I am so smart. s.m.r.t, i mean kelownasafemeters.com

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I am so smart. s.m.r.t, i mean kelownasafemeters.com

Post by LordEd »

Freemanism isn't just about ignoring laws and couch surfing your way through life. Its about protecting yourself from insidious wireless signals that will irradiate your brain, stopping you from spending all-night sessions on your wireless laptop browsing your way to true freedom.

That's where http://www.kelownasafemeters.com comes in. They show how your brain is fried by these signals and gives you the "lawful" solution: The "Comprehensive Contractual Notice of Liability (NOL)":

http://kelownasafemeters.weebly.com/act ... s-now.html
This 16 page legal contract includes a 3 page affidavit. The documents are prepared with your information and are addressed to the recipients responsible and liable for implementing or enabling the implementation of the smart meter/advanced meter grid.

The greater the number of individual people involved in sending out "Comprehensive Contractual Notices of Liability" the greater and faster the ripple effect will travel. It will go beyond our city and province and carry on across our nation to send a powerful message to the abusers of power!
Add to our collective voices, include yourself in this powerful action!!!

NOTE: This is a 3 part process costing $40 for each part, it includes 4 registered mail outs for each part.
To sign up: Email your name, your address, your phone number, the power company you are with and are you a male or a female. Send To: kelownasafemeters@openmailbox.org
"Please include your phone Number."
http://kelownasafemeters.weebly.com/upl ... rsion4.pdf
For only $120, you too can take advantage this "powerful lawful remedy" using "Contract law, common law, commercial law (UCC) AND Law Merchant". The NOL

For only $120, you too can have a higher level of understanding of how the systems and commerce work.
The early results, though still speculative, appear to indicate a correlation between the liability being enforced and several Respondents stepping down or not seeking re-elction.

Note: When a respondent leavers office, the liability remains attached to both the office and them as an individual
If you want to sign up, include your full name, phone, home address, gender (man/woman), utility name, and indicate if you have a preference for any specific public official whom you would like to hold liable.
No escape from this liability, not even resignation. That'll really hit them hard!

So in summary, unilateral contract, pseudolegal arguments, 3 letter process, fee schedule, and guru looking to make a few dollars on the paranoid truthers.
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Re: I am so smart. s.m.r.t, i mean kelownasafemeters.com

Post by notorial dissent »

In other words, total FOTL BS, with a hefty freight tacked on besides. Just gotten love these free spirits as they screw each other sideways and often.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: I am so smart. s.m.r.t, i mean kelownasafemeters.com

Post by The Observer »

But this is where Burnaby outfoxed them - he didn't resign, he retired. The Kelownanites forgot to cover that base.
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Re: I am so smart. s.m.r.t, i mean kelownasafemeters.com

Post by Burnaby49 »

I retired before they put our smartmeters in. Now that I'm getting a pension what do I care if my brain gets fried?
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".

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Re: I am so smart. s.m.r.t, i mean kelownasafemeters.com

Post by eric »

LordEd wrote:
So in summary, unilateral contract, pseudolegal arguments, 3 letter process, fee schedule, and guru looking to make a few dollars on the paranoid truthers.
Damn... their arguments are so compelling that I feel I should ask them for legal advice as I wage my lonely struggle against the installation of a smart meter at my home. :sarcasmon:
When they upgraded my service and installed the smart meter a few years back I never gave written consent that they were now supposed to charge me the correct rate for the power that I consumed. I don't care that they had been charging the incorrect (and lower) rate since 1932 when my house stopped being a chicken farm and became part of the village. Obviously the whole village staff should resign with much wailing and gnashing of teeth and pay me $100,000 in silver coin as recompense for my pain and suffering at having to pay for what I use.

Being serious, I figured out as soon as I bought this place and viewed my first electric bill that something was amiss. I kept quiet about it and when my bill exactly doubled after meter installation Fortis phoned and explained the whole situation to me. Since legally they own the meter, the wiring from the pole to the meter, and are responsible for reading it and billing me appropriately they basicly admitted they had screwed up for generations and very politely asked me to not get upset over the higher bill and that I wouldn't have to pay for 80 years of wrong billing. Nice lady so I didn't ask for any silver bullion :D
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Re: I am so smart. s.m.r.t, i mean kelownasafemeters.com

Post by LordEd »

There are probably plenty of 'real' reasons to be against them, such as the likely and inevitable time of day billing which may be unfair to some.

