Peter of England: He's going to be in REal trouble

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Re: Peter of England: He's going to be in REal trouble

Post by YiamCross »

I don't believe anyone could be that mad and still be roaming around loose. I'm beginning to think we're all the victim of some great hoax and one day we'll wake up to see ourselves on a reality TV show betrayed by our computers and video cameras.

He just cannot be serious.
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Re: Peter of England: He's going to be in REal trouble

Post by NG3 »

YiamCross wrote:I don't believe anyone could be that mad and still be roaming around loose. I'm beginning to think we're all the victim of some great hoax and one day we'll wake up to see ourselves on a reality TV show betrayed by our computers and video cameras.

He just cannot be serious.
Very serious

These are the places this stuff can lead sometimes.

Sometimes it's funny because people are stupid, but then sometimes people go a little to far, and then sometimes people end up getting hurt.

At the extremes you run into cults and even occasional domestic terrorists.

We've been lucky so far with idiots like Ceylon.
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Re: Peter of England: He's going to be in REal trouble

Post by rumpelstilzchen »

50. Seizure of all mobile phone transmitter stations and termination of all mobile phone networks with disconnection of internet traffic monitoring software to UK territory within the UK mainland.
No more mobile phone networks would mean no one could phone the WeRe bank hotline to get a cheque cleared. :whistle:
BHF wrote:
It shows your mentality to think someone would make the effort to post something on the internet that was untrue.
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Re: Peter of England: He's going to be in REal trouble

Post by timcurgenven1 »

What's worrying is the number of numptys who believe him
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Re: Peter of England: He's going to be in REal trouble

Post by NYGman »

I will note, in his earlier video talks in a pub, PoE said something to the effect of "Either I am Crazy or this will work" Well, I think we now are certain of the answer to that question, Just wish I could find that video.
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Re: Peter of England: He's going to be in REal trouble

Post by rumpelstilzchen »

YiamCross wrote:I don't believe anyone could be that mad and still be roaming around loose.
And to top it all some of the GOOFs send this loony their money. Proof that every cloud has a silver lining.
BHF wrote:
It shows your mentality to think someone would make the effort to post something on the internet that was untrue.
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Re: Peter of England: He's going to be in REal trouble

Post by PeanutGallery »

YiamCross wrote:I don't believe anyone could be that mad and still be roaming around loose.
Having had experience in regard to what sort of people make it onto mental health wards, I can safely say that Peter wouldn't be out of place on one. However the problem is, he's mostly harmless (in that he isn't going to physically hurt people or himself), so the scant resources we have won't bother with him. He's not crazy enough in the right way for the hospital, but certainly way too gone to be considered sane.

If he goes to jail he'll probably be diagnosed with a disorder in the pre-sentencing report but it's doubtful whether he will receive any meaningful treatment while incarcerated, resources being as overstretched as they are often don't reach inside a prisons walls.
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Re: Peter of England: He's going to be in REal trouble

Post by exiledscouser »

After being dormant for some time volcano SMITH has erupted on his FB page with post after post of end-of-times apocalyptic garbage. Any we thought there were no active volcanoes in the UK?

There is a very small retinue of commenters who fawn over his every word, even when it is shown as cut 'n' paste of some other nutter's earlier doom-laden predictions that simply didn't happen. But not many. When even some Goofers start to have doubts, the endgame can't be too far away.

I am truly puzzled by this man. On the one hand he is articulate, well presented and (superficially at least) quite plausible.

I remember him from a few years ago when he pootled about in his 'de-registered' camper van 'sticking it to the man' which sadly for him led to a hopeless series of court appearances, convictions and fruitless appeals. I thought him nothing more than an amiable eccentric at the time. Perhaps it was this experience that triggered his hatred of the status quo.

However I've listened to his more recent videos, read his posts and ramblings and tried to get a renewed sense of him. I'm usually a reasonable judge of character but I've had to conclude that Peter's true character defeats my amateur analysis other than to suggest that he is perhaps one of three things;

1. Completely and utterly mad
2. A cunning con-artist suckering the vulnerable and gullible into parting with their cash; or
3. A hugely clever man working the world's longest running gag at everyone's expense just for a laugh and because he can.

It might be possible that he began at 3. but became enamoured with the woo, started believing his own crap and graduated into a full blown 1.

