3 wrote:
24. Voting rights along with social responsibility offered to all from the age of 7.
I'll just leave that there and let people think about what that means...

This guys not right
You're missing the obvious - he's 7.
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Re: Peter of England: He's going to be in REal trouble

Post by slowsmile »

Peter now makes a desperate appeal on his FB page for his followers to hand all their "worthless" money over to him in exchange for his "gold Re". ... 9179700768
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Re: Peter of England: He's going to be in REal trouble

Post by timcurgenven1 »

slowsmile wrote:Peter now makes a desperate appeal on his FB page for his followers to hand all their "worthless" money over to him in exchange for his "gold Re". ... 9179700768
I was just about to post that,still waiting for that, he is lining his pockets
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Re: Peter of England: He's going to be in REal trouble

Post by YiamCross »

Jeffrey wrote:
Initiation of full protective mind software against impending Holographic Insert Technology and Virtual Reality - Holodeck Programs
Isn't the holodeck a Startrek inovation? So he's one of us? Is this some kind of banking shill set up, Quatloos created by the Dark Forces of the banks who then create a black op called WeRe bank to discredit the freemen of the world??? Maybe this conspiracy thing has some legs after all. Certainly is a lot of fun...

And shouldn't that be THE Ulterior Motive, as opposed to just an (ordinary run of the mill) ulterior motive?

All these capitals, I never know whether I'm in the middle of some mystical incantation or the victim of a grammar terrorist.
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Re: Peter of England: He's going to be in REal trouble

Post by Pox »

slowsmile wrote:Peter now makes a desperate appeal on his FB page for his followers to hand all their "worthless" money over to him in exchange for his "gold Re". ... 9179700768
And one of the replies - just because the yen has gone down (from a long term high) the whole global monetary system is on the point of collapse.

POE sends a plea out to all those that have cash in the bank, to send to him as the global collapse is imminent and only he can save them

Doesn't he realise that the reason all his suckers who have fallen for his scam have done so because they DON'T have cash in the bank?
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Re: Peter of England: He's going to be in REal trouble

Post by exiledscouser »

Referring back to the 50 odd point manifesto...
2. Consensual natural "election by the people" of a truly democratic,compassionate, trustworthy & accountable spiritual leader
Erm, would that be Citizen SMITH by any chance?
4......Obama - aka Barry Sotero
Who he?
5. Imposition of written constitution
....without a trace of irony of 2. above conflicting.
7. Dissolution of the Vatican controlled Church of England and seizure of all church assets
We've had one of them before - I'm 'Enry the 8th I am...(see also point eight)
12. De-criminalisation of the very fact of just trying to “live”.
Ello ello ello, wots all this then sonny, living without due care and attention?
16. Imposition of Zero Rate Inflation as an economic principle - UK becomes and Inflation free zone
We seem to be there already....
18. Seizure of all UK commercial clearing banks’ assets and reserves.Barclays, HSBC, Nationwide,Nat West, Santander,Co-Op,Lloyds, NRAM
How can they do that when all the bank has to do is create more money out of thin air - like they always do?
23. Immediate boycott by all children of school attendance to protect their minds from on going propaganda & UIR global mind-control (Project MK Ultra).
How, if the 'kids' don't attend school will
25. Free tertiary stage state education henceforth with waiver of all student loans.
have any relevance? See also point 26.
27. Sanitisation of press and removal of its obsession with propaganda and useless time-wasting drivel, non-sense and throwing up of deliberate “blinds”.
Aaaah, now WeRe finally getting to the point. Control the press. No free press. Leading on to the second part of point 13
13. Abolition of the 2nd greatest lie offered to mankind i.e. that “Capitalism Works,” the first being that man is inherently un-trustworthy & must be controlled.
Which by point 27 you are sustaining and promoting.
28. Free health care with introduction of alternative Ayurvedic and Sacred science healing techniques.
Doctor, doctor, I'm desperately ill with cancer, is there hope?

Now now sir, you just spin this chakra and you'll be right as rain in no time.

By the way, that'll be 8 million Re please. No, I don't take cheques.....

According to Cancer Research UK, no significant scientific evidence has shown effectiveness of Ayurvedic medicine for the treatment of any disease. But hey, what do they know?
34. Removal of ALL camera and satellite surveillance devices from UK mainland and which pass overhead
Yeah, or we'll shoot them down errr...with our newly disbanded air force.
38. Draconian control, expedition and sanitisation of all terrestrial and cable/satellite media propaganda. Hygiene controls on all BBC, TV radio and satellite output - Trails of accountability of the "presstitutes".
BBC One is going to become even more dreary. See point 27 above also. Draconian Control. Says it all really.
42. All fuel, power and energy delivered freely until delivery of alternative Free Energy Device (F.E.D.) in place paid for via 1% FCUKTT
Free Energy Device or what us Scousers call a Black Box on yer 'leccy meter. You'll all be truly FUCKTT if this madness ever gets traction.
50. Seizure of all mobile phone transmitter stations and termination of all mobile phone networks with disconnection of internet traffic monitoring software to UK territory within the UK mainland.
Finally! Something I can wholeheartedly agree with. Life without the Nokia theme chirping from your pocket. No more regrettable drunken texts to (or from!) your ex. Negative sides? An inability to investigate internet child pornographers and free rein to fraudsters scam merchants and charlatans. Now why would Peter want that?
51. Initiation of full protective mind software against impending Holographic Insert Technology and Virtual Reality - Holodeck Programs
AKA the Tin Foil Hat.

Feck me. If this madness is too much even for your die-hard Goofer Tiggercat then it calls into question those (Robswift et al.) who continue to champion Peter: of the Family Smith.

Peter has posted another lengthy copy-pasta wall of shite on his FB which you can go see for yourselves but which says, basically "You're all Dooomed".