But when they start complaining that the signal levels are too high (using hz as the unit of measure) while posting from their smart phone or WiFi laptop, then its time to bring out the stupidity hammer.

If it turns freeman, then its war.

:Axe: :beatinghorse:
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Re: I am so smart. s.m.r.t, i mean kelownasafemeters.com

Post by LordEd »

Does the term "liability bond" mean anything real?
What I /we have done is completely different , completely lawful, and with a liability bond in place in case of any infractions on their part.
The quote's context is that he is keeping his old analog meter, and says he isn't paying the extra fee for keeping it.
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Re: I am so smart. s.m.r.t, i mean kelownasafemeters.com

Post by notorial dissent »

There is such a thing as performance bond that pays off if something isn't done according to an agreement, and I would suspect that is what is meant here, but in the context I doubt it is real as I don't know how you'd get one for something like that. The answer to your question is then yes, but I don't think that is what they are really talking about here.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: I am so smart. s.m.r.t, i mean kelownasafemeters.com

Post by LordEd »

I assume that a 'performance bond' is agreed to by the company, and isn't something that can be foisted upon an unwilling participant.
notorial dissent
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Re: I am so smart. s.m.r.t, i mean kelownasafemeters.com

Post by notorial dissent »

In the real world yeah, and you have to find someone to issue it, in fantasy land who knows what they're doing.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: I am so smart. s.m.r.t, i mean kelownasafemeters.com

Post by LordEd »

Seems the magic words didn't work and power is being shut off for those following the notice of liability process. They needed the next step. Wonder if any will be stupid enough to try to bill in court.


To: Whom it may concern and their, principals and or agents and affiliates et al

Whereas I clearly did not consent to a “radio off program”, nor a so-called "smart" nor an "advanced" meter, nor any “radio-off” digital meter, nor any “legacy” meter, being installed at or near my private dwelling nor at or near my work area except as defined in the terms of the Notice of Liability and agreed to by the Respondents thereof., and;

Whereas FORTIS, CORIX, BRITISH COLUMBIA PROVINCE OF, BCUC and all principals, agents, et al, did tacitly agree to the terms and conditions of the Notice of Liability and all other subsequent correspondences, and;

Whereas I did clearly give notice that in the event that there is any installation of any of the above mentioned devices at or near my private dwelling and or work area, or if you cut the power for sole reason of there being an analogue meter in operation, you will incur a violation fee of $100,000 minimum, plus other compensation, including but not limited to, consideration as defined in the instant contract, Notice of Liability, and;

Whereas I did clearly claim the right and authority to demand, and did formally demand according to the Criminal Code 337, a certified copy, showing royal assent by autograph of the Lieutenant Governor, of the UTILITIES COMMISSION ACT[RSBC 1996] CHAPTER 473 R.S., c. C-34, s. 297, and;

Whereas I have not, as of this date, received said document as was clearly demanded, and;

Whereas without royal assent there can be no de jure authority to put forth any act of the so named British Columbia Legislature as having the force of law, regardless of whether or not it is “done all the time”, and;

Whereas other criminal organizations, fascist regimes, serial killers, sex offenders, terrorist organizations, etc. do things “all the time” and using the phrase “do it all the time” or any of it’s derivatives, DOES NOT make it right, lawful, or morally correct, but the perpetrators of such actions must be considered “repeat offenders”, and;

Whereas a large group of men, clearly more than are needed for a routine power ‘shut-off’ have approached my private dwelling or work area, in gang fashion, with no proven authority to do anything outside of my agreement, and have threatened, contrary to various criminal code sections and the common law, to cut off my electrical service, unless they can install, an "advanced" meter, or “radio-off” digital meter, or “legacy” meter against my will, and;

Whereas for reasons of safety, and or livelihood, and or health, and or loss of property, I cannot have the electrical power cut off and there are no reasonable alternatives that can meet the requirements to maintain safety, and or livelihood, and or health, and or loss of property,

Therefore the installation of the so called “radio off meter” is conditionally accepted under threat and duress, and according to the terms of the instant contract, Notice of Liability, and the $100,000.00 fee pursuant to the previous notice sent. Agreement of the parties is ratified by performance and a binding contract is formed according to the terms and fee schedule of the Notice of Liability.