2. provides him with travel and ancillary expenses but let's be honest, in the field of con tricks the returns aren't that great, relatively speaking and it is never going to be difficult for Mr. Plod to identify who is running the show.

This is why I tend to think him quite mad and an instant defence to any attempts to bring him before a criminal court. I'll bet he would make a great training video subject for aspirant psychologists - there's surely enough material on YooToob and FB to support someone's entire doctoral thesis.

Finally, on the subject of WeRe Bank, there have been a number of open and sincere invitations to Goofers to come over here and debate this subject. You can't do it on their site because, although they heavily promote it (well they did in the early days) you will find that;

critical discussion (of any concept, idea or scheme, not just WeRe Bank) is not tolerated and is strictly verboten

anyway the WeRe thread is locked and has been for some time

any and all attempts at engagement leads to a ban and your posts being edited or deleted; and

dreary child-like ad hominem attacks follow to which of course, once you are banned you can't respond, even if you cared to.

Orwell would have been proud.

I say to them, please join here and discuss the merits of this chap and his creation because, as Voltaire says, I may not agree with what you have to say you but I will defend your right to say it.
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Re: Peter of England: He's going to be in REal trouble

Post by woodworker »

NYGman wrote:From GOODF - ... cub1PlViko

Take a look at Tiggercat's post, questioning PoE's sanity...
Coming soon: Prepare to be ReMoved!
Postby Tiggercat » Wed Aug 12, 2015 10:02 am

Crazy or is he on to something? Peter of England from his facebook page ... 9179700768
Coming soon:

Prepare to be ReMoved!
COMING soon!

Know Your Enemy…..
“Global Banking Parasitic Parliamentarianism”
from ReMovement

1. Dissolution of Parliament and abandonment of Parliamentary Democracy as the social control cul-de-sac of the masses.
2. Consensual natural "election by the people" of a truly democratic,compassionate, trustworthy & accountable spiritual leader
3. Impeachment and ReCall of all 650 Westminster MP's and arrest of David Cameron, William Hague, AG Dominic Grieve and Cabinet, arrest of Gordon Brown (“accessory before the fact”) and Tony Blair, Ian Blair, John Stevens, Lords Goldsmith & Falconer, Hutton for their criminal involvement in the invasions Iraq/Afghanistan, cash for honours, David Kelly’s murder and the 7/7/2005 “False Flag” (London) state sponsored terrorist attacks and state sponsored terrorism against their own people - for promises of money, power and title.
4. Issue of arrest warrants under the “1984 Convention Against Torture” for 3 (supra) plus Bush 44 & 41, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Powell, Rice, Libby, Wolferwitz, Rove the Clintons, Obama - aka Barry Sotero, Pelosi and many others.
5. Imposition of written constitution outlining the fundamental and in-violable rights of every planetary citizen. Introduction of IHS and LOUP
6. Dissolution of the monarchy along with seizure of all Crown property and liquidation of all assets along with its commonwealth property**.
7. Dissolution of the Vatican controlled Church of England and seizure of all church assets
8. Seizure of Masonic Vatican/Catholic church land and assets on UK territories.
9. Trials of accountability for the Monarchy for its past criminal behaviour & enslavement of its subjects.
10. Warrants of arrest to be issued for all 544 members of the Privy Council.
11. De-centralisation of all authority by re-introduction of local and regional community consensual elder-led fully transparent governing communes.
12. De-criminalisation of the very fact of just trying to “live”.
13. Abolition of the 2nd greatest lie offered to mankind i.e. that “Capitalism Works,” the first being that man is inherently un-trustworthy & must be controlled.
14. Re-nationalisation of all the UK natural and intellectual assets (coal, gas, oil, minerals etc) shared with the people of the UK & distribution of profit..
15. Nationalisation of the Bank of England and Introduction of Debt Free money and criminalisation of usury and Fractional Reserve Lending {the goldsmiths trick}.
16. Imposition of Zero Rate Inflation as an economic principle - UK becomes and Inflation free zone
17. Introduction of FCUKTT - a 1% Financial Commercial UK Transaction Tax to raise £1.84 trillion per annum -
18. Seizure of all UK commercial clearing banks’ assets and reserves.Barclays, HSBC, Nationwide,Nat West, Santander,Co-Op,Lloyds, NRAM
19. Disconnection of domestic stock-exchange from Intl Stock Market capital via FCUKTT
20. Temporary re-introduction of “Gold Standard” to valuate all bills of exchange. Local barter/currency options - WeRe Bank
21. Introduction of ReGold (ReG) and ReTime(ReT) as the planetary ReServe Currency via WeRe Bank
22. Cost transparency on goods and services pricing – cost price disclosure with power, food and shelter & healthcare provided to all UK nationals at cost.
23. Immediate boycott by all children of school attendance to protect their minds from on going propaganda & UIR global mind-control (Project MK Ultra).
24. Voting rights along with social responsibility offered to all from the age of 7.
25. Free tertiary stage state education henceforth with waiver of all student loans.
26. Complete restructuring of UK education system aligned with principles of moral philosophy and “The Teachings of The Sacred Law of One”. Steiner “type” schooling.
27. Sanitisation of press and removal of its obsession with propaganda and useless time-wasting drivel, non-sense and throwing up of deliberate “blinds”.
28. Free health care with introduction of alternative Ayurvedic and Sacred science healing techniques.
29. Abolition of Army, Air Force and Navy and recall of all overseas garrisons and abolition of defence spending budget.
30. Re-establishment of local policing under supervision of 22 Regt S.A.S. and cadre.
31. Re-introduction of National Service under supervision of 22 Regt S.A.S.
32. Full pension rights and unlimited care provision for all retired members of the community.
33. Re-establishment of Councils of The Elders – giving back the wisdom of age to the youth.
34. Removal of ALL camera and satellite surveillance devices from UK mainland and which pass overhead
35. Abolition and dissolution of all spy agencies and military secret networks MI5, MI6, GCHQ etc.
36. Full disclosure of all state files and documents - and STASI reporting tactics
37. Re-establishment of workers rights as to hours, pay and equi-partition of profit share on company/workplace profits.
38. Draconian control, expedition and sanitisation of all terrestrial and cable/satellite media propaganda. Hygiene controls on all BBC, TV radio and satellite output - Trails of accountability of the "presstitutes".
39. Abolition of all food tax, vat and livelihood taxes via 1% FCUKTT.
40. Abolition of homelessness and hunger for all UK populace – free medical care and 100% at Point of Treatment NHS.
41. Establishment of joint co-operative councils with forward thinking countries and Higher Civilizations.
42. All fuel, power and energy delivered freely until delivery of alternative Free Energy Device (F.E.D.) in place paid for via 1% FCUKTT
43. F.E.D. deliverable to all UK domestic dwellings with 24 months; implicitly refused if non-compliance with 44 below.
44. De-commissioning of all nuclear power stations and neutralisation of all waste to pevent 4D "future time photonic dumping of waste material" into our reactors
45. Addressing of issues of culture and race in the UK as a result of Bilderberg/Masonic/Teutonic/Zionist poisoning of national cultures in Europe
46. Up-rooting of all Masonic lodges and outing of Royal Arch Masonic control mechanisms of retail, banking, food and power distribution networks.
47. Exposure of satanic, child-abduction rings and esoteric black-arts protagonists working both in government and Baal cult networks ( “The Wheel”)
48. Re-floating of the US economy - waiver of its debt, nationalization of the Federal Reserve and restoration of civic rights to all US Citizens via dissolution of Virginia Trust Co.
49. Full disclosure on Projects: Manhattan, Philadelphia, Montauk, CERN, Blue Book, MK-Ultra, Paper- Clip and MJ (Majestic) 12.
50. Seizure of all mobile phone transmitter stations and termination of all mobile phone networks with disconnection of internet traffic monitoring software to UK territory within the UK mainland.
51. Initiation of full protective mind software against impending Holographic Insert Technology and Virtual Reality - Holodeck Programs
52. Immediate cessation on restrictions for delivery of pharmaceutical drugs, food, and social health aid to all 3rd world countries – unlimited funds to be made available immediately via hypothecation of the Global Collateral Accounts into WeRe Bank.

*Funding of all the above through re-seizure of the national assets of The People of The United Kingdom and Ireland, seizure of the assets of the House of Rothschild & Marquis de Lisbeaux as well as the assets of the Virginia Trust Company.