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Re: I am so smart. s.m.r.t, i mean kelownasafemeters.com

Post by LordEd »

The last post is signed by 'Cal'. Anybody know of a freeman in the Kelowna or interior by that name? Just curious on history.
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Re: I am so smart. s.m.r.t, i mean kelownasafemeters.com

Post by LordEd »

Think I found our freeman: Calvin Washington. CSO brings up several "drive without license" tickets. Nothing major, but meets the freeman MO.

Area of offense was abbotsford/richmond. Anything familiar to you burnaby?
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Re: I am so smart. s.m.r.t, i mean kelownasafemeters.com

Post by eric »

LordEd wrote:The last post is signed by 'Cal'. Anybody know of a freeman in the Kelowna or interior by that name? Just curious on history.
Here's the guy (Cal Washington) complete with facebook page
and blog
http://kelownasafemeters.weebly.com/blo ... tion-event
I'm currently trying to track another freeman type who posted his antics in Dawson Creek to youtube and has now moved down to the Calgary area. I will probably just end up starting another topic about him so quatloss has a record of him if he pops up again, as he most certainly will.
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Re: I am so smart. s.m.r.t, i mean kelownasafemeters.com

Post by Burnaby49 »

LordEd wrote:Think I found our freeman: Calvin Washington. CSO brings up several "drive without license" tickets. Nothing major, but meets the freeman MO.

Area of offense was abbotsford/richmond. Anything familiar to you burnaby?
Nope except that we all have smart meters at an enormous expense to Terasen. There were squabbles about people refusing them but I didn't follow the issue to see how it worked out.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".

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Re: I am so smart. s.m.r.t, i mean kelownasafemeters.com

Post by pigpot »

Burnaby49 wrote:I retired before they put our smartmeters in. Now that I'm getting a pension what do I care if my brain gets fried?
I simply revoked "their" considered implied right of access to my property. Simple. They haven't touched a thing. No crappy smart meters here. 8)
Boaz. It's a little like Shazam. It certainly meant a lot to Billy Batson.
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Re: I am so smart. s.m.r.t, i mean kelownasafemeters.com

Post by pigpot »

LordEd wrote:Think I found our freeman: Calvin Washington. CSO brings up several "drive without license" tickets. Nothing major, but meets the freeman MO.

Area of offense was abbotsford/richmond. Anything familiar to you burnaby?
Helping "Law" :haha: enforcement one victim at a time. :roll: :lol:
Boaz. It's a little like Shazam. It certainly meant a lot to Billy Batson.
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Re: I am so smart. s.m.r.t, i mean kelownasafemeters.com

Post by eric »

pigpot wrote:
Burnaby49 wrote:I retired before they put our smartmeters in. Now that I'm getting a pension what do I care if my brain gets fried?
I simply revoked "their" considered implied right of access to my property. Simple. They haven't touched a thing. No crappy smart meters here. 8)
My brain must be extra fried then, since all my utilities (gas, power, water) are on smart meters. In any case, how does the utility company know how much power you used then if you won't allow them access to your property to read the meter? (enquiring minds would like to know) Here's a good argument to try for you - since for every electron they supply to you, you return one to them, so you shouldn't have to pay your power bill at all. You will have about as much luck using that argument as you will refusing them access to the meter which is their property.
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Re: I am so smart. s.m.r.t, i mean kelownasafemeters.com

Post by pigpot »

eric wrote:
pigpot wrote:
Burnaby49 wrote:I retired before they put our smartmeters in. Now that I'm getting a pension what do I care if my brain gets fried?
I simply revoked "their" considered implied right of access to my property. Simple. They haven't touched a thing. No crappy smart meters here. 8)
My brain must be extra fried then, since all my utilities (gas, power, water) are on smart meters. In any case, how does the utility company know how much power you used then if you won't allow them access to your property to read the meter? (enquiring minds would like to know) Here's a good argument to try for you - since for every electron they supply to you, you return one to them, so you shouldn't have to pay your power bill at all. You will have about as much luck using that argument as you will refusing them access to the meter which is their property.
They don't come on to my property without my permission. It's very simple. I do feel sorry for the people, the pay and obey crowd that follow (
:roll: :lol: :lol: :lol: ). I you haven't the guts to govern your own life then..... well.......... I couldn't even begin to care. In fact I don't give a #$%^
Boaz. It's a little like Shazam. It certainly meant a lot to Billy Batson.
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Re: I am so smart. s.m.r.t, i mean kelownasafemeters.com

Post by LordEd »

They were doing that here too. They refused consent, so fortis refused service and cut at the road. Everyone wins.