**Justified by the abandonment and betrayal of ruler/subject societally implied contract to protect the citizen and be truth-full in return for taxation rights.
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I just started scanning - the above will take quite a while, and a lot of chemical imbibing, to completely review. But a couple of quick bites: "Barry Soetero" -- let's all go a birthing; devolution to local government of all power, except where everything is renationalized; "Steiner" education -- now I understand them; and last for now, but certainly not least, "holodeck" as if these folks are not already living in a fantasy world.
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Re: Peter of England: He's going to be in REal trouble

Post by woodworker »

Posted on GOODF-damn the quatloosians:

1. For those of you that wished me well (and those that didn’t), thank you.
2. As to comments noting that the GOODF forum is not the WeRe Bank forum, that is correct and I am glad to see that not everything that is blindingly obvious escapes you and that, despite all appearances to the contrary, you do have some slight tether on reality. But you should note that the title of this thread, created by one of you, is “Condemnation of the Quatloos Crew” and that WeRe Bank, PoE and its activities were the subject of many posts on GOODF prior to any Quatloosian posting here on this subject.
3. As to comments that seem to indicate that we debunkers (as some of us call ourselves – hey, it beats what some people call us) spend all of our time and energy attacking the poor helpless PoE, WeRe Bank and it’s supporters, I am afraid I must disappoint you. Please don’t worry yourselves about the strain it places on my time and energy. I never turn my attention to PoE or WeRe Bank until I have completed the more important daily responsibilities, you know, pulling the wings off of butterflies, aiming my magnifying glass at ants on the sidewalk, stealing candy from babies, popping the balloons of children walking by, blowing my nose and going to the bathroom (always highly recommended). So please, don’t worry about me.
4. As to comments about time will tell, I completely agree. One person suggested that I will know all the answers to my questions when WeRe Bank crashes. I don’t need to wait for the crash, I know the answers now. But it is so much fun to watch the cockroaches run from the light.
5. As to comments about why one can’t withdraw cash from their WeRe Bank account, that being that PoE is creating a new currency, that does not quite explain why Peter wants your old dirty, nasty, stinky GBP notes. Peter won’t accept a WeRe Bank cheque for GBP or even for WeRe re ---- Peter wants the actual notes, no substitutes. I wonder why. No I don’t, I really don’t wonder why, I know why. Peter is a crook and knows his currency is worthless. Peter can’t go down to his local and buy a pint with his WeRe currency. If he tried to, I rather think his publican would acquaint Peter’s arse with the boot of the publican’s foot.
6. One of you commented that:
a. No sane person/people would go to such stupid lengths for "No" reason, clearly there is an Ulterior Motive. I make no claim to being sane or insane. My reasons for doing this are simple: First, I hope to educate those who may be conned by Peter, in the hope that they are not suckered by Peter; Second, I enjoy sticking my finger in Peter’s (and your) eye and I look forward to seeing Peter in the dock. I detest conmen, I find them abhorrent and despicable and am disgusted that they prey on the less fortunate and more easily led astray. When Peter is finally led away as a guest of HM Penal system, the wreckage he leaves behind in people’s lives will not be easily corrected. There is a level deep in hell reserved for predators such as Peter.
b. Their widespread systematic shenanigans clearly point to them being part of the paid to Disrupt Agenda. I am not being paid for any of this. I receive no money, no fees, nothing, nothing, nothing. Not even a coffee mug.
c. Things like that only happen when you hit a nerve or rattle cages, therefore their actions are actually Proof that things are heading in the right direction. There is an old cliché that goes substantially as follows: “They laughed at Ghandi and they laughed at Martin Luther King. But they also laugh at Bozo the Clown.” PoE is not Ghandi or Martin Luther King, he is not even Bozo. And we are not laughing at him. We are laughing at those who hold him up as the greatest thing since sliced bread.
7. In closing, I had previously suggested that it would be fairly easy for you to demonstrate that PoE is legitimate, that you are right and that I am a flaming idiot. Show evidence that a WeRe cheque has been irrevocably accepted, give details of where Peter has successfully defended this nonsense in court, explain why Peter wants your filth, dirty, nasty pound notes and won’t accept WeRe Bank cheques for the fees and/or identify any retail institution that accepts WeRe cheques/currency. These should be simple things to show – they would not be “feeding the troll” – they would be kicking the troll in the ass and showing him whats what. If Peter can’t do any of these simple things, and they are simple, I would hope that you would wonder why he can’t. I am not asking Peter to explain the Theory of Relativity, to perform surgery or to spend any money in providing such evidence. I am not asking Peter to provide evidence of quarks, quatloos or how the internal combustion engine works.

I am merely asking Peter to simply provide factual, I repeat factual, evidence of what he claims has already happened. He claims cheques have cleared – it should be VERY easy to show evidence that monies were transferred to other banks. He claims he has appeared in court – provide the dates and locations. He claims that retail institutions accept WeRe Bank cheques/currency – give names and locations. What is so difficult about this?

If I said I had visited the moon and offered to sell you moon rocks, I would hope that you would ask to see some evidence that I had actually been to the moon before you gave me your hard-earned money.

I believe that Peter is a crook, no two ways about it. But I don’t understand it when I see people defending him, in the face of all the evidence. I don’t believe that all of his followers are crooks – in fact, I think that most are people in trouble who are looking for help and instead of getting help, they are getting conned. I believe that some of his followers know it is a scam, but figure they have nothing to lose.

I said above, “in the face of all the evidence.” This is not a case of people disagreeing about whether the earth is flat or whether it revolves around the sun or the sun around the earth. NO banking institution, NO utility, NO mortgage company, NO licensing entity, NO council, NONE of HM agencies, NO retail institution, NO ONE has received any monies from WeRe Bank to clear any WeRe Bank cheque. NOT ONCE. I repeat NOT ONCE. NOT in the UK, the USA or Canada. It is a scam.

If I borrowed 50 GBP from one of you and lost it betting on a horse race or bought food with it or just stuck it in my pocket and then said to you: “here is my WeRe Bank cheque for the 50, now we are even,” would you be satisfied. Can you deposit that WeRe Bank cheque in your bank account anywhere other than WeRe Bank, can you buy food with it, can you pay your rent with it or your utilities, can you take your children to see a movie with it or buy them an ice cream cone? Of course not. And you know it. WERE BANK is a scam and PETER OF ENGLAND of a crook and the sooner you realize it the less money he will steal from you.
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Re: Peter of England: He's going to be in REal trouble

Post by grixit »

NG3 wrote:
timcurgenven1 wrote:What you have to love about the were bank lot is they believe he likes of sterling is going down he pan and only they will servive.
Scammers been scamming with that line for decades, though no ones got close to how the Hunt's played it.
You referring to the two men who once cornered the silver market and sat on it, but then everyone just walked away?
Three cheers for the Lesser Evil!

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Re: Peter of England: He's going to be in REal trouble

Post by NYGman »

NYGman wrote:If you go to there is a very nice background image. I seriously doubt PoE would pay for original art, and was able to find the shot here: Image credit: Dom Crossley via Compfight.

I wonder if Dom gave permission for Peter to use this image?? Who can find Dom and ask?

Found him, sent him an email, pointed him here for more information...
The Hardest Thing in the World to Understand is Income Taxes -Albert Einstein

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Re: Peter of England: He's going to be in REal trouble

Post by Skeleton »

29. Abolition of Army, Air Force and Navy and recall of all overseas garrisons and abolition of defence spending budget.
30. Re-establishment of local policing under supervision of 22 Regt S.A.S. and cadre.
31. Re-introduction of National Service under supervision of 22 Regt S.A.S.
Obviously one of his supporters has had a little trouble grasping some of Peter's rantings bless.
Lee Hardy wow that is some list. Going to need a huge army XDXD
Only the stunningly stupid who do not understand his list would support it.

The man is stark raving mad, he wants to disband the armed forces but then wants to bring back National Service, and replace the Police with the SAS who have all just been made redundant under his master plan, the SAS should maybe enlist the help of all the people on National Service as they will be sitting around doing nothing.

Actually he might be on to something by replacing the Police with the SAS, the way they operate your not going to get many repeat offenders, and if you let them deal with evictions, forced entry and taking of the property would be guaranteed.

POE is on maneuvers, he knows the day can't be far away that he is going to have to explain his bank con to a judge, best get preparing a plea of insanity.
When I looked up "Ninjas" in, it said "Ninja's can't be found" Well played Ninjas, well played. :lol: :lol:
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Re: Peter of England: He's going to be in REal trouble

Post by Pox »

Highly amateurish desk top diagnosis -
Manic depression?
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Re: Peter of England: He's going to be in REal trouble

Post by exiledscouser »

YiamCross wrote:
Jeffrey wrote:
Initiation of full protective mind software against impending Holographic Insert Technology and Virtual Reality - Holodeck Programs
Isn't the holodeck a Startrek inovation? So he's one of us? Is this some kind of banking shill set up, Quatloos created by the Dark Forces of the banks who then create a black op called WeRe bank to discredit the freemen of the world??? Maybe this conspiracy thing has some legs after all. Certainly is a lot of fun...
Well it could be an exercise in identifying crims. Create a bank advertised as being capable of defeating all your debts. Now, in order to sign up I just need...your full name, address, date of birth, sample signature, contact phone #, NI number, that's right, pop it all down on the form, now post it all off to me allonge (sic) with some cash to my dodgy mail redirect in the shittiest district of Manchester.

Don't allow shills and disinformation merchants to put you off. Oh, don't forget the tenner a month from now on. In the meantime check out my alternative wet dream FB site where I post up my freeman credentials.

He could be a fiscal version of the hideous Child Catcher from Chitty Chitty - "lollipops! Ice creams! All free!"

When he is caught there'll be a ready made database of fellow scam merchants for TPTB to pour over and they'll have a choice; throw Peter under the bus or "joinder" him in the spiky box.

Really, do these people never think these things through?

These clowns bang on about losing the name when dealing with the "man" but first snake-oil salesman rolling into town, they provide the full house.
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Re: Peter of England: He's going to be in REal trouble

Post by FN75 »

51. Initiation of full protective mind software against impending Holographic Insert Technology and Virtual Reality - Holodeck Programs
I don't know what this is, but I want in! Can I get a 2-for-1 voucher for this on Kellogg's cereals, does anyone know?
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Re: Peter of England: He's going to be in REal trouble

Post by littleFred »

exiledscouser wrote:I just need ... sample signature
Oddly for a "bank", Peter doesn't need sample signatures. He doesn't compare signatures on cheques with samples. Why would he? He won't pay anyhow. Unlike a normal bank, authorisation isn't by signature, but by the member logging into their account and declaring the intention to send a cheque.

Aside from that, I'm inclined towards the Child-Catcher theory. TPTB may be waiting for a magic number. When unsuccessful fraud reaches £10 million, or involves 10,000 cheques, or 100 fraudsters, they'll pounce.
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Re: Peter of England: He's going to be in REal trouble

Post by Normal Wisdom »

Pox wrote:Highly amateurish desk top diagnosis -
Manic depression?
I think this is an interesting question. My "expertise' extends only as far as a bit of reading various internet pages (so no expertise at all really) but I think many of the people we follow on Quatloos are probably demonstrating various degrees of delusional disorder.

I think this webpage is interesting: ... order.html
Delusions are irrational beliefs, held with a high level of conviction, that are highly resistant to change even when the delusional person is exposed to forms of proof that contradict the belief.
A feature of this is that apart from the subject of the delusion, the individual appears to be able to function relatively "normally" so would not necessarily attract attention from society.
Most mental health professionals would concur that until the person with delusional disorder discusses the areas of life affected by the delusions, it would be difficult to distinguish the sufferer from members of the general public who are not psychiatrically disturbed ....Unless the form of the delusions causes illegal behavior, somehow affects an ability to work, or otherwise deal with daily activities, the delusional disorder sufferer may adapt well enough to navigate life without coming to clinical attention.
I am also interested in the causes of such disorders, why do they take hold in some people but not in others? The same webpage identifies both genetic and biological causes but also appears to confirm my belief that in some people it is mechanism for coping with life, especially if the individual has suffered some significant event.
An elaborate term for thinking is "cognitive processing." Delusions may arise from distorted ways people have of explaining life to themselves. The most prominent cognitive problems involve the manner in which delusion sufferers develop conclusions both about other people, and about causation of unusual perceptions or negative events. Studies examining how people with delusions develop theories about reality show that the subjects have ideas which which they tend to reach an inference based on less information than most people use. This "jumping to conclusions" bias can lead to delusional interpretations of ordinary events. For example, developing flu-like symptoms coinciding with the week new neighbors move in might lead to the conclusion, "the new neighbors are poisoning me." The conclusion is drawn without considering alternative explanations—catching an illness from a relative with the flu, that a virus seems to be going around at work, or that the tuna salad from lunch at the deli may have been spoiled. Additional research shows that persons prone to delusions "read" people differently than non-delusional individuals do. Whether they do so more accurately or particularly poorly is a matter of controversy. Delusional persons develop interpretations about how others view them that are distorted. They tend to view life as a continuing series of threatening events. When these two aspects of thought co-occur, a tendency to develop delusions about others wishing to do them harm is likely.

Some predisposed persons might suffer the onset of an ongoing delusional disorder when coping with life and maintaining high self-esteem becomes a significant challenge. In order to preserve a positive view of oneself, a person views others as the cause of personal difficulties that may occur. This can then become an ingrained pattern of thought.
“Anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that 'my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.'”
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Re: Peter of England: He's going to be in REal trouble

Post by Skeleton »

Some guy is sticking it to Peter on Facebook, Peter has reacted in his usual puerile way.

"Gary Hall SCAM. FRAUD ALERT !!!

Stay away from WeReBank
Like · Reply · 2 · 3 hrs

Peter Of England Now why would they do that Mr Hall...Your statements are hollow and knee jerk at best and whomsoever is writing your dialogue at GCHQ or wherever needs to update their terms. Don't forget the only thing that is going to save your little scawny neck when the shit hits the fan is people like those attached to ReMovement, and that's many of us now. The Polarity Principle has been invoked and it looks like you're NOT on our side ergo, you must be on the side of our mortal enemies and as you are such a fervent defender of the Prison Service that has enslaved us all And pleasethen you are my brothers jailer and so mine!....ReMember SCAMS are always perpetrated on individuals and/or small groups and always include the MARK being told NOT to "tell anyone else, of how good the deal is!" It's always based on SPECIAL INCLUSION FOR AND OUTSTANDING GAIN. NOW we neither promise an outstanding gain nor do we advise "keeping what we do secret!" So how could this humanitarian project, which you vilify without cause, be accused of being the work of a SCAMMER? How is it possible to SCAM an entire populace ie the entire country at large, and several thousand overseas too in plain site, public view, on FB and videos on YouTube? Please now answer these points before I ban you from here following your next post! And please explain the exact nature of the DEFAMATORY CLAIM YOU MAKE THAT WHAT WE DO IS FRAUDULENT? This is because when we take the postings you have made and bring them, with you, into a common law court or record, then it will be necessary for you to be able to PROVE YOUR CLAIM, and we don't want their to be any misunderstandings before we sanction you, now do we?
Like · 1 hr · Edited

Gary Hall Ok. First Question I have, which really does deal with your rantings: Please could you give me your FCA Registration and Regulation Numbers
Like · 1 · 29 mins
When I looked up "Ninjas" in, it said "Ninja's can't be found" Well played Ninjas, well played. :lol: :lol:
Admiral of the Quatloosian Seas
Admiral of the Quatloosian Seas
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Re: Peter of England: He's going to be in REal trouble

Post by longdog »

"And please explain the exact nature of the DEFAMATORY CLAIM YOU MAKE THAT WHAT WE DO IS FRAUDULENT? This is because when we take the postings you have made and bring them, with you, into a common law court or record, then it will be necessary for you to be able to PROVE YOUR CLAIM, and we don't want their to be any misunderstandings before we sanction you, now do we?"

And how exactly does he think he's going to do that?

I've held off on pronouncing Poe a madman but I'm now starting to have doubts. Does he really think his own 'common law court of record' at which he is the sole proprietor, judge, jury and executioner is anything other than a delusional fantasy which will be universally ignored?
JULIAN: I recommend we try Per verulium ad camphorum actus injuria linctus est.
SANDY: That's your actual Latin.
HORNE: What does it mean?
JULIAN: I dunno - I got it off a bottle of horse rub, but it sounds good, doesn't it?